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Catena 118 (2014) 168–178

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Evaluation of erosion control geotextiles on steep slopes. Part 1: Effects

on runoff and soil loss
Jesús Álvarez-Mozos a,⁎, Eguzki Abad a, Rafael Giménez a, Miguel A. Campo a, Mikel Goñi a, Maider Arive a,
Javier Casalí a, Javier Díez a, Ignacio Diego b
Public University of Navarre, Dep. of Projects and Rural Engineering, Los Tejos Building, Arrosadia Campus, 31006 Pamplona, Spain
Huesker Geosintéticos S.A., P.I., Talluntxe II, Calle O, 31110 Noáin, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Available online 20 June 2013 Geotextiles have been demonstrated to be effective in reducing erosion and subsequent slope degradation
processes. However, most studies devoted to assessing the effectiveness of those elements have considered
Keywords: small or intermediate slope gradients (normally ≤ 30°), whereas real engineering works often lead to steeper
Erosion control slopes needing protection. In addition, although a large amount of laboratory studies exist on this topic, there
Engineering slopes are few articles reporting field experiments which consider large plots, real precipitation and prolonged
study periods. This paper is the first of two in which the performance of erosion control geotextiles on
Soil loss
steep slopes (45° and 60°) has been assessed. In this paper, the influence of geotextiles on runoff and soil
loss reduction was evaluated. The second paper focuses on the effects of geotextiles on the establishment
and growth of vegetation on the slope. The research was carried out on an experimental embankment
built in Pamplona (Spain) following standard construction procedures in order to resemble real engineering
slopes. Two biological geotextiles (jute net and coir blanket) and a synthetic polyester geogrid, installed in
two positions (surface-laid and buried), were evaluated and compared with a vegetated hydroseeded control
plot. After each significant rain event, runoff and soil loss amounts produced on each plot were recorded. The
results showed that coir and jute geotextiles produced 2–3 times larger runoff volumes than the control plots
on both the 45° and 60° slopes, whereas the synthetic geogrid did not give significantly different runoff rates
from the control (at p b 0.05). Geotextiles were more effective in reducing soil loss at 45° than at 60°. The
most effective treatment was the surface-laid geogrid, with a median Soil Loss Reduction Effectiveness
(SLRE) of 76% and 53% for the 45° and the 60° slopes, respectively. At 45° the coir blanket showed lower
soil losses than the control (median SLRE of 61%), but at 60° its protection action was more irregular (median
SLRE of only 8%). The jute net and the buried geogrid produced lower erosion rates (median soil loss of
3.2 g m−2 and 2.1 g m−2, respectively) than the control (median soil loss of 3.6 g m−2) at 45°, but at 60°
the erosion rates observed were similar to those of the control. In short, the surface-laid geogrid produced
the lowest soil loss rates. However, when buried, the geogrid did not effectively control erosion, at least
not that of the upper soil layer. Thus, its surface installation seems to be a better option. In cases where burial
is preferred for aesthetic reasons (i.e. hiding the geogrid), a higher soil loss must be assumed.
© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction One of the most used control measures is the placement of

geotextiles over sloping surfaces (Rickson, 1995). Geotextiles are
Civil engineering projects often lead to disturbed, bare soils with nets or mats which protect the soil and reduce the detachment
steep slopes, which are very sensitive to runoff and soil loss pro- and transport capacity of rainfall and overland flow. Ideally, they
cesses. The degradation of those slopes causes severe impacts should also promote vegetation growth, due to their enhanced soil
onsite (e.g. reduced soil structure and water holding capacity and water holding capacity. Their protection mechanism is there-
resulting in lower fertility) (Cerdá, 2007) and offsite (e.g. malfunc- fore expected to be twofold: first, through their direct protection
tion of gutters and drains affecting road conservation and safety, of the soil surface against eroding agents, and second, through ben-
turbidity and siltation of water courses) (Morgan, 2005; Owens efits in the development of a dense protective vegetation cover.
et al., 2005), so that the design and implementation of erosion Several physical properties of geotextiles have proven to be
control measures is crucial in any project of this kind. vital for soil protection. Specifically, the fraction of open area (or
the relative size of apertures), moisture sorption depth, mat thick-
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 948169235; fax: +34 948169644. ness, hydraulic roughness and tensile strength are key properties
E-mail address: (J. Álvarez-Mozos). controlling the performance of such materials in each particular

0341-8162/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J. Álvarez-Mozos et al. / Catena 118 (2014) 168–178 169

setting (Rickson, 2006). Additionally, the erosion reduction capac- With this aim, an experimental embankment was constructed follow-
ity of a geotextile will also vary depending on slope length and ing standard construction practices. The focus of the study is to assess
gradient, soil type and local precipitation regime (Bhattacharyya the influence of geotextiles on runoff and soil loss reduction.
et al., 2010).
Geotextiles are normally made of permeable materials which can 2. Materials and methods
be either biological or synthetic. The former are mainly made from
natural fibres (i.e., jute, coir or palm). Synthetic geotextiles are nor- 2.1. Experimental setting
mally made of polymers (i.e., polyester, polypropylene or polyolefin).
The cost of synthetic geotextiles is significantly higher than that of bi- The experiment was carried out in the experimental fields of the
ological materials. However, the performance of a geotextile is related School of Agricultural Engineering of the Public University of Navarre
to its physical properties (mentioned above) which are much more in Pamplona (Spain). Its geographical coordinates are: 42°47′39″N,
important than the geotextile material itself (Ziegler et al., 1997). 1°37′52″W, and it is 435 m above sea level. The climate is humid sub-
Synthetic geotextiles offer stronger reinforcing action (i.e. higher Mediterranean with annual precipitation of ~800 mm and a mean tem-
tensile strength) and last longer (≥ 20 years) than natural fibres perature of ~12 °C. The precipitation regime is strongly seasonal, with
(~ 2–5 years) (Li and Khanna, 2008). In turn, the degradation of bi- dry summers with short, intense convective storms and longer
ological geotextiles (contributing organic matter and nutrients to front-like events during the rest of the year. The soils are silty–clay–
the soil) could be beneficial for the development of vegetation on loam in texture (sand = 13.8%; silt = 53.9%; clay = 32.3% and organic
slopes, which may play a key role as a long term erosion protection matter = 1.8%) with significant silt and low organic matter proportions
measure (Fullen et al., 2011). and, hence, they are highly erodible.
Several comprehensive reviews focusing on the influence of dif- An experimental embankment was constructed following stan-
ferent factors and geotextile properties on their performance have dard construction practices. The use of an outdoor experimental set-
been published previously (Bhattacharyya et al., 2010; Rickson, ting makes it possible to reproduce an engineered slope with fixed
2006; Sutherland, 1998a, 1998b). Bhattacharyya et al. (2010) consid- characteristics (gradient, length or soil type) more realistically and
ered that three separate erosion types (rainsplash, interrill and rill– is the most convenient choice for medium to long term experiments
interrill erosion) depended on the length of slopes to be protected, with natural precipitation events and vegetation dynamics. However,
and they summarised the results of many laboratory and field exper- one drawback is that the continuous measurement of hydrological
iments. Most experiments reported by Bhattacharyya et al. (2010) variables (infiltration, overland flow and sediment concentration) is
confirmed the effectiveness of geotextiles for reducing runoff, obtaining more difficult than in laboratory plots.
similar results with both synthetic and biological geotextiles. Their ana- The material used in the earthwork operations was the same soil
lyses also highlighted the role of geotextiles in reducing the impact of present on the site, which was mechanically compacted (layer by
splash erosion behaving as a physical barrier, which dissipated the ki- layer) using a smooth steel-wheel roller, in order to reproduce ‘real’
netic energy of raindrops and their erosivity. Accordingly, the area earthworks as far as possible. The final mean bulk density at the soil
cover fraction was identified as a key property for erosion reduction. surface was 1.57 Mg m−3 (n = 20, SD = 0.1), which corresponds to
Characteristics of slopes to be protected are also crucial for the ad- a significantly compacted soil. The local undisturbed soil had a mean
equate performance of geotextiles. As already mentioned, slope length bulk density of ~1.34 Mg m−3. The orientation of the embankment
and gradient are particularly important properties which influence, was east and its total width was 50 m. It was divided into two sections
and even sometimes determine, the type of erosion process occurring. with different slope gradients, 45° and 60°, and an intermediate transi-
Long and steep slopes usually lead to higher energy runoff with a stron- tion area. Five different geotextile treatments were created on each sec-
ger sediment detachment and transport capacity (Smets et al., 2007). tion (each treatment had three replicates) making a total of 30 plots,
However, steeper slopes do not necessarily have lower infiltration each 1.3 m wide. The embankment reached a height of ~4.5 m above
rates since other factors (such as surface roughness and sealing) can af- its base. The first 1.5 m was required to install flow collecting gutters
fect infiltration on them (Assouline and Ben-Hur, 2006). The protective and tanks and the remaining 3 m were used for the experiment,
action of a geotextile might also vary depending on the length and gra- resulting in a final length for the experimental plots of 4.1–4.6 m for
dient of the slope to be protected. Some authors observed better soil the 45° slope and 3.4–3.8 m for the 60° slope. A detailed topographic
contact (and hence more effective protection) on short slopes than on survey was used to obtain the exact dimensions of each plot (Table 1).
long ones, where void spaces could cause preferential flow paths under- The different sizes of the 60° plots (~7.5 m2) and 45° plots (~13 m2)
neath the geotextile (Chen et al., 2011). In short, care should be taken need to be taken into account when comparing the results of the two
when extrapolating results on the effectiveness of geotextiles from datasets. The top of the embankment was sealed with plastic and a
low and medium slopes to steep slopes (Chen et al., 2011; Ogbobe et crossfall of 3–5% was placed towards the rear in order to avoid overland
al., 1998; Smets et al., 2007). flow into the slope and to reduce infiltration through the embankment.
Most experiments assessing the protective action of geotextiles The experimental slope was hydroseeded on 11 May 2009 using a
have been carried out in laboratory settings using rainfall simulators seed mixture with species adapted to local climate conditions, mainly
and considering reduced plot dimensions and slope gradients grasses (~ 70%) and legumes (~ 25%) (Alvarez-Mozos et al., submitted
(Bhattacharyya et al., 2010). Outdoor experiments on this topic are for publication). The seeding rate was 70 g m−2. Due to logistic con-
scarce, particularly those considering long time periods. Although straints, the seeding was performed outside the recommended
laboratory experiments provide valuable information on the process- seeding period. Therefore, in order to ensure adequate germination,
es and factors involved, the conditions tested in these settings might a sprinkler irrigation system was installed, which was switched on
not entirely represent real field conditions (Smets et al., 2011). In fact,
soil properties (moisture, texture, structure, depth, and profile) and
Table 1
rainfall characteristics (intensity, duration, depth, kinetic energy,
Plot size (m2) for each treatment and slope gradient.
and water quality) can be significantly different (Smets et al., 2011).
As a result, it is necessary to further extend research activities in Jute net Coir blanket Geogrida Geogrid (B)b Control
this topic to more realistic conditions, where longer and steeper 60° slope 7.86 7.53 7.34 7.66 7.57
slopes are examined under natural precipitation. 45° slope 13.05 13.58 13.79 12.84 12.95
In this study, the performance of erosion control geotextiles on a
Surface laid.
steep slopes (45° and 60°) is evaluated under natural conditions. b
170 J. Álvarez-Mozos et al. / Catena 118 (2014) 168–178

Fig. 1. Experimental slope 1 month after hydroseeding.

for 2 min every 2 h during daytime and kept on until 1 July 2009, geogrid was covered with a 2–3 cm layer of loose silty soil prior to
when the establishment of vegetation (in most plots) was consid- hydroseeding.
ered to be successful. Control plots, with no geotextile cover, were
also created on both 45° and 60° slopes. The control plots were 2.3. Data collection
also hydroseeded. Fig. 1 shows the experimental slope 1 month
after hydroseeding. The experiment started on 1 June 2009. Runoff and sediment
concentration measurements were acquired after each significant
precipitation event (Fig. 2) (i.e., an event producing measurable
2.2. Geotextiles evaluated runoff), or occasionally after a succession of smaller events. Runoff
depth was measured directly in each tank and sediment concentra-
The four treatments tested on both 45° and 60° slopes consisted of tion was determined by taking a 500 ml sample from each plot.
geotextile products currently available on the market, and comprised Prior to sample acquisitions, the water contained in each tank was
both biological (jute net and coir blanket) and synthetic (polyester) homogenised and after the measurement was completed, the
materials. The most important properties of the tested geotextiles tanks were emptied and cleaned using pressure water. Runoff sam-
are summarised in Table 2. ples were oven dried (at 110 °C) until the water evaporated and
Jute is a widespread material in the geotextile industry, which can only dry sediment remained (normally 7–10 days). In summary,
be marketed in products with different characteristics. Its main the variables measured for each plot and event were: runoff
properties are its high water sorption capacity and mass, which en- (mm), sediment concentration (g l− 1) and soil loss (g m− 2). The
hance its attachment to the soil when wet (drapability) (Chen et three replications made for each treatment were averaged in order
al., 2011). In addition, it is a very flexible material with a moderate to obtain a mean value.
tensile strength. It is highly biodegradable and its action normally The experimental period lasted for 21 months, but the 60° slope
lasts for 1–2 years (Mitchell et al., 2003). The coir (coconut fibre) is suffered stability problems after heavy rainfall in November 2009
also a very common biological material, which is lighter and has a and finally collapsed, so the data acquisition had to be stopped on
lower water sorption capacity than jute (Sutherland and Ziegler, this slope 7 months after the initiation of the experiment. In total,
2007). Coir geotextiles usually have a very close random fibre struc- six series of measurements were acquired on the 60° slope and 16
ture that accounts for its superior durability compared to other nat- on the 45° slope. The first two series were acquired when the irriga-
ural fibres (Lekha, 2004). As a result, its open area fraction is usually tion system was on, the rest under natural precipitation.
very small. Runoff and soil loss measurements were tested for normality using
The synthetic material tested here is a three-dimensional polyes- the Shapiro–Wilk test. The Shapiro–Wilk tests yielded p-values b 0.05
ter geogrid (Fortrac® 3D). This geogrid has a 3D traverse structure, indicating that normality could not be assumed. The distributions
which is supposed to provide enhanced soil holding ability. In spite obtained were skewed towards higher runoff or soil loss values. As a re-
of its light weight, it is a very strong material with a very low sult, the differences between each treatment and the control plot were
deformability. Fortrac® 3D is marketed in different products with in- evaluated using the Mann–Whitney non-parametric test, which does
creasing tensile strengths. In the present study, the 30 kN m−1 product, not require normally distributed populations.
which has a maximum elongation of 12.5% and a mesh size of In order to compare runoff and soil loss values observed in
1.8 × 0.8 cm, was used. Its durability is much longer than that of each treatment with those of the control plots, ratios between
the biological geotextiles and can reach up to 20 years. The geogrid treatments and control (Ogbobe et al., 1998) and effectiveness in-
was installed in two positions: buried and surface-laid. The buried dexes (Sutherland, 1998a) were proposed. In this experiment, the

Table 2
Main properties of tested geotextiles.

Treatment Roll size Thickness Mass per area Open area Water holding capacity Tensile strength
(m × m) (mm) (g m−2) (%) (mm) (kN m−1)

1 — Jute net 1.22 × 68.6 5 500 60 3.1 21

2 — Coir blanket 2 × 33 8 271 7 0.84 3
3 — Geogrid 4.5 × 100 10 300 50 – 30
4 — Geogrid (B) 4.5 × 100 10 300 100 – 30
J. Álvarez-Mozos et al. / Catena 118 (2014) 168–178 171

Fig. 2. Experimental period and data acquisition on the 45° and 60° slopes.

runoff reduction effectiveness (RRE, %) and soil loss reduction ef- Even if the effectiveness concept is the same, the influence of individual
fectiveness (SLRE, %) were used (Sutherland, 1998a): extreme events is much greater when total values are used. From a statis-
  tical viewpoint, the mean (or median) effectiveness computed using a se-
Rcontrol −Ri ries of individual values might be more correct. In any case, both
RREi ¼ ⋅100 ð1Þ
Rcontrol effectiveness values are computed and discussed in this study.
An automatic weather station was located close to the experi-
SLcontrol −SLi mental slope (b 200 m), where the main meteorological variables
SLREi ¼ ⋅100 ð2Þ
SLcontrol (temperature, precipitation, wind speed and direction, relative hu-
midity and incoming solar radiation) were measured every 10 min.
where, RREi and SLREi are runoff and sediment loss reduction ef- Several precipitation variables were calculated for the time lapse be-
fectiveness of a treatment i, and R and SL are runoff and soil loss, tween two measurements. In particular, the accumulated precipitation
respectively. A positive effectiveness indicates that the geotextile re- depth (Pac, mm), rainfall duration (tR, h), intensity (I30, mm h−1) and
duces runoff or soil loss, whereas a negative value corresponds to erosivity (EI30, MJ mm ha−1 h−1) were calculated for each period
geotextiles that produce more runoff or soil loss than the control. In and for the main erosive event in the period (Table 3). Additionally,
the literature, effectiveness has been calculated either by using individ- the wetness condition of each period was estimated using an Anteced-
ual runoff (or soil loss) measurements observed during an experiment ent Precipitation Index (API7, mm), which considers precipitation
and computing their mean (or median) (Sutherland, 1998a; Sutherland recorded during the seven previous days (Heggen, 2001).
and Ziegler, 2007), or by employing total accumulated values at the end Table 3 reports the main precipitation characteristics recorded be-
of the experiment (Bhattacharyya et al., 2009; Mitchell et al., 2003). tween every two measurements. Precipitation recorded during the

Table 3
Precipitation characteristics recorded in each measurement period. Accumulated precipitation, duration, intensity and erosivity of the main event and the accumulated character-
istics of the period are given.

Date Main event Period

Pac tR I30 EI30 ΣPac ΣtR ΣI30 ΣEI30 API7

(mm) (h) (mm h−1) (MJ mm (mm) (h) (mm h−1) (MJ mm (mm)
ha−1 h−1) ha−1 h−1)

9-Jun-2009 9.20 8.33 6.40 10.56 19.40 9.17 14.80 17.82 5.38
22-Jun-2009 26.20 3.33 31.20 171.72 28.80 3.33 31.20 171.72 9.18
11-Aug-2009 9.20 1.33 10.80 17.64 13.80 1.33 10.80 17.64 1.39
22-Sep-2009 36.00 34.33 6.00 23.33 48.80 37.17 17.60 36.96 3.27
23-Oct-2009 19.60 6.00 5.20 12.03 38.40 13.17 16.40 20.80 3.97
9-Nov-2009 72.20 30.83 11.20 103.00 118.00 54.17 25.60 123.03 14.58
7-Dec-2009 29.80 19.67 5.60 19.24 57.20 32.50 19.20 28.62 17.44
30-Dec-2009 11.80 7.50 7.20 10.02 41.60 18.00 8.80 11.24 5.91
19-Jan-2010 45.60 27.67 4.80 23.90 76.40 42.17 14.80 36.44 14.85
9-Feb-2010 29.80 31.33 4.00 12.50 54.00 49.33 7.60 14.59 9.74
2-Mar-2010 11.00 16.83 2.00 2.10 33.20 16.83 2.00 2.10 7.40
12-May-2010 31.40 6.83 18.40 98.68 114.40 45.67 57.20 149.91 6.03
22-Jun-2010 18.60 12.17 4.00 8.03 50.20 19.67 7.60 10.21 4.77
27-Jul-2010 26.40 4.50 24.40 133.14 45.20 12.17 36.80 143.76 5.36
21-Oct-2010 5.20 0.50 10.00 10.40 58.20 16.50 24.40 30.23 2.65
25-Nov-2010 19.60 10.17 8.00 19.93 96.00 58.00 26.00 42.71 9.62
172 J. Álvarez-Mozos et al. / Catena 118 (2014) 168–178

experiment was variable. In general, larger and longer precipitation 3rd and 1st quartiles, and hence reflects the range where the 50% cen-
events were observed in winter and spring than in summer, when tral values are located for each treatment. It can be observed that run-
the events were more intense. off from jute and coir plots had a greater variability (e.g. on the 45°
slope, the IQR was 3–4 times larger in jute and coir than in geogrid
3. Results and control plots), whereas geogrid treatments and the control
were less dispersed and generally had less runoff.
3.1. Influence of geotextiles on runoff production On the 45° slope, jute and coir treatments produced total runoff
volumes of > 100 mm, with median values of 9.43 and 7.36 mm, re-
Biological geotextiles (coir and jute) systematically produced spectively (Table 4). Their variability was also high with IQR values
more runoff than geogrid and control (i.e. hydroseeded vegetation) of > 7 mm. On the other hand, both geogrid treatments and the con-
plots on both slopes (Fig. 3). The first two measurements were ac- trol showed very similar values in terms of total runoff (~ 54 mm),
quired in the hydroseeding establishment phase, when vegetation median runoff (~ 3 mm) and IQR (~ 1.5–2 mm). The Mann–Whitney
development was poor and the soil surface was wet due to sprinkler test confirmed these observations and detected significant differences
irrigation. As a result, runoff volumes recorded on these first dates (at p b 0.05) between the control and both jute and coir plots. The
were notable, even if precipitation was low. This was especially true median runoff volumes measured were 2.5–3 times higher for coir
for the coir and jute treatments. Apart from those first measurements, and jute than the control. On the contrary, the geogrid treatments
the events recorded between November 2009 and March 2010 pro- were not statistically different (p b 0.05) from the control in terms
duced the most runoff in all treatments. of runoff.
The runoff volumes measured on the 60° slope treatments were clear- On the 60° slope, jute and coir plots also produced 2–3 times larg-
ly higher than those observed at 45°, but this affirmation cannot be statis- er runoff volumes than the control, both in terms of total (~ 114 and
tically validated due to the short measurement series on the 60° slope. 156 mm for jute and coir, respectively, versus 48 mm for the control)
Table 4 summarises the main statistics of measured runoff rates. and median (~ 17 and 22 mm for jute and coir, respectively, versus
The total runoff volume, minimum and maximum values, median 7 mm for the control) runoff. In this case, their variability was not
and inter-quartile range (IQR) are given for each treatment. The me- as large, when compared with the control. The surface-laid geogrid
dian and IQR were used instead of the mean and standard deviation, gave lower runoff values (~ 4 mm) than the control, whereas the bur-
since runoff data were not normally distributed. In skewed distribu- ied treatment produced more runoff (~ 11 mm). In any case, statisti-
tions the median (2nd quartile) is a more realistic statistical location cally significant differences (at p b 0.05) were only found between
measure than the mean. In these cases, the dispersion is better repre- the coir plot and control. This might be a consequence of the small
sented by the IQR, which is calculated as the difference between the size of the 60° dataset (n = 6 events).

Fig. 3. Accumulated runoff measurement series in treatments on both 45° and 60° slopes.
J. Álvarez-Mozos et al. / Catena 118 (2014) 168–178 173

Table 4
Runoff data collected for different treatments (no. of observations on 45° slope = 16, on 60° slope = 6). IQR stands for inter quartile range and RRE stands for runoff reduction

45° slope 60° slope

Jute⁎ Coir⁎ Geogrid Geogrid (B) Control Jute Coir⁎ Geogrid Geogrid (B) Control

Total runoff (mm) 143.14 134.46 53.95 53.78 53.75 113.99 156.84 39.78 59.27 47.82
Range (mm) 1.76–16.09 2.14–21.72 0.44–7.76 0.31–7.94 0.46–9.03 2.04–40.33 3.72–59.36 2.04–14.03 1.17–15.4 0.53–14.4
Median (mm) 9.43 7.36 3.15 3.27 2.90 17.49 22.11 5.11 10.77 7.13
IQR (mm) 9.08 7.40 1.94 2.08 1.54 8.87 5.11 4.22 5.12 6.90
Overall RRE (%) −166.31 −150.16 −0.37 −0.06 – −138.37 −227.98 16.81 −23.94 –
Median RRE (%) −160.98 −114.64 1.07 −6.33 – −155.35 −211.46 19.05 −20.81 –
⁎ Significantly different than control at p b 0.05.

Fig. 4 plots runoff volumes of each treatment against those 3.2. Influence of geotextiles on soil loss
obtained from the control. Most points in the geogrid treatments fol-
low the 1:1 line, showing identical behaviour to the control. The The series of accumulated soil loss values (Fig. 6) illustrate the im-
points of the jute and coir plots are all well above the 1:1 line, show- portance of certain precipitation events in the occurrence of erosion.
ing a systematic increase in runoff production compared with the In particular, the first two precipitation events (where vegetation
control. This was also reflected by the effectiveness values (RRE) was poorly developed and soil wetness was high) produced very
(Table 4). Both overall (total) RRE and median RRE are given. The dis- high soil loss rates, especially on the control and geogrid (B) plots.
tribution of RRE values obtained for each treatment is represented But the most extreme erosion rates were measured in May 2010,
with boxplots in Fig. 5. Biological geotextiles gave very low negative when a series of events resulted in very significant soil losses in the
RRE values, whereas geogrid treatments also had negative values control and, to a lesser extent, in the geogrid (B) and jute plots.
but closer to 0% at 45°, and at 60° positive values in the surface-laid These results highlight the crucial role of geotextiles when particular-
geogrid, and moderately negative values in the buried geogrid. RRE ly erosive events occur. In these major events, erosion rates were al-
had a very low variability in the geogrid treatment (Fig. 5). Geogrid ways highest in control plots.
(B) was less effective and its dispersion was still low. On the other The very high variability of measured soil loss rates is represented
hand, jute and coir geotextiles displayed highly dispersed RRE distri- in the large dispersion of data (Table 5). Distributions were again not
butions. This can be explained by the enhanced runoff production of normal (as confirmed by the Shapiro–Wilk test), with long tails to-
these treatments in wet periods (leading to very low RRE values), wards high soil loss values. The control and geogrid (B) plots showed
whereas in drier periods runoff is closer to that of the control (RRE the highest dispersion, while geogrid and, especially, coir and jute,
values close to 0). had a lower variability (Table 5).
On the 45° slope, differences in total soil loss amounts were very
important with a maximum value of 384 g m−2 in the control plot,
followed by geogrid (B) (142 g m−2), jute (120 g m−2), coir
(40 g m−2) and geogrid (30 g m−2). However, differences in terms
of median values were not so high, particularly between the control

Fig. 4. Runoff rates from different treatments versus those from control plots. No. of ob-
servations is 16 for treatments on the 45° slope and 6 on the 60° slope. The 1:1 line is Fig. 5. Boxplots showing the distribution of runoff reduction effectiveness (RRE)
plotted as a reference. obtained for the different treatments on both 45° and 60° slopes.
174 J. Álvarez-Mozos et al. / Catena 118 (2014) 168–178

Fig. 6. Accumulated soil loss measurement series from treatments on both 45° and 60° slopes.

(3.6 g m−2), jute (3.2 g m−2)and geogrid (B) (2.1 g m−2) treat- Fig. 7 shows that, for most events, the control plot had higher
ments. Surface-laid geogrid and coir gave clearly lower soil loss erosion rates than any treatment on the 45° slope (points below
rates (0.6 g m−2 and 1.5 g m−2, respectively) than the control, and the 1:1 line), with geogrid and coir showing the lowest erosion
their differences were statistically significant at p b 0.05. rates. Differences between treatments and control were largest for
The results of the 60° slope do not show coherence between high soil loss rates (e.g. for the event with highest soil loss rates
total and median soil loss values. Although the total soil loss was control ~ 300 g m− 2, jute and geogrid (B) ~ 80 g m− 2 and coir and
clearly larger in the control (87 g m− 2) than in all the treatments geogrid ~ 10 g m− 2). On the 60° slope these differences are not
(jute ~ 35 g m− 2, coir ~ 39 g m− 2, geogrid ~ 20 g m− 2, geogrid (B) that clear, and all treatments, except for the geogrid, had, in some
~ 34 g m− 2), median values showed a different picture with coir, points, higher soil loss rates than the control, especially when soil
geogrid (B) and jute having higher median values (6.7 g m− 2, loss rates were low.
6.4 g m− 2 and 6.3 g m− 2, respectively) than the control (4.7 g m−2). The effectiveness values reported in Table 5 confirm these find-
The geogrid was the only treatment with a median soil loss below ings. The highest SLRE values were obtained for geogrid and coir
the control (2.7 g m− 2). However, the large variability of the con- treatments at 45° (median SLRE of 76% and 61%, respectively) and
trol (IQR ~ 6.4 g m− 2) and the small size of the sample analysed geogrid at 60° (median SLRE of 53%). At 45° all SLRE values were pos-
(n = 6 events) did not permit the detection of significant differ- itive, representing the beneficial effect, in general terms, of
ences (at p b 0.05) between treatments and the control. geotextiles in protecting the slope. But SLRE values clearly differed

Table 5
Soil loss data collected for different treatments (no. of observations on 45° slope = 16, on 60° slope = 6). IQR stands for inter quartile range and SLRE stands for soil loss reduction

45° slope 60° slope

Jute Coir⁎ Geogrid⁎ Geogrid (B) Control Jute Coir Geogrid Geogrid (B) Control

Total soil loss (g m−2) 120.34 39.81 29.75 141.96 384.44 34.77 38.69 19.72 33.68 87.30
Range (g m−2) 0.45–67.87 0.48–9.68 0.22–10.82 0.44–88.25 0.58–291.93 2.29–9.1 3.22–9.14 0.79–8.13 2.31–8.3 0.85–65.4
Median (g m−2) 3.17 1.49 0.63 2.15 3.58 6.31 6.75 2.69 6.43 4.67
IQR (g m−2) 2.15 2.18 1.91 3.37 4.01 4.03 3.72 0.73 3.96 6.42
Overall SLRE (%) 68.70 89.64 92.26 63.07 – 60.17 55.68 77.41 61.42 –
Median SLRE (%) 20.28 61.51 76.11 41.19 – −19.49 8.34 53.15 −37.95 –
⁎ Significantly different than control at p b 0.05.
J. Álvarez-Mozos et al. / Catena 118 (2014) 168–178 175

Fig. 8. Boxplots showing the distribution of soil loss reduction effectiveness (SLRE)
obtained for the different treatments on both 45° and 60° slopes.

slope on each measurement time interval were evaluated using mean

Fig. 7. Soil loss rates from different treatments versus those from control plots. No. of
observations is 16 for treatments on the 45° slope and 6 on the 60° slope. The 1:1
Runoff was strongly correlated with precipitation depth and dura-
line is plotted as a reference. tion of the main rainfall event (Table 6). Accumulated precipitation in
the period was also positively correlated with runoff, as was API7. The
slope between runoff and Pac was steeper in the biological geotextile
between treatments, depending on whether overall or median SLRE treatments (coir and jute). This can be interpreted as a less stable per-
was considered (Table 5). Median SLRE values were more conserva- formance of these materials in terms of runoff production, with rela-
tive (i.e. lower) than total SLRE, which was more sensitive to the in- tively higher runoff rates expected as precipitation increased. At 60°,
fluence of extreme events (particularly on the control plots). From a results were similar, but significant correlations were also observed
statistical viewpoint, the use of median SLRE seems to be more rigor- between runoff and rainfall intensity and erosivity. Thus, it seems
ous. On the 60° slope, efficiencies were positive when total SLRE was that as the slope gradient increases, the infiltration capacity is more
considered (with values above 55%). But when median SLRE was controlled by storm intensity.
used, geogrid and coir were the only treatments achieving positive ef- Soil loss rates were positively correlated with rainfall intensity and
fectiveness values (median SLRE of 53% and 8%, respectively). Again, erosivity, and no clear associations were observed between rainfall
the small size of the dataset analysed did not permit us to extract amounts and soil loss rates. The wetness (API7) and runoff volumes
very sound conclusions on the 60° slope treatment. of each event (not shown) did not have a clear relation to observed
Boxplots in Fig. 8 illustrate a higher variability of SLRE on the soil loss rates. Therefore, the hypothesis here might be that erosion
60° slope. All treatments, except for the geogrid, had a very high was mostly caused by processes which were not runoff driven. In
dispersion, with boxplot limits (25% and 75% percentiles) ranging other words, concentrated flow erosion (rills) and interrill erosion
from b − 50% to > 50%. The geogrid had positive SLRE values of be- do not seem to be the main factors responsible for the soil loss
tween 50% and 80%. On the 45° slope, variability was lower and observed in this experiment. In fact, rainsplash as well as gravity-
most of the treatments usually had positive SLRE values. Again, driven soil loss processes might account for most of the soil loss
geogrid had the lowest variability, and the highest SLRE values, observed. The relation between rainfall intensity and soil loss was
followed by coir, geogrid (B) and jute. stronger in the control and geogrid (B) treatment (at 45°), whereas
geogrid and coir (materials with a larger area coverage) showed a
weaker relationship, probably indicating decreased rainsplash im-
3.3. Correlation analysis pacts (Rickson, 2006). The slopes of the linear regressions obtained
were higher in the control and geogrid (B), indicating lower protec-
In order to correctly interpret the results, correlations between mea- tion as precipitation intensity increased.
sured runoff and soil loss rates and several rainfall variables were ex-
plored. The correlation analysis shows Pearson correlation coefficients 4. Discussion
and slopes of the linear model fitted between selected precipitation var-
iables and runoff and soil loss, respectively (Tables 6 and 7). The precip- 4.1. Influence of geotextiles on runoff production
itation variables analysed were: rainfall depth (Pac), duration (tR),
intensity (I30) and erosivity (EI30). These were calculated for all run- The placement of geotextiles on bare soils is generally expected
off/soil loss measurements in two ways: (1) considering only the to decrease runoff volumes (Sutherland, 1998a). However, the re-
most significant event in the period prior to a measurement, and (2) sults of this experiment show a negative effectiveness of coir and
in accumulated terms, considering all precipitations recorded in the pe- jute geotextiles in reducing runoff when compared to a vegetated
riod prior to a measurement. In addition, the wetness conditions of the hydroseeded control plot. Similar findings have been reported in
176 J. Álvarez-Mozos et al. / Catena 118 (2014) 168–178

Table 6
Correlation analysis between runoff and precipitation characteristics for each treatment (no. of observations on 45° slope = 16, on 60° slope = 6). The first number indicates the
slope of the linear regression model fitted and the second the Pearson's correlation coefficient.

Runoff 45° slope 60° slope

Jute Coir Geogrid Geogrid (B) Control Jute Coir Geogrid Geogrid (B) Control

Main event Pac 0.18/0.62⁎ 0.23/0.73⁎⁎ 0.1/0.84⁎⁎⁎ 0.1/0.89⁎⁎⁎ 0.12/0.9⁎⁎⁎ 0.17/0.89⁎ 0.48/0.92⁎ 0.16/0.89⁎ 0.11/0.52 0.71/0.74
tR 0.26/0.6⁎ 0.24/0.52⁎ 0.11/0.61⁎ 0.1/0.6⁎ 0.13/0.68⁎⁎ 0.16/0.62 0.54/0.6 0.15/0.51 0.12/0.34 0.75/0.43
I30 −0.03/−0.04 0.05/0.08 0.00/0.00 0.01/0.06 −0.02/−0.06 0.3/0.25 0.33/0.13 0.18/0.41 0.25/0.48 0.24/0.55
R 0.02/0.18 0.03/0.33 0.01/0.27 0.01/0.34 0.01/0.24 0.07/0.62 0.12/0.52 0.05/0.75 0.05/0.7 0.14/0.83⁎
Period ΣPac 0.03/0.2 0.06/0.32 0.04/0.64⁎⁎ 0.05/0.72⁎⁎ 0.05/0.67⁎⁎ 0.09/0.87⁎ 0.29/0.93⁎⁎ 0.1/0.84⁎ 0.06/0.45 0.44/0.65
ΣtR 0.08/0.3 0.1/0.34 0.07/0.62⁎⁎ 0.07/0.69⁎⁎ 0.08/0.68⁎⁎ 0.13/0.76 0.45/0.79 0.14/0.68 0.09/0.37 0.68/0.52
ΣI30 0/0.01 0.04/0.11 0.02/0.15 0.03/0.23 0.02/0.11 0.66/0.76 1.29/0.67 0.48/0.83⁎ 0.57/0.85⁎ 1.63/0.94⁎⁎
ΣR 0.02/0.17 0.03/0.32 0.01/0.3 0.01/0.38 0.01/0.27 0.07/0.7 0.14/0.61 0.05/0.82⁎ 0.06/0.74 0.17/0.88⁎
API7 0.58/0.54⁎ 0.69/0.6⁎ 0.38/0.88⁎⁎⁎ 0.33/0.8⁎⁎⁎ 0.4/0.87⁎⁎⁎ 0.99/0.95⁎⁎ 2.51/0.95⁎⁎ 0.88/0.98⁎⁎⁎ 0.81/0.77 3.58/0.9⁎
⁎ Significant at p b 0.05.
⁎⁎ Significant at p b 0.01.
⁎⁎⁎ Significant at p b 0.001.

the literature. For instance, in their review, Bhattacharyya et al. been found to decrease as the slope gradient increases (Chen et al.,
(2010) mentioned at least 17 studies in which geotextile cover 2011). This might further limit infiltration of rain water into the soil
(either biological or synthetic) was found to be ineffective in reduc- and promote runoff flow downslope through the geotextile fibres.
ing runoff. Laboratory overland flow simulations also demonstrated Experiments analysing the effectiveness of geotextiles have fre-
that geotextiles (either biological or synthetic) had little effect on quently been carried out on plots tilled to create an erodible environ-
reducing runoff volume (Rickson, 2006). In particular, geotextiles ment, leading to soils with low bulk densities (Bhattacharyya et al.,
with dense covers (similar to the coir blanket evaluated here) 2011a; Rickson, 2006; Sutherland, 1998b; Sutherland and Ziegler,
were found to be especially ineffective in reducing runoff (Davies 2007). On the contrary, in this study, the experimental slope was
et al., 2006; Mitchell et al., 2003). Similarly, Bhattacharyya et al. aimed at reproducing real engineered slopes and thus, soils were
(2011a) observed that plots completely covered with Borassus strongly compacted. In these soils, infiltration rates are low and
palm-mats produced higher runoff rates than palm-mats placed in geotextiles might not be as effective in reducing runoff as in loose
buffer strips (area coverage 10%), and even higher than those of soils. Therefore, vegetation might play a relatively more important
bare control plots. Permanent grassed plots had least total runoff role in promoting infiltration.
and most runoff reduction effectiveness. In this experiment, jute, Both geogrid treatments (surface laid and buried) resulted in sim-
and especially coir plots, only achieved reduced vegetation develop- ilar runoff rates to those of the control (i.e. hydroseeded vegetation)
ment, whereas a very dense vegetation cover developed on the control plots. When surface laid, the geogrid should retard surface runoff
plots (Alvarez-Mozos et al., submitted for publication). Therefore, vege- due to its transverse 3-D yarns and increased thickness, which are
tation cover appears as a more effective runoff reduction measure than properties directly correlated with the hydraulic roughness of the
biological geotextile emplacement. Vegetation elements store pre- slope (Rickson, 2006; Smets and Poesen, 2009). On the other hand,
cipitation in leaves and stems, increase surface roughness, reduce when buried, the loose upper soil layer should provide a higher infil-
soil moisture through transpiration and increase aggregate stability, tration rate. However, those mechanisms seem to be minor compared
thus promoting infiltration (Fullen and Booth, 2006). to the infiltration-promoting role of vegetation. Therefore, for these
The influence of geotextiles on runoff generation is also related to steep slopes, the geogrid's role in promoting vegetation development
slope gradient. Smets et al. (2007) found that palm-leaf geotextiles appears as a much more effective runoff reduction mechanism than
were more effective in reducing runoff coefficients on a medium its physical properties.
slope (15°) compared to a steep slope (45°). Similarly, Ogbobe et al.
(1998) observed that runoff velocities increased linearly with in- 4.2. Influence of geotextiles on soil loss
creasing slope gradients from 15° to 45°. On gentle or moderate
slopes, biological geotextiles might absorb rainfall water and slow At 45°, all geotextiles produced mostly lower soil loss rates than
runoff generation, whereas on steep slopes water can slip through the control. But the protection mechanism seems to be different on
the geotextile fibres and create superficial flow paths without infil- the one hand in coir and jute geotextiles, and on the other hand in
trating into the soil. The contact between geotextile and soil has the geogrid. As mentioned above, both biological products resulted

Table 7
Correlation analysis between soil loss and precipitation characteristics for each treatment (no. of observations on 45° slope = 16, on 60° slope = 6). The first number indicates the
slope of the linear regression model fitted and the second the Pearson's correlation coefficient.

Soil loss 45° slope 60° slope

Jute Coir Geogrid Geogrid (B) Control Jute Coir Geogrid Geogrid (B) Control

Main event Pac 0.14/0.14 0.02/0.14 0.01/0.07 0.11/0.08 0.45/0.1 −0.06/0.15 0.02/−0.26 −0.01/−0.09 0.05/0.5 −0.03/−0.06
tR −0.1/−0.07 −0.01/−0.06 −0.08/−0.32 −0.44/−0.24 −1.2/−0.19 −0.57/0.46 0.09/0.06 −0.06/−0.34 0.09/0.52 0.01/−0.33
I30 0.54/0.27 0.11/0.36 0.22/0.63⁎⁎ 1.13/0.42 3.17/0.36 2.42/0.26 0.07/0.42 0.24/0.95⁎ 0.13/0.5 0.1/0.95⁎
R 0.09/0.28 0.02/0.34 0.03/0.61⁎ 0.17/0.41 0.49/0.36 0.32/0.3 0.01/0.23 0.03/0.81 0.03/0.66 0.01/0.84⁎⁎
Period ΣPac 0.25/0.47 0.02/0.23 0.03/0.28 0.3/0.42 1.1/0.47 −0.13/0.01 0/−0.43 −0.02/−0.25 0.02/0.35 −0.03/−0.2
ΣtR 0.24/0.27 0.01/0.07 0/−0.01 0.19/0.17 0.86/0.22 −0.43/0.22 0.03/−0.24 −0.05/−0.39 0.05/0.41 −0.03/−0.36
ΣI30 0.85/0.7⁎⁎ 0.11/0.63⁎⁎ 0.16/0.79⁎⁎⁎ 1.23/0.78⁎⁎⁎ 3.97/0.75⁎⁎ 2.57/0.39 0.14/0.16 0.22/0.67 0.25/0.74 0.05/0.77
ΣR 0.13/0.44 0.02/0.45 0.03/0.7⁎⁎ 0.21/0.56⁎ 0.64/0.51⁎ 0.3/0.32 0.01/0.19 0.03/0.75 0.03/0.69 0.01/0.79
API7 −0.43/−0.12 −0.15/−0.29 −0.07/−0.11 −0.46/−0.1 −1.22/−0.08 1.65/0.17 0.09/−0.26 0.14/0.27 0.3/0.57 −0.13/0.32
⁎ Significant at p b 0.05.
⁎⁎ Significant at p b 0.01.
⁎⁎⁎ Significant at p b 0.001.
J. Álvarez-Mozos et al. / Catena 118 (2014) 168–178 177

in higher runoff rates than the control. But the sediment concentra- Regarding soil loss, the best performance was achieved by the
tions measured in these treatments were lower than the control. geogrid, which produced very low and consistent erosion rates, followed
This supports the hypothesis that runoff mostly flowed over the fi- by the coir (median soil loss rates ~0.6 g m−2 and 1.5 g m−2, respec-
bres of these biological geotextiles without reaching the soil tively, on the 45° slope). The low erosion rates of the geogrid can be at-
(Bhattacharyya et al., 2011b). tributed to its 3D transverse structures, higher tensile strength and the
Dense geotextiles, such as the coir blanket evaluated, have been well-developed vegetation canopy. However, when buried, the geogrid
found to be very successful in reducing rainsplash erosion (Rickson, did not effectively control erosion (median soil loss rate ~2.1 g m−2 on
2006). But, as slope inclination increases, surface runoff might play the 45° slope), at least that of the upper soil layer. Thus, its surface instal-
a more important role in soil erosion than rainsplash. On steep slopes, lation seems to be a better option. In cases where the buried installation
runoff has been found to scour under the mats (particularly when is preferred for aesthetic reasons, a higher soil loss must be assumed.
mats have high coverage ratios) flushing soil out (Chen et al., 2011).
In this experiment, no evidence of concentrated flow erosion was no-
ticed under the coir blankets at the end of the experiment. At 45°, References
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178 J. Álvarez-Mozos et al. / Catena 118 (2014) 168–178

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