Jelani Spence - Narrative Comprehension

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English Language

February 9, 2021
Topic: Narrative Writing
Sub-topic: Reading Comprehension – Focus on characters and characterization

Reading Comprehension

Simon smirked and retrieved his bat from Tambo. Once again he positioned himself to bat; once
again Tambo shouted out before Sean released the ball. ‘Just like I showed you.’ Simon ignored
Tambo and swung. Bat and ball connected. While the fielders scrambled to get the ball, Simon
and his partner Collin were able to make two runs. He marked his crease and took his position in
front of the wicket. Sean did his little run up and Simon braced for the shot. ‘Just like I showed
you, Simon!’ The sound grated in Simon’s ear. He shook his head and stroked his bat to meet the
on-coming ball. It settled in no man’s land. Collin took aim at the ball next and again Tambo was
in flying form with his ‘helpful hints’. When Collin was caught out, Tambo replaced him at bat.

Simon did not know which was worse – Tambo on the field or Tambo off the field. The
advice never ceased. Every time Tambo opened his mouth, Simon gritted his teeth. Their
partnership was one-sided as Simon was making two and three runs while Tambo could only
contribute singles. This did not stop Tambo from ‘showing’ Simon how to bat. Incensed, Simon
decided to show off and teach Tambo a lesson. All he needed was the right ball. He bided his
time. It came six balls later.

Frankie bowled the ball. Simon set himself up for the shot. It was a cutter. Tambo
shouted for him to change his grip and stance. Simon schooled his features, took aim and reached
his bat while shouting angrily, ‘I know what I’m doing!’ He executed a textbook shot. Twack!
The cork call took wings, sailing past the boundary line. Six! The first six of the game. Simon’s
teammates cheered but Tambo was silent.

It was indeed a glorious day for cricket. Simon had contributed five more sixes to his
team’s 10-run victory. More satisfying than that, Simon had proven himself.

1. Quote two words from the passage that describes how Simon felt about Tambo’s advice.
“Every time Tambo opened his mouth, Simon gritted his teeth.”
“‘Just like I showed you, Simon!’ The sound grated in Simon’s ear.”

2. Write a description of Tambo in your own words.

Tambo is one of Simon’s teammates, he is characterized as being very annoying and
loud while the cricket game is taking place. This assertive nature of his especially
extends to Simon, as he is seen shouting ‘helpful’ tips to Simon while he is trying to
focus. His actions are ironic however, as Simon is already an experienced cricketer
who has exceptional skills on the field. This creates a tension between the two and
ultimately leads to Tambo being dumbfounded at this revelation. It can also be
inferred that Tambo views Simon as inferior by constantly “showing” him how to
3. Who is the better cricketer –Tambo or Simon? Give a reason for your response.
Simon is the better cricketer, it is clearly stated in the second paragraph, “their
partnership was one-sided as Simon was making two and three runs while Tambo
could only contribute singles.” He also executed a textbook shot, which caused
Tambo to become silent.

4. Why was Tambo silent after Simon hit a six?

Tambo was silent because his constant ‘hints’ were pointless as Simon had just
demonstrated, by executing a textbook shot.

5. Why did Simon feel the need to prove himself?

Simon felt the need to prove himself so that he could stifle any of Tambo’s future
outbursts, and establish that he is the superior cricketer.

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