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Smart Society

Smart Society
Executive summary
The twin forces of globalization and digitalization have been the cause for
much anticipation and anxiety lately; they have been the source of electoral
outcomes, policy debates, and news headlines. On the one hand, emergent
technologies bring with them the promise of greater productivity, efficiency,
prosperity, and well-being—case in point: the market for smart technologies is
predicted to be worth up to $1.6 trillion by 2020, and $3.5 trillion by 2026. On
the other hand, as countries, corporations, and communities are realizing that
traditional sources of advantage can be upended, the need to adapt to and
seek new sources of advantage in the global digital economy have become
paramount. Governments, in addition to being responsible for securing
national competitive advantage, have much to gain from embracing
digitalization. Digital technologies can deliver services and benefits at scale
and, therefore, when combined with other policy levers, have the potential to
improve broad societal outcomes, such as the well-being of people, robustness
of the economy, and effectiveness of institutions. In parallel, some of the most
dynamic digital societies have governments playing a key role. As our ongoing
Digital Planet research indicates, some of the most digitally advanced countries
are also ones where the governments play an essential role in promoting the
use of technology widely across society. Policymakers keen on fostering
digitally advanced and competitive societies would, therefore, do well to go
beyond reactive approaches—of adapting themselves and their societies to
technological changes— to a proactive stance of envisioning the desired
societal outcomes and investing in appropriate digital technologies to realize
said outcomes. Achieving such outcomes, through proactive policymaking,
with technology as one of the essential policy levers, is what makes a society
“smart.” We offer this as a working definition for a smart society: A smart
society is one in which digital technology, thoughtfully deployed by
governments, can improve on three broad outcomes: the well-being of people,
the strength of the economy, and the effectiveness of institutions. In this
report, we offer a comprehensive framework that covers the essential societal
outcomes and a set of benchmarks to measure the progress of any country on
the journey towards a “smart society.” For countries aspiring to accelerate that
journey, this report offers a dashboard that helps a country’s policymakers
locate where the country currently is relative to the benchmarks and what its

Smart Society

areas of strength and advantage are. Additionally, the dashboard identifies the
gaps to be closed, thereby facilitating policy priorities and an action plan. In
practice, however, smart technologies are making inroads in a piecemeal
fashion, often in rather banal circumstances. In Chicago for example, predictive
analytics is improving health inspections schedules in restaurants, while in
Boston city officials are collaborating with Waze, the traffic navigation app
company, combining its data with inputs from street cameras and sensors to
improve road conditions across the city. A city-state such as Singapore has a
more holistic idea of a “smart nation,” whereby the vision includes initiatives
from self-driving vehicles to cashless and contactless payments, robotics and
assistive technologies, data-empowered urban environments, and technology-
enabled homes. The promise of and potential for technologies to make
societies—be they cities, states, or countries—smart is on the rise. For
example, internet-of-things sensor applications are envisioned to deliver a
wide range of services,1 from smart water to industrial controls to e-health.
The market for smart technologies is predicted to be worth up to $1.6 trillion
by 2020, and $3.5 trillion by 2026.11 The sheer size of the opportunity,
increasing interest among governments and policy makers, and the explosion
of myriad technologies make it imperative that we understand what smart
societies are and what they ought to be and that we establish standards and
ideals to aim for.

Company Description
Smart Society is an excellent Internet based solution for the end to end
Management of office and Apartment complexes (Commercial & Housing
Societies). It is common platform for the Management, Residents, & Staff, who
can see only the information that they need. Through automation and timely
information, Smart society helps reduce time, efforts and manual errors,
leading to lowering the overall costs of managing the complex.
Smart Society has more in-depth functionality, and each feature will be
designed to comprehensively solve real world problems that are faced by the
complex. Because of completely configurable nature, thereby giving the
flexibility needed to suit customer unique needs, with a simple modern
interface that can be used by everyone.
The services provided will be recognised by the customers in various sectors
such as -large Real Estate Developers, multinational Facility Management
Companies, as well as prestigious Apartments Complexes the Country.
Smart Society

IoT, Internet of Things is a unique technology that can help us optimize the
usage. Since IoT technology offer insights about the resource consumption
habits of residents and help us in streamlining them.
For example, implementing IoT based smart water monitoring system will give
us insights about the water consumption among the residents. And this help us
in reducing leakage & wastage.
Implementing this IoT technology alone will help us save huge quantities of
water and provide an efficient solution to the water shortage problem.
Similarly, we have other IoT solutions like smart home retrofits, connected
smart kitchen, smart plugs, smart home energy monitors, smart ventilation
systems etc. These systems will make our living smarter, help us overcome our
habits and save resources efficiently.
Some of the services provided under the business plan are as follows-
1. Smart Home Automation System: The objective of this smart IoT system is
to provide an intelligent solution for saving power. The project can facilitate
controlling of all home appliances via smart phone itself. By using this device,
customer can switch ON/OFF the electronic devices using an Android App
installed on customers mobile with Bluetooth technology. The IoT system will
also send the data collected like device’s usage time, pattern and frequency to
cloud for storage & analysis. This data will provide valuable insights about the
power consumption and will be helpful in monitoring the electricity usage.
2. Smart Water Monitoring System: With the urbanisation on the rise,
municipal corporations are finding it extremely difficult to manage the
domestic water consumptions. The challenge is not only to control the water
usage but also to maintain uninterrupted water supply. Even transportation of
water through the busy city streets is becoming more of a challenge now.
To solve this efficiently, our product develop solution which can monitor the
usage of water and intimate the corporation personals real time. Smart water
monitoring system is an apt solution for this. The system uses a water flow
sensor to detect the flow of water through the pipes and sends the data to the
microcontroller for processing. The data collected will be sent to cloud for
storage and analysis. Also, the date can help us predict the usage of water and
also notify us immediately whenever there is a leakage. This will enable us to
use water efficiently and stop the wastage of water.

Smart Society

3. Smart Temperature Monitoring System: Now, almost all the houses are
integrated with air conditioning and ventilation systems. These systems help in
maintaining the temperature level in the living rooms. But they also consume a
lot of power while doing so. These are the appliances that consume maximum
electricity in a house and impact greatly on the overall energy consumption.
Smart temperature monitoring system provides an efficient solution for this by
tracking the temperature changes real time with the help of sensors. This IoT
system uses DHT sensor to detect the temperature changes and sends the data
to the microcontroller for processing. Customer can also program the system
in such a way that, say whenever the temperature crosses a certain threshold
value it will perform an actuation. The data collected will also be sent to cloud
server for storage and analysis.
4. Smart Home & Street Lighting System: This system enables automatic
switching ON/OFF of lights according to the human presence. Customer can
also modify the system to make it function as anti-theft alarming system,
burglar detection system etc. Also, the data collected about the number of
occupants, electricity usage will be sent to cloud for storage and analysis.
Customer might have noticed that many street lights are left switched ON even
during the day or they might be switched ON well before the required time
depending on season. This is mainly because of the lack of automation system.
And we had to manually control their lighting operation, which is not a very
efficient way to manage it.
To solve this problem efficiently we can make use of IOT and LDR sensors. LDR,
Light Dependant Resistor is a component that gives value according to the
sunlight intensity. We can use these readings to program the microcontroller
to switch ON/OFF the street light based on sunlight intensity. This will help us
save a lot of electricity that goes into the wastage. The system will also send
the data collected to cloud which can be used to get valuable insights.
Research on industry and Challenges:
In this section, we discuss the research done and the challenges that smart
societies need to address when considering to deploy the given technologies
and draw insights towards the realization of the smart society.
Assuring Data Quality and Integrity:
Users trusted could be provide by data integrity’s, furthermore data quality's
focus in providing the characteristics of data values (metadata, context),
Smart Society

therefore the costs can be searched, shorted, and filtered to an effective

manner, convinced that the comprehensive data set is combined. Referring to
IoT application for smart societies both quality and integrity are necessary. In
smart grid, for instance, a massive volume of data is being received from
different clients. These data include useful information such as failure
implications and usage patterns. Moreover, if data integrity and quality are not
guaranteed, the collected data may be settled, and the power grid operators
might take the wrong choices.

Management and Coordination:

The rapid and massive increasing in IoT reaches into homes, social settings,
businesses, and other environments, as further as more devices are connected
together for sharing data. Through the smart societies, there are several
methods for collecting the data. Consequently, it is critical to have appropriate
coordination among the various technologies and companies to manage these
techniques. This arises from the smart societies’ request to be governmentally
smart. Must have a clear illustration of the coordination, management, and
collaboration of data acquisition technologies will provide to smarter decisions
that will improve the citizens’ quality of life.

Energy Efficiency:
An example of smart society goals is to be environmentally smart; the data
occupancy tools, procedures and standards need to be visited in light of lower
power dissipation. Data acquisition tools such as: Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (i.e., VANETs, UAVs) require reducing their
carbon footprint. That can be achieved by making these devices more energy-
efficient, or by combining the sources of renewable energy, wherever the
stored energy can be used at later times. Such as weather monitoring,
wherever the various sensors distributed through the society need to be
energy-efficient. These sensors can serve as renewable energy sources to
decrease their carbon footprint. The procedures of data acquisition should
include further to be improved to be energy-efficient. For example, optimizing
sensors’ positions, transmitting methods and maybe scheduling can also lower
their power consumption. Employing latest techniques such as RF and Visible
Light Communication (VLC) backscattering, which is starting to show

Smart Society

commitment regarding energy efficiency, additionally could help in lowering

the power consumption.

Cloud vs. Fog Computing:

Firstly, if the “things” stay in a specified position, the data processing can be
offloaded to the Cloud, although as soon as the endpoints spring moving—
mainly if they run fast—the Fog foundation will be in a considerably better
position for fabricate the data. Admittedly, virtual devices can be outsourced to
the Fog. The purpose should be to determine the intelligence where it is
needed in the network (i.e., the computer and storage resources must be must
be situated very close to the monitoring and actuation points), or also be
deposited on them, thereby permitting higher reliability and restricted closed
loop control. Finally, Fog enables 1) perfectly it can scale and adapt to
geographic expansions. 2) It estimates more significant than the Cloud for
running data analytics and addressing real-time decisions on various different
IoT domains. 3) Data accumulating at the end as well as pushing and pulling
information selectively from the Cloud.

A Model Smart Society Guideline for Organization Development

There is no standard formula for creating municipal organizations that are able
to deal with the challenges of smart societies – and since organizations are
very individual, this formula will most likely never exist. However, the lessons
learned through Smart Impact serve as a basis for designing a guideline that
will help societies create better adapted organizations and speed-up the
process of becoming a smart society. We can identify three main areas of
intervention that are necessary to transform municipal organizations into
smart society management systems:
1. Collective leadership
2. Strategic management
3. Learning organization
Collective Leadership:
Collective leadership comprises the mind-set and skills needed by a group of
people to collaboratively guide processes and projects towards positive
sustainable outcomes. It is the capacity of a group of leaders to deliver their

Smart Society

contribution to a joint purpose collaboratively, while putting high priority on

the common good, and balance between the needs of people, profit, and
planet.9 For municipalities, collective leadership is needed to tackle the
challenges of the smart society. At the core of this, the leaders of a society
(heads of departments, mayors, leaders of municipal companies, citizen
representatives etc.) understand that collaboration is the key to a successful
smart society and also to personal success. Collective leadership for a smart
society builds on a shared vision and goals, which foster the development of a
smart society as a key goal to follow in all strategies and policies of the society.
It entails a balanced long-term perspective that is able to steer development
towards long-term goals without compromising short-term benefits at the
same time. Collective leadership roots the development of a smart society
within society stakeholders and networks and makes best use of the local
innovation ecosystem.

Strategic Management:
An organization that develops and manages a smart society needs to be able to
provide excellence in strategic management. Strategic management is the
continuous planning, monitoring, analysis and assessment of all that is
necessary for a complex organization to meet its goals and objectives. Strategic
management for a smart society combines a long-term strategy with short-
term investments. It uses indicators and performance monitoring systems to
track progress and success. Technology based management tools link
processes across departments, provide efficient e-services and enhance overall
efficiency of spending and activities. Cross departmental organizations are
needed to improve communication and management of increasingly
interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral projects. In particular, the technology
department (often entrusted with running the infrastructure) needs to be
supplemented by a data unit that governs and processes society data across all
departments and institutions. Last but not least, a strategic management
system of a smart society has a different view on the budget. This links the
budget to the development goals and to strategic interests of the society and it
applies innovative forms of procurement to link the local innovation ecosystem
into the development process of the society.

Learning Organisation:

Smart Society

A learning organization is a group of people working together collectively to

enhance their capacities to create results they really care about. Senge
popularized the concept of the learning organization (The Fifth Discipline). He
proposed the following three characteristics:
 Systems thinking. This is a conceptual framework that allows people to think
beyond the boundaries of departments, disciplines or organizations. It
enables public officials to understand the society as an integrated system
and get a clearer understanding for their own role within the system. The
approach of systems thinking is fundamentally different from that of
traditional forms of analysis, which focus on separating the individual pieces
of what is being studied. Systems’ thinking, in contrast, focuses on how the
thing being studied interacts with the other constituents of the system – a
set of elements that interact to produce behaviour – of which it is a part.
This means that instead of isolating smaller and smaller parts of the system
being studied, systems thinking works by expanding its view to take into
account larger and larger numbers of interactions as an issue is being
studies. This results in sometimes strikingly different conclusions than those
generated by traditional form of analysis. This is especially when what is
being studied is complex or has a great deal of feedback from other sources,
internal or external.
 Personal mastery. The commitment by an individual to the process of
learning is known as personal mastery. We have seen that knowledge sits at
the centre of a smart organization, and knowledge is acquired through
learning. Individual learning is acquired through staff training, development
and continuous self-improvement; however, learning cannot be forced upon
an individual who is not receptive to learning. Research shows that most
learning in the workplace is incidental, rather than the product of formal
training; therefore, it is important to develop a culture where personal
mastery is practiced in daily life. A learning organization has been described
as the sum of individual learning, but there must be mechanisms for
individual learning to be transferred into organizational learning.
 Knowledge management. The benefit of team or shared learning is that
staffs grow more quickly and the problem-solving capacity of the
organization is improved through better access to knowledge and expertise.
Smart organizations have structures and tools that facilitate team learning
and an easy flow of information between all staff members.

Smart Society

Organisational Structure:

In the following section, we discuss

the challenges that smart societies need to address when
considering to deploy those technologies and draw insights
towards the realization of the smart society
In the following section, we discuss
the challenges that smart societies need to address when
considering to deploy those technologies and draw insights
towards the realization of the smart ci

Revenue Model
In the IoT world, it’s very common to see products that simply add sensors to
an existing product, display the data on a dashboard, and call it “value.” We
will discuss various revenue models that will add values to the company, these
Subscription Model: Since IoT products have 24/7 connection to your
customer, we can leverage that connectivity to develop a recurring-revenue
business model. Now instead of having a one-time sale, we can offer a
subscription model in which your customer pays a fee in return for continuous
value. A subscription model enables our IoT product to implement many of the
benefits available to software-only products. Basically, we are introducing an

Smart Society

“Subscription as a Service” model for a system that includes both software and
hardware. By using SaaS models as a reference for our IoT business model, we
can explore creative ways to monetize our product, not only with a monthly
subscription, but also by providing paid upgrades.
Outcome Based Model: The outcome-based model is an example of an
innovative approach enabled by IoT products. The idea is for customers to pay
for the outcome (or benefit) the product provides, as opposed to the product
itself. As per saying, “People don’t buy drills, they buy holes?” The outcome-
based model works in the same way. Customers pay for the “holes,” as
opposed to paying for the drill. Instead of paying a variable fee per month they
will pay for the outcome. Therefore, having them pay for only the outcome of
the product motivates them to buy our products.

Pay Per Usage: In this IoT revenue model, the goal is not to make money on
the device itself. Instead, we can use the data produced by the IoT device to
track usage. Using this data, we can calculate risk and therefore provide a per-
mile price for the insurance. In this model, the customer will not pay for the
usage of the IoT product itself instead they will pay for the usage of the device
monitored by the IoT product.

Service or Product:
The Internet of Things (IoT) uses the Internet to merge various heterogeneous
things. For providing the ease of access, all existing things have to be linked to
the Internet. The reason behind this is that smart societies include sensor
networks and connection of intelligent appliances to the internet that is
essential to remotely monitor their treatment such as power usage monitoring
to improve the electricity usage, light management, air conditioner
management, etc. To get this, sensors are to be extended at various locations
to gather and analyse data for utilization improvement. We by using IoT
provide various services and product that are listed below:
Security and Surveillance Systems: From the citizens’ point of view security is
the most significant element of the smart societies. That is why, the entire
smart society has to be constantly monitored and observed, but evaluating the
information and discovering criminal acts are highly challenging. Conventional
closed-circuit television (CCTV) systems provide an infrastructure for smart
surveillance systems. However, they connected to a video recorder; do not
have the capability of intelligent processing. Moreover, human operators may

Smart Society

miss some scene and cause a fault. With smart surveillance, it is possible to
monitor people’s actions to find any violent act and even detect the people
involved. Smart surveillance systems can alarm in case of any event of interest
occurs. It can be used as guidance for the future design of pedestrian facilities
or its modification through monitoring people's attitude and finding pedestrian
traffic patterns.
Smart Parking Lots: By enabling smart parking, arriving and departing times of
different cars are traced all over the society. Thus, these parking lots have to
be planned in such a way to take a number of vehicles in every region into
account. Accordingly, the data of smart parking lots are able to provide profits
for both customers and merchants’ daily lives in the smart societies. This
service works based on road sensors and intelligent displays which lead drivers
to the best path for parking in the society. It can be integrated into urban IoT
infrastructures. Moreover, by short-range communication technologies like
RFID and NFC, it is possible to realize an electronic verification of parking
permits and allows for offering better services to citizens.
Smart Homes: By utilizing the data which are produced by various sensors,
smart homes can be observed. IoT technology leads to having smart houses
and appliances including smart TVs, home security system, lighting control, fire
detection, and temperature monitoring. The sensors of this appliance monitor
the conditions and environment of the home and send surveillance data to a
central controller at home which enables the householder to continuously
monitor and control the home even from outside and make the best decision
under every circumstance. Likewise, these surveillance data aid to predict
future events to be prepared in advance by taking an efficient measurement to
prevent losing convenience, security, comfort and high standard of living.
Moreover, smart houses in a neighbourhood can be connected together
through Neighbour Area Network (NAN) to form a smart community. In this
case, houses are able to share some surveillance data like outside camera to
find an accident or report events to a police station. Healthcare, managing
shared resources, and enabling support social networking are other
applications of the smart communities. Hence, this concept is not only
connection of neighbours but also extension and development of a
comprehensive smart society which can monitor and control entire activities in
a smart society.

Smart Society

Water System: Water distribution systems are essential parts of every smart
society. Conventional methods of water distribution from the water source to
the customer premises are not suitable and efficient, especially for diagnosing
any leakage in the pipeline or other parts of the system. Therefore, by
deploying sensors at appropriate locations of the distribution system, it
becomes an intelligent one for detection of any kind of faults or other
applications. Water distribution systems have some parts including a storage
facility like reservoirs, and distribution networks like under- or aboveground
pipelines. Detection of faults like leakage, the quality of water and the level of
reservoir water can be implemented through placing sensors in an IoT-based
environment. Accordingly, within a storage tank, the level of water is
measured by placing an ultrasonic sensor on the top of the tank, and two
pressure transducers at the bottom. The quality of water can be measured
both after and before the storage tank at strategic locations by a glass
electrode for measuring water PH. The leakage can be detected in pipelines
through three different sensors including vibration (using dual-axis
accelerometers), pressure (piezo-resistive sensor) and sound (ultrasonic
sensor) monitoring.

Smart Society


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