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Course Outcomes:
1. Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural and health sciences and humanities in ethically managing clients, teams and programs
in any health care setting;
2. Utilize ethical principles in managing a group of clients/ nursing service unit/ program in any setting;
3. Apply ethical guidelines and principles in nursing management;
4. Practice nursing in accordance with existing laws, legal, ethical and moral principles;
5. Communicate effectively in speaking, writing and presenting using ethically and culturally-appropriate language to clients and teams;
6. Report and document up-to-date client care accurately and comprehensively in accordance with ethical guidelines;
7. Apply ethical principles of partnership and collaboration to improve delivery of health services;
8. Manage a nursing service unit/health program in any setting in accordance with ethical guidelines;
10. Participate in varied continuing professional ethical development activities;
11. Practices the ethical core values of the Phil. nursing profession;
12. Apply ethical techno-intelligent care systems and processes in managing resources and programs;
13. Display ethical nursing core values in nursing management and leadership.

Course Learning Outcomes:

After completing this course, the would-be nursing professionals should be able to:
1. Explain the need to study bioethics.
2. Describe ethics, biology, bioethics, and health ethics.
3. Summarize the history of bioethics.
4. Describe the characteristics of a person.
5. Compare act of human from human acts.
6. Define knowledge, freedom and conscience.
7. Enumerate and describe the different types of conscience.
8. Relate knowledge, freedom and conscience as a characteristic of a person.
9. Describe the concepts of Kant, Rawl, St. Thomas Aquinas and Ross on ethics.
10. Compare the concepts of Kant, Rawl, St. Thomas Acquinas and Ross on ethics.
11. Explain the different duties as enumerated by Ross.
12. Appreciate the health care profession as a vocation.
13. Describe the stages of a health care provider-client relationship.
14. Describe the qualities of a good health care provider to the client, society and its profession.
15. Enumerate the responsibilities of a health care provider to the client, society and its profession.
16. Define the different virtues of the health care provider.
17. Define the different vices of health care provider.
18. Practice the different virtues of a health care provider.
19. Describe the principle of stewardship, totality, double effect, cooperation, and solidarity.
20. Enumerate the condition necessary for double effect application.
21. Apply basic ethical principles in health care setting.
22. Describe justice, beneficence and non-maleficence.
23. Apply major bioethical principles in health care.
24. Enumerate principles on how equality could be based.
25. Enumerate the components of an informed consent.
26. Enumerate the rights of a patient.
27. Analyze and discuss different bioethical issues.
28. Relate the importance of bioethics to different bioethical issues.


A. Importance of Bioethics
B. Definition of terms
1. Ethics
2. Biology
3. Bioethics
4. Health ethics
5. Professional ethics
C. History of Bioethics
D. The human person
E. Types of ethical thoughts
1. Kant’s ethics
2. Rawl’s ethics
3. St. Thomas Acquinas
4. Ross’s ethics
 Actual/prima-facie duty
 Duty of fidelity
 Duty of preparation
 Duty of gratitude
 Duty of justice
 Duty of beneficence
 Duty of improvement
 Duty of non-maleficence


- Ethics guides us like a map – most moral issues get us pretty worked up because these are such emotional issues we often
let our hearts do the arguing while our brains just go with the flow. But there’s another way of tackling these issues, and that’s
where philosophers can come in. they offer us ethical rules and principles that enable us to take a cooler view of moral
- ETHICS is about feeling for others- at the heart of ethics is a concern about something or someone other than us and our own
desires and self- interest. ETHICS is concerned with other people’s interest of society. So when a person thinks ethically they
are giving at least some thought to something beyond themselves
- ETHICAL VALUES creates integrity – High sense of ethics and values makes a man trustworthy and representable. If a
professional individual follows every legal and moral codes, abides by the rules and regulations of the company and tries to
create the maximum profit for the client and for the company then the said individual catalyses the increment of integrity of the
company as well as himself/herself.
a. Builds customer loyalty
b. Retains good employees
c. Creates a positive work environment
d. Gets easier to avoid legal problems
e. Makes profit in the long run
CONCLUSION: Technological growth and all other progress as a civilization fails if we give up our morals and values. The only thing
that separates us from other animals is our conscience. If we obey our morals our internal peace is maintained. So, our code of ethics
makes us who we are and keeps the society in harmony.


1. Nature – a. Natural Law : Do good and avoid evil

b. Logic and reason : ex. Moral Development (Kohlberg)
2. Authority – a. Bible : ex. Ten Commandments, The Beatitudes, Commandment to Love

Ethical Principles: Bio- ethics

1. Made in the image of God : Genesis 1:26-27 – Respect for the body
2. God is Creator : Genesis 2:7 – procreation requires God’s involvement
3. Human life is sacred : Respect for Life, The dignity of human person,

“ All Scripture is given by the inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.
That the man of God may be perfect throughly furnished unto all good works.”
2 Timothy 3:16
Importance of Bioethics


1. Need to improve the Health Situation
2. Because of the scientific advances in health care and the presence of many factors that affect health and health care, many
bioethical issues and other problems have also arose.


1. Guide us in making responsible moral reasoning, judgment and action.
2. Provide awareness and opportunity for evaluation of the divergent ethical perceptions and positions of health care providers
on different issues that confront them as they take care of clients.
3. Provide basic guidelines for professional behavior and practice
4. It guides us in enriching our own competence by understanding that the patient is a person with holistic needs.
5. Teach us the importance of genuine interdisciplinary thinking and working.


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