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A National Story

Section 1:​ It is February 2021, and we have been in Quarantine for about 11 months.
This Coronavirus is making people sick. Literally and figuratively. Some people have not seen
their friends or family in a long time. This can affect you and not in a good way. Many people are
stuck in their houses with no one to talk to. And if they do have someone to talk to it is on zoom.
And if they are talking in person, they have to worry about not getting sick (or getting the other
person sick). Elderlies are stuck being in a house all alone so that they don’t get Covid (since
they are at a higher risk). Young people who just moved into a house (and don’t know how to
pay for it) are all alone. Regular families are stuck not going out, which means that families are
probably starting to fight. Basically, this virus isn’t just affecting us physically. It is affecting us
emotionally and mentally. I am a 14 year old boy from a small town in NJ. I’m no famous person.
I don’t do social media. I don’t post videos of me dancing or talking. The point is, I’m not
famous. I’m not a politician, yet this virus still affects me. I’m not a famous person, but this virus
still affects me. And it probably affects you too. You probably worry for the safety of your kid. If
you are a kid then you worry about your parent’s job. But no matter what this virus is making a
lot of people worry. And that is not good. Now, I’m not saying to just ignore the fact that millions
of people died (from Covid). But I’m saying that we need to stop it. Do you want your kid to
experience this bad virus? Do you want your kids to grow up in an unhealthy environment? No.
No one does. So please, do something. Do something about your kid’s safety if you care. If you
care enough to protect your child, then please wear a mask. Stop this virus. Stop this virus from
ruining our lives. No matter what we are going to have to wear a mask. But if we wear a mask
now (and I mean EVERYONE) then it saves us from wearing it all the way to 2022. Care about
your child, care about your parents, and care about getting this world back to normalcy. Wear a

Section 2:​ 2.36 MIllion people have died from Covid. Many more have gone to the hospital.
Coronavirus has affected many people, and it is continuing to do that. People have lost their
jobs, but more importantly, they have lost their families. Yet, even in the middle of these sad
times some people still refuse to believe that this virus is real. How can 2.36 million people die
from a fake virus? It is real, people. Many Americans refuse to wear a mask because it is
bothersome. But is that a good reason for hurting people? Is that a good reason for getting
many people sick? We need to reconsider what we are doing. Don’t forget about the families
that are grieving over their losses. And also don’t forget about your kids. Your kids’ lives depend
on you. Don’t get them sick because of the “inconvenience” of a mask. Wearing a mask is better
than being on a ventilator, right? Consider your kids’ safety. If you don’t have kids, then worry
about your parents. Or any of your family members. Now is not the time to think about
ourselves. That has happened way too much and look at where we are at. The Capitol being
attacked, people dying, people getting sick, violent protesters all around. This must stop. This
must stop if you want to save your family. Your family is important to you. But they are also
important to me. Everyone is important to me. That is why I am here trying to explain what is
going on around this world, and why it’s happening.

Section 3: ​In the 1860’s there was a war. There was the Civil War. The Civil War was the
bloodiest battle in American history. And it was America vs America. It was the Union vs the
Confederates. Isn’t it funny that the bloodiest war that we, America, had was against our own
selves? Well guess what. That may happen again. But now it would be Democrats vs
Republicans. Who’s fault is it? It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter who. Only one thing matters.
Fixing it. Why are we, America, fighting against each other? Who cares if we are democrats or
republicans. Here are Washington’s words:
“Let me now…warn you…against the baneful (harmful) effects of the spirit of
party…This spirit, unfortunately…exists in different shapes in all governments….but in those of
the popular form, it is seen in its greatest rankness and is truly their worst enemy.” ​(Washington,
Farewell Address, 1796)
What this means is that George Washington, the first President (and a great one at that),
didn’t want us (America) to fight over what political party is best. There is only one way to be an
awesome President. By being an American citizen. So don’t fight for the democrats, don’t fight
for republicans, but fight for Americans. And if George Washington, a man who made a country
, has advised you on what to do and not do in this country, I think you should listen.

Section 4: ​I want to become the President. Yes, the 14 year old boy of Woodbury
Heights, NJ. The one who doesn’t have social media but doesn’t need/want it. Because guess
what. I will show you, America, what it means to be a great leader, and great leaders do not
NEED social media. I will become the President of the one and the only America. And you will
see how the economy, general welfare, and the common life will improve. Why? Because no
one writes 1,000 words (and more) about protecting this country and its people for nothing. So
in 21 years or more (when I am a candidate) remember that the young generation is depending
on a good and free country to live in.
May I lead this country into a good situation, and let freedom strengthen within
Thank you,
Eric Chajkowski
(1,064 words typed, woo hoo)

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