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Right On!

4 – Test 3C (Module 3)

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE _______________

CLASS ______________________________________________ MARK ––––––
(Time 80 minutes)

A Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

1 My brother thinks computers will ___ our 6 Our teacher will ___ the Italian document into
thoughts in the future. English for us.
A say C read A translate C interpret
B tell D realise B explain D change
2 If you look at the night sky every 29.5 days, you 7 Maria has a strong Spanish ___ because she’s
will see a full ___ . lived in Spain all her life.
A moon C orbit A tongue C accent
B light D year B language D dialect
3 I grew up in Australia which is why I’m a ___ 8 The gravity in a ___ hole is so strong that
speaker of English. anything that comes close to it gets sucked in
A foreign C bilingual and never escapes.
B natural D native A black C solar
B red D lunar
4 The bright lights from the ___ shower looked like
a fireworks display. 9 The ___ language of the United Kingdom is
A electricity C meteor English.
B star D planet A international C popular
B local D official
5 A long time ahead, in the ___ future, English
may not be the language of the Internet. 10 We face many technical issues which ___ us
A close C far from moving to another planet.
B distant D near A guide C warn
B prevent D influence
10 x 1 = 10 points

B Underline the correct item.

1 Scientists believe space cities will have all the 5 Wouldn’t it be amazing if there were space tour
conveniences/constructions of modern life. miners/guides showing us around space in the
2 It takes one year for Earth to orbit/rotate the future?
Sun. 6 Scientists are trying to break through the
3 In the future, only genetically-developed/ technical habitations/limitations preventing us
modified humans will be able to live on other colonising another planet.
planets. 7 I can’t believe you spent three hours chatting/
4 If humans inhabit another planet in the future, commenting online last night.
they will be able to grow their own crops in an 8 Space travel will give holidaymakers more
inflatable dome/home. choices as to where they spend/pass their
8 x 1 = 8 points

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 1 Right On! 4

Right On! 4 – Test 3C (Module 3)

C Choose the correct item.

1 Emma doesn’t believe there is life on/in other 4 There have been thousands of objects launched
planets. into/at space.
2 Giving in/up her job as a Science teacher was a 5 I know Victor will never give back/away my
difficult decision to make. secret.
3 The International Space Station is currently on/
in orbit around the Earth.
5 x 1 = 5 points

D Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in bold.

1 He didn’t __________________________ how long it would take to complete his Science project. (REAL)
2 Just click on that link to __________________________ your email account. (ACTIVE)
3 The thought of travelling into space doesn’t __________________________ me at all. (FRIGHT)
4 Could you please tell me how much it will cost to __________________________ our event online?
5 Allison watched the sky __________________________ as the sun disappeared behind the clouds. (DARK)
5 x 1 = 5 points

E Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future tense.

1 The documentary on Mars ____________________________________ (begin) at 3 pm this afternoon.

2 The sky has turned black. It ____________________________________ (rain) later.
3 ____________________________________ (you/finish) your project by Thursday afternoon?
4 My teacher thinks that in the future we ____________________________________ (live) in 3D printed
5 ____________________________________ (your dad/take) us to school tomorrow?
6 I ____________________________________ (not/tidy up) my room before you come; I’ve got a lot of
homework to do.
7 This time tomorrow, you ____________________________________ (arrive) in London.
7 x 1 = 7 points

F Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense to form conditionals.

1 When the Sun _____________________ (go) down, it _____________________ (get) dark.

2 If we _____________________ (study) harder, we _____________________ (pass) our History exam last
3 If you _____________________ (book) your ticket early, you _____________________ (get) a lower price for
next month’s concert.
4 If I _____________________ (be) you, I _____________________ (start) studying for my exams tonight.
5 Mum _____________________ (not/get) upset with you last night if you _____________________ (tell) her
the truth.
5 x 1 = 5 points

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 2 Right On! 4

Right On! 4 – Test 3C (Module 3)

G Rewrite the sentences as wishes.

1 I have a terrible headache.

2 My laptop is very old. I need a new one.
3 I ate too much chocolate and now my stomach hurts.
4 My children never pick up their toys in their room.
5 Richard really wants to study Science next year.
5 x 1 = 5 points

H Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

1 They could have caught the bus to school if they 4 You can’t go out with your friends unless you
___ at the bus stop earlier. ___ your homework.
A had been C would be A won’t finish C finish
B were D have been B will finish D don't finish
2 I’ll send you some pictures of our holiday when I 5 Let’s watch a film on DVD, ___?
___ home. A will we C won’t we
A will get C will have got B shall we D don’t we
B get D am getting
3 A robotic surgeon performs operations, ___?
A does it C didn’t it
B doesn’t it D did it
6 x 1 = 6 points

Everyday English
I Match the exchanges.

What did you do in that job? 1 a Thank you very much.

So, you’re Megan Murphy, aren’t you? 2 b Sure, I worked as a shop assistant in a clothes shop.
Why should we hire you for this position? 3 c I helped customers and opened and closed the shop.
We’ll let you know if you get the job. 4 d Yes, that’s right.
Do you have any experience? 5 e Well I consider myself an outgoing and responsible

5 x 2 = 10 points

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 3 Right On! 4

Right On! 4 – Test 3C (Module 3)

J Read the text and decide if the sentences (1-5) are R (right) or W (wrong).

These days, the fastest growing language on the Internet isn’t English, Spanish or
any of the world’s major languages. In fact, it’s emoji – a language made up of small
animated icons. On the Internet today, and especially in social media, it’s impossible
not to come across emoji – and it’s quickly becoming one of the main ways we
communicate online.
The idea of using icons to communicate online or in text messages started in the
early 1990s with ‘emoticons’. These were made up of combinations of punctuation
marks and/or letters – and people usually used them to show emotions. For example, a
colon and a bracket made a happy face. As technology developed, though, so did the
icons people used. Emojis first appeared in Japan in the late 90s when a mobile phone
manufacturer installed a small number of them on one of their models. They were a
huge success, and soon emojis started to appear in online chatrooms and on
messaging services.
At first, like emoticons, emojis showed emotions – with little yellow faces with various
expressions. Nowadays, though, there are emojis for everything from food and drinks to
animals and weather conditions. And they’re hugely popular. In fact, in a recent study,
over 76% of adult Americans admitted that they use emojis daily!
So, why have emojis become so popular? One reason is that emojis bridge the gap
between face-to-face and written communication. When we’re face-to-face with a
person, it’s easy to see what mood they’re in without needing to ask them. Online,
though, you can’t see a person’s facial expressions or body language – unless they use
an emoji!
Also, emoji is an effective way for people to communicate with others with different
languages. Since emojis are pictures, they can be understood by everyone. So, this
gives us all a huge common vocabulary that we can use to communicate online. For
example, it’s common to see foreigners use a combination of emoji and English to
communicate on English-language social media and forums. So, in a way, emoji is
becoming the world’s first universal language!

1 All emoticons included at least one letter and one punctuation mark. ______
2 A Japanese company created the first emojis. ______
3 The majority of American men and women write at least one emoji per day. ______
4 The writer believes that emojis are a good replacement for body language. ______
5 Different emojis exist for different countries. ______

5 x 3 = 15 points

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 4 Right On! 4

Right On! 4 – Test 3C (Module 3)

K Read this email from your English-speaking friend Jordan, and the notes you have made.
Write an email to Jordan, using all the notes (100-140 words).

Hey Maya,
Suggest length
of camp Guess what! I’ve just booked a place in Space Camp for this August, and I was wondering if you’d
like to come, too. I think you’d love it! yes – count me in
The camp starts on 1st August, and we can stay for two or three weeks. Which would be better
for you? Also, we have the option to stay at the camp, or get a bus there each day.
Ask your sister if she would like to come. I know that she’s a space fan, too!
So, what do you think? say which
She’s away
Let me know soon,

15 points

L Listen to a job interview and, for questions 1-5, choose the best answer (A, B or C).

1 What kind of job is Sally applying for? 4 In the future, Sally plans to work in
A a part-time job B a permanent job A technology. B fashion.
C a full-time job C medicine.
2 In her previous job, Sally didn’t have to 5 The interviewer will tell Sally his decision by
A speak to customers. A letter. B phone.
B handle payments. C email.
C tidy up the shop.
3 How does Sally describe herself?
A relaxed B active
C friendly
5 x 2 = 10 points

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 5 Right On! 4

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