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DEFINITION: Organization is the process of identifying and grouping work to be

performed, defining and delegating responsibility and authority and establishing

relationships for the purpose of enabling people to work most effectively together in

accomplishing objectives. In the words of Allen organization is an instrument for

achieving organizational goals. The work of each and every person is defined and

authority and responsibility is fixed for accomplishing the same.


Economy of Scale:
For a large business, one function of organization is to achieve an economy of scale.
A small business may find it difficult to achieve this benefit, such as ordering supplies
at a bulk discount or selling products by volume to consumers. However, a small-
business owner can arrange employee tasks so that each person performs a necessary
function. The structure may require that employees wear multiple hats. As long as
tasks are completed by employees efficiently and customer needs are met, the
structure can support the business's mission.

Adaptation to Market Changes:

A small business must adapt its organizational structure to fit shifts in the market,
such as radical changes in a supply network or types of consumers served. According
to Harvard Business Review blogger Gill When organizational strategy changes,
structures, roles and functions should be realigned with the new objectives." A
business owner can change the business strategy but cannot afford to overlook this
concept of realignment. If an organization cannot adapt its structure, it could lose its
market share to other companies who can adapt.

The roles of employees are not the only factors to consider in choosing how to
organize your small business. As the business owner, you can examine workflow
arrangements. You want work tasks to be completed through a logical progression,
flowing from one worker to another. You also all of the steps in the workflow of a
task and eliminate duplicate steps and unnecessary work. you want to be sure that the
work-flows you create also support the goals of your business.

Organization also serves the function of information sharing. You want employees to
use the most efficient means for communicating about their work tasks and projects.
For example, you can organize workers on a shared email system and instruct them to
use email to report the completion of a task or project to their manager or request
assistance from another worker.

For some kinds of work that your employees do, you should implement managerial
controls, which comprise another function of organization. You can establish control
in different ways. For example, assign managers to oversee all work outputs of their
direct-report employees. Another approach is to create managerial controls in
workflow processes. Managers inspect work tasks at specific points in workflow
processes. Managerial controls should support your business goals.

Identification and enumeration of activities:
At the first stage of organising process, a manager identity and determines those
activities that are to be performed for achieving common goals. Those activities are
determined on the basis of common goals.

For example, an organisation producing and distributing washing machines has to

perform large number of activities that may be related to production, distribution,

finance, purchase and personnel, etc.

Division of activities:
After determining and enumerating activities, these are to be divided and sub-divided
into small components known as jobs and tasks.

Grouping-up of activities:
Once the activities have been broken into small elements, these can be easily put into
various groups on the basis of their relationship and similarities. For example, each job
and task related to production is to be grouped up into production group, and elements
that are related to marketing, finance and purchase are to be grouped-up in the
respective groups.

 Assignment of group of activities:

After putting various activities into several groups, these are to be assigned or allotted to
the various departments created for this purpose, or to the employees if the activities are
limited. At the time of making such assignment, it is ensured that the department has
required competence and resources for performing that group of activities.

Granting necessary rights:

process higher level manager gives away some of his right in favour of other who
becomes his subordinate and it continues till the last level of management Assignment
of group of activities among various departments is followed by giving them adequate
rights so that they can perform assigned work in a satisfactory manner The rights are
granted through the process of delegation. In this.

Coordinating the functioning of various departments:

In the process of organising, attempts are also made for coordinating working of
individual with respective department, and finally to coordinate functioning of various
departments towards the achievement of common goals.

a network of roles and relationships and provides a framework within which each
employee performs the activities that have been assigned to him.

Need and Importance of Organising:

The organising meaningful and he contributes effectively for achieving predetermined
objectives. Therefore, organising is regarded as a mechanism or means to achieve
planned process objectives. Its importance can be outlined as under:

comprehensive approach to organizing helps the management in many ways.
Organizing aligns the various resources towards a common mission.

Efficient Administration:

It brings together various departments by grouping similar and related jobs under a
single specialization. This establishes coordination between different departments,
which leads to unification of effort and harmony in work.

It governs the working of the various departments by defining activities and their
authority relationships in the organizational structure. It creates the mechanism for
management to direct and control the various activities in the enterprise.

Resource Optimization:

Organizing ensures effective role-job-fit for every employee in the organization. It

helps in avoiding confusion and delays, as well as duplication of work and overlapping
of effort.

Benefits Specialization:

It is the process of organizing groups and sub-divide the various activities and jobs
based on the concept of division of labour. This helps in the completion of maximum
work in minimum time ensuring the benefit of specialization.

Promotes Effective Communication:

Organizing is an important means of creating coordination and communication among

the various departments of the organization. Different jobs and positions are
interrelated by structural relationship. It specifies the channel and mode of
communication among different members.

Creates Transparency:

The jobs and activities performed by the employees are clearly defined on the written
document called job description which details out what exactly has to be done in every
job. Organizing fix the authority-responsibility among employees. This brings in
clarity and transparency in the organization.
Expansion and Growth:

When resources are optimally utilized and there exists a proper division of work
among departments and employees, management can multiply its strength and
undertake more activities. Organizations can easily meet the challenges and can
expand their activities in a planned manner.

1. Static concept

2. Dynamic concept,

1. Static Concept:
Under static concept the term ‘organisation’ is used as a structure, an entity or a network
of specified relationship. In this sense, organisation is a group of people bound together
in a formal relationship to achieve common objectives. It lays emphasis on position and
not on individuals.

2. Dynamic Concept:
Under dynamic concept, the term ‘organisation’ is used as a process of an on-going
activity. In this sense, organisation is a process of organising work, people and the
systems. It is concerned with the process of determining activities which may be
necessary for achieving an objective and arranging them in suitable groups so as to be
assigned to individuals. It considers organisation as an open adoptive system and not as
a closed system. Dynamic concept lays emphasis on individuals and considers
organisation as a continuous process.


Different authors look at the word ‘organisation’ from their own angle. One thing which
is common in all the viewpoints is that organisation is the establishment of authority
relationship among persons so that it helps in the achievement of organisational
1. Division of Work:
Organisation deals with the whole task of business. The total work of the enterprise is
divided into activities and functions. Various activities are assigned to different persons
for their efficient accomplishment. This brings in division of labour. It is not that one
person cannot carry out many functions but specialisation in different activities is
necessary to improve one’s efficiency. Organisation helps in dividing the work into
related activities so that they are assigned to different individuals.

2. Co-Ordination:
Co-ordination of various activities is as essential as their division. It helps in integrating
and harmonising various activities. Co-ordination also avoids duplications and delays.
In fact, various functions in an organisation depend upon one another and the
performance of one influences the other. Unless all of them are properly coordinated,
the performance of all segments is adversely affected.

3. Common Objectives:
All organisational structure is a means towards the achievement of enterprise goals. The
goals of various segments lead to the achievement of major business goals. The
organisational structure should build around common and clear cut objectives. This will
help in their proper accomplishment.

4. Co-operative Relationship:
An organisation creates co-operative relationship among various members of the group.
An organisation cannot be constituted by one person. It requires at least two or more
persons. Organisation is a system which helps in creating meaningful relationship
among persons. The relationship should be both vertical and horizontal among members
of various departments. The structure should be designed that it motivates people to
perform their part of work together.

5. Well-Defined Authority-Responsibility Relationships:

An organisation consists of various positions arranged in a hierarchy with well defined
authority and responsibility. There is always a central authority from which a chain of
authority relationship stretches throughout the organisation. The hierarchy of positions
defines the lines of communication and pattern of relationships.


1. The activities of the individuals and the groups will become more rational, stable and

2. An orderly hierarchy in which people are related in a meaningful sequence will result.
Individual responsibility will be known clearly and the authority to act would be

3. Individuals will be selected on the basis of ability to perform expected tasks.

Simplification and specialisation of job assignment is possible in more effective way.

4. Directional and operational goals and procedures will be determined clearly and
energies devoted to their achievement.

5. Available resources will be utilised in the most effective way.

6. Such an organisation may make the treatment of the individual workers more
democratic because patronage and favouritism are reduced.

7. Workers will benefit from planned superior subordinate- relationships in which each
work receives essential support and direction.


1. Individual creativity and originality may be stifled by the rather rigid determination
of duties and responsibilities.

2. Workers may become less willing to assume duties that are not formally a part of
their original assignment.

3. Very often the fixed relationships and lines of authority seem inflexible and difficult
to adjust to meet changing needs.
4. They produce anxiety in individual workers by pressing too heavily for routine and

5. They become too costly in terms of time and human dignity in order to implement
organisational rules and regulations.

6. Inter-personal communication may be slowed or stopped as a result of strict

adherence to formal lines of communication.

7 Organisations tend to fail to account for important differences in workers as human

beings.These drawbacks can be reduced through careful planning and efforts by
supervisors to be responsive to human problems created by formal organisational


1. Line Organisational Structure:

A line organisation has only direct, vertical relationships between different levels in the
firm. There are only line departments-departments directly involved in accomplishing
the primary goal of the organisation. For example, in a typical firm, line departments
include production and marketing. In a line organisation authority follows the chain of

2. Staff or Functional Authority Organisational Structure

The jobs or positions in an organisation can be categorized as:

(i) Line position:

a position in the direct chain of command that is responsible for the achievement of an
organisation’s goals and

(ii) Staff position:

A position intended to provide expertise, advice and support for the line positions.The
line officers or managers have the direct authority (known as line authority) to be
exercised by them to achieve the organisational goals. The staff officers or managers
have staff authority (i.e., authority to advice the line) over the line. This is also known
as functional authority.An organisation where staff departments have authority over line
personnel in narrow areas of specialization is known as functional authority

n the line organisation, the line managers cannot be experts in all the functions they are
required to perform. But in the functional authority organisation, staff personnel who
are specialists in some fields are given functional authority (The right of staff specialists
to issue orders in their own names in designated areas).The principle of unity of
command is violated when functional authority exists i.e., a worker or a group of
workers may have to receive instructions or orders from the line supervisor as well as
the staff specialist which may result in confusion and the conflicting orders from
multiple sources may lead to increased ineffectiveness. Some staff specialists may exert
direct authority over the line personnel, rather than exert advice authority (for example,
quality control inspector may direct the worker as well as advise in matters related to
quality).While this type of organisational structure overcomes the disadvantages of a
pure line organisaional structure, it has some major disadvantages:

They are: (i) the potential conflicts resulting from violation of principle of unity of
command and (ii) the tendency to keep authority centralized at higher levels in the

3. Line and Staff Organisational Structure:

Most large organisations belong to this type of organisational structure. These
organisations have direct, vertical relationships between different levels and also
specialists responsible for advising and assisting line managers. Such organisations have
both line and staff departments. Staff departments provide line people with advice and
assistance in specialized areas (for example, quality control advising production

production and marketing whereas the staff functions include personnel, quality control,
research and development, finance, accounting etc. The staff authority of functional
authority organisational structure is replaced by staff responsibility so that the principle
of unity of command is not violated.

4. Divisional Organisational Structure:

In this type of structure, the organisation can have different basis on which departments
are formed. They are:

(i) Function,

(ii) Product,

(iii) Geographic territory,

(iv) Project and

(iv) Combination approach.

5. Project Organisational Structure:
The line, line and staff and functional authority organisational structures facilitate
establishment and distribution of authority for vertical coordination and control rather
than horizontal relationships. In some projects (complex activity consisting of a number
of interdependent and independent activities) work process may flow horizontally,
diagonally, upwards and downwards. The direction of work flow depends on the
distribution of talents and abilities in the organisation and the need to apply them to the
problem that exists. The cope up with such situations, project organisations and matrix
organisations have emerged.
A project organisation is a temporary organisation designed to achieve specific results
by using teams of specialists from different functional areas in the organisation. The
project team focuses all its energies, resources and results on the assigned project. Once
the project has been completed, the team members from various cross functional
departments may go back to their previous positions or may be assigned to a new
project. Some of the examples of projects are: research and development projects,
product development, construction of a new plant, housing complex, shopping complex,
bridge etc.

6. Matrix Organisational Structure:

It is a permanent organisation designed to achieve specific results by using teams of
specialists from different functional areas in the organisation.

In matrix structures, there are functional managers and product (or project or business
group) managers. Functional manager are in charge of specialized resources such as
production, quality control, inventories, scheduling and marketing. Product or business
group managers are incharge of one or more products and are authorized to prepare
product strategies or business group strategies and call on the various functional
managers for the necessary resources.

The problem with this structure is the negative effects of dual authority similar to that of
project organisation. The functional managers may lose some of their authority because
product managers are given the budgets to purchase internal resources. In a matrix
organisation, the product or business group managers and functional managers have
somewhat equal power. There is possibility of conflict and frustration but the
opportunity for prompt and efficient accomplishment is quite high.


Aviation is the activities surrounding mechanical flight and the

aircraft industry. Aircraft includes fixed wing and rotary wing types, morphable wings,
wing fewer lifting bodies, as well as lighter than air craft such as hot air
balloons and airships.

Aviation began in the 18th century with the development of the hot air balloon, an
apparatus capable of atmospheric displacement through buoyancy. Some of the most
significant advancements in aviation technology came with the controlled gliding flying
of otto Lilienthal in 1896; then a large step in significance came with the construction of
the first powered airplane by the wright brothers in the early 1900s. Since that time,
aviation has been technologically revolutionized by the introduction of the jet which
permitted a major form of transport throughout the world.
The first person to fly as a passenger was Leon DE LaGrange, who rode with French
pilot Henri Farman from a meadow outside of Paris in 1908. Charles Furans became the
first American airplane passenger when he flew with Orville Wright at Kitty Hawk later
that year.

The first scheduled air service began in Florida on January 1, 1914. Glenn Curtiss had
designed a plane that could take off and land on water and thus could be built larger
than any plane to date, because it did not need the heavy undercarriage required for
landing on hard ground. Thomas Benoist, an auto parts maker, decided to build such a
flying boat, or seaplane, for a service across Tampa Bay called the St. Petersburg -
Tampa Air Boat Line. His first passenger was ex-St. Petersburg Mayor A.C. Pheil, who
made the 18-mile trip in 23 minutes, a considerable improvement over the two-hour trip
by boat. The single-plane service accommodated one passenger at a time, and the
company charged a one-way fare of $5. After operating two flights a day for four
months, the company folded with the end of the winter tourist season.

Aviation began in the 18th century with the development of the hot air balloon, an
apparatus capable of atmospheric displacement through buoyancy, Some of the most
significant advancements in aviation technology came with the controlled gliding flying
of otto-Lilienthal in 1896; then a large step in significance came with the construction of
the first powered airplane by the wright brothers in the early 1900s. Since that time,
aviation has been technologically revolutionized by the introduction of the jet which
permitted a major form of transport throughout the world.

The history of aviation extends for more than two thousand years, from the earliest
forms of aviation such as kites and attempts at tower jumping
to supersonic and hypersonic flight by powered, heavier than air jet

Kite flying in china dates back to several hundred years BC and slowly spread around
the world. It is thought to be the earliest example of man-made flight. Leanardo da
vinci’s15th-century dream of flight found expression in several rational designs, but
which relied on poor science.

The discovery of hydrogen gas in the 18th century led to the invention of the hydrogen
balloon at almost exactly the same time that the Montgolfier brothers rediscovered the
hot-air balloon and began manned flights. Various theories in mechanics by physicists
during the same period of time, notably fluid dynamics and newtons laws of motion, led
to the foundation of modern aerodynamics, most notably by sir George cayley.
Balloons, both free-flying and tethered, began to be used for military purposes from the
end of the 18th century, with the French government establishing Balloon Companies
during the revolution

Experiments with gliders provided the groundwork for heavier-than-air craft, and by the
early 20th century, advances in engine technology and aerodynamics made controlled,
powered flight possible for the first time. The modern aeroplane with its characteristic
tail was established by 1909 and from then on the history of the aeroplane became tied
to the development of more and more powerful engines.
The first great ships of the air were the rigid dirigible balloons pioneered by Ferdinand
von zeppelin, which soon became synonymous with airships and dominated long-
distance flight until the 1930s, when large flying boats became popular. After world war
II, the flying boats were in their turn replaced by land planes, and the new and
immensely powerful jet engine revolutionised both air travel and military aviation .

In the latter part of the 20th century, the advent of digital electronics produced great
advances in flight instrumentation and fly-by-wire systems. The 21st century saw the
large-scale use of pilotless drones for military, civilian and leisure use. With digital
controls, inherently unstable aircraft such as flying wings became possible.

World War I (1914–1918)

German Taube monoplane, illustration from 1917

It was not long before aircraft were shooting at each other, but the lack of any sort of
steady point for the gun was a problem. The French solved this problem when, in late
1914, rolan garros attached a fixed machine gun to the front of his plane, but
while aqdolph pegound would become known as the first ace, getting credit for five
victories before also becoming the first ace to die in action, it was
German luftstreikrafte leutnant kurt wintgens who, on 1 July 1915, scored the very first
aerial victory by a purpose-built fighter plan, with a synchronized machine gun.
Aviators were styled as modern-day knights, doing individual combat with their
enemies. Several pilots became famous for their air-to-air combat; the most well known
is Manfred von richthofen, better known as the Red Baron, who shot down 80 planes
in air-to-air combat with several different planes, the most celebrated of which was
the fokker Dr 1 On the Allied side, rene paul fonck is credited with the most all-time
victories at 75, even when later wars are considered.
France, Britain, Germany and Italy were the leading manufacturers of fighter planes that
saw action during the war, with German aviation technologist hugo junkers showing the
way to the future through his pioneer ing use of all metal aircraft from late 1915.

Between the World Wars (1918–1939)

The years between world war II and world war II saw great advancements in aircraft
technology. Airplanes evolved from low-powered biplanes made from wood and fabric
to sleek, high-powered monoplanes made of aluminum, based primarily on the founding
work of hugo junkers   during the World War I period and its adoption by American
designer William bushnell and Soviet designer Andrei tuleve. The age of the great rigid
airships came and went. The first successful rotorcraft appeared in the form of
the autogyro, invented by Spanish engineer juan de la cierva and first flown in 1919. In
this design, the rotor is not powered but is spun like a windmill by its passage through
the air. A separate powerplant is used to propel the aircraft forwards.

Flagg biplane from 1933.

After World War I, experienced fighter pilots were eager to show off their skills. Many
American pilots became barn stormers, flying into small towns across the country and
showing off their flying abilities, as well as taking paying passengers for rides.
Eventually, the barnstormers grouped into more organized displays. Air shows sprang
up around the country, with air races, acrobatic stunts, and feats of air superiority. The
air races drove engine and airframe development the schneider trophy, for example, led
to a series of ever faster and sleeker monoplane designs culminating in the super marine
. With pilots competing for cash prizes, there was an incentive to go faster. Amiearhart
was perhaps the most famous of those on the barnstorming/air show circuit. She was
also the first female pilot to achieve records such as the crossing of the Atlantic and
Pacific Oceans.

Qantas De Havilland biplane, c. 1930

Other prizes, for distance and speed records, also drove development forwards. For
example, on 14 June 1919, Captain john alcock and Lieutenant Arthur brown co-piloted
a non-stop from St. John's, Newfoundland to Clifden, Ireland, winning the £13,000
Northcliffe prize. The first flight across the South Atlantic and the first aerial crossing
using astronomical navigation, was made by the naval aviators Gago Coutinho and
Sacadura Cabral in 1922, from Lisbon, Portugal, to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with only
internal means of navigation, in an aircraft specifically fitted for himself with an
artificial horizon for aeronautical use, an invention that revolutionized air navigation at
the time (Gago Coutinho invented a type of sextant incorporating two spirit levels to
provide an artificial horizon).[90] Five years later Charles Lindbergh took the Orteig
Prize of $25,000 for the first solo non-stop crossing of the Atlantic. Months after
Lindbergh, Paul Redfern was the first to solo the Caribbean Sea and was last seen flying
over Venezuela.
Map of recordbreaking flights of the 1920s
Australian Sir Charles Kingsford Smith was the first to fly across the larger Pacific
Ocean in the Southern Cross. His crew left Oakland, California to make the first trans-
Pacific flight to Australia in three stages. The first (from Oakland to Hawaii) was 2,400
miles (3,900 km), took 27 hours 25 minutes, and was uneventful. They then flew to
Suva, Fiji 3,100 miles (5,000 km) away, taking 34 hours 30 minutes. This was the
toughest part of the journey as they flew through a massive lightning storm near the
equator. They then flew on to Brisbane in 20 hours, where they landed on 9 June 1928
after approximately 7,400 miles (11,900 km) total flight. On arrival, Kingsford Smith
was met by a huge crowd of 25,000 at Eagle Farm Airport in his hometown of Brisbane.
Accompanying him were Australian aviator Charles Ulm as the relief pilot, and the
Americans James Warner and Captain Harry Lyon (who were the radio operator,
navigator and engineer). A week after they landed, Kingsford Smith and Ulm recorded a
disc for Columbia talking about their trip. With Ulm, Kingsford Smith later continued
his journey being the first in 1929 to circumnavigate the world, crossing the equator
The first lighter-than-air crossings of the Atlantic were made by airship in July 1919 by
His Majesty's Airship R34 and crew when they flew from East Lothian, Scotland to
Long Island, New York and then back to Pulham, England. By 1929, airship technology
had advanced to the point that the first round-the-world flight was completed by the
Graf Zeppelin in September and in October, the same aircraft inaugurated the first
commercial transatlantic service. However, the age of the rigid airship ended following
the destruction by fire of the zeppelin LZ 129 Hindenburg just before landing at
Lakehurst, New Jersey on 6 May 1937, killing 35 of the 97 people aboard. Previous
spectacular airship accidents, from the Wingfoot Express disaster (1919) to the loss of
the R101 (1930), the Akron (1933) and the Macon (1935) had already cast doubt on
airship safety, but with the disasters of the U.S. Navy's rigids showing the importance of
solely using helium as the lifting medium; following the destruction of the Hindenburg,
the remaining airship making international flights, the Graf Zeppelin was retired (June
1937). Its replacement, the rigid airship Graf Zeppelin II, made a number of flights,
primarily over Germany, from 1938 to 1939, but was grounded when Germany began
World War II. Both remaining German zeppelins were scrapped in 1940 to supply metal
for the German Luftwaffe; the last American rigid airship, the Los Angeles, which had
not flown since 1932, was dismantled in late 1939.
Meanwhile, Germany, which was restricted by the Treaty of Versailles in its
development of powered aircraft, developed gliding as a sport, especially at the
Wasserkuppe, during the 1920s. In its various forms, in the 21st century sailplane
aviation now has over 400,000 participants.
First female combat pilot, Sabiha Gökçen, reviews her Breguet 19.
In 1929, Jimmy Doolittle developed instrument flight.
1929 also saw the first flight of by far the largest plane ever built until then: the Dornier
Do X with a wingspan of 48 m. On its 70th test flight on 21 October 1929, there were
169 people on board, a record that was not broken for 20 years.
Less than a decade after the development of the first practical rotorcraft of any type with
the autogyro, in the Soviet Union, Boris N. Yuriev and Alexei M. Cheremukhin, two
aeronautical engineers working at the Tsentralniy Aerogidrodinamicheskiy Institut,
constructed and flew the TsAGI 1-EA single rotor helicopter, which used an open
tubing framework, a four-blade main rotor, and twin sets of 1.8-meter (5.9 ft) diameter
anti-torque rotors; one set of two at the nose and one set of two at the tail. Powered by
two M-2 powerplants, up-rated copies of the Gnome Monosoupape rotary radial engine
of World War I, the TsAGI 1-EA made several successful low altitude flights. By 14
August 1932, Cheremukhin managed to get the 1-EA up to an unofficial altitude of 605
meters (1,985 feet) with what is likely to be the first successful single-lift rotor
helicopter design ever tested and flown.
Only five years after the German Dornier Do-X had flown, Tupolev designed the largest
aircraft of the 1930s era, the Maksim Gorky in the Soviet Union by 1934, as the largest
aircraft ever built using the Junkers methods of metal aircraft construction.
In the 1930s, development of the jet engine began in Germany and in Britain – both
countries would go on to develop jet aircraft by the end of World War II.
After enrolling in the Military Aviation Academy in Eskisehir in 1936 and undertaking
training at the First Aircraft Regiment, Sabiha Gökçen, flew fighter and bomber planes
becoming the first Turkish, female aviator and the world's first, female, combat pilot.
During her flying career, she achieved some 8,000 hours, 32 of which were combat

Wright brothers
Using a methodical approach and concentrating on the controllability of the aircraft, the
brothers built and tested a series of kite and glider designs from 1898 to 1902 before
attempting to build a powered design. The gliders worked, but not as well as the
Wrights had expected based on the experiments and writings of their predecessors.
Their first full-size glider, launched in 1900, had only about half the lift they
anticipated. Their second glider, built the following year, performed even more poorly.
Rather than giving up, the Wrights constructed their own wind tunnel and created a
number of sophisticated devices to measure lift and drag on the 200 wing designs they
tested. As a result, the Wrights corrected earlier mistakes in calculations regarding drag
and lift. Their testing and calculating produced a third glider with a higher aspect ratio
and true three-axis control. They flew it successfully hundreds of times in 1902, and it
performed far better than the previous models. By using a rigorous system of
experimentation, involving wind-tunnel testing of air foils and flight testing of full-size
prototypes, the Wrights not only built a working aircraft the following year, the wright
flyer, but also helped advance the science of aeronautical engineering.
The Wrights appear to be the first to make serious studied attempts to simultaneously
solve the power and control problems. Both problems proved difficult, but they never
lost interest. They solved the control problem by inventing wing warping for roll
control, combined with simultaneous yaw control with a steerable rear rudder. Almost
as an afterthought, they designed and built a low-powered internal combustion engine.
They also designed and carved wooden propellers that were more efficient than any
before, enabling them to gain adequate performance from their low engine power.
Although wing-warping as a means of lateral control was used only briefly during the
early history of aviation, the principle of combining lateral control in combination with
a rudder was a key advance in aircraft control. While many aviation pioneers appeared
to leave safety largely to chance, the Wrights' design was greatly influenced by the need
to teach themselves to fly without unreasonable risk to life and limb, by surviving
crashes. This emphasis, as well as low engine power, was the reason for low flying
speed and for taking off in a headwind. Performance, rather than safety, was the reason
for the rear-heavy design because the canard could not be highly loaded; anhedral
wings were less affected by crosswinds and were consistent with the low yaw stability.
According to the Smithsonian institution and federation aeronautical international. the
Wrights made the first sustained, controlled, powered heavier-than-air manned flight at
kill devil hills , four miles (8 km) south of kitty hawk on 17 December 1903.
The first flight by Orville Wright, of 120 feet 37 m in 12 seconds, was recorded in a
famous photograph. In the fourth flight of the same day, Wilbur wright flew 850feet in
59 seconds. The flights were witnessed by three coastal lifesaving crewmen, a local
businessman, and a boy from the village, making these the first public flights and the
first well-documented ones.
Orville described the final flight of the day: "The first few hundred feet were up and
down, as before, but by the time three hundred feet had been covered, the machine was
under much better control. The course for the next four or five hundred feet had but
little undulation. However, when out about eight hundred feet the machine began
pitching again, and, in one of its darts downward, struck the ground. The distance over
the ground was measured to be 852 feet the time of the flight was 59 seconds. The
frame supporting the front rudder was badly broken, but the main part of the machine
was not injured at all. We estimated that the machine could be put in condition for flight
again in about a day or two They flew only about ten feet above the ground as a safety
precaution, so they had little room to manoeuvre, and all four flights in the gusty winds
ended in a bumpy and unintended "landing". Modern analysis by Professor Fred E. C.
Culick and Henry R. Rex (1985) has demonstrated that the 1903 Wright Flyer was so
unstable as to be almost unmanageable by anyone but the Wrights, who had trained
themselves in the 1902 glider.
The Wrights continued flying at Huffman Prairie near Dayton ohio in 1904–05. In May
1904 they introduced the flyer II, a heavier and improved version of the original Flyer.
On 23 June 1905, they first flew a third machine, the flyer III. After a severe crash on
14 July 1905, they rebuilt the Flyer III and made important design changes. They almost
doubled the size of the elevator and rudder and moved them about twice the distance
from the wings. They added two fixed vertical vanes between the elevators and gave the
wings a very slight dihedral. They disconnected the rudder from the wing-warping
control, and as in all future aircraft, placed it on a separate control handle. When flights
resumed the results were immediate. The serious pitch instability that hampered Flyers I
and II was significantly reduced, so repeated minor crashes were eliminated. Flights
with the redesigned Flyer III started lasting over 10 minutes, then 20, then 30. Flyer III
became the first practical aircraft (though without wheels and needing a launching
device), flying consistently under full control and bringing its pilot back to the starting
point safely and landing without damage. On 5 October 1905, Wilbur flew 24 miles in
39 minutes 23 seconds.
According to the April 1907 issue of the scientific American the Wright brothers
seemed to have the most advanced knowledge of heavier-than-air navigation at the time.
However, the same magazine issue also claimed that no public flight had been made in
the United States before its April 1907 issue. Hence, they devised the Scientific
American Aeronautic Trophy in order to encourage the development of a heavier-than-
air flying machine

Civil aviation in India

Civil aviation is one of two major categories of flying, representing all non-military
aviation both private and commercial. Most of the countries in the world are members
of the international civil aviation organization (ICAO) and work together to establish
common standards and recommended practices for civil aviation through that agency
Civil aviation includes two major categories:
•Scheduled air transport including all passenger and cargo flights operating on regularly
scheduled routes
•General aviation, including all other civil flights, private or commercial
Although scheduled air transport is the larger operation in terms of passenger numbers,
GA is larger in the number of flights. In the U.S., General aviation carries 166 million
passengers each year, more than any individual airline, though less than all the airlines
combined. Since 2004, the US Airlines combined have carried over 600 million
passengers each year, and in 2014, they carried a combined 662,819,232 passengers.
Some countries also make a regulatory distinction based on whether aircraft are flown
for hire like:
•Commercial aviation includes most or all flying done for hire, particularly scheduled
service on airlines
•Private aviation includes pilots flying for their own purposes without receiving any
kind of remuneration.
All scheduled air transport is commercial, but general aviation can be either commercial
or private. Normally, the pilot, aircraft, and operator must all be authorized to perform
commercial operations through separate commercial licensing, registration, and
operation certificate

Civil aviation authorities

The convention on international civil aviation the "Chicago Convention was originally
established in 1944; it states that signatories should collectively work to harmonize and
standardize the use of airspace for safety, efficiency and regularity of air transport. Each
signatory country, of which there are at least 193, has a civil aviation authority to
oversee the following areas of civil aviation: Also federal administration relies
•Personnel licensing: regulating the basic training and issuance of licenses and
•Flight operations: carrying out safety oversight of commercial operators.
• Airworthiness: issuing certificates of registration and certificates of airworthiness to
civil aircraft, and overseeing the safety of aircraft maintenance organizations.
•Aerodrome: designing and constructing aerodrome facilities.
•Air traffic services managing the traffic inside of a country's airspace.
Modern civil Aviation in India traces back to 18 February 1911, when the first
commercial civil aviation flight took off from Allahabad for nainj over a distance of 6
miles (9.7 km). During the Allahabad Exhibition, henri pequet a French aviator, carried
6,500 pieces of mail on a humber biplane from the exhibition to the receiving office at
Allahabad. This is the world's first official airmail service On 15 October 1932, J R D
TATA flew a consignment of mail from Karachi to Juhu airport . His airline later
became Air India
In March 1953, the Indian Parliament passed the Air Corporations Act. India's airline
industry was nationalised and the eight domestic airlines operating independently at that
time – deccan airways, airways India Bharat airways, Himalayan airways, Kalinga
airways, Indian national airways, Air India and air services of India – were merged into
two government-owned entities. Indian Airlines focussed on domestic routes and Air
India International on international services. The International Airports Authority of
India was constituted in 1972 while the National Airports Authority was constituted in
1986. The Bureau of Civil Aviation Security was established in 1987 following the
tragic crash of air India flight 182 . pushpaka airlines operated scheduled international
passenger flights from Bombay to Sharjah, as an associate carrier of Air India from
1979 to 1983.
east-west airline was the first national-level private airline to operate in the country after
the government de-regularised the civil aviation sector in 1991. The government
allowed private airlines to operate charter and non-scheduled services under the 'Air
Taxi' Scheme until 1994, when the Air Corporation Act was repealed and private
airlines could now operate scheduled services. Private airlines like air sahara ,
modiluft ,damania airways and NEPC airline among others commenced domestic
operations during this period.
Air India placed orders for more than 68 jets from boeing for US$7.5 billion in 2006
while Indian placed orders for 43 jets from airbus for US$2.5 billion in 2005. IndiGo
announced orders for 100 AIRBUS A320s worth US$6 billion during the paris
airshow , the highest by any Asian domestic carrier Kingfisher Airlines became the first
Indian air carrier on 15 June 2005 to order airbus A380 aircraft worth US$3 billion.
More than half a dozen low cost carriers entered the Indian market in 2004–05. Major
new entrants included air deccan, Air Sahara, kingfisher airlines, spicejet,paramount
airline and indigo. But Indian aviation industry struggled due to economic slowdown,
rising fuel and operation costs. This led to consolidation, buy outs and discontinuations
in the Indian airline industry. In 2007, Air Sahara and air deccan were acquired by Jet
Airways and Kingfisher Airlines respectively. Paramount airline ceased operations in
2010 and Kingfisher shut down in 2012. Air asia a low-cost carrier operating as a joint
venture between air Asia and tata sons launched in 2014. Vistara , another carrier was
established as a joint venture between tata sons and Singapore airlines . As of 2013–14,
only IndiGo and Go Air were generating profits.
The CAA has been envisaged as an autonomous regulatory body which will replace the
DGCA and will meet standards set by the UN's International Civil Aviation
Organization (ICAO). The CAA will have separate departments to deal with safety,
economic regulation and grievance resolution, as well as a full-fledged environment
department. It will also have an independent accident investigation bureau. The
Authority will also have the autonomy to recruit staff. Currently, the DGCA is
understaffed and does not have any recruitment powers. The CAA will have
administrative and financial powers similar to those of the American FAA. These
powers will redefine the regulator's role and better equip it to face the challenges of the
growing Aviation sector in the country. Employees working with DGCA will be
transferred to the CAA
The estimated cost of establishing the new Authority would be around Rs 11.2 million.
The CAA would be self-financing and have a separate fund called the Civil Aviation
Authority of India Fund' that would finance its entire expenses. It would have a
Chairperson, a Director General and 7-9 members appointed by the Central
Government. These members will be qualified in the fields of aviation safety, aircraft
engineering, flight standard operations, aerodromes, air navigation systems and air
space management.
World War II (1939–1945)

Air warfare of World War II, List of aircraft of World War II, List of helicopters used in
World War II, and World War II aircraft production
World War II saw a great increase in the pace of development and production, not only
of aircraft but also the associated flight-based weapon delivery systems. Air combat
tactics and doctrines took advantage. Large-scale strategic bombing campaigns were
launched, fighter escorts introduced and the more flexible aircraft and weapons allowed
precise attacks on small targets with dive bombers, fighter-bombers, and ground-attack
aircraft. New technologies like radar also allowed more coordinated and controlled
deployment of air defense.
Me 262, world first operational jet fighter
The first jet aircraft to fly was the Heinkel He 178 (Germany), flown by Erich Warsitz
in 1939, followed by the world's first operational jet aircraft, the Me 262, in July 1942
and world's first jet-powered bomber, the Arado Ar 234, in June 1943. British
developments, like the Gloster Meteor, followed afterwards, but saw only brief use in
World War II. The first cruise missile (V-1), the first ballistic missile (V-2), the first
(and to date only) operational rocket-powered combat aircraft Me 163—with attained
velocities of up to 1,130 km/h (700 mph) in test flights—and the first vertical take-off
manned point-defense interceptor, the Bachem Ba 349 Natter, were also developed by
Germany. However, jet and rocket aircraft had only limited impact due to their late
introduction, fuel shortages, the lack of experienced pilots and the declining war
industry of Germany.
Not only airplanes, but also helicopters saw rapid development in the Second World
War, with the introduction of the Focke Achgelis Fa 223, the Flettner Fl 282
synchropter in 1941 in Germany and the Sikorsky R-4 in 1942 in the USA.
Postwar era (1945–1979)

A 1945 newsreel covering various firsts in human flight

After World War II, commercial aviation grew rapidly, using mostly ex-military aircraft
to transport people and cargo. This growth was accelerated by the glut of heavy and
super-heavy bomber airframes like the B-29 and Lancaster that could be converted into
commercial aircraft.[citation needed] The DC-3 also made for easier and longer
commercial flights. The first commercial jet airliner to fly was the British de Havilland
Comet. By 1952, the British state airline BOAC had introduced the Comet into
scheduled service. While a technical achievement, the plane suffered a series of highly
public failures, as the shape of the windows led to cracks due to metal fatigue. The
fatigue was caused by cycles of pressurization and depressurization of the cabin and
eventually led to catastrophic failure of the plane's fuselage. By the time the problems
were overcome, other jet airliner designs had already taken to the skies.
USSR's Aeroflot became the first airline in the world to operate sustained regular jet
services on 15 September 1956 with the Tupolev Tu-104. The Boeing 707 and DC-8
which established new levels of comfort, safety and passenger expectations, ushered in
the age of mass commercial air travel, dubbed the Jet Age.
In October 1947, Chuck Yeager took the rocket-powered Bell X-1 through the sound
barrier. Although anecdotal evidence exists that some fighter pilots may have done so
while dive-bombing ground targets during the war,[citation needed] this was the first
controlled, level flight to exceed the speed of sound. Further barriers of distance fell in
1948 and 1952 with the first jet crossing of the Atlantic and the first nonstop flight to
The 1945 invention of nuclear bombs briefly increased the strategic importance of
military aircraft in the Cold War between East and West. Even a moderate fleet of long-
range bombers could deliver a deadly blow to the enemy, so great efforts were made to
develop countermeasures. At first, the supersonic interceptor aircraft were produced in
considerable numbers. By 1955, most development efforts shifted to guided surface-to-
air missiles. However, the approach diametrically changed when a new type of nuclear-
carrying platform appeared that could not be stopped in any feasible way:
intercontinental ballistic missiles. The possibility of these was demonstrated in 1957
with the launch of Sputnik 1 by the Soviet Union. This action started the Space Race
between the nations.
In 1961, the sky was no longer the limit for manned flight, as Yuri Gagarin orbited once
around the planet within 108 minutes, and then used the descent module of Vostok I to
safely reenter the atmosphere and reduce speed from Mach 25 using friction and
converting the kinetic energy of the velocity into heat. The United States responded by
launching Alan Shepard into space on a suborbital flight in a Mercury space capsule.
With the launch of the Alouette I in 1963, Canada became the third country to send a
satellite into space. The space race between the United States and the Soviet Union
would ultimately lead to the landing of men on the moon in 1969.
In 1967, the X-15 set the air speed record for an aircraft at 4,534 mph (7,297 km/h) or
Mach 6.1. Aside from vehicles designed to fly in outer space, this record was renewed
by X-43 in the 21st century.
Apollo 11 lifts off on its mission to land a man on the moon
The Harrier Jump Jet, often referred to as just "Harrier" or "the Jump Jet", is a British
designed military jet aircraft capable of Vertical/Short Takeoff and Landing (V/STOL)
via thrust vectoring. It first flew in 1969, the same year that Neil Armstrong and Buzz
Aldrin set foot on the moon, and Boeing unveiled the Boeing 747 and the Aérospatiale-
BAC Concorde supersonic passenger airliner had its maiden flight. The Boeing 747 was
the largest commercial passenger aircraft ever to fly, and still carries millions of
passengers each year, though it has been superseded by the Airbus A380, which is
capable of carrying up to 853 passengers. In 1975, Aeroflot started regular service on
the Tu-144—the first supersonic passenger plane. In 1976, British Airways and Air
France began supersonic service across the Atlantic, with Concorde. A few years earlier
the SR-71 Blackbird had set the record for crossing the Atlantic in under 2 hours, and
Concorde followed in its footsteps.
In 1979, the Gossamer Albatross became the first human-powered aircraft to cross the
English Channel. This achievement finally saw the realization of centuries of dreams of
human flight.
Concorde, G-BOAB, in storage at London Heathrow Airport following the end of all
Concorde flying. This aircraft flew for 22,296 hours between its first flight in 1976 and
final flight in 2000.

The last quarter of the 20th century saw a change of emphasis. No longer was
revolutionary progress made in flight speeds, distances and materials technology. This
part of the century instead saw the spreading of the digital revolution both in flight
avionics and in aircraft design and manufacturing techniques.
In 1986, Dick Rutan and Jeana Yeager flew an aircraft, the Rutan Voyager, around the
world unrefuelled, and without landing. In 1999, Bertrand Piccard became the first
person to circle the earth in a balloon.
Digital fly-by-wire systems allow an aircraft to be designed with relaxed static stability.
Initially used to increase the manoeuvrability of military aircraft such as the General
Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon, this is now being used to reduce drag on commercial
The U.S. Centennial of Flight Commission was established in 1999 to encourage the
broadest national and international participation in the celebration of 100 years of
powered flight.[98] It publicized and encouraged a number of programs, projects and
events intended to educate people about the history of aviation.
Military aviation in India

Military aviation comprises military aircraft and other flying machines for the purposes
of conducting or enabling aerial warfare , including national air cargo capacity to
provide logistical supply to forces stationed in a war theatre or along a frond airpower
includes the national means of conducting such warfare, including the intersection of
transport and warcraft. Military aircraft include bombers , fighters , transports , trainer
aircraft , and reconnaissance aircraft.
The first military uses of aviation involved lighter-than-air balloons. During the Battle
of Fleurus in 1794, the French observation balloon l'Entreprenant was used to monitor
Austrian troop movements. The use of lighter-than-air aircraft in warfare became
prevalent in the 19th century, including regular use in the American Civil War. Lighter-
than-air military aviation persisted until shortly after World War II, gradually being
withdrawn from various roles as heavier-than-air aircraft improved.
Heavier-than-air aircraft were recognized as having military applications early on,
despite resistance from traditionalists and the severe limitations of early aircraft. The
U.S. Army Signal Corps purchased a Wright Model A on 2 August 1909 which became
the first military aircraft in history. In 1911, the Italians used a variety of aircraft types
in reconnaissance, photo-reconnaissance, and bombing roles during the Italo-Turkish
War. On October 23, 1911, an Italian pilot, Captain Carlo Piazza, flew over Turkish
lines on the world's first aerial reconnaissance mission and on November 1, the first
ever aerial bomb was dropped by Sottotenente Giulio Gavotti, on Turkish troops in
Libya, from an early model of Etrich Taube aircraft. The Turks, lacking anti-aircraft
weapons, were the first to shoot down an airplane by rifle fire.
The earliest military role filled by aircraft was reconnaissance, however, by the end of
World War I, military aviation had rapidly embraced many specialized roles, such as
artillery spotting, air superiority, bombing, ground attack, and anti-submarine patrols.
Technological improvements were made at a frenzied pace, and the first all-metal
cantilevered airplanes were going into service as the war ended.
Between the major world wars incremental improvements made in many areas,
especially powerplants, aerodynamics, structures, and weapons, led to an even more
rapid advance in aircraft technology during World War II, with large performance
increases and the introduction of aircraft into new roles, including Airborne Early
Warning, electronic warfare, weather reconnaissance, and flying lifeboats. Great Britain
used aircraft to suppress revolts throughout the Empire during the interwar period and
introduced the first military transports, which revolutionized logistics, allowing troops
and supplies to be quickly delivered over vastly greater distances.
While they first appeared during World War I, ground attack aircraft didn't provide a
decisive contribution until the Germans introduced Blitzkrieg during the Invasion of
Poland and Battle of France, where aircraft functioned as mobile flying artillery to
quickly disrupt defensive formations. The Allies would later use rocket-equipped
fighters in the same role, immobilizing German armored divisions during the Battle of
Normandy and afterwards. World War I also saw the creation of the first strategic
bomber units, however, they wouldn't be tested until the Spanish Civil War where the
perceived effects of mass bombardment would encourage their widespread use during
World War II. Carrier aviation also first appeared during World War I, and likewise
came to play a major role during World War II, with most major navies recognizing the
aircraft carrier's advantages over the battleship and devoting massive resources to the
building of new carriers.
During World War II, U-boats threatened the ability of the Allies to transport troops and
war materiel to Europe, spurring the development of very long range Maritime patrol
aircraft, whose capability of independently detecting and destroying submerged
submarines was greatly increased with new detection systems, including sonobuoys,
Leigh Lights, and radar, along with better weapons including homing torpedoes and
improved depth charges. This played a major role in winning the Battle of the Atlantic.
Aircraft also played a much expanded role, with many notable engagements being
decided solely through the use of military aircraft, such as the Battle of Britain or the
attack on Pearl Harbor, and the conclusion of the Pacific War against Japan was marked
by two lone aircraft dropping the atomic bombs, devastating the cities of Hiroshima and
Nagasaki. The introduction of the jet engine, radar, early missiles, helicopters, and
computers are World War II advancements which are felt to the present day.

Post World War II, the development of military aviation was spurred by the Cold War
stand-off between the super-powers. The helicopter appeared late in World War II and
matured into an indispensable part of military aviation, transporting troops and
providing expanded anti-submarine capabilities to smaller warships, negating the need
for large numbers of small carriers. The need to out-perform opponents pushed new
technology and aircraft developments in the U.S.S.R. and the United States, among
others, and the Korean War and the Vietnam War tested the resulting designs.
Incredible advances in electronics were made, starting with the first electronic
computers during World War II and steadily expanding from its original role of
cryptography into communications, data processing, reconnaissance, remotely piloted
aircraft, and many other roles until it has become an integral aspect of modern warfare.
In the early 1960s, missiles were expected to replace manned interceptors and the guns
in other manned aircraft. They failed to live up to expectations as surface-to-air missiles
lacked flexibility and were not as effective as manned interceptors, and fighters
equipped only with air-to-air missiles had limited effectiveness against opposing aircraft
which could avoid being hit. Missiles were also expensive, especially against low-value
ground targets. The 1970s saw the return of the gun-armed fighter, and a greater
emphasis on maneuverability. The 1980s through to the present day were characterized
by stealth technology and other countermeasures.

Categories of military aviation

Airborne Early Warning provides advance warning of enemy activities to reduce the
chance of being surprised. Many also have command functions that allow them to direct
or vector friendly fighters onto incoming bogeys.
Bombers are capable of carrying large payloads of bombs and may sacrifice speed or
manoeuvrability to maximize payload.
Experimental aircraft are designed to test advanced aerodynamic, structural, avionic, or
propulsion concepts. These are usually well instrumented, with performance data
telemetered on radio-frequency data links to ground stations located at the test ranges
where they are flown.
Fighters establish and maintain air superiority. Speed and manoeuvrability are usually
requirements and they carry a variety of weapons, including machine guns and guided
missiles, to do this.
Forward Air Control directs close air support aircraft to ensure that the intended targets
are nullified and friendly troops remain uninjured.

Ground-attack aircraft support ground troops by weakening or nullifying enemy

defense. Helicopter gunships and specialized ground attack aircraft attack enemy
armour troops and provide close air support for ground troops.
Liaison aircraft are usually small, unarmed aircraft used to deliver messages and key
Maritime Patrol Aircraft are used to control sea-lanes, and are often equipped with
special electronic gear for detecting and sinking submarines, such as sonar. They are
also used for search and rescue missions and fisheries patrols.
Multirole combat aircraft combine the capabilities of both a fighter or a bomber,
depending on what the mission calls for.
Reconnaissance aircraft and scout helicopters are primarily used to gather intelligence.
They are equipped with photographic, infrared, radar, and television sensors. This role
is increasingly being filled by spy satellites and unmanned aerial vehicles.
Refuelling aircraft are used to refuel fighters and reconnaissance aircraft, extending
mission reach and flying range. These aircraft include but are not limited to the KC-135,
KC-46, KC-767, A310 MRTT, and the KC-130J. These aircraft are a part of many
countries' militant assets.
Training aircraft are used to train recruits to fly aircraft and to provide additional
training for specialized roles such as in air combat.
Transport aircraft transport troops and supplies. Cargo can be on pallets for quick
unloading. Cargo, and personnel may also be discharged from flying aircraft on
parachutes. Also included in this category are aerial tankers, which can refuel other
aircraft while in flight. Helicopters and gliders can transport troops and supplies to areas
where other aircraft would be unable to land.

Part of the Pune based Indian Seamless group, TAAL was established in 1994 as the
first private sector company in the country to manufacture general aviation i.e. non-
military aircraft. The company's vision at the time was to create a nucleus facility for
the development of an aeronautical industry in India and in particular to promote
affordable general aviation in the country. To kick-off this process, TAAL entered into
a collaboration with Partenavia of Italy to manufacture the six-seat twin piston-engine
P68C aircraft and the eleven-seat twin turbo-prop Viator aircraft.
While manufacture of Light Transport and Trainer Aircraft continues to be in TAAL’s
capability, the company has since diversified its activities and has established a
significant presence in many segments of the aviation and aeronautical industries in
TAAL is into all Aviation related business activities namely, Aircraft Manufacturing &
Maintenance Centre and Aviation Infrastructure - Airfield & MRO. TAAL is a part of
the Pune based Indian Seamless Group. Apart from TAAL the other companies in the
Group are ISMT Ltd and TAAL Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
ISMT is the leading producer of precision Seamless tubes and carbon and alloy steels,
in India. ISMT's Tube Division supplies tubes to the bearing, automotive and energy
industries and exports approximately 30% of its production to the U.S. and Europe.
ISMT's Steel Division is one of the largest manufacturers of premium grade alloy steel
in India and is also a supplier to ISMT. Both companies are TS16949 and AS 9100 B

Both companies ISMT and TAAL are independently listed on the Bombay Stock
exchange and have combined annual sales in the region of USD 566 Millions.
TAAL is headquartered at Bangalore, which is the hub of the Indian Aviation Industry
(Bangalore is also internationally famous as a software development and engineering
design centre).
TAAL-Technologies ( is a specialized Engineering Design and
Development Solutions Company based in Bangalore, India.
TAAL-Tech supports global corporations in their drive to develop winning products /
solutions with quicker time-to-market and optimum budget. The team of talented
engineers with high skills in contemporarily CAD / CAM / CAE tools and good domain
expertise provide innovative solutions to varied Industry needs. The industry segments
to which solutions are offered include Aerospace & Defence, Industrial, Energy and
TAAL-Tech has extensive expertise in the area of Concept Design, Detailed Design,
Finite Element Analysis, Computation Fluid Dynamics, Motion Analysis / Kinematics,
Value Engineering, Cost Optimization, Design and Development of Production Tooling
and Jigs & Fixtures, Engineering Change Management, Embedded Electronics etc.
With the support of TAAL, TAAL-Tech is uniquely positioned to provide Design-to-
Build Solutions.

Chairman’s Statement
Dear Shareholders,
It is indeed very gratifying to note and review the performance of the Company in
the last year ending March 06. The turnover of the Company increased from Rs.13.46
Crore in 04/05 to Rs.22.24 Crore in 05/06. During the same period the net Profit
increased from Rs. 3.12 Crore to Rs. 6.03 Crore. This heartening rate of growth reflects
the convergence of a variety of positive factors - the efforts and investments that TAAL
has made through trying times, the diversified technologies and capabilities that it has
developed and, of course, the economic environment which is now vastly more
conducive to the growth of the aircraft industry than in prior years. More importantly, it
reflects the competitive strengths that the Company has been able to develop and the
foothold that it has managed to secure in a number of growth sectors of the aviation
industry. Given this positioning and given the robust foundation that has been laid, we
believe the Company has every reason to look forward to a bright, exciting and
rewarding future.
As most of you would be aware, TAAL is present in three principal business segments,
the manufacture of Aerostructures (aircraft parts and assemblies), aircraft sales
(currently including P68C and Cessna aircraft) and aircraft maintenance, repair and
overhaul (often referred to in the industry as MRO). In each of these areas, within India,
TAAL enjoys certain competitive advantages be it in terms of infrastructure or be it in
terms of a set of unique capabilities resulting from a first mover advantage. Going
forward TAAL's growth strategy hinges on using these advantages to establish itself as
a 'Centre of Excellence' or as a Leader in each of these sectors.
On the aerostructures front the principal growth drivers are the Offset Policies proposed
by the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Defence (whereby foreign suppliers
of aircraft are required to offset their supplies with purchases of aeronautical products
from India) and the increased impetus to outsource by domestic organizations such as
ISRO and HAL. As one of the first private sector entrants in this sector, TAAL enjoys a
substantial first mover advantage in terms of capabilities, relationships with customers
and industry knowledge. Over the next six months your company intends to roll out an
ambitious plan to capitalize on these opportunities and advantages and establish itself
firmly as a global player in this arena.
The excitement and the growth in the MRO segment stem, as you would expect, from
the rapid and sustained growth in the airline industry. TAAL's key strengths in this area
include its past experience and the infrastructure that the Company owns. TAAL's
airfield at Hosur has recently been upgraded to be able to accept an Airbus A320 or
Boeing 737 class of aircraft. Simultaneously, a hangar has been built that can
accommodate such aircraft. Recently the Company has entered into an agreement with a
leading courier company for the maintenance and operation of their three BAE ATP
aircraft. These aircraft have now arrived in India and are ready to enter service. This
year the Company shall also launch an Approved Service Center for Cessna Citation
Business Jets. TAAL is currently in discussions with a number of potential partners for
setting up a fullfledged MRO facility at its airfield. We expect the outcome of such
discussions to be known within the next six months. The interest in business aircraft
continues to be strong and with the economy on a stable footing we expect this trend to
continue. Increasingly, companies as well as individuals are beginning to place value on
their time and are therefore beginning to realize the benefits of a private aircraft. As the
sole Indian representative of the Cessna Aircraft Company for their Citation range of
Business Jets and the Caravan aircraft, TAAL enjoys a very strong positioning in the
market and is therefore certain to benefit from the tailwinds in this sector. To facilitate
all of the above TAAL has embarked on an aggressive HRD initiative. A number of
executives have been recruited at middle to senior levels and they now form part of a
very motivated and diverse team that will be responsible for driving the Company into
the future. In short, the future looks exciting and every effort is being made to convert
this excitement into real growth. We look forward to the continued support of our
customers, banks, financial institutions and shareholders in bringing these aspirations to
Thank you, Salil Taneja
Pune, June 30, 2006 Chairman

Technical Know- how Transfer Agreement with M/s. Partenavia , Italy for
manufacture of 6 Seater and 11 Seater Light Transport Aircraft.
Agreement with National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL) for Joint Development
of Twin Seater All Composite Trainer Aircraft .

Trail Run
Commercial Production

Public issue
TAAL’s Flying Academy - Commencement of Operations
Appointment of Sales and Service Representative for Commander Aircraft in
Appointment of Authorized Sales Representative for CESSNA CITATION
Aircraft in India.

Appointment of Authorized Sales Representative for CESSNA CARAVAN
Aircraft in India

CREATIVE PARTNER” Award from Aeronautical Development Establishment
for development of Remote Pilotless Vehicle (RPV).
Launching of Net Air Aircraft sharing scheme.

Manufacture of 6 Seater Aircraft from detailed parts .
Launching of Aircraft Charter Services for Corporate Sector.
Commencement of building of 3 Nos Proto type 14 Seater Multi Role Light
Transport Aircraft ‘Saras’ in Association with National Aerospace Laboratories

Entry into the business of Manufacturing parts for Space Satellite Launch
Vehicles .
Export of Aircraft Parts and Spares

Development of Aircraft Interior Panels.
Recognition of TAAL as R & D Organization by the Department of Scientific
and Industrial Research ( DSIR), Government of India.
Introduction of Fractional Ownership Scheme called Corporate Aircraft Program
Memorandum of Understanding with National Aerospace Laboratories ( NAL)
for manufacture of All Composite Trainer Aircraft “ HANSA-3” at TAAL’s

Development of Homing Transducer Housing for Naval Science and
Technological Lab for the first time in India and Letter of appreciation for this
unique Development.
Design and Development of Stretcher for Helicopter.
Design and Development of Composite Landing Gear for UAV.
Development of Interior Panels and Parts for Helicopters and Aircraft.

Assembly of Twin Seater Light Sport Aircraft “Thorpe-T211” for Domestic
Market and Kits for USA.

Development of Auxiliary Fuel tank and Sound Proofing Panels for Helicopters.

Issue of GDR
Annual Report:

Issue of Equity Shares on Preferential Basis.
Appointment of TAAL as “Authorised Service Agency for the maintenance of
CESSNA Aircraft in India.
Development of Bullet Proof Panel for ALH and Window Glasses for Air Force
AS 9100 B Quality Accreditation.
Establishment of Maintenance Hangar, Air Traffic Control and Runway for
Airbus A320 and Boeing 737 series Aircraft.
Augmentation of Manufacturing Facilities.

In principle SEZ approval for Airport/ Aviation sector (including MRO).

2009-2010 :
Memorandum of Understanding with Tamil Nadu Industrial Development
Corporation for Establishment of Aerospace Park.
Establishment of Design Engineering Business unit.
National Aerospace and Defense Contractors Accreditation Program
(NADCAP) approval for Chemical Processing.
Landing of first Jet Aircraft Boeing 737 at TAAL’s Airfield.

Design and development of Antenna Housing System for Exploration of
Modification of MIG-21 Cockpit to convert as Pilots Training Simulator.
Development of Weather Radar Radome for Navy Helicopter.
Building of Mockup Light Utility Helicopter (LUH) for Hindustan Aeronautics
Limited (HAL).
Development of a Number of Technological Processes like
Titanium hot forming.
Forming of extruded section using hydraulic press.
Landing of Jet Aircraft Airbus A 320 and A321 at TAAL’s Airfield.

Taneja Aerospace & Aviation Ltd is a Pune based Indian Seamless Group
Company. The company is engaged in manufacturing and selling of products
and services connected with aviation. They have three distinct business divisions
namely Aircraft Sales and Services Aero structures and Airfield Services &
MRO. Their subsidiaries include TAAL Infrastructure Pvt Ltd MM Infoproc
Services Pvt Ltd TAAL Technologies Pvt Ltd and First Airways Inc.The
company is the only private sector in India to manufacture aircraft. In the
General Aviation Aircraft category the company manufactures the P68C a six
seat twin piston engine aircraft; the Hansa a two seat single engine trainer
aircraft and the Thorpe a two seat single engine aircraft. They are also the
authorized sales representative of the Cessna Aircraft Company USA for their
Citation range of Business Jets and for the Cessna Caravan aircraft.Apart from
manufacturing and operating aircraft the company also manufactures aircraft
parts and assemblies (aero structures) in particular for Government organisations
like Hindustan Aeronautical Ltd and National Aerospace Laboratory in new
aircraft development programmes. The company along with the Indian Space
Research Organization Aeronautical Development Establishment and the Indian
Air Force assisted in improving the country's space and aeronautical
capabilities.Taneja Aerospace & Aviation Ltd was incorporated on July 22 1988
with the object of designing developing manufacturing and dealing in aeroplanes
and all machines instruments and accessories capable of being used for or in
connection with aerial transit conveyance or communication. The company was
promoted by B R Taneja his associates and The Indian Seamless Metal Tubes
Ltd. They received the licence to manufacture gliders in the year 1990. In April
1994 the company came out with a public issue of 50 lakh equity shares at par
aggregating Rs 5 crore to part-finance the Rs 20.5 crore projects to manufacture
light transport aircraft at Denkanikotta Tamilnadu. The company started
operations in June 1994 with the manufacture of the P68C a six seat twin-piston
engine aircraft.The company entered into two agreements with Partenavia
Construzioni Aeronutliche SRL Italy for manufacture and sale of P-68 and
Viator aircraft in India. They also entered into another agreement with National
Aeronautical Laboratory Bangalore as a risk sharing partner for joint
development and commercial production of NAL's indigenous composite
material two seater light trainer air craft. During the year 1994-95 the company
was appointed as the sales and service representative of the Commander Aircraft
Company in India. In May 1995 the company flying academy commenced its
operations. During the year 1995-96 as a part of their diversification programme
the company undertook and set up the repair and maintenance facilities for
Cessna aircraft. During the year 1997-98 the company as an authorized sales
representative sold a Cessna Caravan Aircraft to the Tata Iron and Steel
Company Ltd. During the year 1999-2000 the company entered in to a MoU
with National Aerospace Laboratories for manufacturing the first batch of 5
aircraft mainly for flight training.During the year 2005-06 the company
upgraded the manufacturing facilities which include Sheet Metal Shop Machine
Shop Surface Treatment Shops and Assembly Shops. They extended the runway
from 1.1 km to 2.3 km. Also the company constructed a Hangar which can
accommodate an aircraft of Boeing 737/ Airbus A320 category.During the year
2006-07 the company completed the extension of runway new air traffic controls
and maintenance hangar meeting the requirements of Airbus A320 and Boeing
737 facilities. They also commissioned the plant manufacturing facilities to meet
the global requirements. In February 2007 the company signed a MoU with
Bharat Earth Movers Ltd to explore the aeronautical offset opportunities in the
defence and civilian sectors and also the development opportunities in the
domestic market. Also they signed a contract with Cessna Aircraft Company for
two aircrafts namely Citation XLS and CJ2.During the year 2007-08 the
company commissioned certain unique equipments to address the growing
Domestic and Global Aviation requirements. Also they acquired an Aircraft on
Lease Agreement from a US based Lease Finance Company covering a period of
120 months. In November 21 2007 the company formed a wholly owned
subsidiary namely First Airways Inc in Delaware USA to establish maintain
provide and operate air services and chartered services in USA.In January 2008
the company entered into a MRO facility agreement with Air Works
Commercial MRO Services Pvt Ltd wherein the company would be licensing 7
acres of land and upto 5 hanger space on a long term basis which is a step
towards the company's strategy to develop its private air field as a MRO and
Aviation park. Also the company decided to transfer the airfield located at Hosur
Hangars associated buildings and equipments related licenses etc (Airport
Business) of the company to a wholly owned subsidiary by way of slump sale.In
February 2008 the company acquired 10000 equity shares in MM Infoproc
Services Ltd. In March 2008 they acquired 10000 equity shares in TAAL
Infrastructure Pvt Ltd. As a result MM Infoproc Services Ltd and TAAL
Infrastructure Pvt Ltd became the wholly owned subsidiaries of the company.In
July 2009 TAAL Technologies Pvt Ltd became a wholly owned subsidiary of
the company.

Aircraft Manufacturing & Maintenance Centre

This business has evolved from the initial business of the company, which was
to manufacture the Parten avia P68C, six seat, twin-engine aircraft in India (We
are the first and only private sector company in India to have built and certified
an aircraft).
We currently manufacture aero structures for Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
(HAL), Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), National Aerospace
Laboratories (NAL) Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), and
Number of modifications on Indian Navy and Air force Helicopters and Aircraft.
Of these, the largest structures that we manufacture are for ISRO where we build
most of the structural assemblies for the Booster rockets of the GSLV program.
We have also built major structures of 14 seat Saras aircraft developed by NAL.
Once again, we would regard ourselves as the largest dedicated private sector
aero structure manufacturer in India.
Our core competence in this area is in the manufacture of sheet metal details,
machining, composites and assemblies. Facilities are augmented and upgraded
to address the domestic and Global Technological requirements on a continuous
Citation CJ2+ Twin Engine Business Jet
We currently offer a Cessna Citation CJ2+ Twin-Engine Business Jet with
maximum range capability up to 1,613 nautical miles without fuel stop, at
cruising speed of 418 KTS (774 km/hr) and a fully equipped cabin layout that
offers six executive seats in the cabin and a separate toilet area with a belted
toilet seat, certified for carrying 7th passenger.
Aircraft Base Station: Pune
Seating Capacity: 6-7 Passengers (Plus 2 Pilots)
Manufacture of the P68C, a six-seat twin piston-engine aircraft. All
detailed parts and assemblies including seats, electrical looming, cable
assemblies etc. were manufactured at TAAL's facilities.

2 TAAL was involved in building up the first three prototypes of the 14 seat,
. SARAS aircraft for the National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL). TAAL has
manufactured the entire airframe of the aircraft (excluding the wings which are
manufactured by HAL) including tooling, parts and assembly. The first prototype
is now under flight-testing.

3 TAAL was associated with the National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL) for the
. production of the two-seat all composite (glass fibre) trainer aircraft called the

4 TAAL is manufacturing the airframes for the full composite (carbon and glass
. -wet lay-up and room temperature cured) NISHANT, Remote Pilotless Vehicle
developed by the Aeronautical Defense Establishment (ADE).
Analysis of a company vis strength, weakness, opportunities and threats
High Piotroski Score - Companies with strong financials
Effectively using Shareholders fund - Return on equity (ROE) improving since
last 2 years
Efficient in managing Assets to generate Profits - ROA improving since last 2
Growth in Quarterly Net Profit with increasing Profit Margin (YoY)
Company with Low Debt
Annual Net Profits improving for last 2 years
Book Value per share Improving for last 2 years
Company with Zero Promoter Pledge

Decline in Net Profit
Decline in Quarterly Net Profit (YoY)
Declining Net Cash Flow: Companies not able to generate net cash
Fall in Quarterly Revenue and Net Profit (YoY)
Weak Momentum: Price below Short,Medium and Long Term Averages

Companies with current TTM PE Ratio less than 3 Year, 5 Year and 10 Year P

Highest Recovery from 52 Week Low

Red Flag: Resignation of Top Management
Increasing Trend in Non-Core Income

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