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10, ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION PHYSICS Unit 1 - Paper 01 90 minutes 21 MAY 2010 (a.m,) READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. This test consists of 45 items. You will have 90 minutes to answer them, Inaddition to thistest booklet, youshould havean answer sheet, Donotbe concemed that the answer sheet provides spaces for more answers than there are items inthistest, Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B),(C),(D). Read each item you are about to answer and decide which choice is best. ‘On youranswer sheet, find the number which corresponds to youritem and shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. Sampleltem Which of the following lists one scalar quality andonevector quantity? (A) mass: temperature Sample Answer (B) momentum: pressure (forces vetoaty ©e@60 {D) potential energy: volt ‘The best answer to this item is “momentum : pressure”, s0 answer space (B)has been shaded. Ifyou wantto change your answer, be sure to erase it completely before you fillin yournew choice. When youare told o begin, tum the pageand work as quickly and as carefully as youcan, Ifyou cannot answer an item, omititand go on tothe next one. Your score will be the total number of correct answers. ‘Youmay doany rough work in this booklet Figuresare not necessarily drawn to scale. ‘These ofnon-programmable calculators is allowed. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO ¢ nanan § LIST OFPHYSICALCONSTANTS PSTOFPHYSICALCONSTANTS: Universal eravitational constant G Acceleration duc to gravity 8 1 Atmosphere Atm, Boltzmann’s constant k Density of water Specific heat capacity of water Specific Intent heat of vaporization of water ‘Avogadro’s number Na Molar gas constant R Stefan-Boltzmann constant o Speed oflight in vacuum © 02138010/CAPE2010, 6.6710" Nm? kg? 98ms? 1.00% 10° Nm? 138x107 1.00x 10° kgm 4200 Sky"! Kt 2.26x 10° Skg! 6.02x 10 per mote 8315! mot! 5.67% 10° Wim? K+ 3.0x 10° ms! GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE sete Which of the quantities below are dimensionless? 1. Relative density I. Force UL Length IV. Refractive index (A) Land Ilonly (B) Mand HI only (©) Land IV only (D) Wand IV only In determining the density of a cubea student records the following measurements Length of side, 7= 3.0: 0.1 em Mass of cube, m= 12.5 + 0.5 ‘The student then uses the equation a to determine the density of the cube, The percentage error in the calculated value of p is (A) 0.6% @ 7% © 14% (D) 40% Given that the following quantities have the base units shown Ps kg mr? Q kgms? Re kgms! What quantity does represent? (A) Distance (B) Speed (C) Acceleration (D) Force 4. 6 ‘The molar mass of aluminium is 27 g and its density is 2700 kg m°, The number of ‘aluminium atoms in a piece of aluminium with a volume of 1.0m is approximately (A) 6x10" (B) 6 x10* (6x 10" (D) 6x 10" If the average velocity of a particle is zero, then the distance it has travelled (A) must be zero (B) cannot be zero. (©) isnegative (D) may ormay not be zero A tennis ball is given a horizontal velocity of 8 m/s when it is hit al a height 1.8 m above the ground, Itis in the air for (A) 037s (B) 061s (© 298s (D) 889s Item 7 refers to the following information, Two identical asses over a frictionless pulley. Al the graphs below are drawn to the same scale. ‘masses are attached by a string, which 7. Which pir of raps below represents the acceleration of Rody P andthe aeelerton of Body @? (A) tie time Q : (B) a time Q P © ee P Q © time time 02138010/CAPE2010 GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE 8 2. “5: Which of the following pairs of conditions is true foran inelastic collision? Momentum Kinetic Energy (A) |conserved conserved (B) |not conserved ‘conserved (©) [conserved not conserved| (D) [not conserved not conserved! Which of the following equations gives the correct relationship between impulse and ‘momentum? (A) Impulse=momentum (B)__Impulse~rate of change of momentum (©) Impolse=change in momentum (D) Impulse ~(momentumy 10. u ‘A man of mass 50 kg stands on a bathroom scale (balance) in an elevator. Ifthe elevator accelerates upwards to 2m s?. What is the reading on the scale? (A) 100N (B) 390N (© 490N (D) 590N Which of the statements below BEST describes the motion of a geostationary satellite? (A) Itmoves with the same velocity as, the earth, (B) Its geographical location changes as, the earth rotates, (©) Usacceleration is zero. (D) Its angular velocity is equal to that ofthe earth, ‘Aman witha parachute jumps froma plane. He opens his parachute after2.5 seconds, Which of the raphs below BEST represents how his vertical acceleration a, could vary with time t, during the frst 6 seconds of his fall? wf ® GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE 13, 14. 15, A body fills from a cliff 80 m above the Bround. If it loses 25% of its energy overcoming friction, what i its velocity on impact with the ground? [g=9.8 N kg"] (A) 198ms* (8) -280ms! © 343ms (D) 39.6ms If'm is the mass of an object and E its kinetic ‘energy, then its linear momentum is A mE ®) WmE © me (0) V2mE A student of weight 500.N is planning a trip up to the peak of Blue Mountain, From her starting point, this will involve an increase in altitude of 1800 m. She buys “high calorie” ‘energy bars which contain 1000 KI of energy. Assuming her body to be 10% efficient, how many bars will she need to eat for the necessary gain in altitude? a ®) © (D) Ss. OP TRRATAADE AAI 16, 17. ‘When a particle oscillates in a straight line with simple harmonic motion, the period of the oscillation is (A) directly proportional to the displacement of the particle from the origin (B) directly proportional to the acceleration ofthe particle (©) _ independent of the frequency of oscillation (D) independent of the amplitude of ‘oscillation The displacement of a particle undergoing simple harmonic motion is given by x=8sin0.4ar ‘The frequency of oscillation of the particle is (A) 02H (B) O4Hz (© sz ©) Hz GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE Item 18 refers to the following diagram. 20. Which of the following events is associated, with transverse waves but NOT longitudinal i waves? (A) Interference (B) Polarisation (© Reflection (D) Refraction PL at. Sound waves with a frequency of 200 Hz travel through a medium with a speed of 400 m s'. What is the phase difference between two points which are 3 m apart in the direction ofthe wave? 18. The diagram shows a Barton pendulum system used to demonstrate resonance. Which pendulum would swing with the GREATEST amplitude when the driver O is pulled aside and released? : A) Frads tem 19 refers to the diagram below which 7 shows a snapshot of a rope as a transverse (8) Frads ‘wave passes along it from leftto right, © 2rrads “~ (D) xrads 19. Which ofthe following correctly shows the What does the distance PQ represent? (A) Halfthe velocity (B) Half theperiod (© Halfthe wavelength (D) — Halftheamplitude GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE -8- 23, Awave of amplitude 10cm has intensity 1, Another similar wave has an amplitude of Semand intensity I,. What is the value of Ay hy (A) 2 @ 4 © » (Dy) 90 Item 24 refers to the following graph which ‘Shows a stationary wave on a string, Amplitude g Distance ¥ 24. Where on this stationary wave does an antinode exist? (A) Ponly (B) — Qonly (© Sonly (D) PandRonly 25. Two light sources are said to be coherent, The waves from them must therefore have (A) the same frequency and a constant phase difference (B) the same amplitude and a constant phase difference (©) the same wavelength and no phase difference (D) thesame velocity anda constant path difference 26. 27, 28, As light travelling in air enters.a medium its speed changes to 2.4 x 10°m s". The reffaetive index of the medium is (A) 0.60 (B) 0.80 (©) 125 (D) 1.50 Fora double slit interference pattern using light, the separation of fringes will increase if 1. Blue lightis used instead of red, I. The screen is moved away from the slits, IIL The slits are brought closer together. (A) only (8) LandItonly (©) MandIlfonly (D) Mand ur An objectis placed3 cmin front ofadiverging lens of focal length $cm. Where will the image be found? (A) About 2 em in front of the lens (B) About cm behind the lens © About em in front of the lens (©) show emt nes GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE 29. 30, 31 Which of the following statements regarding lenses is/are correct? 1. Aconverging lens always forms an image bigger than the object. Il, An object placed in front of a converging lens can form a virtual image. I, A diverging lens can form a real image of an object placed in front (A) only ) only © — LandIfonly (D) Mand itlonly ‘The neat point of a defective eye is 30m from the eye. The normal near point is 25 em from the eye. The focal length of the ens needed to correct this defect is (A) Sem (@B) Sem (©) 30cm (D) — 150em Which instrument is MOST suitable for ‘measuring rapidly changing temperature? (A) Theresistance thermometer (B) —Themercury-in-glass thermometer (©) Thethermocouple {D) _ Thealcohol-in-glass thermometer 32, 33. Ttem_32 refers to the following graph. 0 100 Temp/*c ‘The graph shows how the length of the mercury in a thermometer changes with temperature. The temperature which corresponds to a length of 10.0.em is 15°C (B) 20°C (© 25°C (D) 30°C What s the name givento the amount of heat ‘energy needed to change 1 kg of water at 100°C into steam at 100°C? (A) Molar heat capacity (B) Specific latentheat of fusion (©) Specific heat capacity (D) Specific latent heat of vaporisation =10- 34. Imanclectrical method for determining the specific heat capacity of ametal, the following readings were obtained mass of metal 2kg supply voltage 240V ‘current 3A time for whichheat supplied 205 temperature rise of metal 10°C ‘What isthe specific heat capacity of metal? hag os (D) 35, Water falls from a height of 500m. Whatis the rise in temperature of water atthe bottom if all of the energy gained is converted to intemal energy in the water? (A) LITK @) 019K © 024K (Dp) 049K POT RMIOICAPR 7010 36. ‘A composite conductor with materials of thermal conductivities &,£/2,k’3 has insulated sides. Heats transferred through it from left torightas shown in the diagram below, Insulation t Insulation Each material has the same thickness. Which of the following diagrams BEST describes the temperature gradient of the composite wall? w AP TT oS © @ GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE 37. 38, 39, A contractor builds an office window of height and width 200 cm with a glass pane of thickness 0.5 em. The temperature difference across the glass is 15 K and the thermal conductivity of the glass is 0.68W mK", Calculate the heat energy persecond conducted through the window. (A) 1.63 kW (B)S.85KW © 163kW (D) — 585kW ‘A small black sphere has an absolute temperature T,, It is hung in the centre of an enclosure whose walls are at a higher absolute temperature T,. Thenetrate of gain of thermal energy by the sphere is proportional to «a my «ry © ay-ay ©) ,-T) Avogadro’s number is the number of moleculesin (A) onelitre of gas at N-TP (B) —onemoleofa gas (C)__ one gramofa gas (D) _onekilogramofa gas 02138010/CAPE2010 40. 41 a. A gas contains N molecules. The speeds of the molecules are C1, C2..., Cy, Which of the following equations can be used to determine the rm.s speed of the molecules? W [GFGenGy What is the total pressure on the base of a container of cross-sectional area 5.0 m?, ifit is filled with ethylene gyleol of density 1120 kg m? up to.adepth of 3.0m? [Atm, press = 1.0 * 10° Pa] (A) 33 10'Pa (B) 6.7.x 10*Pa (© 10*10°Pa (D) 13310" Pa Item 42 refers to the following diagram, ‘The material shown has length, /,and cross- sectional area A. When a force F, is applied ‘to the material it causes an extension e, inthe material, Which ofthe following expressions can be used to determine the Young modulus ofthe material? a 2 oe © @) GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE. Side 43. Four different liquids are poured into identical measuring cylinders. The diagrams show the heights of the liquids and their densities. Whi cylinder? (A) 2e/em* (B) = Ey © 1.2 g/em? @) 300m iquid exerts the LARGEST pressure on the base of its measuring, 16 glem* 200m 0.7 giem? 40cm Item 44 refers to the following graph. Stress Loading ‘Unloading Strain 44, This graph is MOST likely to apply to 45. (A) steel (B) lass fibre (©) anelasticband (D) polythene sheet tem 45 refers to the following diagram. PN 1 2 mm ‘The figure above shows the force-extension raph of a wire. How much work is done in stretching the wire from an extension of Imm to2mm? (A) 00155 (B) 0.0303 ©) 0.045) (D) 0.0603 IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. (02138010/CAPE2010

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