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First name NAME

Age July 9th/2000

City - Bogota
Phone : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
E-mail :
Job you’re looking for

Years Diploma Physical education teacher

City - Country University or school

Years Diploma Psychology

City - Country University or school

Languages: English : Bilingual

Psychology is the science that analyzes human behavior and mental processes; He is interested in the study,
analysis and understanding of people. ... "The psychology career is the only profession that complements other
careers that link the human being," said the representative of the UPN.


Adapt the motor tasks to the previous learning of children, their individual characteristics, their
evolutionary level and the characteristics of the social and natural environment in which they perform.

Awaken the desire for participation and curiosity in their students, being attentive to their motivations.
 Contribute to the construction of a positive self-image in their students, giving them freedom to decide
and make mistakes without fear of error.

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