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1 Loader

Feature overview.

 The brands and the prices update utilities' integration (both are included);

 The ability to process VIN files placed into the FGST folder (or selected by the user folder) in the same way as
it was implemented in version 7.3;

 The ability to use the VIN database (SQLite format). This ability is integrated with the utility that allows an
user to edit the contents of this database (included, available in the full version only)1;

 Integration with the EasyPart project in terms of its VIN online service which allows to use this ability

 The ability to use the local TNRPICS folder (photos of the spare parts) in the same way as it was
implemented in ETKA versions 7.3 and 7.4;

 The ability to use the enhanced graphical functions (available in the full version only);

 The ability to check and edit the current updates' validity period for each brand separately (and to disable
the update nagging through the year 2037)2;

 The optional "silent mode" that lets you start the desired ETKA version without the loader window showing

For more information about using the VIN database please see the relevant section below.
Implemented by using the included "ETKA Brands Updater" utility.
Turned off by default. Could be turned on by entering the relevant parameter into the command line.

© 2014-2019 algeni

ETKA 8.1 Loader

The command line parameters description.

/etkapath, -etkapath

Specify the path to ETKA. It is also recommended to use this parameter in any case, even when ETKA was
installed into the "standard" directories "X:\ETKA" or "X:\ETKA\VWAU" so that the loader does not have to
search for ETKA through all local drives each time it is started.

EtLdr8x.exe /etkapath "C:\ETKA\VWAU"

/silent, -silent

The "silent" loader mode (its window is not displayed). If necessary, the loader "ETKA Loader" will switch to the
particular version of ETKA specified by the parameter and then launch it. Disabled by default.

EtLdr8x.exe /silent on

/log, -log

This parameter generates the debug log file at each loader launch. Disabled by default.

Example (the ability is turned on):

EtLdr8x.exe /log on

© 2014-2019 algeni

ETKA 8.1 Loader

The "Shortcuts" folder contents description.

This folder contains the shortcut examples for launching ETKA via the loader. You can copy the suitable
shortcut(s) to your desktop.

Attention! The shortcuts are preset for the following locations:

ETKA International ETKA Germany

 ETKA path — x:\Etka\VWAU  ETKA path — x:\Etka
 Loader path — x:\Etka\VWAU\Updater  Loader path — x:\Etka\EtkaLoader

Perhaps you have other locations, so please modify the following shortcuts' properties if necessary:

 the path to the loader executable:

ETKA International ETKA Germany

x:\Etka\VWAU\Updater\EtLdr8x.exe x:\Etka\EtkaLoader\EtLdr8x.exe

 the path to the ETKA:

ETKA International ETKA Germany

/etkapath "x:\Etka\VWAU" /etkapath "x:\Etka"

 the working directory:

ETKA International ETKA Germany

x:\Etka\VWAU\Updater x:\Etka\EtkaLoader

Attention! Should the path to the loader's executable contain spaces you will need to use the double quotation
marks. For example, if the loader is located in the 'ETKA Loader' folder in the root of the disk 'D:' then the
following line should be placed into 'Object' field of the shortcut's properties:

"D:\ETKA Loader\EtLdr8x.exe" /etkapath ...

Attention! This folder doesn't exist if you used the installer package for the loader installation.

© 2014-2019 algeni

ETKA 8.1 Loader

The "Bin" folder contents description.

This folder contains the loader binary files. You should not modify the contents of this folder.

The "ProgX" folder contents description.

This folder contains the system files for the respective versions of ETKA. The files are archived to minimise their
size on the disk. You can change the contents of these archives if need be, but if you screw them up ETKA might
stop working altogether as a consequence thereof.

The "Utils" folder contents description.

This folder contains the "ETKA Brands Updater", the "ETKA Prices Updater" and the "VIN Database Editor"
utilities which are part of the loader and used to update the brands data in ETKA, update the prices information
in ETKA and edit the VIN database. These utilities do not mean to run manually by the user.

Remark. A double click on the field showing the sequence number of the brand (for "ETKA Brands Updater") or
the price (for "ETKA Prices Updater") current update level will open the relevant folder into which the update
files ("…\<Brand>\Update" for "ETKA Brands Updater" or "…\<Brand>\<Active data folder>" for
"ETKA Prices Updater") are being downloaded. In addition, for the "ETKA Prices Updater" the price update file
will be highlighted if it has been downloaded.

© 2014-2019 algeni

ETKA 8.1 Loader

How to use VIN database.

You can use VIN database with or instead of the standard VIN files. Simply place the database file (EtLdrVins.db)
into the FGST folder (or any other one that you have set up in the loader settings). No further actions are
required. First the loader checks for the presence of the appropriate VIN file. If VIN file is missing the loader tries
to find the specified VIN in the database.

Remark 1. The database usage has some advantages over the usage of the large number of the separate VIN
files. For example, it takes less space on the disk (up to 4-5 times), allows quick access to and editing of the
information what might be difficult if the large number of VIN files stores in the one folder.

Remark 2. The database file does not include into the loader package and should be either downloaded
separately by the user, or created manually from the own VIN files through the "VIN Database Editor" (in the
full version only).


 Thanks to andyl for ETKA release and for support it in the actual state.
 Thanks to andyl and tosha2042 for technical assistance.
 Thanks to andyl for his huge VIN collection.
 Thanks to tosha2042, eliaua, mau-rus, bookini, StasLSV and ФАН_том for supplementation of this VIN
 Thanks to Krosik and Aleksander_67 for certain ideas.
 Thanks to kbatpo for the English translation.

© 2014-2019 algeni

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