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Abelard post 

january 1945

Auschwitz Evacuates

 It is estimated that the SS and police

deported at a minimum 1.3 million
people to Auschwitz complex between
1940 and 1945. Of these, the camp
authorities murdered 1.1 million.
The SS begins evacuating Auschwitz

january 1945 and its satellite camps. Nearly 60,000

prisoners are forced on death marches
As soviet troops approach the SS from the Auschwitz camp system.
are doing the final evacuation of Thousands are killed in the days
prisoners from the Auschwitz camp before the death march. Tens of
Marching them by foot. Mid january thousands of prisoners, mostly Jews,
1945 as Soviet union forces are forced to march to the city of
approached the Auschwitz Wodzislaw in the western part of
concentration camp we had to think Upper Silesia. SS guards shoot anyone
fast,the SS evacuating Auschwitz who falls behind or cannot continue.
and sub camps.SS forced nearly More than 15,000 die during the death
60,000 prisoners to march. 55-63 marches from Auschwitz. In
kilometers  is the range all camps Wodzislaw, the prisoners are put on
had to walk. You couldn't get away unheated freight trains and deported
that easy at least 17,000 died from to concentration camps in Germany,
the death marches as they particularly to Flossenbürg,
evacuated some freezing to death Sachsenhausen, Groß-Rosen,
some starvation sume would get Buchenwald, Dachau, und
shot if you fell behind or could not Mauthausen. On January 27, 1945, the
continue. Soviet army enters Auschwitz and
liberates the few remaining prisoners.
Nazi concentration
When these prisoners
gas chamber were too weak to work,
For the Jews who had been
confined in ghettos, the next they too were killed or just
step was what the Nazis left to die.
called deportation.  The There were six death
Nazis herded the Jews into camps, all in German-
railroad freight cars to be occupied Poland --
taken to the camps.  When Auschwitz, Belzec,
the Jews arrived at a camp, Chelmno, Majdanek,
When the Jews arrived
an SS physician singled out Sobibor, and Treblinka.
at a camp, an SS
the young and able-bodied.  Auschwitz was the largest
physician singled out
 The others were sent and the worst.  It was a
the young and able-
directly to the gas chambers. slave labor camp as well as
bodied.  The others
 As many as 2,000 prisoners a killing center.  About
were sent directly to the
were sent into the gas 1,250,000 people were
gas chambers.  As many
chambers at one time. murdered there.
as 2,000 prisoners were
The able-bodied prisoners In the last months of the
sent into the gas
had their heads shaved and war, the Allied forces,
chambers at one time.
their belongings seized. including American,
The able-bodied
 Camp personnel tattooed a British, and Soviet troops,
prisoners had their
number on each person's swept through Europe.
heads shaved and their
arm.  From that point, the  They crowded camp
belongings seized.
prisoners were identified by inmates into boxcars or
 Camp personnel
their number instead of by forced the prisoners to
tattooed a number on
For the Jews who had been walk to other camps
each person's arm.
confined in ghettos, the next behind the lines.  The
 From that point, the
step was what the Nazis forced marches, made in
prisoners were
called deportation.  The winter with few
identified by their
Nazis herded the Jews into provisions, claimed so
number instead of by
railroad freight cars to be many victims that they
taken to the camps.   were known as death
Amos fingerhut Monday: cloudy  skys
 72 degrees 
.14 years old at the time.He was 8
years old when the war Tuesday:partly sunny
started.Very loving and funny 82 degrees 
made all the hard work that we did
a little better with him there.He Wednesday:slighly
went to 5 diffrent camps where
they tortured him at each one even
high of  78 degrees
though he was one of the hardest
workers .Sadly his big heart was
the problem he help people on the Thursday: clear
death march.He used all of his sunny skys
energy making sure the kid was ok. high of  92 degrees 
it weakned him  so that he could
barely walk he used to love to play
Friday:partly sunny
ball in krakow and he loved to sing
.He was hung for Looking at the skys
Kapo the  wrong way he was beatin  a high of  90 degrees
during role call and hung of his Saturday:  thuder
crime.  storms
He had 4 siblings hev loved his high of 83 degrees
father and mother very much .He
Sunday: partly sunny
would always walk over to his
cousins  house to play with them he
had over 12 couisins in all . high of  79 degrees

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