Challenges Facing The NHS

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Deciding on
Medicine Challenges Facing The NHS
Experience and Current NHS Issues
Choosing a
Medical School Many consider the NHS to be one of our society’s most precious
resources. But it has historically been under a lot of pressure, and that
UCAS pressure is increasing for several reasons. These include economic, social
and poli"cal pressures — and they are all interlinked. Current NHS issues
Statement are also a common topic at interview – so it’s essen"al your knowledge is
up to date!
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BMAT What are the main challenges Accept

facing all

How are the challenges facing the NHS being met?

What is the new government’s approach to the NHS?
Studying The NHS
Abroad Want to know more about NHS Hot Topics 2019? Read more on the
Studying pages below:
Medicine in
the USA Junior Doctor Contract
Studying NHS Brexit
Medicine in
Hong Kong Bawa-Garba Case A&E Closures
Ar"ficial Intelligence in Medicine It's essen"al that
Medicine in you keep up to
Ireland date with 'hot
topics' affec"ng
Medicine in What are the Main Challenges Facing the NHS? the NHS. To get
Australia you started, here's
Some of the key challenges currently facing the NHS are:
an overview video
covering A&E
An ageing popula"on
Allied Health closures.
A growing popula"on
Evolving healthcare needs, such as the increase in cases of obesity and
Physician diabetes, or an"bio"c resistance.
Associate Medical advancements save lots of lives every year, but push up costs
considerably. It is es"mated that progress in medical technology costs
the NHS at least an extra £10bn a year.
Structure Closure of local services due to centralisa"on drives
NHS Hot Topics
Challenges An increase in reliance on priva"sed services
Ques!on Bank
Working For Want to know the kinds
The NHS The Nuffield Trust (from this report) es"mates that the ageing and
growing popula"on alone could mean we need another 17,000 hospital of ques"ons you may be
Parents’ Guide beds by 2022 — and that’s just hospital beds. The number of doctors, asked about the NHS at
nurses, other staff and equipment all have to meet demand. your interview and how
to answer them? Find
Medical School
out here!
What Might I be Asked About Current NHS Issues?
Current NHS issues are a common topic at medical school interviews –
and you will o$en be asked your opinion on current news affec"ng the
NHS. For example, you might be asked about:

Current NHS mental health services

Brexit’s impact on the NHS


Junior doctors’ contract

7 Day NHS

You can find out more about some of these topics on our NHS Hot Topics
2018-19 page. Want to know how to approach these ques"ons at a
medical school interview? You can read detailed answer guides on our
NHS Hot Topics Interview Ques"on Bank.


How are the Challenges Facing the NHS Being Met?

Economically, the NHS has always been a ba%leground, as governments
fight to secure the future of the NHS whilst being cost-efficient.

One of the solu"ons is to move pa"ent care out of hospitals and into
clinics in GP surgeries and in the community. But this takes a toll on
hospital incomes, driving more and more of them into debt. Some
hospitals trusts have even been put into administra"on over the last few

Centralisa"on of services is one way the government tried to redress

funding issues. But this means closing some local services like A&E and
maternity units.

What is the New Government’s Approach to the

Challenges Facing the NHS?
The current Conserva"ve government has pledged an extra £8bn in
funding by 2020, which is the minimum amount NHS England boss Simon
Stevens says it will need in order to survive. They will also:

Save money by cu&ng more of the social care budget

But slightly increase funding for mental health

A%empt to decrease wai"ng "mes by guaranteeing access to a GP

seven days a week, and appointments within 48 hours for the over-75s

However, they will not reduce the cap on the amount of income NHS
Trusts can generate from private pa"ents, which could have a
detrimental effect on wai"ng "mes and pressure on services

Medical health professionals probably know the NHS be%er than anyone,
so their views are important in deciding how to address the challenges it
faces. In the next sec"on we will look at what it’s like to work for the
NHS in today’s world.

Learn More
Structure of the NHS

Working for the NHS

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