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Virtual ReaJity for Education?

Don Allison Larry F. Hodges

Mathematical Sciences Department GVU Center/College of Computing
SUNY College at Oneonta Georgia Institute of Technology
Oneonta, NY 13820 Atlanta, GA 30332-0280
01-607-436-3439 01-404-894-8787
allisodl @

ABSTRACT for each student all the way down to web surfing.
It is still unclear what, if any, impact virtual reality will have on
public education. The virtual reality gorilla system is being used 2. RELATED WORK
as a testbed to study if and how virtual reality might be use ful as The growing public popularity of virtual reality, combined
an aid in educating middle school children, and to investigate the with public concern about the education system has resulted in
issues that arise when building virtual reality systems for almost any program that uses a computer display to do something
knowledge acquisition and concept formation. remotely related to education being touted as being a virtual
reality educational application. Part of this confusion is
engendered by people sometimes referring to any computer
Keywords simulation as virtual reality, since the action is taking place inside
Virtual reality, education, middle school.
of a computer instead of in the real world. This project focuses
on virtual reality in a more restricted sense. One distinguishing
1. INTRODUCTION criterion is that it involves simulating an environmen
In the late 80's and early 90% Virtual Reality (VR)caugh interactively and viewing the results in an immersive fashion
the imagination of the public and press, especially the science using a head-tracked display.
fiction reading public. Books by Vernor Vinge, William Gibson,
There have been relatively few systems bull and tested to
Neal Stephenson, and others presented an engaging view of the
determine the usefulness of a virtual reality system as a tool for
world in which VR technology was pervasive, and readers
knowledge acquisition. Brelsford[2] reported on a physics
assumed that it wouldn't be too long until the scenarios described
simulator designed to give students better intuition about physics.
would be fact and not fiction. It seemed everyone wanted their
In this system the students were given a contro lable length
own personal Holodeck, and based on the press coverage, the
pendulum and three balls of variable mass. They were allowed to
thought it was just a matter of working out a few details until
manipulate gravity, air drag, friction and several initial conditions
Holodecks would be generally available. More than one VR
and were directed to perform experiments for an hour (after some
researcher has said that VR was in danger of disappearing into its
introductory instruction about the system). A control group of
own "hype".
students was given a lecture for an hour over the same material.
One area where the hype was especially intense was Four weeks after the exposure, the students were recalled and
education. With stories in the American press about how schools given a surprise exam over material covered in the experiments.
were failing to educate students and how test scores were Both the junior high and the college student groups who had
continually declining, people were searching for a panacea to cure experimented in the virtual laboratory showed better retention
all the ills of the educational system. There was a contingent of than the groups who had been given the lecture
technophiles in the education community who advocated VR as
The University of Washington's Human Interface
the wave of the future in education, although what was meant b
Technology Lab (HITL) has also been doing some work on
VR was very much in dispute--definitions ranged from a CAVE
systems to test the uses o f virtual reality in education. One
system that they had proposed, which was targeted at K -12
education, was the Spatial Algebra system of Winn and
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal Bricken[8]. To address the conceptual difficulties some students
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice had mastering basic algebraic manipulations required to transform
and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post expressions and solve equations, they proposed constructing a
on servers or t9 redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a system where variables and constants were represented by boxes,
fee. and operations were represented by relative positions of these
VRST 2000 Seoul, Korea boxes. The students would manipulate these boxes instead of the
Copyright 2000 ACM 1-58113-3 t6-2/00/0010...$5.00 formal symbols of the equation being solved. Unfortunately, this

system wasn't implemented, so any discussion of possible results The goal of the :first version of the VR Gorilla Exhibit was to
is just speculation. create an experiential educational tool for middle school students
to learn about gorillas' interactions, vocalizations, social
A second project that has seen a couple of incarnations uses
structures, and habitat.
virtual reality to teach K-12 students about virtual reality itself.
Run initially as a summer camp[3], it has more recently been 3.1 Motivation
implemented as the Virtual Reality Roving Vehicle Project[7]. As part of its mission, Zoo Atlanta educates visitors about
As the VRRV, this project had two phases, both of which the different animals it houses. Because of its close ties to the
involved installing a complete VR system (with HMD, trackers Yerkes Primate Center, its gorilla exhibit is one of the best in the
for head and hand, audio, and a hand held interface "wand") into world, and it has many special programs that it runs in
a van. This van was then driven to the participating schools. The conjunction with local schools and the community to help educate
first phase of the project involved going to a school, giving a people about gorillas, their lifestyle, and their plight as an
presentation about VR, a nd then spending the rest of the da endangered species.
demonstrating commercially produced virtual worlds to a select
group of students. In the second phase, selected classes were
allowed to build (with help from the project researchers) their
own virtual worlds. These worlds were organized around
teacher-chosen content area. Preliminary results indicated tha
participants who actually constructed virtual worlds learned the
content material equally well, regardless of general ability, and
ended the experience with consistently better attitudes toward
science and computers.
The Electronic Visualization Lab (EVL) at the University of
Illinois at Chicago has recently begun experimenting with using
their CAVE as an educational tool for young children. They have
constructed a virtual garden in which the children can plant and
tend various flowers and vegetables, and learn about gardening
and working together[6]. In addition to allowing several children
to collaborate together in the CAVE, other children can be at
remote sites and help work in the garden.
Building on their experiences with the NICE project, as it Figure 1. Unobservable Habitat Area
was known, the EVL has implemented a new instructional virtua
environment, the Round Earth project[5]. The goal of this virtual There are many aspects of gorilla life that students can only
environment is to help teach concepts that are counter-intuitive to learn through third hand reading and not by first person
the mental model of the world the children have. The specific observation at a zoo exhibit. For example, the introduction of a
focus of this system is on the fact that the earth is round, even new gorilla to a group is done off-exhibit, so students rarely get
though our experience seems to show it as flat, and some of the the chance to observe the establishment or reinforcement of the
ramifications that would follow if the earth really were round dominance hierarchy, and challenges to it. Also, for the animals'
own protection from disease and because of the logistics
instead of flat.
problems it would cause the keepers, visitors normally are no~
Finally, there is the ScienceSpace collection of virtual allowed to observe the night quarters, or the routine involved in
worlds[4] whose intent is to help children understand difficult letting the gorillas out in the morning and bringing them in at
nonintuitive concepts from physics. Consisting so far of three night. When on exhibit, the distance separating the gorillas fro
virtual worlds, these three environments focus on concepts fro the students makes it hard to hear gorilla vocalizations or observe
mechanics and Newton's laws of motion (NewtonWorld), facial expressions, although they play an important part in
electrostatic forces and fields (MaxwellWorld), and on the indicating gorilla moods. Finally, gorillas are active in earl
structure of molecules using various representations morning and late afternoon, sleeping most of the middle of the
(PaulingWorld). day, but because of the logistics of class scheduling, most middle
school students visit the zoo during the sleep period.
3. VIRTUAL GORILLAS, INITIAL WORK The virtual reality gorilla exhibit solves these logistical
Aside from the few systems described above most of the problems, letting students observe a broader set of gorilla
work studying the use of VR educationally has focused on behaviors, time-shifting behaviors that they would normally no
specific task training. The Virtual Reality Gorilla Exhibit was see, and letting them visit areas that are normally off limits. B
designed to study using VR as a more general educational letting students become a gorilla themselves, they can experimen
technology, and focuses on using VR for general knowledge with various stimuli to see how gorillas react to events that the
acquisition and concept formation. The first version of the might not normally get to see by observing the gorillas on displa
system focused on teaching middle school students concepts from afar.
about gorilla behaviors and social interactions that Zoo Atlanta
Pedagogically, constructivist theories of education advocate
felt were important for students visiting their exhibits to learn, but
that the more viewpoints presented to the student, the more he
which they did not seem to be learning just by visiting the zoo.
learns and the better he retains what he learns. With the virtual

reality gorilla exhibit, not only does the student get to explore 3.3 Informal Evaluation
areas that are normally off limits to him (thus allowing him a This system was tested by several groups of students ranging
broader variety of experiences than he would get simply b in age from elementary through high school, and many others
visiting the zoo), he also gets to assume a gorilla identity and were observed interacting with the system. Overall the reactions
interact with or her gorillas as a peer, getting a differen of users have been very positive. People have stated that they had
perspective on gorillas by experiencing gorilla life from a firs fun in the system, and their interactions with the system showed
person point of view. By interacting with other virtual gorillas, that they were learning about appropriate and inappropriate
the student learns through first hand experience the social gorilla behaviors as they spent more time interacting with the
structure of a gorilla group and accepted social interactions. This system.
first-person interaction also tends to hold the student's attention
longer, allowing more information to be presented by the syste These observations, would suggest that it is possible to use
and retained by the student. virtual reality as a general educational tool for middle school
students, allowing thereto experience the real world fro
viewpoints other than their own, and letting them learn from first-
hand experience in environments that would normally be too
dangerous or impossible for them to experience in the real world.
By providing a rich, factual environment in which to interact,
students would be able to personalize their experiences, and
internalize the content presented through first person interactions.
A more detailed description of observations and conclusions
about the first version of this project can be found in CG&A[1].
Even with the problems that pilot testing pointed out, Zoo
Atlanta was impressed enough with the system and its utility that
they found the funds to enable them to install a permanent cop
of the system in their Conservation Action Resource Center.
They are also actively licensing the system to other interested


Figure 2' Student Interacting with the Virtual Gorilla Exhibit
The first implementation of the system showed that it was
3.2 The System from a User's Viewpoint possible for middle students to acquire concepts through the use
of virtual reality. A more formal evaluation of the learning that
While students are in the virtual environment, they stand on occurs using this system is currently being conducted. Given the
a circular platform that has a handrail completely encircling them. apparent success of the first version, a se cond version is being
The HMD provides a biocular (both eyes see the same image) developed to study the usefulness of VR for teaching more
display and monaural audio to the user, and has a single tracker abstract scientific concepts. Instead of focusing on specific
attached to it to provide head tracking (position and orientation). concepts about gorilla behavior, this version focuses on teaching
Additional audio feedback is provided by a subwoofer concealed students methods of doing research by taking observations,
beneath the circular platform. Movement in the virtual world is making models that abstract from the observations, using the
accomplished by "virtual walking," using the buttons on a models to predict, and then testing those predictions.
joystick handle connected through the mouse port to contro
movement. In this version of the system, instead of providing the
motions and behaviors of the virtual gorillas that the students
In this version of the system, the student would don an HMD interact with, the students build the motions and behavior
and find himself in a model of the interpretive center at Zoo controllers themselves, based on their observations of the actual
Atlanta. Moving through the glass out into gorilla habitat 3, the gorillas at the zoo. The controllers and motions that the students
student could then explore the habitat and interact with the other build are then plugged into the current virtual gorilla system, and
gorillas of the habitat. Since the user was perceived as a juvenile students become virtual gorillas and test the verisimilitude of their
gorilla by the other virtual gorillas, they would react to his actions models by trying out different stimuli on their gorilla models to
accordingly. If the student was too disruptive, he would be see how they react.
removed from the habitat and temporarily placed in a "time out"
location, after which he would have to start o v e r i n t h e Instead of making VR the centerpiece of a student's learning
interpretive center. By trying out various types of actions, the experience as the first system did, this system uses it as one of a
student could learn what was, and what was not, acceptable s e t of tools that enhance a student's learning experience. The
behavior ~br a juvenile, and also how the other gorillas of the student makes observations of real gorillas to gain the knowledge
family unit would interact with each other and the student (as a needed to model motions or behaviors correctly. They then work
juvenile gorilla). together in groups on computers translating their observations
into models that are in a form that the virtual gorilla system can
understand. Finally, they use VR as the most natural tool to test

their models, by interacting with them to see if they react as their Allowing students to croat their own controllers and
observations predict the should. This seems to be a better shot motions will also hetp the original implementation of the system.
term model for using VR in education since it doesn't require since it will provide a larger repertoire of motions and behaviors
students to have continual access to an expensive technology, and that can be used in the system where the student just explores and
it focuses on acquiring skills that are generally applicable in life interacts with pre-scripted behaviors,
instead of specific content.
4.1 Preliminary Testing
A preliminary version of the second system was tested last
summer at the zoo, using students from one of their summer
camps. These camps are a week tong, and the camp theme vm'ies
from week to week and by age group, Pilot tes ting of the new
system was done by a group of middle school kids whose camp
theme was animal behaviors.
Students attended camp from 9AM to 4PM Monday through
Friday. tn addition to studying animal behaviors, they had a to
of other activities scheduled, including visits from several animals,
tours of behind-the-scenes areas at the zoo, presentations b
keepers ~md other employees on what their jobs entailed, etc. The
behavior modeling part was structured around the normal camp
schedule by the camp director with input from team members.
Students spent the first three days making observations of the
actval gorillas at the zoo, learning how to do timed behavioral
observations as well as observing various interactions, taking note
Figure 3. The Motion Modeling Interface of what actions were perfor ed and trying to determine the
This new version of the system required modification of the interaction triggers. Students also had awdlable video tapes of
current virtual gorilla system, as well as the construction of some their various interaction types for additional study, which helped
new tools for the students to use. Although a large part of the them with more infrequent interactions.
current virtual gorilla system is modular and controlled b Action modeling started late Wednesday and Continued into
external data files, tile details of the behavior control system at Thursday: Thursday afternoon students developed behavior rules
the lowest level are coded in C, something that it is unreasonable based on their observations, which were inco~orated intothe
for middle school students to master over the six week period of system for them to test on Friday. The students were divided into
Zoo Atlanta's typical Young Scientists program! The curren four groups and each group was assigned a type of action
version of the program is being modified to accept behavior locomotion, social behavior, foraginJfeeding, and solitar
controllers expressed in a simple scripting language that should belaavior. There were four students in each group, working in two
be easier for the students to work with. team,s of two students. Students were able to use the motion
In addition, the motion modeling tool has been updated and modeling interface to generate their own poses. For testing
purposes it was assumed that any pose they generated could be
an easy to use interface has been created for it so that students can
directly transitioned to or fi'om by any other pose. Since the
easily modify motions that already exist in the system or add new
behavior control specification system was still being developed,
motions to it. Users can control joint angles by moving sliders,
the students were given the predicates they could use and the
one for each degree of freedom in the model. Individual poses
format of the rules they shoukl generate, and were asked to just
can be modified, new poses can be created, or existing poses can
write their rules down on paper, These were then collected, and
be removed. As can be seen from Figure 3, different body parts
translated into C code Thursday night so that the students could
are colored different colors to make them easily distinguishable
test their initial system in toto using the HMD on Friday.
when one occludes another.
The process a student goes through to generate a new motion 4.2 Observations and Preliminary Results
involves three different parts, First the student must create the While the overall idea sounded great, the implementation left
motion as a set of poses to be cycled through, using the motion a bit to be desired. At the end of t h e week, the Students had
modeling system, Once this is done, the student must specify produced gorillas that breakdanced, a n d godllas thatdid
which motions can transition to this motion, and to which motions synchronized bobsledding. These were intended t o be resting
this one can transition. This is necessary since, for instance, i motions and foraging motions, so obviously there were a few
looks strange and is physically unrealistic to interpolate directl glitches that the students needed to work on. Unfommately, the
from a lying position to a walking one. To look natural, the ran out of time betbre having a chance to revise their mOtionS and
sequence should be lying to sitting to standing to walking. The behaviors, due in part to having spent so much of the first part of
transition table specifies the state machine that controls allowable the week making observations, to the point of boredom and
motion interpolations. Finally, the higher level behavior frustration. However, even t h o u g h tile students had some
controller must be specified to control when the virtual gorillas problems with this second version of the system, their overal
perform the new motions. For now this is done by a simple rule- experiences were positive, and pointed out several areas to t arget
based system in which preconditions are tested sequentially unti for improvement while refining it.
one is satisfied, and then that corresponding action is performed.

4.2.1 Positive Results carl capture the full range of gorilla behaviors is still an open
One quite obvious result was that the students were problem. This problem was compounded by allowing the
fascinated by the technology, and couldn't wait to get to use it. students to write their rules down on paper. We ended up with
Even though computers are becoming more common now in rules like "1) The first time you meet up with a juvenile gorilla
schools and homes, the h ead-mounted display was still novel not a silverback" as a rule for specifying when to do a social
enough that students looked for excuses to use it. In -fact, some of exam, and "1) Facing-Walk to the food and do gathering" as a
the more intelligent, energetic students would put the HMD on rule for foraging. The students evidently needed a more
even if it was turned off! This enthusiasm kept the students restrictive system for rule specification to constrain them to the
motivated even through some of the less exciting parts of the types of specifications that the behavior control system could
program, such as making actual animal observations. We also understand and use.
saw this enthusiasm from the users of the first version of the Table 1. Behavior Rules Syntax (first version)
system, and this augers well for using VR as an educational tool, Predicates:
since you have to get a student's attention and get him excited Facing(object, value) True if object is within value
before you can teach him anything. However, it was obvious that degrees of front
the system needed some major redesign before it was ready for Near(object, value) True if object is within value
general use. meters
Random(value) True if random number
4.2.2 Lessons Learned between 0 and 1 is less than
The first obvious change needed was a reorganization of the value
schedule of events. In the pilot camp, the students did all their Hungry(value True if hunger (between 0 and
observations the first part of the week and their modeling at the 1) is greater than vaoue
end of the week. A better approach would have been to have the Tired(value) True if fatigue (between 0 and
students mix the two activities together, so that after making so e 1) is greater than value
observations, they would try to model what they had observed. Dominate(object) True if object is submissive
This would give them an idea of the types of things they should Objects:
have been paying attention to, so that when they went back for Food Any edible ite
the next round of observations, they could do a much more Stick or other manipulable
informed job of data collection. Instead, the kids were getting object
bored by the second day with just going and watching gorillas for Gorilla Another gorilla
hours, and when they finally got to try to generate their motion Rules:
poses, they discovered that they hadn't paid attention to particular If predicatel0 Then motion~
things they needed to know to model their set of motions
If predicaten0 Then motionn
It also turned out that the process of generating a series of
poses that will produce a desired motion pattern when played Finally, the problem of specifying acceptable transitions was
back was a difficult one for the students to grasp. They had ignored in the interest of time, and because it would involve
problems determining what kinds of poses would make good explaining the internals of the VR gorilla system to the students in
keyframes, generating the desired motion via the interpolation a lot more detail than they were ready for. However, this is an
process. After not getting anything useable done the first day, we important part of specifying a gorilla behavior, and so we are
had them start all over again the second day with another brief working on an easy to use interface that will let the students
explanation of the process. In addition, before letting the specify transitions for their new motions without overloading
actually use the motion modeling software, they had to generate them with details.
their poses using pipe cleaners, to show that they understood the
process and had reasonable ideas for each pose. Even with that,
though, there were still enough "gotchas" with motion modeling 5. CONCLUSIONS
that no student ended up with realistic-looking motions. Given the fact that computers are just now becoming
widespread in schools, and even then there are only two or three
Another problem with the motion modeling software was per classroom in many schools, it seems reasonable to expect that
that to use it, the user needed to start at the torso (center of mass) VR won't show up in the classroom for ten years or more.
and work out from there, positioning the more extremal bod However, as the Virtual Gorilla project has shown, there is a
parts after positioning the proximal ones. However, the mindset place for VR now in such educational institutions as zoos, science
of the students was such that they persisted in wanting to start at and technology museums, and other similar public places. When
the feet and work up. This led to frustration since after they had deploying a system, care should be taken to insure that the
the fee perfectly placed, they would try to rotate the torso, and application truly benefits from VR in some way.
the feet would move.
While VR can be used to teach concepts, such systems have
Rule specification brought with it its own set of challenges. a chicken and egg proble ---it takes a lot of time and effort to
First, the language they were given had limited expressivity, and generate enough content to make a system that teaches concepts
in fact finding a language for the production rules that is both worth while. This content is not feasible to generate until there
easy enough to understand and use that middle school students are enough systems deployed to make the effort economicall
can work with it, but at the same time is expressive enough that i viable, but until such content becomes readily available, few VR

systems will be deployed to teach content. Because of this, mos Computer Graphics and AtLplications, 30-38
likely the first systems to be successfully deployed wilt focus on (November/December 1997).
broad methods rather than specific concepts.
[211 Brelsford, J., "Physics Education in a Virtual Enviromnent,"
Finally, it appears that there are educational applications of Proceedings ~'the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
VR in which the technology is the centerpiece, but there ~ue other 37~ Annual Meeting, 1286-1290 ( t 993).
equally useful applications that make effective use of VR as just
one part of the learning environment. This type of application [3] Byme, C., "V rtual Reality and Education," Technical
seems to have the most utility for the near future as the price of Report HITL Report Number TR-93-6, University of
the hardware continues to drop and VR systems become more Washington HIT Lab (1993).
readily available.
[4] Dede, C.. M. Salzm~m, and B. Loftin, "ScienceSpace: Virtu~d
For those interested in the results we obtain or looking for Realities for Learning Complex and Abstract Scientific
more information about the project, be sure to visit the project Concepts," Proceedings c~fthe IEEE 1996 Virtual Reality
web site, ht~p//,,,atech:edu/igfads/~dDon.Atlison?/g/~orilla/. Annual bzrernational Symposium, 246-252 (March/April
6. A C K N O W L E D G M E N T S [5] Johnson, A., T. Moher, S. Ohlsson, and M. Gitlingham, "The
Thanks to all the people at Zoo Atlanta who ha ve patienti Round Ear~ Project-Collaborative VR tbr Conceptual
answered questions and tested versions of the system :for us, Learning," IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, 19(6),
Special thanks go to gorilla experts Loft Perkins, Kristen Lukas 60-69 (November/December 1999).
and Kyle Burks for their help in keeping the system grounded in
reality. Thanks also to Ken Hay and the education specialists at [6] Johnson, A,, M. Roussos, J. Leigh, C. Vasilakis, C, Barnes,
Zoo Atlanta (Bert, Beth, Angela, Michelle, and Meredith, among and T. fvloher, "The NICE Project: Learning Together in a
others) who are working with us on the second generation of the Virtual World?' Proceedings, IEEE 1998 Virtual Reality
virtual gorilla to make sure that it is grounded in good pedagog Annual htternational Symposium, 176-183 (March 1998)..
and to assist us in a more formal evaluation of this next version, [7] Winn, W., "The Virtual Reality Roving Vehicle Project,"
Finally, thanks to Zoo Atlanta and the Center{br ZH.E. Journal, 70-74 (December 1995).
Educational Technology at Georgia Tech for providing initial [8] Winn, W., and W. Bricken, "Designing Virtual Worlds tbr
funding for this project.. Use in Mathematics Education: The Example of Experiential
Algebra," Educational Technology, 12-19 (December 1992),
[1] Allison, D., B. Wills, D. Bowman, L. F. [-lodges and J.
Wineman, "The Virtual Reality Gorilla Exhibit," IEEE

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