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October, 2011 E .C

Table 0f contents
1 .Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………………………..3

2 .Objective……………………………………………………………………………………………………..4

3 .Description of the site……………………………………………………………………………………….4

3.1. Location…………………………………………………………………………………………………….4
3.2 .Climate………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………4

3.3 .Soil……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………5

3.4 .Drainage…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..5

4 .Potentials of Wildlife species in Nechsar National park……………………………………………………………………………….6

5 .Wildlife counting methods ……………………………………………………………………………9

6 .Discussion and result of wildlife inventory in wet season, 2011 E.C………………………………..11

6.1 Ground sample survey wildlife inventory in wet season innechsar plain (grass land) transect
6.2 Ground sample survey wildlife inventory in wet season in ground water forest transect line

7 .Summary of Nechsar national park 2011 E.C wet season some key wildlife species of the plains grassland and dense ground
forest ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………15

8. Graphical representation of some selected wild life species…………………………………………….20

9. Flood………………………………………………………………………………………………………….23

10 .Wild animals Disease monitoring…………………………………………………………………………24

11. Conclusion& Recommendation……………………………………………………………………………25

12. Recommendation …………………………………………………………………………………………..26
1 .Introduction

For any protected area seasonal wildlife and habitat inventory program is crucial activity to know wildlife
population size, sex ratio, group size, insufficient condition in their home ranges (in terms of food ,water ,
& shelter ) and typically to determine past and future trends of habitats and wildlife population most
probably for the application of appropriate managements. Knowing the Population size of a given
protected area helps to estimate the current carrying capacity of the conservation sites through
considering equilibrium condition. So, timely wildlife and habitat inventory program is a base line data for
the determination of conservation site’s carrying capacity while finding appropriate measures when the
number of wildlife species reaches below or above the carrying capacity of the specific protected area or
conservation sites. For the estimation of wildlife population, generally, there are two categories of wildlife
counting. These can be ground and aerial counting .Again ground counting technique may be under
taken in two ways: total and sample counting. Total counting is a means of counting the whole
individuals of the population either aerially or ground surveys while sample count is counting wildlife at
the specific sites of the area and take a representative of uncounted area by applying calculation with
the individual sampled from the selected sites. Aerial wildlife survey is used when the area to be
surveyed is wider, the land escape is difficult to walk or wildlife species to be counted is feared by man
.The other wildlife counting method is ground survey which is cheaper, to be used for smaller area as
well as used for familiar wildlife species to human beings

To know the current key wildlife population size, abundance and distribution of
NechsarNationalParkin the categorized habitat types

3 .Description of the site

3.1 Location

NechSar National Park is located in the Southern Nation Nationalities and Peoples Regional State
(SNNPRS) of Ethiopia. The park lies within the floor of the Great Rift Valley and extends from 5° 51’
N to 6 ° 50’ N and from 37 ° 32’ E to 37 ° 48’ E with an elevation varying between 1,108 – 1,650
meters above sea level. The central part of the perk consists of grassland with some bushy areas. It
is also covered by extensive bush land, riverine forest and underground water forests that are
supported by the high water table associated with numerous springs in the western boundary of the
park .The park is bounded to the east by the amaro mountain, to the west by the town of arbaminch
and to the north and south by lakes abaya and chamo.
3.2 Climate

The NSNP can be characterized by a relatively hotter climatic condition. The temperature ranges from
12.2 °C to 34.3 °C. Annual rainfall follows bi-modal system and averages 880 mm, mostly falling in
March, April and May and between September and November.

3.3 Soil

The soil types of most parts of the low laying grassy plains, forest and bush land habitats are black
cotton in color where as the rugged mountainous parts have brown calcareous loam soil derived from
volcanic rock.

3.4 Drainage

Water is one of the important walfare factors which influence distribution of wild animals in the
environment .the glorious and resident wild animals of the park enjoy drinking fresh water throughout the
year from permanent river of kulfo and sermale, lakes of abaya and chamo, and harorappi . almost at
the western end of the park are also available famous springs known as arbaminch or forty spring
providing water for forest animals.there are hot srings in the park at varing location ,one located at the
foot of ganjule island and the other at filwuha, basd of the lower slopes of amaro mountain

Kulfo river, together with outflows from lake abaya and the fority springs, joins lake chamo\,while the
sermale river fllows southwards and forms the segan river that ends up in lakes stephanis. Lake abaya
and chamo are fresh water lakes with total surface areas of 1200km and 550km,respectively
(Bolton,1970).both arre shallow lakes with approximate depth of 12meter each of them is bordered for
the most part by dense marginal vegetations such as Typhaangustifolia and phragmitessp

Figure 1 Map of NechSar National Park

4. Potentials of Wildlife species in Nechsar National park

Due to its broad and complex vegetation structure NechSar offers habitat to a great number of wild
animals, including more than 103 mammals species, 351 birds species, 16 fish species, 33 reptile
species, 8 water life and 700 to 1000 plant species in its hotter climate condition of the great rift
valley.This indicate that the site highly contribute for the country’s development in wildlife tourism.

The most notorious mammals are the ungulates. They can be divided as grazers like the zebras,
gazelles , which are common on the grasslands and dik-diks, duikers, lesser and greater kudus which
prefer bushland or the interface between bush and grassland, where they can hide from predators.

Among the predators there are the carnivores in Nechsar National park: black backed jackal
(Canismesomelas), side striped jackal (C. adustus), hunting dog (Lycaonpictus), cheetah
(Acinonyxjubatus), leopards (Pantherapardus), lion (Pantheraleo), serval cat (Felisserval), caracal (F.
caracal) and spotted hyena (Crocutacrocuta). There are twenty species of rodents and four species of
insectivores in the park, most of them in the grasslands.

In 1996 NechSar NP and its surroundings was declared Important Bird Area (IBA ET056) by Birdlife
International. Up to the moment 351 bird species have been recorded for this area, some of them are
birds on passage like the Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni, with a few of these birds possibly wintering
here and Pallet Harrier Circus macrourus. Small numbers of the flamingo Phoenicopterus minor occur
on Lakes Chamo and Abaya.

The most notorious reptiles are obviously the Nile crocodiles in the lakes Chamo and Abaya. There are
also 15 lizard species, including 7 species of skinks, 2 chameleons, 3 geckos and the Nile monitor.
There are also 3 species of turtles / tortoises and 13 snake species, many of them are poisonous. In the
two lakes and their tributaries some 16 fish species have been identified, including the Nile perch, tilapia,
and catfish. In the chapter on fisheries in Lake Chamo there will be more detailed information.

Table 1 Summary of wildlife species found in Ethiopia as well as in Nechsar National Park with their percentage

No Species No of No of Species in % of species in

Species in Ethiopia NSNP from
NSNP Ethiopia
1 Mammals Greater than 279 33%
2 Birds 351 862 41%

3 Reptiles 33 201 16%

4 Amphibians 8 63 13 %

5 Fishes 16 150 10%

6 Plant 700-1000 6500-7000 7-9%


5 . Wildlife counting methods

Materials and Methods used

Based on habitat types and key wildlife distribution the park has divided in to ten counting zone. The
savanna zone and dense forest and woodland zone are used to conduct both wildlife and habitat
inventory. The savanna reference zone includes Nechsar plains grassland, Easter part Lake Abaya and
lake chamo shore, belete area to Gods bridge to sentaka area in woodland and bushland areas.
Whereas dense forest and woodland reference zone includes dense ground water forest, western part of
Lake Abaya and Chamo shore, wood and bushland areas up to Arfiyde and gada mountain area. Then
each zone was divided in to parts using manmade and natural references by considering the distribution
of wildlife species in the area. For Savanna zone the area is divided in to ten transect lines and for
dense forest and woodland zone the area is divide in to nine transect line.

In order to gets appropriate wildlife citing scouts and experts deployed to inventory site one day before
inventory day. A group of scouts and experts allocated on identified transect line and every inventory
groups start wildlife counting at early morning at the same time and finish at the same time in order to
avoid double count of wildlife. On savanna area every inventory groups started wildlife and habitat
inventory using handheld GPS and standard data collection format from the place which is considered
as a center for the savanna zone which is called ``Badagedala``, considering herbivore of the plain
starting time for forage. Like savanna zone distance is calculated and specific area is identified as center
for dense forest and woodland zone on place called ``Dibadibe`` and nine transects line identified from

the center and inventory group deploying on transects lines. The inventory team conduced wildlife and
habitat inventory through using handheld GPS and standard data collection format starting from the
place considered as center of dense forest and woodland zone up to end of the transect line.

Binocular, GPS, cameratrap, mammal’s guidebooks, papers, pen & pencils are common required
materials for the activity.

6) Discussion and result of wildlife inventory in wet season , 2011

6.1 Ground sample survey wildlife inventory in wet season nechsar

plain (grass land) transectline.
Table 2
Name of line Transect line Species Direct Observations by Age Category
(Codes)የ (see acronym explanation on the Indirect Signs (use note part to elaborate
ዱርእንስሳው footnotes)በአይንእይታየ ዱርእንስሳቱንጾታእድሜእናአይነ ትመለ shortly)የ ዱርእንስሳቱንቀጥተኛባልሆኑምልክቶችመለ
መለያኮድ የት የ ትናስለእንስሳውአጠርያለገ ለጻማድረግ
*refer the
page ADM ADFአ SAD SAD UNSA JUV Calf Feces/ Tracks Scent Carcass
አዋቂወ ዋቂሴት M F D . ጥጃ Dropping የ ዱርእን Marksሽታ የ ሞተየ ዱር
ንድ ጎ ልማሳ ጎልማሳ ጎልማሳጾ ወጣት የ ዱርእንስ ስሳውኮቴ ወይምጠረን እንስሳ
ወንድ ሴት ታውያል ሳውሰገ ራ
ተለየ የ ተፈጥሮ
Badagedala to gandullo GRG 18 50 1 4 13 
BZB 53 130 4 9 12 13
Badagedalatodache BZB 23 45 7 3 19
GRG 7 17 2 5
GRK 1 2 2
COW 2 4
Badagedalatomado area BZB 11 10
GRG 11 14 3 2
Badagedala,,kalokore to abayatefasese BZB 20 26 6 10 31 5 9

GRG 7 6 4
GRK 1 1 2
Badagedala,chamo to gandullo GRG 4 10 3
BZB 8 6 1 71 3
GRK 2 5

Badagedala,chamo view point to gandulla BZB 9 9 1 2 2 1 1

GRG 5 3 1 1
ANB 20 35 10 15 13 8 4
Badagedalatobeltemeda GRG  

BZB 3 3 1  


ADM: Adult Male ADF: Adult Female SADM: Sub-Adult Male SADF: Sub-Adult Female UNSAD: Unknown Sub-Adult JUV: Juvenile

SPH  
Badagedalachmo view point to beletemeda BZB 4 11 2 2
GRK 1 4 1
Badagedala,abayatefasese to kilsa BZB 39 48 8 8 7 1
GRG 23 34 4 6 5 

GDD 3 3 

HIPP  
BBJ  
Badagedala,wallo to gandullo BZB 41 102 56 17
GRG 18 50 1 4 13 

6.2 Ground sample survey wildlife inventory in wet season in

ground water forest transect line
Table 3
Name of line Transect line Specie Direct Observations by Age Category
s (see acronym explanation on the Indirect Signs (use note part to elaborate
(Code footnotes)በአይንእይታየ ዱርእንስሳቱንጾታእድሜእናአይነ ትመለ shortly)የ ዱርእንስሳቱንቀጥተኛባልሆኑምልክቶችመለ
s)የ ዱር የት የ ትናስለእንስሳውአጠርያለገ ለጻማድረግ
*refer ADM ADFአ SAD SAD UNSA JUV Calf Feces/ Tracks Scent
the አዋቂወ ዋቂሴት M F D . ጥጃ Dropping የ ዱርእን Marksሽታወይምጠረንየ ተ
attache ንድ ጎ ልማሳ ጎልማሳ ጎልማሳጾ ወጣት የ ዱርእንስ ስሳውኮቴ ፈጥሮ
d page ወንድ ሴት ታውያል ሳውሰገ ራ
Asfawako to sengomeda WAB 3 7
ANB 12 30 6 8
GDD 1 2
COW 2 4
VEM 6 14 4 2 4
COM 4 8
Chamoleto to kulfo river mouth VEM 13 12 4 4 3 3
GDD 2 2
WAB 14 24 7 7 8
COM 7 3 2 1 1
COW 8 5 1 2
Forty spring ,kulfo river to crocodile BUSP 1 2 1
ranching COB 1 1
WAB 1 1
VEM 3 2
ANB 36 52 21 20 2
COW 2 3 1
Azogebeya ,tinshubonki to sengomeda GDD 2 2
GRK 3 6
ARD  
SPH  
COM 54 123 33 5 56 7 9
ANB 61 56 21 8 14 7 38

Beretedelyeabaya ,wallo to crocodile COB 1 1  

ranching WAB 1 1
GDD 3 3
ANB 32 20 40 9
Azogebeya to sengomeda WAB 5 7 5 1
SPH 1 3 
Crest  
HIPP   
GRK 2 1
Beretdelye ,bonki Manitou to COB 1 2
abayawallo WAB 16 26
Kulfo river side the forest to crocodile COM 54
ranching COW 2 2
VEM 20
ANB 26 25 15 17 51 4 1

ADM: Adult Male ADF: Adult Female SADM: Sub-Adult Male SADF: Sub-Adult Female UNSAD: Unknown Sub-Adult JUV: Juvenile

7 .Summary of Nechsar national park 2011 E.C wet season some key wildlife species of the
plains grassland and dense ground forest in the park.
Table 4
Indirect Signs (use note part to elaborate
Direct Observations by Age Category ማድረግ

(see acronym explanation on the footnotes)በአይንእይታየዱርእንስሳቱንጾታእድሜእናአይነትመለየት

የዱርእንስሳትዝ Feces/
Wildlife SAD UNSA Total Scent
ADM ADF SADM JUV. Calf Droppin Tracks Carcas
Code F D number Marks
species) g
የሜዳአህያ(Bur 211 23 25 197 19 43 908 *** *****
BZB 390 *
chell’s zebra)
nt’s gazelle) 89 245 12 17 14 5 15 397
ater kudu) 9 20 4 3 2 38
ser kudu) ******
hartebeest) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
mon COB
Bushback) 3 5 8
monkey) 129 140 13 12 54 15 19 382
ubis baboon) 124 259 140 96 60 190 127 901
on warthog) 10 14 1 4 3 32
sdikdik) 6 7 6 19
(waterback) 40 66 12 7 9 134
otamus) ***** ***
n duiker)
backed jacal) 1 1 2 *** ***

ነብር(leopard) LEP

አንበሳ(Lion) LIN **** ***

acal) *** ****
hyena) 1 3 3 ** *****
civet cat)
monkey 24 41 6 9 18 3 6 107
Klip springer KSP


Rock hayrax
porcupine ***** *****

Bush pig 1 2 3 *** ****

ardvark ***
ADM: Adult Male ADF: Adult Female SADM: Sub-Adult Male SADF: Sub-Adult Female UNSAD: Unknown Sub-Adult JUV: Juvenile

8. Graphical representation of some selected wild life species (ADM=adult male,
ADF=adult female,SADM=sub adult male ,SADF=sub adult female ,UNSED=unknown sub
adult ,JUV=juvenile and CF=calf recorded during wet season 2011 E.C




400 SADM

300 SADF
100 Calf
0 Total number

Graphical representation of some selected wild life species population trends and status of wild
life in the park from 2009 wet season E.C up to 2011E.C wet season recorded data during
inventory time






2009 wet season
400 2009 dry season
2010 wet season
300 2010 dry season
2011 wet season


Burchellei zebra population status from season to season (2009 wet season up to 2011 wet
season) recorded data during inventory time

የሜዳ አህያ(Burchell’s zebra)






የሜዳ አህያ(Burchell’s zebra)




2009 wet season 2009 dry seasn 2010 wet season 2010 dry eason 2011 wet season

NB The population status /trends/ of burchells zebra is increased in 2011 wet season compared with 2009 and 2010
season.Burchellis zebra moved to different site to searching the food and water previous years, currently the presence of
two ethnic group conflicts the plain of the park the influence of the domestic animal grazing pressure on the plain is
decreased .conflicted gun disturbanced of sound presented the area tselke ,alfecho area then ,due to the presence of

thesound the wild animals immigration back(towards ) to the original place the plain and the numbers also increased. The
total population of Burchellzebra in2011 during wet season is 908.

Sample code of wildlife during inventorying

ተ.ቁ የዱርእንስሳትዝርያ(wildlife Wildlife
species) Code
1 የሜዳአህያ(Burchell’s zebra) BZB
2 የሜዳፍየል(Grant’s gazelle) GRG
3 የቆላአጋዘን(Greater kudu) GRK
4 አምበራይሌ(Lesser kudu) LEK
5 ቆርኬ(Swaynes hartebeest) SWH
6 ተራድኩላ(Common Bushback) COB
7 ጉሬዛ(Colobus monkey) COM
8 ተራዝንጀሮ(Anubis baboon) ANB
9 ከርከሮ(Common warthog) COW
10 እንሹ(Guanter’sdikdik) GDD
11 ዴፈርሳ (waterback) WAB
12 ጉማሬ(Hippopotamus) HIP
13 አዞ(Nile crocodile) NCR
14 ሚዳቆ(Common duiker) COD
15 ቀበሮ(black backed jacal) BBJ
16 ነብር(leopard) LEP
17 አንበሳ(Lion) LIN
18 ደልጋአንበሳ(caracal) CAL
19 ጅብ(spotted hyena) SPH

20 ጥርኝ(African civet cat) ACC
21 Gervet monkey GEM
22 Vervet monkey VEM
23 Klip springer KSP
24 Bush pig BUP
25 Cheetah CHT
26 Rock hyrax Roh
27 Bohor reed buch Brb
28 Ground squrel Gs

8 .Flood
Thefloods from theupperwatershedaffectinggroundwater forest including AbayaandChamolakes .The changing
Kulforiver directiontothe forest and inside the forest introductionofinvasive plant species like lantana
camera,partinium and prosophisejuliflora are introduced , many of water bodies and wetlands are affected by
flooding and invaded by invasive plant species like lantana camera ,Xanthium strumarium , water hycens , partinium
,Abutilon species and Amaranths species ,Many of the trees seedling stage and saping stage of trees have been
removed and area inside forest degraded, wild life and their habitat have been disturbance and wild life are shifted
their habitats in the forest and lake shore

When flood coming time. After flows of flood stopped.

10. Wild animals Disease monitoring.
The tsetse fly is harm full pest and vectors that affects wild animals in the park , due to these presence
of tsetse fly nechsar national park the wild animals , likes Lesser kudu , Grater kudu ,Grantꞌs gazelles ,
Burchellꞌszebraand others wild animals shows the following symptom such as ,loss of body ( loss of
weight ) and anatomical structure of animals like its shape, color changed . The tsetse fly commonly
found along the park, open grassy land of nechsar plain , around lake shore lake chamo ,abaya and,
bank of kulfo river and bushy habitat. Others Symptom observed onburchellszeberalikes
epilepsydisease have also ticks in the sensitive class of body during dry season and color change.

Types of species Disease types numbers of Source of Picture of animals Controlling methods
animals affected disease
by the disease
Warthogs unknown 2 Unidentified

Poached wild life species in the park theirs Species numbers means of poaching sex/ age of
poacher purpose measure taken address’

Specie Date Number Sex/age PoacherPurpose Area of

1 Hunted for meat
Grants gazelle 20/1/2011 F Kalokoreke
1 Hunted for meat
Grants gazelle 25/1/2011 M Nechsar plain

11. Conclusion
The inventory of wild animals using appropriate and survey techniques essential forwild life
management. This inventory is to conceder known the current key wildlife population size, abundance
and distribution of Nechsar National park in the categorized habitat types. According to ground transect
surveyed data result shown of this report, there are 908 Burchelle’s zebra , 397 Grant gazelles, 38
Greater kudus, lesser kudus, lions, 134 water back ,8 common back bush,32 comma warthogs, 2
black backed jackal 3spotted hyena,901 baboon ,107 Vervetmonkeydirect and indirect were observed
during inventory time . When compared with the previous dry /wet season wildlife counted /inventory
the population status /trend is decreased, formers a two season and the some part of the park the wild
life inventory ,monitoring and patrolling activity are not area coveraged around tsebel comp site
.sermally river shore and small nechsar /tinshunechsar plain. The main problems the conflict between
the two ethnic groups the park residents and kore people ,due to the two ethnic group conflicts the area
have no safety ,tourist are not visited ,the park experts and the park rangers are not frequently
monitoring and patrolling the part of the national park. Lastly change areal coverage of ecology
units,flood, enchroement area extent of invasive plant, settlement, agriculture, fragmentation,
deforestation, over grassing and wild life disease also others the main problems in the park

12 .Recommendation
 Government giving aspecial Attention to conservenechsar national park .

 The government should attempt to get fund from national and international organization to
translocate those people who live inside the park to minimize the disturbance of wild life and
ecological unit in the park.

Wildlife Monitoring Data Collection Form
To be used for opportunistic observations and during patrols

Protected Area Name: _____________________________Park Locality Name:______________________________________________

የ ጥብቅቦታውስምየ ቦታውልዩስም
Name of Patrol Team: ________________________________GPS Name/Code______________________________________________________
Obs.No Date and Time of GPS Coordinates Species Direct Observations by Age Category
(GPS - Obs. (Codes)የ (see acronym explanation on the Indirect Signs (use note part to elaborate
WPT- (dd/mm/yy); ዱርእንስሳ footnotes)በአይንእይታየ ዱርእንስሳቱንጾታእድሜእናአይነ ትመለየ ት shortly)የ ዱርእንስሳቱንቀጥተኛባልሆኑምልክቶችመለየ ትናስለእንስ
ID)የ GPSየ (hr/mnt)ቀንሰአትእናአመ ውመለያኮድ ሳውአጠርያለገ ለጻማድረግ
ንባብቁጥር ተምህረት *refer
UTM-X UTM-Y ADM ADFአዋ SADM SADF UNSAD JUV. Calf Feces/ Tracks Scent Carcass
አዋቂወን ቂሴት ጎ ልማሳወ ጎልማሳሴ ጎልማሳጾታ ወጣት ጥጃ Droppingየ ዱ የ ዱርእንስ Marksሽታወይ የ ሞተየ ዱርእን
page ድ ት ውያልተለየ
ንድ ርእንስሳውሰገ ሳውኮቴ ምጠረንየ ተፈጥ ስሳ
ራ ሮ


GPS Track Name for Patrols: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Sample code of wildlife during monitoring

ተ.ቁ የዱርእንስሳትዝርያ(wildlife species) Wildlife Code

1 የሜዳአህያ(Burchell’s zebra) BZB
2 የሜዳፍየል(Grant’s gazelle) GRG
3 የቆላአጋዘን(Greater kudu) GRK
4 አምበራይሌ(Lesser kudu) LEK
5 ቆርኬ(Swaynes hartebeest) SWH
6 ተራድኩላ(Common Bushback) COB
7 ጉሬዛ(Colobus monkey) COM
8 ተራዝንጀሮ(Anubis baboon) ANB
9 ከርከሮ(Common warthog) COW
10 እንሹ(Guanter’sdikdik) GDD
11 ዴፈርሳ (waterback) WAB
12 ጉማሬ(Hippopotamus) HIP
13 አዞ(Nile crocodile) NCR
14 ሚዳቆ(Common duiker) COD
15 ቀበሮ(black backed jacal) BBJ
16 ነብር(leopard) LEP
17 አንበሳ(Lion) LIN
18 ደልጋአንበሳ(caracal) CAL
19 ጅብ(spotted hyena) SPH
20 ጥርኝ(African civet cat) ACC
21 Gervet monkey GEM
22 Vervet monkey VEM
23 Klip springer KSP


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