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Microbial. Immunol.

, 39(11), 897-904, 1995

Transfer of Two Burkholderia and An

Alcaligenes Species to Ralstonia Gen. Nov.:
Proposal of Ralstonia pickettii (Ralston, Palleroni
and Doudoroff 1973) Comb. Nov., Ralstonia
solanacearum (Smith 1896) Comb. Nov. and
Ralstonia eutropha (Davis 1969) Comb. Nov.
Eiko Yabuuchi*,1, Yoshimasa Kosako2, Ikuya Yano1, Hisako Hotta1, and Yukiko Nishiuchi1
1DepartmentofBacteriology , Osaka CityUniversityMedicalSchool,Osaka, Osaka 545,Japan, and 2JapanCollection
Microorganisms, The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN),Wako,Saitama 351-01, Japan

Received August 4, 1995. Accepted August 22, 1995

Abstract: Based on the results of phenotypic characterization, cellular lipid and fatty acid analysis, phy-
logenetic analysis of 16S rDNA nucleotide sequences and rRNA-DNA hybridization, Burkholderia picket-
tii, Burkholderia solanacearum and Alcaligenes eutrophus are transferred to the new genus Ralstonia, and
Ralstonia pickettii (Ralston, Palleroni and Doudoroff 1973) comb. nov., Ralstonia solanacearum (Smith 1896)
comb. nov., and R. eutropha (Davis 1969) comb. nov. are proposed. The type species of the new genus is R.
pickettii. Type strain of R. pickettii is ATCC 27511T, of R. solanacearum is ATCC 10696T, and of R.
eutropha is ATCC 17697T.

Key words: Ralstonia gen. nov., Raistonia pickettii, Ralstonia solanacearum, Ralstonia eutropha

Based on sequence similarity of 16S rRNA genes, posed a new species Burkholderia vietnamiensis and
Li et al (9) suggested two related genera within the two new combinations,Burkholderia andropogonis and
homology group II pseudomonads. The generic name Burkholderia cocovenenans. They also emended the
BurkholderiaYabuuchiet al, 1993 (4, 19) was proposed descriptionof the genus accompanied with the removal
for the seven speciesof RNA homologygroup II (10) of of B. pickettii and B. solanacearum from the genus
genus Pseudomonas Migula 1894. It was based on the Burkholderia.
results of cellular lipid and fatty acid analyses and 16S The homologies between the type strains of labeled
rRNA nucleotide sequence analysis of five type and DNA from B. pickettii to unlabeled DNA from B.
two reference strains of seven species. Kosako con- solanacearumand viceversa were 41% and 45%,respec-
firmed previous results of DNA-DNA homologies of tively (19). The Tm(e) between P solanacearum ATCC
each type strain of B. caryophylli and B. gladioli to the 10696Tto P cepacia Ballard 717Twas 76.1 (3), those of
remaining fiveBurkholderia species (Kasako, personal B. cepacia LMG 1222Tto [B.] solanacearum LMG
communication). Urakami et al (18) added two new 2299Tand [B.] pickettii ATCC 27511Twere 75.2 and
combinations,B. plantarii and B. glumae, and a new 75.3, respectively (6).
speciesB. vandii. Davis (1) validly transferred illegitimately named
As Palleroni(10) has demonstratedtwo DNA homol- species Hydrogenomonaseutropha to the genus Alcali-
ogy groupswithinRNA homologygroup II, Yabuuchiet genes. Alcaligenes eutrophus Davis was listed in the
al (19) also noted B. pickettii (12) and B. solanacearum Approved Lists of Bacterial Names. Gillis et al (6)
(14, 15) are similar to each other and different from the demonstrateda close relationshipamong the strainsof A.
remainingfiveBurkholderia species in DNA homology, Abbreviations: AL-X, unknown aminolipid; ca., circa; comb.
cellular lipid composition,and phylogeneticanalysis of nov., combinatio nova, new combination; gen. nov., genus nova,
16S rRNA nucleotide sequences. Gillis et al (6) pro- new genus; GL, glycolipid; OL, ornithine-lipid; PE, phos-
*Address correspondence to Dr . Eiko Yabuuchi, Department of phatidylethanolamine; PG, phosphatidylglycerol; rRNA, ribo-
Bacteriology, Osaka City University Medical School, 1-4-54, somal ribonucleic acid; T, type strain for the species; TLC, thin-
Abeno-ku, Asahi-machi, Osaka, Osaka 545, Japan. layer chromato-graphy or -gram.


Table 1. Phenotypic features of 6 type strains of 3 Ralstonia sp., 2 Burkholderia sp. and A. faecalis

Table 2. Carbohydrate assimilation tests to differentiate Ralstonia sp. from Burkholderia sp. and Alcaligenes faecalis

eutrophus, B. pickettii and B. solanacearum by dendro- simultaneously tested were unable to grow at higher
grams obtained from 137 auxanographic tests and Tm(e). temperatures, these were tested at 28 C and oxidative
In the dendrogramof auxanographictests, the cluster of acid production was usually observed on the 3rd to 5th
A. eutrophus showed 73% similarity with B. pickettii day of incubation. Decarboxylasebase Moeller (Difco)
cluster, furthermore the Tm(e) value of the hybrid with supplemented with 1% monochlorate of L-lysine or L-
rRNAfrom the type strainsof A. eutrophusto B. cepacia omithine became yellow,together with control medium
and B. solanacearum were 75.0 and 75.5 C, respective- without amino acid. The argininedehydrolasetest in this
ly. These facts indicate a close relationship among the medium was weakly but definitely positive on the 3rd
strainsof B. pickettii,B. solanacearum,andA. eutrophus, day of incubation. The organism hydrolyzed Tween
phenotypicallyand phylogenetically. 80, but not gelatin,esculin and urea. The featuresof the
In additionto furtherstudies on morphological,phys- type strainsof three Ralstonia species are listed in Table
iological and biochemical characterization, cellular 1, in comparison with those of B. cepacia, B. andro-
lipids-fatty acids analysis, and phylogenetic analysis pogonis and Alcaligenes faecalis, the type species of
were carried out to clarify the taxonomic position of genusAlcaligenes. As describedbelow, the type strainof
these three species. B. andropogonis is included in this table, because the
Phenotypic characteristics of B. pickettii and B. two-dimensionalthin-layerchromatogram(TLC)revealed
solanacearum have been described previously (19). PE (phosphatidylethanolamine)-1 and -2 spots which
Cells of the type strain of A. eutrophusis Gram-negative, were thought to be characteristicfor the strains of Burk-
well-flagellatedperitrichous straight rod with rounded holderia species. Although it was not possible to find
ends. They are single,in pairs, and often in chainsof five any suitablefeature to differentiateRalstonia from Burk-
or more than 10 cells. The strain is able to grow at 37 C holderia at the generic level (Table 1), four kinds of
and 41 C. Though the organism is non-fermentative, it carbohydrates,galactose,mannitol,mannoseand sorbitol,
grows well ca. 7 mm beneath the surface of OF sugar not assimilatedby three Ralstonia specieswere utilized
media and growth also occurs up to the bottom of the by eleven Burkholderia species including B. andro-
tube along the stab line similar to the growth of Kleb- pogonis (Table2).
siella pneumoniae stabbed in a semisolid agar tube. As described above, the presence of two kinds of
Such growth behavior was seen in OF sugar tubes neg- ornithine-lipids,OL-1 and OL-2, were characteristic of
ative for oxidative acid production. Davis described cellular lipids of Burkholderia species (19) (Fig. 1E),
that the organismdoes not ferment any carbohydrate. In while cellular lipids of R. pickettii, R. solanacearum
OF basal medium (Difco) added with 1% carbohydrate, and R. eutropha failed to reveal these spots (Fig. 1,
the organism oxidized fructose, glucose, glycerol, D- A,B,C) (Table3). In contrast to the other Burkholderia
xylose, lactose, and inulin. Because some other strains species, the cellular lipids chromatogram of B. andro-

Fig. 1. Two-dimensional thin-layer chromatograms of cellular lipids of type strain of three Ralstonia and two Burkholderia species. Sol-
vent system for the 1st dimension: C-M-W=65:25:4(v/v), the 2nd C-M-A-W=100:20:12:5(v/v). {In solvent system, C: chloroform,
M: methanol, W: distilled water, A: acetic acid}. A: Ralstonia pickettii EY 3254T,B: Ralstonia solanacearum EY 2181T,C: Ralstonia
eutropha EY 3298T,D: Burkholderia andropogonis EY 3792T,and E: Burkholderia cepacia EY 645T. PE, phosphatidylethanolamine;
PG, phosphatidylglycerol; LPE, lysophosphatidylethanolamine, OL, ornithine-lipid; GL, glycolipid.

Table 3. Cellular lipid composition of type or reference strains of seven Burkholderia species

Table 4. Cellular fatty acid composition (%) of 3 Ralstonia sp., 2 Burkholderia species and A. faecalis

pogonis showed neither OL-1 nor OL-2 spots (Fig. 1D). obtained from DDBJ (Institute of Genetics, Mishima,
The TLC of A. faecalis showed spots of PG, PE-1, and Shizuoka, Japan). The CLUSTAL W program (13)
OL-1, while PE-2 and OL-2 were not demonstrated which is the improved version of the CLUSTAL V (7)
(Fig. 1F). was used to align multiple sequences, to calculate
Cellularfatty acid analysis by gas-liquid chromatog- nucleotidesubstitutionrates (Kn. values)(8) and to con-
raphy was reported as useful for the grouping of struct a neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree (13). To
Pseudomonasspecies (16). The three Ralstonia species determine the stability of our phylogenetic tree, the
failed to demonstratethe peaks of C19 cyclopropanoic sequence data were sampled 1,000 times for bootstrap
acid (CPA)and 20H-C19CPA.B. andropogonisis same analysis (5). Alignment positions that included gaps
with threeRalstonia sp. and differentfrom B. cepacia in and/or unidentifiedbases were not taken into consider-
the absence of 2-hydroxy acids of C16:1, C18:1 and ation for the calculation. Brevundimonas diminuta,
C19 cyclopropanoic(Table4). Comamonas testosteroniand Pseudomonas aeruginosa
As shown in Table 5, the almost complete 16S rDNA were included in our group of representativesof the a-,
sequence data of type strains of three species were β-,and Y-subclasses of Proteobacteria. As shown in Fig.

Table 5. Strains used in the 165 rDNA sequence analysis

Fig. 2. Phylogenetic tree derived from 16S rRNA sequence analysis. The relationship between Ralstonia gen. nov. and genus Burk-
holderia is demonstrated. A remote distance of R. eutropha comb. nov. from A. faecalis, type species of genus Alcaligenes is also shown.

2, we obtained two clearly separate branches within the in propose Ralstonia gen. nov., Ralstonia pickettii
β-subclass. The first is the Burkholderia branch which (Ralston, Palleroni and Doudoroff 1973) comb. nov.,
includes B. cepacia, the type species for the genus Burk- Ralstonia solanacearum (Smith 1896) comb. nov., and
holderia, the second is the Ralstonia branch composed of Ralstonia eutropha (Davis 1969) comb. nov.
R. pickettii, R. solanacearum, and R. eutropha. As Description of Ralstonia gen. nov. (Ralston. ia. M.L.
shown in Table 6, the Kn. value of R. pickettii to R. dim. ending-ia; M.L. fem. n. Ralstonia named after E.
solanacearum and R. eutropha are 0.023 and 0.037, Ralston, American bacteriologist who first described
respectively, whereas Knucbetween R. eutropha and A. Pseudomonas pickettii and suggested a taxonomicrela-
faecalis is 0.103. Those of B. cepacia to R. pickettii, R. tionship to P solanacearum based on DNA homology
solanacearum, and R. eutropha are 0.078, 0.077, and between them).
0.080, respectively. These values clearly demonstrate Cells of speciesof this genus are Gram-negativerod-
that R. pickettii, R. solanacearum, and R. eutropha are shaped, motile with single polar or peritrichous flagella
three taxa belonging to the same genus. Thus, we here- or non-motile without flagella. Oxidase activity is van-

Table 6. Kmucvalues among thirteen species of six genera

able by species. Monosaccharides, disaccharides and from the genus.

polyalcohols are oxidized and assimilated as a sole Strains of R. pickettii are isolated from various clini-
source of carbon and energy, as reported previously cal specimens and hospital environmentswith doubtful
(15). The absenceof assimilationof galactose,mannitol, pathogenicity. The heterogeneity of R. solanacearum
mannose, and sorbitol by the type strain of three Ral- strains (11) remained to be solved taxonomically. R.
stonia speciesis a differentialphenotypicmarker to dis- solanacearum is known to be pathogenic for Solanum
tinguish strains of Ralstonia sp. from those of Burk- lycopersicum (tomato, potato, tobacco). Also isolated
holderia species (Table 2). Cellular lipids of the, type from Casuarina, Strelitzia, ginger, banana, Heloconia,
strainsof three Ralstonia species contain phosphatidyl- peanut and Pelargonium (M. Gillis, personal communi-
ethanolaminepossessing2-hydroxy fatty acid at the sn- cation). The guanineand cytosinecontentof DNA of the
2 position of the glycerol moiety, similar to those of type strainsof three species are 64.0, 66.6 (19) and 66.5
Burkholderiaspecies(19). As shown in Fig. 1, the type mol% determinedby HPLC method (17). Type species
strainsof three Ralstonia species failed to demonstrate is Ralstonia pickettii (Ralston, Palleroni and Doudoroff
two kinds of ornithine-lipidson two-dimensionalthin- 1973) comb. nov.
layerchromatographyand to reveal C19 cyclopropanoic Description of the type strains of Ralstonia pickettii
acid in cellular fatty acids (Table 4). The presence of and Ralstoniasolanacearumare the same as those report-
these cellular lipids and fatty acid components were ed previously (18). The phenotypic features, cellular
clearly demonstrated in Burkholderia cepacia and the lipids-fatty acids composition, and the results of phylo-
other fiveBurkholderia species (19). genetic analysis of the type strain of Ralstonia eutropha
Flagellarmorphologyhas long been one of the impor- are describedin this report. The type strain of R. pickettii
tant features for the classification and identification of is ATCC27511,of R. solanacearum is ATCC 10696,and
Gram-negative bacterial strains. However, it is now of R. eutropha is ATCC 17697.
known that certain species lose their flagellawhen they
becomefacultativelyparasitic. For example,peritrichous
Escherichia coli might change to atrichous Shigella
speciesor polar multitrichousBurkholderiapseudomal-
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