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Right or Left Hand

● Method One: only read dominant (writing) hand

● Method Two: Read the dominant hand for information about outward image, how they
like to be perceived by others, their conscious mind, and career information. Read the
non-dominant hand for insight into their subconscious energies, personal relationships,
home life, hopes, and fears.
● Method Three: Read the left hand to learn information about the past and d and read the
left hand to learn about who the person will become as they grow.
● Method Four: Read whichever hand the person gives you without guiding them.

Hand Size
Small hands:
● People with small hands tend to have very strong aspirations and dedication. They
usually have lots of energy, especially when trying to reach a goal. Socially, they can be a
little much.
Medium hands:
● People with medium hands tend to be more emotionally stable. They are usually well-
liked among others. These people have a knack for mediating, and are clear-headed when
making decisions.
● Medium handed people have the best qualities of small and large handed people, but on a
smaller scale.
Large hands:
● People with large hands are multitaskers, and can balance several different activities well.
They can be described as Jacks of All Trades, and have diverse interests. They work hard,
but not fast, and like the short-term over the long-term. In social matters, large handed
people are casual and friendly, but don't take kindly to opinions that are different from

Hand shapes
Earth Personalities:
Hand Shape: Square hands and palms with fingers of equal length
Traits: these people follow their head over their heart. They tend to be grounded,
balanced, calm, and hard-working
Air Personalities:
Hand Shape: Square hands with long fingers
Traits: intelligent, knowledge and problem solving oriented, deep thinkers. Air
personalities look at all sides of an issue before coming to a conclusion or making a

Fire Personalities:
Hand Shape: Large wide palm with shorter fingers
Traits: expressive, fiery, adventurous, determined, a person of action. Fire personalities
trust their gut and instincts when making decisions

Water Personalities:
Hand Shape: Long narrow palm and slender fingers
Traits: Artistic, creative, emotional, an idealist. Water personalities trust their heart over
their head when making decisions.

Hand Lines
The Head Line
● starts between the index finger and the thumb and moves across the middle of the palm.
● This line determines how a person thinks and acts
● "A long line could mean that the person is more likely to keep going after their goals in the face
of adversity. It might also mean they take longer to make decisions."
● "A short line could mean that the person will shift their goals and adapt when obstacles arise.
Also, they may make their decisions quickly. "

The Heart Line

● This line starts at the outer edge of the hand and ends under the middle finger or index finger.
● This line determines a person's passions, what appeals to them and pushes them towards action,
and what their relationships could be like.
● When reading this line, it is important to note the length..
○ If the line is long, the person can probably sense the emotions and feelings of those
around them, and are very considerate towards others.
○ If the line is short, the person values personal freedom within relationships, and probably
prefers one-on-one interactions to groups.
● Next, check if the line is straight or curved.
○ A straight line could mean the person thinks in a more logical and rational sense with a
tendency to be analytical when careers are involved.
○ A curved line could mean that the person is willing to go to great measures to follow their
○ X’s on this line can indicate a betrayal by a loved one.
○ A double heart line (two smaller heart lines that run parallel) could mean that the person
usually puts the feelings of others above their own feelings.

The Life Line

● This line is the arc that runs from between the thumb and index finger and ends near the wrist.
● This line is indicative of a person's health and comfort level in the long term.
● Check for how deep and visible this line is.
○ The higher the visibility of this line, the more resistant that person is to illness. If the line
is hard to see, it could mean that the person may need to take extra precautions in staying
healthy in their day to day lives.
○ Breaks in the Life Line could indicate a possible health issue or major traumatic event in
that person's life. However, these events can be avoided by making self-care and healthy
habits a priority.
● When reading, don't put too much emphasis into the length of the Life Line. Most readers believe
that the length has little to nothing to do with the length of a person's life

Other Hand Lines

The Fate Line

This goes from the base of the palm and moves up toward the base of the middle finger.

A deep line can indicate a fulfilling career. A shallow line or broken line can mean the person
pursues several careers during their life.

If the fate line is forked at the top, it could indicate that the person is destined to be famous.

The Intuition Line

This line slopes around the outer edge of the palm (the pinkie side).

A deep line indicates that the person has a strong connection to their intuition.

The Relationship Line

This line starts under the pinkie finger, right above the heart line.

This line can provide information about long-term romantic relationships.

This line is likely to change as the person grows.

A long, deep relationship line could mean that the person is committed (or is ready to
commit) to a partner.

The Sun Line

Located below the ring finger.

Also called Apollo line

The Sun always represents success, personal potential and capacities for it.

Short sun lines can indicate modesty, or a lack of need for personal glory and public recognition

Clear sun line indicates artistic capabilities

Line Intersections

● If the head line and the heart line intersect, it could indicate that the person listens to their head
over their heart. If the heart line doesn’t intersect the head line, the person may trust their heart
over their head. .
● If the head line and the life line are connected, the person enjoys having the support and company
of others around them. If the head line and life line are completely separate, the person is largely
independent and self-sufficient.

Hand Mounds
Each hand mound tells about a different aspect of a person's life and personality. A certain mound being
larger than others can indicate a strength or dominance in that particular area.

Primary Mounds:

● Mount of Venus: (near the base of the thumb) deals with love, confidence, and romantic passion.
● Mount of Jupiter: (near the base of the index finger) deals with self-image and leadership
● Mount of Saturn: (near the base of the middle finger) can indicate a person’s level of integrity.
● Mount of Apollo: (near the base of the ring finger) can indicate general stability in a person’s life.
● Mount of Mercury: (near the base of the pinkie finger) deals with success in finances, business,
and communication in a professional atmosphere.
● Mount of Luna/Moon:
○ located at the base of the palm, little finger side. If the mount is prominent, it indicates
that the person is intuitive and has a strong imagination. This mound being larger can also
indicate a more temperate personality.
○ Like the moon, you are subject to change easily and can be frequently sentimental or

● A person with thick, solid thumbs is usually practical with finances, and is very thrifty.
They tend to be true to their words and stay away from scheming.
● A person with thin, flat, and flexible thumbs tend to be impatient. They value
convenience, easy enjoyment, and speed over practicality.
● Longer thumbs indicate easier success, progress, and luck, along with higher levels of
confidence in life and determination in love.
● Shorter thumbs indicate a greater need for hard work and effort. People with shorter
thumbs are practical and are not flashy.

Index Finger

● "In palmistry, the index finger usually indicates a person's desire for domination, power
and enterprise"
● Long Index Fingers:
○ People with longer index fingers are more aggressive and ambitious, and have a
greater knack for authority.
○ "If the index finger is as long as the middle finger, it is an indication that the
person is tough, pushing and ostentatious."”
○ People with longer index fingers tend to have more financial success, but also
have a tendency to over-spend and mis-manage wealth.
○ People with longer index fingers tend to have higher aspirations and goals in life,
as well as a strong drive for power.
○ Longer index fingers can also indicate a talent for social communications, as well
as a knack for showing off these talents. They usually have good interpersonal
relationships, and tend to like to exercise a feeling of control over others.
○ They are also willing to spend money on things (and people) they love, and are
adept at interpersonal management.
● Those with shorter index fingers can be very jealous and competitive. They sometimes
have a hard time in work related matters, but are more strong in manners of the heart.

Middle Finger

● The middle finger deals in destiny.

● The most favorable destiny in matters of career, wealth, and love is indicated by long,
straight, and round middle fingers.
● Shorter middle fingers that slant towards the index finger indicate that the person is
dedicated to their work.Leaning towards the ring finger indicates that the person may be
more concerned in family matters.
● Thicker middle fingers indicate impatience and impulsiveness, with a need to better
control emotions.
● Extremely long middle fingers may indicate health, as well as financial prosperity.
● Shorter middle fingers are indicative of impulsiveness and frequent change. People with
shorter middle fingers fare well in money and business, but not as well in love.

Ring Finger

● The ring finger is used to indicate love ties, both familial and romantic.
● A ring finger that leans to the middle finger is indicative that the person has strong ties to
their family as a whole. A ring finger leaning towards the little finger indicates a stronger
pull towards children.
● A ring finger the same length as the middle finger indicates a strong love of gambling.
These people love games of chance, and are more likely to participate in areas that they
do not feel comfortable in if there is a win/lose aspect involved.
● People with longer ring fingers usually have unique perspectives on career and work
related matters. They tend to go about their business following a plan, and are unlikely to
be affected by outside influences. They also have strong feelings in love.
● People with shorter ring fingers are usually very unique, and are more dependable,
steady, and calm. They don't try to take risks as frequently, and are stable in both love
and money.

Pinkie finger

● The pinkie finger is indicative of children and future generations.

● If the pinkie finger is short and extremely bent, that person's children may cause them a
lot of worry.
● The little finger is also indicative of wisdom, and affinities for art.
● People with long, straight little fingers are more inclined towards having a strong work
ethic and ability to effectively socialize with others.
● Bent, short little fingers are indicative of poor chances to make achievements in money
● "The relatively long little finger is a sign of strong observation, excellent eloquence,
aggressive career, and strong acquisitiveness in love as well as smooth fortune and
healthy body in old age."(Source)
● People with shorter pinkies tend to be very blunt. They don't beat around the bush,
instead preferring to get straight to the point. This quality often leads to success and
Bracelet Lines
B, C, and D Lines

● The B Line is indicative of your health and financial standing before adulthood.
● The C Line is indicative of your health financial standing in middle age.
● The D Line is indicative of your health and financial standing in old age.
● If these lines are thick and straight, it indicates that you were/are healthy in your youth.
● If these Lines are thin, hard to see, or short, it can indicate that you need to put more
effort into maintaining your health.
● If these lines are curved or broken, it could indicate poor health during that period of your

A Line

● "If you have a clear fourth bracelet line (A), it indicates you have a strong sense of social
existence or you will have many children. Only a few lucky people have the fourth line
which indicates good luck. If the line has no break, it indicates the longevity and the
bloodline lasting for many generations."
● Hand Shape: Water
● Lines:
○ Short Head Line
○ Long, curved Heart Line with two (2) X's
○ Long, deep, and highly visible Life Line with no breaks
○ Shallow Fate Line, forked at the top
○ No visible Intuition Line
○ Short, shallow Relationship Line
○ Short, visible Sun Line
● Line Intersections:
○ None
● Mounds (most to least prominent):
○ Venus
○ Jupiter
○ Moon
○ Saturn
○ Apollo
○ Mercury

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