SPLM Licensing Install

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Installing Siemens PLM License Server

August 2016

Preface .................................................................................................................................. 3
Intended Audience ......................................................................................................................... 3
Scope of this Guide......................................................................................................................... 3
Conventions ................................................................................................................................... 3

Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 3
Background .................................................................................................................................... 3

Pre-installation Considerations .............................................................................................. 4

System Requirements..................................................................................................................... 4
SuSE and Red Hat Linux: ....................................................................................................................................... 4

License File..................................................................................................................................... 4
Administrative Access .................................................................................................................... 4
Previous Licensing Installations....................................................................................................... 4

Installation ............................................................................................................................ 4
Windows........................................................................................................................................ 5
UNIX and Linux............................................................................................................................... 5
Mac OS .......................................................................................................................................... 5

Advanced Installation Options ............................................................................................... 5

Command Line Install (No GUI) ....................................................................................................... 5
Windows ............................................................................................................................................................... 5
UNIX and Linux ...................................................................................................................................................... 5

Silent Install (No GUI and No Prompts)............................................................................................ 5

Windows ............................................................................................................................................................... 5
UNIX and Linux ...................................................................................................................................................... 6

Detailed Switch Explanations .......................................................................................................... 6

Properties File ................................................................................................................................ 6
Windows: .............................................................................................................................................................. 6
UNIX and Linux: ..................................................................................................................................................... 6

Security.......................................................................................................................................... 6
Run License Server under a Different Account ................................................................................. 6

Post-installation Considerations ............................................................................................ 7

Review Log Files ............................................................................................................................. 7
Install Log .............................................................................................................................................................. 7
SPLM Licensing Debug .......................................................................................................................................... 7

Updating License File ...................................................................................................................... 7

Repairing the License Server ........................................................................................................... 7

Uninstalling SPLM Licensing................................................................................................... 7

Uninstalling.................................................................................................................................... 7
Windows ............................................................................................................................................................... 7
UNIX and Linux ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
Mac OS .................................................................................................................................................................. 8

Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................... 8
Invalid Server Name Present ................................................................................................................................. 8
Vendor Daemon was not Detected Following the Install ..................................................................................... 8

Diagnostics............................................................................................................................ 8
Communication Diagnostic ............................................................................................................. 8
Steps for checking the license daemon is running using lmutil ............................................................................ 8

Proprietary & Restricted Rights Notice ................................................................................... 9


Intended Audience
This guide was written for system administrators responsible for installing and managing Siemens PLM
License Server. Those responsible need a good knowledge of system management procedures and their

Scope of this Guide

This guide covers the installation of Siemens PLM License Server on supported systems.
To install Siemens PLM License Server, you need to know basic system commands. This material is not
covered in this document.

 All references to “SPLM Licensing” in this manual refer to Siemens PLM License Server.
 The terms administrative, root, super user, and sudo are interchangeable. They all refer to the
user having the permissions to access and modify system directories and files.
 SPLM Licensing releases are independent of Siemens PLM Software client product releases. They
do not have the same version numbering as the client products.
 Files, commands, and directories will be written in bold letters.
 Text in [] and italicized is not to be read literally but should be substituted with an interpreted
value. For example: [YourNameHere] is reading this document.

This document explains how to install SPLM Licensing on supported systems.
The following topics are covered in this document:
 Background
 Pre-Installation Considerations
 Installation
 Advanced Installation Options
 Post-Installation Considerations
 Uninstalling SPLM Licensing
 Troubleshooting
 Diagnostics

The installation of SPLM Licensing is accomplished using the supplied install. It will (if you accept the
defaults) install the files into a valid directory displayed during the install.
SPLM Licensing is a common license server intended to be shared by several but not all Siemens PLM
Software products. It is not backward compatible with the old (non-SPLM Licensing or non-UGS Licensing)
license servers previously used by Siemens PLM Software products. However, both the old and new
license servers may be installed on the same system.

Note The SPLM Licensing installation is only required on license server nodes. It is not necessary to
install this license server on clients unless the client is also serving licenses, e.g. a standalone
Note Some Siemens PLM Software products support a ”Standalone Node-Locked License” scenario,
whereby there is no license server required and licensing information is acquired directly from a
file. This requires access to a specially locked license file called a “Standalone Node-Locked
License” file. In this scenario it is not necessary to install the SPLM Licensing product.

Pre-installation Considerations
The SPLM Licensing product installation is supported on a variety of operating systems. For the supported
operating systems consult the following Customer Support (GTAC) Web site:
http://support.industrysoftware.automation.siemens.com/gtac.shtml .

System Requirements
The SPLM Licensing product requires Java 1.7+ to be installed on the system and some platforms may
require additional packages to be installed. These platforms and their requirements are listed below:
SuSE and Red Hat Linux:
 LSB 4.0
 libudev (only on cloud platforms)

License File
Prior to beginning the SPLM Licensing installation, you must have a license file. The file should have
already been provided. It does not exist on the software media and is not generated by the installation.
We recommend that the license file be saved as a text file in the administrator’s home directory and that
the file be named splm<major version number>.lic.
Note Please make sure you have the license file available on your system before beginning the
installation. The installation will NOT be possible without a license file.
Warning Merging of Siemens PLM Software license files with any other license file is not supported.
This includes other Siemens PLM Software license files.

Administrative Access
The install must be run with a user account that has administrative permissions.

Previous Licensing Installations

If a previous version of the install (UGS Licensing or SPLM Licensing) is present the install will display a
prompt to upgrade. The install will then remove and install the newer version of the SPLM Licensing

It is assumed that you have checked the Pre-Installation Considerations and are ready to begin the

Launch SPLMLicenseServer_[version]_win[bit]_setup.exe and follow the instructions. If you want to run
without a GUI see the Advanced Installation Options Section.

UNIX and Linux

Launch SPLMLicenseServer_[version]_[plat]_setup.bin and follow the instructions. If you want to run
without a GUI see the Advanced Installation Options Section.

Mac OS
Open SPLMLicenseServer_[version]_macos_setup.zip in Finder. Then launch
SPLMLicenseServer_[version]_macos_setup.app and follow the instructions.

Advanced Installation Options

The install provides optional command line switches. This section documents the switches and when you
might use them.

Note These features are intended for experienced Administrators only.

Note These features are not supported on Mac OS.

Command Line Install (No GUI)

Launch with the UI mode set to “console”.

SPLMLicenseServer_[version]_win[bit]_setup.exe -i console

UNIX and Linux

Launch with the UI mode set to “console”.

SPLMLicenseServer_[version]_[plat]_setup.bin -i console

Silent Install (No GUI and No Prompts)

Launch with the UI mode set to “silent” and provide a value for all properties.
SPLMLicenseServer_[version]_[plat]_setup.bin -i silent
-DUSER_INSTALL_DIR="C:\Program Files\Siemens\PLMLicenseServer"

UNIX and Linux

Launch with the UI mode set to “silent” and provide a value for all properties.
SPLMLicenseServer_[version]_[plat]_setup.bin -i silent
-DUSER_SELECTED_LICENSE_FILE=/var/tmp/splm.lic -
DUSER_SELECTED_ACCOUNT=<username for running the license server>

Detailed Switch Explanations

[-D]PROPERTY=value Causes the install to use the defined property value as the answers for the
corresponding install questions. If the value has white space quotes are
[-f] “properties file” Causes the install to look in the “properties file” for property values. Those
property values are then used by the installer as the answers for the
standard install questions.
[-i] UI mode Causes the install to use UI mode other than the default GUI mode.
 console – For No Graphical User Interface
 silent – For No Graphical User Interface and No Prompting

Properties File
The properties file used with the -f option should contain property values that correspond to each
question in the install. The file should have each property and value pair on an individual line separated
by and equal sign. If the value contains whitespace NO quotes are needed. If the value contains
backslashes (\) two backslashes are need for every single backslash.
USER_INSTALL_DIR=C:\\Program Files\\Siemens\\PLMLicenseServer
UNIX and Linux:
USER_SELECTED_ACCOUNT=<username for running the license server>

We highly recommend running the license server by a user other than root since processes started by root
can introduce security risks. The best practice would be to create a user and group with proper security
and use that user for running the license server.
The installer also supports the creation of a default user and group while installing the license server,
which is explained in details in the next section.

Run License Server under a Different Account

The installer asks for a user name to be entered. The user name specified is used to run the license
server. The default user name splmld and the group name splm are created by the installer if nothing is
specified by the user. If a different account name is specified, the installer verifies whether the user exists
and if it can be used to run external commands.

Note The user install directory and all directories in the path leading to it must have execute permission
for the aforementioned user.
Note This feature is only available on the Linux, Unix and Mac OS platforms.

Note By default the splmld account is locked i.e. it is a no-login account.

Note The owner and group identifier of all the files in the install directory is the user mentioned above
and the user’s primary group respectively.

Post-installation Considerations
The following paragraphs outline steps that the system manager may want to take after completion of the

Review Log Files

After an install there are two log files that can be reviewed: the log file for the install and the debug log
file for the SPLM License service.
Install Log
The install creates a log file that should be reviewed if any issues are experienced during the installation.
The install’s log file is named install.log and will be located in the install directory. If the install is not able
to write the log file into the install directory it will be placed in a platform specific location. The location
for Windows is the desktop for all other platforms it is in the user’s home directory.
SPLM Licensing Debug
The license service creates a debug log to aid in troubleshooting server issues. The debug log is named
splm_ugslmd.log and is located in the install directory.

Updating License File

To update the license file run the installer again and select the option to Replace License File.

Repairing the License Server

To repair the license server binaries and scripts run the installer again and select the option to Repair.

Uninstalling SPLM Licensing

Uninstalling SPLM Licensing is essentially a matter of stopping the daemons and then removing the
installed files. The install supplies an uninstaller in the install directory. The supplied uninstaller will not
remove the license file or any files originally placed there by the end user.

From the Control Panel go to Uninstall a program and remove Siemens PLM License Server.
Start All Programs Siemens PLM License Server Uninstall

UNIX and Linux

Launch the Uninstall executable located in the SPLM Licensing install directory. In order to run the
Uninstall executable without a GUI use the -i flag with the value of console as you would with the install.

Mac OS
Using Finder locate the Uninstall application in the SPLM Licensing install directory and double-click.

After the installation you might get one of the following issues.
Invalid Server Name Present
This occurs when the license file has a hostname on the SERVER line that does not match the machine’s
hostname. To resolve this issue open the license file that was provided to the install and confirm the
hostname matches what the command hostname returns. Then restart the service.
Vendor Daemon was not Detected Following the Install
This occurs when the install has completed but was unable to confirm the server was up and running.
This might not indicate an error if the install did not wait long enough for the service to start before
checking it status. To resolve this issue perform the Communication Diagnostic and confirm whether the
server is communicating or not. If the server is communicating, there is no issue. If the server is not
communicating, look for errors in the license server’s debug log (splm_ugslmd.log).

Communication Diagnostic
This can be done by running the lmutil utility. The lmutil utility is a command line license administration
tool. This test can also be executed from the client if the lmutil executable is present on the client.
Steps for checking the license daemon is running using lmutil
1. Open a command prompt or shell
2. Change directory to the install directory.
3. Run lmutil with the lmstat option and license server flags.

lmutil lmstat -c 28000@<hostname> -a

{where 28000 is the default port number and <hostname> is the hostname of the SPLM Licensing server}
If the test fails to connect to the license server, the license server is either not running or it is having
trouble communicating with the system the test was run on. Check the license server log file for errors
and confirm there are no firewalls up and running between the client system and the server.

Proprietary & Restricted Rights Notice

This software and related documentation are proprietary to Siemens Product Lifecycle Management
Software Inc.
© 2016 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc.
Siemens and the Siemens logo are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. NX is a trademark or registered
trademark of Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States
and in other countries. All other trademarks, registered trademarks or service marks belong to their
respective holder

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