The Starvation Period!: Getting Started

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Getting Started 
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The Starvation Period!

Creating a Successful Channel 

Coming Up With a Successful Channel Idea 

The Peacock Theory 

Google Trends 

"The Rule of 6" Strategy 

Perfecting Tone Of Voice 

Getting Rid Of Camera Shyness 

Lights, Camera, Action! 

Calculating Best Upload Time 

YouTuber Mistakes 

The Starvation Period! 

Building a Family, Not Fans!  Whenever I go to the mall I always get approached by people who recognize me from
my YouTube videos.
Navigating YouTube 

They always say things like “I want to be like you”, “I’m going to start a YouTube
YouTube Analytics 
channel! I have a super cool idea!”.
YouTube TOS 
After seeing my success they go home and start their own channels.
Picking the Right MCN 

They think YouTube is some get rich overnight scheme where they can post a couple
Going Viral  videos and overnight go mega viral and have millions of views and subscribers.

Monetization  99.9% of them quit after posting a few videos on their channels and not getting the
results they thought they’d get. When starting a new YouTube channel it’s important
to keep in mind that YouTube success takes time.
Bonuses 

It’s EASY if you know what you’re doing and you take the right steps but everyone
First Section 
including me, and whoever your favorite YouTube may be goes through the same
period at the start of their YouTube journey. Veteran YouTubers call this period the
Starvation Period.

In this video I’ll teach you what this period is, and what steps you need to take to get
out of it as soon as possible and achieve success.

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