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* Use please, thank you

*Clap when directed
and excuse me
*One person to the stall/ *Keep hands and feet *Ask questions about
*Follow directions the *Level 1-2 voices *Share and take turns

urinal at a time *Hands and feet to self to self the event
first time with the equipment
*Raise silent hand for
*Level 0 voices *Level 1 Walking feet *Level 0-1 voices *Level 0-1 voices
espectful *Stay in your space help *Follow adult directions
*Keep hands and feet the first time *Level 0-1 voices *Follow adult directions *Follow directions of all
*Wait your turn to speak *Stay in your seat/spot
to self the first time adults
*Follow adult directions
the first time

*Aim for the Green Zone

*Aim for the Green Zone *Use positive words *Aim for the green zone

*Aim for the Green Zone *Aim for the Green Zone *Aim for the Green zone
*Use positive words *Aim for the Green Zone towards others *Quiet waves
*Use positive words *Use positive words *Use positive words
*Eat first, talk when *Wait your turn *Win/Lose with a *Accept your place in
towards others towards others towards others
done positive attitude line
*Include everyone

*Get in line when the *Close lockers

*Keep your space clean *Know your food *Use two pumps of
first whistle blows *Pick up items in the *Stay in your seat *Walk in and sit down
choices soap and three pulls of

*Use materials/ hallway as directed
towels *Stand in line with level *Back to Back
*Line up when the adult
technology as directed 0 voices when entering *Have permission to be *Face toward event
ccountable dismisses you *Report BIG Problems
the building *Bottom to seat
*Be a problem solver in the hallway *Keep hands/feet and
*Get all utensils and *Feet on the floor at all *Feet towards the floor
*Use the equipment how *Walk on right side of belongings to self
*Work independently napkins when in line times
it’s supposed to be used hallway

*Dump trays and stack *Keep the bus clean

in order *Report BIG problems
to adults on the *Report BIG problems
*Complete assignments *Go, flush, wash, dry, *Model expected

*Clean your area and playground to adults *Stay with your class
on time leave behaviors
throw trash away
esponsible *Clean up equipment *Keep track of your *Keep track of your
*Participate in *Put paper towels in *Carry out & complete
*Dump trash in a single personal belongings personal belongings
classroom activities trash can *Model expected your task
behaviors *Keep your backpack


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