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ADC womans histories:

Tenten: Hello, my name is Tenten. I'm 21 years old. I'm here because I want to tell
my history. I was being abused by my boyfriend �woman sigh while her voice shiver�.
When I was sixteen, I was pregnant. I had sex with my ex-boyfriend, It was my first
time, He told me that all would be okay with us, but not, he was wrong. My parents
were from the old school, and they took me to another family and left me with my
ex-boyfriend. It was so sad. There isn't a word which could describe who was I felt
those days.

When I got energies, I try to speak with my ex-boyfriend, but he just ignored me,
and then he starts to behave how if I had all the blame.

I got sadder. It was too bad because I lost my baby. I cried more than I could
think. I recovered myself and Tried to call my parents to come back home, but they
just told me that I'm a woman and I have a new house. I felt so lonely. I was
sixteen. What could I think and act like a Woman? I was sixteen. They just told me
that If I behaved like a woman when I had sex, I could be a woman now.

Since that day, I felt lonely while I was losing my parents. No one calls, no one
visits me either, They don't exist for me.

Well, I was abased by my boyfriend's parents and my husband. I had to stand

infidelity from my husband and work for his family and my school.

When I finish school, my boyfriend forces me to move out. I was agreed because I
could not stand my parents in law.

We move out to a tiny apartment where started my hell.

All nights and force myself to have sex, when I received my pay from my work, he
stole from me and hit me when he was drunk or angry.

I was afraid, so afraid.

He used behaves to me as an angel when he hit me then cleans my body while he asked
m for forgiveness.

That was worse when He one day, just one day He beat me up, I went to a hospital, I
was almost near to the dead, but my mother came to the hospital, she cried for me,
ask me for forgiveness like my dad. She tried to make me understand that I had to
save my life, but I didn't want to understand, I was afraid.

My father asks me for forgiveness too. Then they took me to their house. There,
they healed my wounds, they tried to their best talking me well, and finally, they
brought me here.

Two years where my ex-boyfriend beat me up mark a big part of my life �She was
crying so hard � My parents were wrong because when a girl gets a baby, kick her
out is the worse thing that parents could do because of exposing their children's
as a victim. They don't know who is the other family or what it's trying to do.
Well, this is my history.
When I was 17, I had my first boyfriend. He was tall, elegant, charming, and
handsome. He was what girls in my school wanted.
I was not the girl who looks like the kind of him. He was a popular and attractive
boy while I was a little different. I had awful burning skin, messy hair, that
uniform does not see good on me either.
In the beginning, he makes me feel like a queen. He was perfect with me. We used to
go out to a different and beautiful place in his car, we used to talk almost all
the time, he took care of me in the school but well, time goes over, he asked me
for a �proof of love� I did not understand what he wanted at the beginning. But one
day in his house, when his parents were not there, he tried to force me to have

I refuse.

I told him I did not want to have sex yet but did not understand my words. He
rapes me and then when I ask for help to my friends because I was feeling mess and
lost, they told me that this was normal feeling like that, the first time is always
painful, I had to be a good girlfriend because he is handsome and I had to be
careful because some else could steal my men.

I felt bad. I felt like a stranger because I did want to have my first time like

I spoke to my mon, she understands me, she told me that I should break up with him
and inform me about kind of rape because that he makes me feel, its a clear case of

I could not break up with him because he never calls me again. He did as we were
not in a relationship. My friends also apart of me because they think that I was
stupid because I broke my ex-boyfriend's heart.

My mom took me to a therapist since that time I work for myself while I always take
care of my self.

My mom switched me to another school and supported me a lot.

I made new friends, with the time I change the way that I used to dress and
finally I went with my mon to a skin specialist.

I got interested in the world model, Its who I am today

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