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Headwords of the Academic Word List

This list contains the head words of the families in the Academic Word List. The numbers indicate the sublist of the Academic Word List. For
example, abandon and its family members are in Sublist 8 of the Academic Word List. Sublist 1 contains the most frequent words, and Sublist 10
the least frequent.

abandon 8 cease 9 convene 3 energy 5 hierarchy 7

abstract 6 challenge 5 converse 9 enforce 5 highlight 8
academy 5 channel 7 convert 7 enhance 6 hypothesis 4
access 4 chapter 2 convince 10 enormous 10 identical 7
accommodate 9 chart 8 cooperate 6 ensure 3 identify 1
accompany 8 chemical 7 coordinate 3 entity 5 ideology 7
accumulate 8 circumstance 3 core 3 environment 1 ignorance 6
accurate 6 cite 6 corporate 3 equate 2 illustrate 3
achieve 2 civil 4 correspond 3 equip 7 image 5
acknowledge 6 clarify 8 couple 7 equivalent 5 immigrate 3
acquire 2 classic 7 create 1 erode 9 impact 2
adapt 7 clause 5 credit 2 error 4 implement 4
adequate 4 code 4 criteria 3 establish 1 implicate 4
adjacent 10 coherent 9 crucial 8 estate 6 implicit 8
adjust 5 coincide 9 culture 2 estimate 1 imply 3
administrate 2 collapse 10 currency 8 ethic 9 impose 4
adult 7 colleague 10 cycle 4 ethnic 4 incentive 6
advocate 7 commence 9 data 1 evaluate 2 incidence 6
affect 2 comment 3 debate 4 eventual 8 incline 10
aggregate 6 commission 2 decade 7 evident 1 income 1
aid 7 commit 4 decline 5 evolve 5 incorporate 6
albeit 10 commodity 8 deduce 3 exceed 6 index 6
allocate 6 communicate 4 define 1 exclude 3 indicate 1
alter 5 community 2 definite 7 exhibit 8 individual 1
alternative 3 compatible 9 demonstrate 3 expand 5 induce 8
ambiguous 8 compensate 3 denote 8 expert 6 inevitable 8
amend (ment) 5 compile 10 deny 7 explicit 6 infer 7
analogy 9 complement 8 depress 10 exploit 8 infrastructure 8
analyse 1 complex 2 derive 1 export 1 inherent 9
annual 4 component 3 design 2 expose 5 inhibit 6
anticipate 9 compound 5 despite 4 external 5 initial 3
apparent 4 comprehensive 7 detect 8 extract 7 initiate 6
append 8 comprise 7 deviate 8 facilitate 5 injure 2
appreciate 8 compute 2 device 9 factor 1 innovate 7
approach 1 conceive 10 devote 9 feature 2 input 6
appropriate 2 concentrate 4 differentiate 7 federal 6 insert 7
approximate 4 concept 1 dimension 4 fee 6 insight 9
arbitrary 8 conclude 2 diminish 9 file 7 inspect 8
area 1 concurrent 9 discrete 5 final 2 instance 3
aspect 2 conduct 2 discriminate 6 finance 1 institute 2
assemble 10 confer 4 displace 8 finite 7 instruct 6
assess 1 confine 9 display 6 flexible 6 integral 9
assign 6 confirm 7 dispose 7 fluctuate 8 integrate 4
assist 2 conflict 5 distinct 2 focus 2 integrity 10
assume 1 conform 8 distort 9 format 9 intelligence 6
assure 9 consent 3 distribute 1 formula 1 intense 8
attach 6 consequent 2 diverse 6 forthcoming 10 interact 3
attain 9 considerable 3 document 3 foundation 7 intermediate 9
attitude 4 consist 1 domain 6 found 9 internal 4
attribute 4 constant 3 domestic 4 framework 3 interpret 1
author 6 constitute 1 dominate 3 function 1 interval 6
authority 1 constrain 3 draft 5 fund 3 intervene 7
automate 8 construct 2 drama 8 fundamental 5 intrinsic 10
available 1 consult 5 duration 9 furthermore 6 invest 2
aware 5 consume 2 dynamic 7 gender 6 investigate 4
behalf 9 contact 5 economy 1 generate 5 invoke 10
benefit 1 contemporary 8 edit 6 generation 5 involve 1
bias 8 context 1 element 2 globe 7 isolate 7
bond 6 contract 1 eliminate 7 goal 4 issue 1
brief 6 contradict 8 emerge 4 grade 7 item 2
bulk 9 contrary 7 emphasis 3 grant 4 job 4
capable 6 contrast 4 empirical 7 guarantee 7 journal 2
capacity 5 contribute 3 enable 5 guideline 8 justify 3
category 2 controversy 9 encounter 10 hence 4 label 4
labour 1 passive 9 resource 2 terminate 8
layer 3 perceive 2 respond 1 text 2
lecture 6 percent 1 restore 8 theme 8
legal 1 period 1 restrain 9 theory 1
legislate 1 persist 10 restrict 2 thereby 8
levy 10 perspective 5 retain 4 thesis 7
liberal 5 phase 4 reveal 6 topic 7
licence 5 phenomenon 7 revenue 5 trace 6
likewise 10 philosophy 3 reverse 7 tradition 2
link 3 physical 3 revise 8 transfer 2
locate 3 plus 8 revolution 9 transform 6
logic 5 policy 1 rigid 9 transit 5
maintain 2 portion 9 role 1 transmit 7
major 1 pose 10 route 9 transport 6
manipulate 8 positive 2 scenario 9 trend 5
manual 9 potential 2 schedule 8 trigger 9
margin 5 practitioner 8 scheme 3 ultimate 7
mature 9 precede 6 scope 6 undergo 10
maximise 3 precise 5 section 1 underlie 6
mechanism 4 predict 4 sector 1 undertake 4
media 7 predominant 8 secure 2 uniform 8
mediate 9 preliminary 9 seek 2 unify 9
medical 5 presume 6 select 2 unique 7
medium 9 previous 2 sequence 3 utilise 6
mental 5 primary 2 series 4 valid 3
method 1 prime 5 sex 3 vary 1
migrate 6 principal 4 shift 3 vehicle 8
military 9 principle 1 significant 1 version 5
minimal 9 similar 1
minimise 8 priority 7 simulate 7 violate 9
minimum 6 proceed 1 site 2 virtual 8
ministry 6 process 1 so-called 10 visible 7
minor 3 professional 4 sole 7 vision 9
mode 7 prohibit 7 somewhat 7 visual 8
modify 5 project 4 source 1 volume 3
monitor 5 promote 4 specific 1 voluntary 7
motive 6 proportion 3 specify 3 welfare 5
mutual 9 prospect 8 sphere 9 whereas 5
negate 3 protocol 9 stable 5 whereby 10
network 5 psychology 5 statistic 4 widespread 8
neutral 6 publication 7 status 4
nevertheless 6 publish 3 straightforward 10
nonetheless 10 purchase 2 strategy 2
norm 9 pursue 5 stress 4
normal 2 qualitative 9 structure 1
notion 5 quote 7 style 5 /
notwithstanding 10 radical 8 submit 7 67.doc
nuclear 8 random 8 subordinate 9
objective 5 range 2 subsequent 4
obtain 2 ratio 5 subsidy 6
obvious 4 rational 6 substitute 5
occupy 4 react 3 successor 7
occur 1 recover 6 sufficient 3
odd 10 refine 9 sum 4
offset 8 regime 4 summary 4
ongoing 10 region 2 supplement 9
option 4 register 3 survey 2
orient 5 regulate 2 survive 7
outcome 3 reinforce 8 suspend 9
output 4 reject 5 sustain 5
overall 4 relax 9 symbol 5
overlap 9 release 7 tape 6
overseas 6 relevant 2 target 5
panel 10 reluctance 10 task 3
paradigm 7 rely 3 team 9
paragraph 8 remove 3 technical 3
parallel 4 require 1 technique 3
parameter 4 research 1 technology 3
participate 2 reside 2 temporary 9
partner 3 resolve 4 tense 8

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