Grade 2

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BA 01.35.


for Elementary School
Grade II

Penulis : Herlina

Editor : Bestri Retmizola
Desain Cover : Agus Susanto
Layouter : Raysha Hakiki

Diterbitkan oleh PT Bumi Aksara
Jl. Sawo Raya No. 18
Jakarta 13220

Hak cipta dilindungi undang-undang.

Dilarang memperbanyak buku ini sebagian atau seluruh­nya, dalam bentuk dan dengan cara
apa pun juga, baik secara mekanis maupun elektronis, termasuk fotokopi, rekaman, dan lain-
lain tanpa izin tertulis dari penerbit.

ISBN: 978-602-444-488-4 (no.jil.lengkap) 19.01.01

978-602-444-489-1 (jil.1)
978-602-444-490-7 (jil.2)
978-602-444-491-4 (jil.3)
978-602-444-492-1 (jil.4)
978-602-444-493-8 (jil.5)
978-602-444-494-5 (jil.6)


Buku English for Elementary School Grade II ini lebih menekankan

kemampuan siswa untuk menggunakan bahasa Inggris secara lisan. Oleh
karena itu, buku ini menyajikan materi yang dapat memotivasi siswa untuk
berani berbicara meskipun dengan penguasaan kosakata yang terbatas.
Meskipun mengutamakan pada kemampuan lisan, bukan berarti buku
ini tidak mempunyai muatan materi tata bahasa. Materi tata bahasa dalam
buku ini disajikan secara terpadu sehingga materi yang disajikan tidak
hanya menjadi pengetahuan, tetapi juga bisa diaplikasikan oleh siswa.
Selain itu, buku ini juga menyajikan berbagai aktivitas permainan yang
selain menyenangkan, juga menuntut siswa untuk berpikir dan mengulang
kembali materi yang telah dipelajari.
Sebagian besar aktivitas dalam buku ini diperuntukkan bagi siswa.
Meskipun demikian, peran guru sebagai mediator dan pihak yang
memperkenalkan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa kedua (English as Second
Language) sangat penting dan tidak dapat ditinggalkan.
Penulis telah berusaha secara maksimal untuk menyusun buku ini. Akan
tetapi, kontribusi berupa kritik atau saran terhadap segala hal tentang buku
ini sangat diharapkan.
Akhirnya, semoga buku ini dapat memberi sebuah warna baru di tengah-
tengah maraknya buku bahasa Inggris untuk SD.

Desember 2018

Daftar Isi

Semester 1

Lesson 1
How Are You? | 1

Lesson 2
My Classroom | 11

Lesson 3
My Family | 23

Daftar Isi v

Lesson 4
Numbers | 33

Review 1 | 43

Semester 2

Lesson 5
Clothes | 49

Lesson 6
Part of My Body | 59
vi English for Elementary School Grade II

Lesson 7
Foods and Drinks | 69

Lesson 8
My House | 79

Review 2 | 93
List of Vocabularies | 97
List of Expressions | 104
Teacher’s Guide | 106
Bibliography | 111
How Are You?
Warming Up

My Name Is …

Watch and study about greeting at
2 English for Elementary School Grade II

Listen and Repeat

Heru : Hi Ana.
Ana : Hello Heru.
Heru : How are you?
Ana : Fine, thank you.
And you?
Heru : Fine, thank you.

Look and Say

Good morning,
Good morning, Ana.

How are you? Fine, thank you.

Lesson 1 How Are You? 3

Good morning,

Good morning,
Mr Yudi.
Fine, thank you.

How are you?

Good evening,
Good evening,
Mr Andi.

How are you?

Fine, thank you.
4 English for Elementary School Grade II

Good morning,
How are you?

Good morning,
Miss Tika.

Fine, thank you.

Goodbye, Indah.

Goodbye, Doni.

See you.
See you.

Rhyming Words

good should wood

Lesson 1 How Are You? 5

Read and Practise

Roni : How do you do?

Rizal : How do you do?
Roni : What is your name?
Rizal : My name is Rizal.
What is your name?
Roni : My name is Roni.
Rizal : Where do you live?
Roni : I live in East Jakarta.
And you?
Rizal : In South Jakarta.

Learn the Vocabulary

What is your name? = Siapa namamu?

How old are you? = Berapa umurmu?
I am alright = Saya baik-baik saja.
Saya baik-baik saja.
I am OK =
6 English for Elementary School Grade II

Nice to meet you. = Senang bertemu dengan kamu.

Where do you live? = Di mana kamu tinggal?
What is your hobby = Apa hobimu?

I am alright.

True or False I am allright.

Write and Practise

Ani : Good m_ _n_ng, Tito.

Tito : G_ _d morning, Ani.
Ani : How _ _ _ you?
Tito : F_ne, thank you.
Lesson 1 How Are You? 7

Heni : Good ev_ _in_ Lisa.

Lisa : G_o_ evening Heni.
Heni : _ _ _ are you?
Lisa : Fine _ _ _ _ _ you.

Mr Tio : Good af _ _ rnoo_ Fika.

Fika : Go _ _ afternoon Mr Tio.
Mr Tio : How are _ _ _?
Fika : I am fine tha_ _ you.

Miss Ika : Goodbye students.

Student : Good _ _ _ Miss Ika.
Miss Ika : See you.
Student : _ _ _ you.
8 English for Elementary School Grade II

Listen and Read Aloud

How do you do? How are you? I am alright.

Nice to meet you. Where do you live?

What is your name? How old are you?

Pick and Practise

• Copy the pictures.

• Cut the cards.
• Hold the cards together.
• Ask your friend to pick any card.


Dani : Good evening, Agus.

Agus : Good evening, Dani.
Dani : How are you?
Agus : Fine, thank you.
Lesson 1 How Are You? 9
10 English for Elementary School Grade II

What belongs?

Circle what belongs in

Hello! Part of Body

How are you?

How do you do?

School Uniforms Hi!

My Classroom
Warming Up

Sing a Song

Make a Circle

Make a circle big big big

Small small small big big big
Make a circle small small small
Hello hello hello

Make a circle round and round

Round and round round and round
Make a circle round and round
Hello hello hello

Make a circle up up up
Down down down up up up
Make a circle down down down
Now sit down
12 English for Elementary School Grade II

Listen and Repeat

This Is My Classroom
Lesson 2 My Classroom 13

Door Window

Clock Chalk

Blackboard Calendar
14 English for Elementary School Grade II

Desk Chair

Watch and study about school supplies at

Look and Say

That is a window. This is a door.

Lesson 2 My Classroom 15

This is a blackboard.

That is a clock.

This is a chalk.

This is a chair.
16 English for Elementary School Grade II

That is a calendar.

That is a table.

Write and Practise

Th is a t .
Lesson 2 My Classroom 17

Th is a win w.


Th a pic tu .

Th at is d .
18 English for Elementary School Grade II

Th is a b l b o a rd.

Read Aloud

blackboard calendar chair chalk

classroom clock desk door

my picture teacher that

this window
Lesson 2 My Classroom 19

Trace and Colour

Colour this green. Colour this black.

Colour this yellow. Colour this blue.

20 English for Elementary School Grade II

Colour this brown. Colour this red.

This is a blackboard.

True or False This is blackboard.

Learn the Vocabulary

black = hitam
blue =
brown = cokelat
green = hijau
red =
yellow = kuning
Lesson 2 My Classroom 21

Rhyming Words

chair air hair

What belongs?

Circle what belongs in

22 English for Elementary School Grade II
This Is
3 My Family

Warming Up

Sing a Song

I Love You

I love you
You love me
We’re a happy family
With a great big hug and a kiss from
me to you
Won’t you say you love me too

I love you
You love me
We’re best friends like friends should
With a great big hug and a kiss from
me to you
Won’t you say you love me too
24 English for Elementary School Grade II

Listen and Repeat

This Is My Family

This is Eka.
This is Dian.
He is Dian’s brother.
Lesson 3 This Is My Family 25

This is Nina. This is Mr Hendra.

She is Dian’s sister. He is Dian’s father.

This is Mrs Nani. This is Mr Hasan.

She is Dian’s mother. He is Dian’s uncle.

This is Mrs Tuti. This is Hari.

She is Dian’s aunt. He is Dian’s cousin.
26 English for Elementary School Grade II

This is Mrs Aminah. This is Mr Wijaya.

She is Dian’s grandmother. He is Dian’s grandfather.

Watch and study about family at

Pronounce the Words

sister brother cousin father

mother grandfather grandmother parents

aunt uncle
Lesson 3 This Is My Family 27

He is my sister.

True or False She is my sister.

Look and Read Aloud

He is my brother. She is my sister.

She is my grandmother. He is my grandfather.

28 English for Elementary School Grade II

She is my mother. He is my father.

They are my parents. She is my cousin.

She is my aunt. He is my uncle.

Lesson 3 This Is My Family 29

Learn the Vocabulary

saudara laki-laki
brother =
saudara perempuan
sister =
father =
mother =
orang tua
parents =
grandfather =
grandmother = nenek
uncle =
bibi (tante)
aunt =
cousin =

Translate into English

ibu saya

ayah saya

orang tua saya

bibi saya
30 English for Elementary School Grade II

paman saya

sepupu saya

nenek saya

kakek saya

Complete the Word

1. fa_her

2. brot_er

3. paren_s

4. u_cle

5. a_nt

6. g_andfather
Lesson 3 This Is My Family 31

7. gr_ndmother

8. si_ter

9. m_ther

10. cou_in

Sing a Song

One and One

One and one I love

My mother
Two and two I love
My father
Three and three
Brother and sister
One two three I love my family
32 English for Elementary School Grade II

Rhyming Words

mother other rather

What belongs?

Circle what belongs in

Warming Up

Roll and Count

34 English for Elementary School Grade II

Listen and Repeat

one two three four five

six seven eight nine ten

eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen

sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty

Lesson 4 Numbers 35

thirty fourty fifty sixty

seventy eighty ninety a hundred

Look and Say

What number is it? What number is it?

It is three. It is seven.

What number is it? What number is it?

It is ten. It is twelve.
36 English for Elementary School Grade II

What number is it? What number is it?

It is fifteen. It is thirty.

Write and Practise

A : What number is it?

B : It .

A : What is it?
B : It .

A : number is it?
B : It is .
Lesson 4 Numbers 37

A : is it?
B : It is one.

A : What number is it?

B : It .

Read the Sentences Aloud

• There are five fingers in my left hand.

• There are five fingers in my right hand.
• I have ten fingers.
• Tina has ten fingers.
• Doni has ten fingers.
• Everybody has ten fingers.
38 English for Elementary School Grade II

Sing a Song

How Many Fingers

How many fingers on one hand
How many fingers on one hand
How many fingers on one hand
Let’s all count together

1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5

How many fingers on two hands

How many fingers on two hands
How many fingers on two hands
Let’s all count together

1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10

Clap clap clap your hands

Clap clap clap your hands
Clap clap clap your hands
Clap your hands with me

How many toes on one foot

How many toes on one foot
How many toes on one foot
Let’s all count together
Lesson 4 Numbers 39

1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5

How many toes on two feet

How many toes on two feet
How many toes on two feet
Let’s all count together

1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10

Stomp stomp stomp your feet

Stomp stomp stomp your feet
Stomp stomp stomp your feet
Stomp your feet with me

1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10

Watch the video of How Many Fingers at
40 English for Elementary School Grade II

Write the Number in Letters

Lesson 4 Numbers 41

Say It

two + two = four

three + four
= seven

ten + five = fifteen

seven + one
= eight

nine + four = thirteen

eleven + one
= twelve

I have ten fingers.

True or False I have ten finger.

42 English for Elementary School Grade II

What belongs?

Circle what belongs in

Rhyming Words

seven heaven eleven

Review 1 43

Review 1
Choose the Correct Answer
1. Andi : Hello!
How are you?
Beta : ....
A. Thank you.
B. Fine.
C. Good morning.
D. Good afternoon.

2. Ana : Good evening, Nico.

Nico : ....
A. Good night, Ana.
B. Good morning, Ana.
C. Good evening, Ana.
D. Good afternoon, Ana.

3. This is a ....
A. chair
B. chalk
C. desk
D. clock

44 English for Elementary School Grade II

4. He is my ....
A. grandparent
B. grandmother
C. grandfather
D. father

5. It is ....
A. eighteen
B. seventeen
C. nineteen
D. nine

Fill in the Blanks

Good Good
Review 1 45

Good is a picture.

Good is a clock.
46 English for Elementary School Grade II

Arrange These Letters into Words








Review 1 47

Write the Numbers





48 English for Elementary School Grade II





Warming Up

Guess and Say

50 English for Elementary School Grade II

glasses vest backpack jacket

shorts jacket swimsuit socks

shoes dress cap sweater

overall raincoat trousers boots

skirt pajamas blouse slippers

Lesson 5 Clothes 51

Listen and Repeat

shirt T-shirt

blouse trousers

skirt shorts
52 English for Elementary School Grade II

dress uniform

Look and Say

These are shorts.

The shorts are white.

These are trousers.

The trousers are brown.
Lesson 5 Clothes 53

This is a shirt. This is a T-shirt.

The shirt is red. The T-shirt is yellow.

This is a skirt. This is a blouse.

The skirt is purple. The blouse is green.

These are shoes. This is a cap.

The shoes are pink. The cap is red.
54 English for Elementary School Grade II

This is a dress. This is a uniform.

The dress is black. The uniform is black and gray.

This is a uniform.

True or False This is a uniforms.

Learn the Vocabulary

cap =
baju perempuan
blouse =
brown =
gray =
Lesson 5 Clothes 55

orange =
merah muda
pink =
purple =
shirt =
celana pendek
shorts =
trousers = celana panjang
uniform = seragam

Let’s Guess

Guru menunjuk baju yang berwarna (misalnya, biru, putih, dan

sebagainya) dan menanyakan apa warna baju tersebut dalam
bahasa Inggris.

Teacher : What is this?

Students : This is .
Teacher : What colour is this?
Students : That is .
56 English for Elementary School Grade II

Colour the Pictures

Colour the trousers blue. Colour the shirt pink.

Colour the cap purple. Colour the shoes brown.

Colour the short, green. Colour the blouse yellow.

Lesson 5 Clothes 57

Colour the skirt red. Colour the T-shirt orange.

Colour the dress gray. Colour the belt black.

Rhyming Words

blouse house mouse

58 English for Elementary School Grade II

What belongs?

Circle what belongs in

Parts of
6 My Body

Warming Up

Say and Sing

This Is Me
Head eyes nose mouth ears chin
Arms hands fingers legs feet toes This is
This is me here we go me.
My hair my eyes my nose this is me
My mouth my ears my chin this is me
This is me this is me this is me
Arms hands fingers legs feet toes

My arms my hands my fingers count with me

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
This is
My legs my feet my toes count with me
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

This is me here we go
This is me this is me this is me this is me
This is me this is me this is me
This is me this is me this is me this is me
This is me this is me this is me
60 English for Elementary School Grade II

Listen and Repeat


ear eye



Lesson 6 Parts of My Body 61

Look and Say

A : What is it? A : What is it?

B : It is a head. B : It is an eye.

A : What is it? A : What is it?

B : It is a nose. B : It is a mouth.

A : What is it? A : What is it?

B : It is an ear. B : It is a shoulder.
62 English for Elementary School Grade II

A : What is it? A : What is it?

B : It is an arm. B : It is a hand.

A : What is it? A : What is it?

B : It is a chest. B : It is a stomach.

A : What is it? A : What is it?

B : It is a leg. B : It is a foot.
Lesson 6 Parts of My Body 63

Pronounce the Words

arm chest ear eye

foot hand leger neck

shoulder stomach

It is a eye.

True or False It is an eye.

Say and Touch

This is my ear. This is my nose.

64 English for Elementary School Grade II

This is my eye. This is my head.

This is my hand. This is my mouth.

This is my stomach. This is my leg.

Lesson 6 Parts of My Body 65

Write and Practise

A : What ? A : is it?
B : I t is a B : I t is a

A : What is it? A : What is it?

B : is a t B : a
66 English for Elementary School Grade II

A : What is it? A : What is it?

B : a s ch B : an

Learn and play Face Maker Game at

Translate into Indonesian

1. nose hidung

2. leg

3. stomach
Lesson 6 Parts of My Body 67

4. neck

5. chest

6. hand

7. eye

8. head

9. mouth

10. ear

11. arm

12. shoulder

Rhyming Words

eye bye cry

68 English for Elementary School Grade II

What belongs?

Circle what belongs in

Foods and
7 Drinks

Warming Up

Sing and Song

Apples and Bananas

I like to eat eat eat apples and bananas

I like to eat eat eat apples and bananas
I like to eat eat eat apples and bananas
I like to eat eat eat apples and bananas

I like to ate ate ate ay-ples and ba-nay-nays

I like to ate ate ate ay-ples and ba-nay-nays
I like to ate ate ate ay-ples and ba-nay-nays
I like to ate ate ate ay-ples and ba-nay-nays

I like to eat eat eat ee-ples and be-nee-nees

I like to eat eat eat ee-ples and be-nee-nees
I like to eat eat eat ee-ples and be-nee-nees
I like to eat eat eat ee-ples and be-nee-nees

I like to ite ite ite ite-ples and ba-nigh-nighs

I like to ite ite ite ite-ples and ba-nigh-nighs
I like to ite ite ite ite-ples and ba-nigh-nighs
I like to ite ite ite ite-ples and ba-nigh-nighs
70 English for Elementary School Grade II

I like to ite oteote ote oh-ples and ba-no-nos

I like to ite oteote ote oh-ples and ba-no-nos
I like to ite oteote ote oh-ples and ba-no-nos
I like to ite oteote ote oh-ples and ba-no-nos

I like to oot oot oot oo-ples and ba-noo-noos

I like to oot oot oot oo-ples and ba-noo-noos
I like to oot oot oot oo-ples and ba-noo-noos
I like to oot oot oot oo-ples and ba-noo-noos

I like to eat eat eat apples and bananas

I like to eat eat eat apples and bananas
I like to eat eat eat apples and bananas
I like to eat eat eat apples and bananas

Watch and sing another song about food at:
Lesson 7 Foods and Drinks 71

Listen and Repeat

a glass of milk a bowl of soup

a glass of water a plate of fried noodles
a cup of coffee a bottle of syrup
a cup of tea a can of coke
a plate of rice a loaf of bread
a plate of chicken

Look and Say

a plate of rice a cup of tea a loaf of bread

72 English for Elementary School Grade II

a cup of coffee a slice of cake a glass of milk

a plate of roast chicken a glass of water a bowl of soup

a bottle of syrup a plate of fried noodles a can of coke

Lesson 7 Foods and Drinks 73

Pronounce the Words

bottle bowl bread cake

chicken coffee coke cup

milk noodle rice slice

soup syrup tea water

Write and Practise

A : I am hungry. A : I am thirsty.
Give me .... Give me ....
• a plate of r • a cup of c f
• a loaf of b • a cup of t
• a slice of c • a glass of m k
• a ch n • a can of o
• a bowl of s p • a glass of w
B : Here you are B : Here you are.
74 English for Elementary School Grade II

Write and Practise

Teacher : What is this?

Students : .... (food)
Teacher : What do you want to drink?
Students : .... (drink)
Lesson 7 Foods and Drinks 75

Match the Pictures

This is ....

a glass of water

a chicken

a can of coke

a slice of cake

a bowl of soup

a loaf of bread
76 English for Elementary School Grade II

This is a bowl of water.

True or False This is a bowl of soup.

Look and Read Aloud

I want a can of coke. I do not want a glass of coffee.

I want a bowl of soup. I want a loaf of bread.

Lesson 7 Foods and Drinks 77

I am hungry. I am thirty.
I want a plate of rice. I want to drink a glass of water.

I am hungry. I am thirty.
I want a plate of rice. I want to drink a glass of water.

Rhyming Words

rice nice ice

78 English for Elementary School Grade II

What belongs?

Circle what belongs in

My House
Warming Up

Sing and Song

Rooms of the House

I’m going going to the bedroom

I’m going going to the bedroom
I’m in the bedroom where’s Bell’s jump rope
I’m in the bedroom where’s Bell’s jump rope

I’m hopping hopping hopping to the living room

I’m hopping hopping hopping to the living room
I’m in the living room where’s Bell’s jump rope
I’m in the living room where’s Bell’s jump rope
80 English for Elementary School Grade II

I’m running running running to the bathroom

I’m running running running to the bathroom
I’m in the bathroom where’s Bell’s jump rope
I’m in the bathroom where’s Bell’s jump rope

I’m jumping jumping jumping to the dining room

I’m jumping jumping jumping to the dining room
I’m in the dining room where’s Bell’s jump rope
I’m in the dining room where’s Bell’s jump rope

Listen and Repeat

living room

Lesson 8 My House 81


dining room

82 English for Elementary School Grade II


Look and Say

In the Dining Room

plate cup
bottle teapot jug
Lesson 8 My House 83

It is a table. It is a chair.

It is a plate. It is a spoon.

It is a fork. It is a glass.
84 English for Elementary School Grade II

It is a cup. It is a saucer.

It is a teapot. It is a jug.

It is a bowl. It is a bottle.
Lesson 8 My House 85

In the Kitchen

pan cabinet


frying pan oven


stove bin




It is a frying pan. It is a pan.

86 English for Elementary School Grade II

It is an oven. It is a cabinet.

It is a kettle. It is a rubbish bin.

It is a faucet. It is a toaster.
Lesson 8 My House 87

It is a sink. It is a knife.

It is a refrigerator. It is a stove.
88 English for Elementary School Grade II

Write and Practise

1 2

A : What is it? A : What ?

B : It is a plate. B : It

3 4

A : ? A : ?
B : B :

A : ?
B :
Lesson 8 My House 89

Pronounce the Words

cabinet faucet fork fridge

frying pan kettle knife oven

pan sink stove toaster

It is a rubbish bin.

True or False It is a rubbishbin.

Match the Words wiht the Pictures

1 knife

2 stove
90 English for Elementary School Grade II

3 glass

4 kettle

5 teapot

6 saucer

7 bowl
Lesson 8 My House 91

Translate into Indonesian

1 That is a fork.

2 That is a spoon.

3 That is a plate.

4 That is a cup.

5 That is a kettle.

6 That is a kitchen.

Rhyming Words

glass class grass

92 English for Elementary School Grade II

What belongs?

Circle what belongs in

Review 2 93

Review 2

Choose the Correct Answer

1. The shirt is ....

A. red
B. green
C. blue
D. white

2. These are ....

A. trousers
B. shorts
C. shoes
D. socks

3. What is it?
A. it is a foot
B. it is an eye
C. it is a nose
D. it is a shoulder

94 English for Elementary School Grade II

4. A : What is this?
B : It is a bowl of ....
A. noodles
B. syrup
C. coke
D. soup

5. It is a ....
A. bowl
B. jug
C. teapot
E. plate

Fill in the Blanks

1. A : What is this?
B : ....

2. A : What colours are they?

B : They ....
Review 2 95

3. A : What do you want to eat?

B : A plate of ....

4. A : What do you want to drink?

B : A glass of ....

5. A : What is this?
B : ....

Arrange These Letters into Words

1 i-k-r-s-t

2 f-i-n-o-r-u-m
96 English for Elementary School Grade II

3 c-i-r-e

4 a-e-r-t-w

5 c-c-e-h-i-k-n

6 n-o-o-p-s

7 a-g-l-s-s

8 e-o-s-t-v

9 r-e-t-s-o-a-t

10 a-b-e-l-t
List of Vocabularies

Lesson 1

afternoon : siang
ask : tanya
card : kartu
cut : potong
evening : malam
example : contoh
fine : baik
friend : teman
goodbye : sampai jumpa
I : saya
listen : dengar
live : tinggal
look : lihat
meaning : arti
miss : nona/ibu guru
morning : pagi
my : milik saya
name : nama
read : baca
repeat : ulang
pick : ambil

98 English for Elementary School Grade II

practise : praktik
say : bicara
see : lihat
south : selatan
student : murid
study : belajar
write : tulis
you : kamu
your : milikmu

Lesson 2

aloud : keras
black : hitam
blackboard : papan tulis hitam
blue : biru
brown : cokelat
calendar : kalender
chair : kursi
chalk : kapur
classroom : ruangan kelas
clock : jam
colour : warna
desk : meja belajar
door : pintu
green : hijau
picture : gambar
red : merah
this : ini
List of Vocabularies 99

that : itu
window : jendela
yellow : kuning

Lesson 3

aunt : bibi/tante
brother : saudara laki-laki
cousin : sepupu
family : keluarga
father : ayah
grandfather : kakek
grandmother : nenek
he : dia (untuk laki-laki)
mother : ibu
mr : bapak (di depan nama)
mrs : ibu (di depan nama)
parent : orang tua
pronounce : mengucapkan/ucapkan
she : dia (untuk perempuan)
sing : menyanyi/nyanyikan
sister : saudara perempuan
song : lagu
they : mereka
translate : menerjemahkan/terjemahkan
uncle : paman
word : kata
100 English for Elementary School Grade II

Lesson 4

finger : jari
hand : tangan
left : kiri
letter : huruf
number : angka
right : kanan
sentence : kalimat

Lesson 5

blouse : blus
cap : topi
clothes : pakaian
dress : pakaian perempuan
gray : abu-abu
guess : tebak
let : mari
pink : merah jambu
purple : ungu
shirt : kemeja
shoe : sepatu
shorts : celana pendek
skirt : rok
sock : kaos kaki
spell : eja
T-shirt : kaos oblong
List of Vocabularies 101

trousers : celana panjang

uniform : seragam
white : putih

Lesson 6

an : sebuah
arm : lengan
body : badan/tubuh
chest : dada
eye : mata
face : wajah
foot : telapak kaki
hand : tangan
head : kepala
leg : kaki
mouth : mulut
neck : leher
nose : hidung
shoulder : pundak
stomach : perut
touch : pegang

Lesson 7

answer : jawab
bottle : botol
bowl : mangkuk
bread : roti
102 English for Elementary School Grade II

cake : kue
can : kaleng
chicken : ayam
cup : cangkir
drink : minum
fried : goreng
food : makanan
glass : gelas
hungry : lapar
match : cocok
milk : susu
noodle : mi
plate : piring
soup : sup
syrup : sirup
thirsty : haus
tea : teh
water : air

Lesson 8

bathroom : kamar mandi

bed : tempat tidur
bedroom : kamar tidur
cabinet : rak
chair : kursi
clock : jam
dining room : ruang makan
faucet : keran
fork : garpu
List of Vocabularies 103

frying pan : wajan

garden : taman
house : rumah
jug : teko
kettle : ceret
kitchen : dapur
knife : pisau
living room : ruang tamu
oven : oven
pan : panci
refrigerator : lemari es
rubbish bin : tempat sampah
saucer : piring kecil
sink : bak cuci piring
sofa : sofa
spoon : sendok
stove : kompor
table : meja
teapot : teko teh
toaster : pemanggang roti
104 English for Elementary School Grade II

List of Expressions

Lesson 1

Fine, thank you. : Baik, terima kasih.

Good afternoon. : Selamat siang.
Good evening. : Selamat malam.
Good morning : Selamat pagi.
Goodbye : Selamat tinggal.
How are you? : Apa kabarmu?
How do you do? : Apa kabarmu? (untuk pertama kali bertemu)
My name is …. : Nama saya ….
See you. : Sampai bertemu lagi.
What is your name? : Siapa namamu?
Where do you live? : Di mana kamu tinggal?

Lesson 2

That is a …. : Itu sebuah ….

This is a …. : Ini sebuah ….

Lesson 4

Say it. : Katakan!

What number is it? : Angka berapakah ini?

List of Expressions 105

Lesson 5

What colour is this? : Apa warna (benda) ini?

What is this? : Apa ini?

Lesson 6

This is my …. : Ini … (milik) saya.

What is it? : Apa itu?

Lesson 7

a bottle of … : sebotol …
a bowl of … : semangkuk …
a can of … : sekaleng …
a cup of … : secangkir …
a glass of … : segelas …
a loaf of … : sepotong …
a plate of … : sepiring …
a slice of … : seiris …
Here you are. : Ini dia.
What is this? : Apa ini?
What do you want to drink? : Kamu ingin minum apa?

106 English for Elementary School Grade II

Teacher’s Guide

Lesson 1

Warming Up
Pada bagian pembuka ini, guru menyiapkan kertas atau kartu kosong untuk
dibagikan kepada siswa. Guru meminta siswa untuk menyebutkan nama
diri, kemudian menuliskannya pada kartu yang telah dibagikan. Kartu di-
kumpulkan dan dapat ditempelkan pada sehelai karton, kemudian digan-
tung di dinding kelas.

G. Pick and Practise

Guru meminta siswa menggunting kartu-kartu yang terdapat pada
halaman 119. Secara berpasangan mereka dapat bermain sambil ber-
latih. Seorang siswa memegang tumpukan kartu dalam keadaan kartu
telungkup. Siswa yang lain mengambil salah satu kartu. Berdasarkan
kartu yang didapat, siswa kedua mengucapkan salam dan harus di­
respons oleh siswa yang pertama (lihat contoh). Yang memegang dan
mengambil kartu dapat bergantian.

Lesson 2

Warming Up
Pada bagian pembuka ini, guru membagi kelas menjadi beberapa
kelompok. Guru meminta siswa untuk membuat lingkaran sambil saling

Teacher's Guide 107

berpegangan tangan. Guru mengajak siswa bernyanyi bersama lagu Make

a Circle. Guru memberikan contoh lagu yang akan dinyanyikan sebait demi
sebait, siswa menirukannya. Kemudian, guru mengajak siswa bernyanyi
bersama dengan melakukan berbagai gerakan yang sesuai dengan lagu.
Guru dapat mengunduh sumber lagu dari situs

E. Trace and Colour

Siswa menebalkan garis putus-putus pada gambar hingga objek dalam
gambar itu menjadi jelas. Jika memungkinkan, siswa juga dapat me-
warnai gambar tersebut. Setelah objeknya jelas, siswa diharuskan
mengingat kosakatanya dan menuliskan atau mengucapkannya dalam

Lesson 3

Warming Up
Pada bagian pembuka ini, guru dapat menjelaskan kepada siswa tentang
bergembira bersama keluarga. Guru mengajak siswa bernyanyi bersama
lagu I Love You. Guru memberikan contoh lagu yang akan dinyanyikan sebait
demi sebait, siswa menirukannya. Kemudian, guru meminta siswa bernyanyi
bersama dengan melakukan berbagai gerakan yang sesuai dengan lagu.
Guru dapat mengunduh sumber lagu dari situs

Lesson 4

Warming Up
Pada bagian pembuka ini, guru memperkenalkan angka1 sampai 100. Guru
membagi kelas menjadi beberapa kelompok. Guru menyiapkan 1 gelas
108 English for Elementary School Grade II

plastik dan 10 (atau lebih) buah dadu untuk setiap kelompok. Guru meminta
setiap kelompok mengocok dan menggulirkan dadu. Guru meminta setiap
kelompok menghitung dan menyebutkan jumlah angka yang keluar. Angka
dengan jumlah paling banyak adalah pemenangnya. Permainan dapat
diulang berkali-kali.

Sing a Song
Pada bagian ini, guru mengajak siswa bernyanyi bersama lagu How Many
Fingers. Guru memberikan contoh lagu yang akan dinyanyikan sebait demi
sebait, siswa menirukannya. Kemudian, guru mengajak siswa bernyanyi
bersama dengan melakukan berbagai gerakan yang sesuai dengan lagu.
Guru dapat mengunduh sumber lagu dari situs

Lesson 5

Warming Up
Pada bagian pembuka ini, guru menyiapkan sehelai karton dan me­
nempelkannya di papan tulis. Guru membagi kelas menjadi beberapa
kelompok untuk melakukan kegiatan permainan tebak gambar bertema
clothes. Guru dapat meminta siswa untuk menggunting gambar-gambar
dan kata-kata pada halaman 121 dan 123 menggunakannya sebagai alat
bantu permainan ini. Guru meminta satu kelompok menempelkan satu
gambar pada karton di papan tulis. Kelompok lain berdiskusi dan menebak
nama benda pada gambar tersebut, kemudian menyebutkan jawabannya.
Bila jawabannya benar, guru meminta perwakilan kelompok untuk me­
nempelkan kartu kata sesuai dengan benda pada gambar. Permainan
dilanjutkan sampai semua kartu gambar dan kata tertempel pada karton.
Hasil karya dari permainan ini dapat ditempel di dinding kelas. Guru dapat
membuat variasi lain dari permainan tebak gambar ini.
Teacher's Guide 109

E. Colour the Pictures

Siswa mewarnai gambar macam-macam pakaian dan perlengkapan-
nya sesuai perintah kalimat di bawahnya. Setelah selesai, ia menunjuk-
kan gambar itu pada teman-temannya dan menyebutkan jenis-jenis
pakaian yang ada dalam gambar dan warna pada gambar itu. Guru
memberikan contoh kalimat, misalnya “The trousers are blue”.

Lesson 6

Warming Up
Pada bagian pembuka ini, guru mengajak siswa bernyanyi bersama lagu
This Is Me. Kemudian guru memperkenalkan nama-nama anggota tubuh
dan memberikan contoh lagu yang akan dinyanyikan sebait demi sebait,
siswa menirukannya. Kemudian, guru mengajak siswa bernyanyi bersama.
Potongan-potongan gambar digunakan untuk menunjukkan bagian-
bagian tubuh yang disebut pada lagu. Siswa bernyanyi bersama dengan
melakukan gerakan yang sesuai dengan lagu. Lagu dapat diulang dengan
tempo yang dipercepat. Guru dapat mengunduh sumber lagu dari situs

Lesson 7

Warming Up
Pada bagian pembuka ini, guru mengajak siswa bernyanyi bersama lagu
Apples and Bananas. Guru memberikan contoh lagu yang akan dinyanyikan
sebait demi sebait, siswa menirukannya. Kemudian, guru mengajak
siswa bernyanyi bersama. Potongan-potongan gambar digunakan untuk
menunjukkan bagian-bagian tubuh yang disebut pada lagu. Siswa
110 English for Elementary School Grade II

bernyanyi bersama dengan melakukan gerakan yang sesuai dengan lagu.

Guru dapat mengunduh sumber lagu dari situs

E. Write and Practise

Guru memperlihatkan beberapa jenis makanan atau minuman (dapat
juga berupa gambar), kemudian menanyakan tentang makanan atau
minuman tersebut.

F. Match the Pictures

Siswa menghubungkan kata di lajur kiri dan gambar di lajur kanan dan
menuliskannya dalam kalimat dan melafalkannya. Hal itu dilakukan di
depan kelas.

Lesson 8

Warming Up
Pada bagian pembuka ini, guru memperkenalkan nama-nama bagian
rumah. Guru mengajak siswa bernyanyi bersama lagu Rooms of the House.
Guru memberikan contoh lagu yang akan dinyanyikan sebait demi sebait,
siswa menirukannya. Kemudian, guru meminta siswa bernyanyi bersama
dengan melakukan berbagai gerakan yang sesuai dengan lagu. Guru juga
mengarahkan siswa untuk menyanyikan lagu sambil bermain peran sesuai
dengan isi lirik pada lagu. Guru dapat mengunduh sumber lagu dari situs


Allen, W. Stannard. 1950. Living English Structure. 3rd Edition-Longmans.

London: Green and Co. LTD.
Caputro Mary. Brain Twisters. Canada: Playmore Inc.
Dear, I.C.B., 1989. English: A Guide to the Language. Oxford: Oxford University.
Granger Colin and Plumb. John. 1981. Play Games with English. London:
Spottiswoode Ballantyne LTD.
Harmer, J. 1991. The Practice of English Language Teaching. London: Longman.
Hornby, AS. 1987. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English.
Twenty-fifth Impression. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Lado, Robert. 1992. Picture Dictionary. New Jersey: Regents/Prentice Hall.
Liz and John Soars. 1993. Headway Student’s Book Elementary. Oxford
MacDonald, Simon. 2015. The Little Book of Team Games. UK: Bloomsbury
Puslishing Plc.
Swan, Micheal. 1980. Practical English Usage. Oxford OX2.6DP: Oxford
University Press.
The New Encyclopedia Britanica. Ready Reference. Vol 8. 1995.

112 English for Elementary School Grade II

Profil Penulis

Nama Lengkap : Dr. Herlina, M.Pd.

Telp Kantor : (021) 4755115/081310131994
Email :
Alamat Facebook : herlinanoldy
Alamat Kantor : Jl. Rawamamangun Muka, Jakarta
Bidang Keahlian : Menulis dan Meneliti Bidang Pendidikan

Riwayat Pendidikan Tinggi dan Tahun Belajar

2009–2010 Sandwich Program (Ph.D. Class) Ohio State University USA
2006–2010 S3 Pendidikan Bahasa Universitas Negeri Jakarta
2003–2005 S2 Pendidikan Bahasa Universitas Negeri Jakarta
1985–1990 S1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Haluoleo Kendari

Riwayat Pekerjaan/Profesi
2017–sekarang Dosen Bahasa Inggris POLTEKES 3 Jakarta
2014–sekarang Dosen S2 Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Universitas Negeri Jakarta
2011–sekarang Dosen Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Program Studi S1 PGSD Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan
Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Judul Buku dan Tahun Terbit

2017 Teaching English to Students of Elementary School UNJ Press

Judul Penelitian dan Tahun Terbit

2018 Pengembangan Model Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris untuk Sekolah Dasar Berbasis Pendekatan
2017 Pengembangan Model Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris untuk Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar
Berbasis Pendekatan Whole Language
2016 Upaya Meningkatkan Keterampilan Membaca Bahasa Inggris (Reading Skills) Melalui
Pendekatan Whole Language pada Siswa Kelas IV SD Lab School Setia Budi Jakarta Selatan
2015 Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris Mata Kuliah Umum Berbasis Pendekatan
Communicative Approach pada Mahasiswa UNJ
2014 Pengembangan Materi Ajar Bahasa Inggris Berbasis Pendekatan Whole Language pada
Siswa Kelas IV SD Labschool Setia Budi Jakarta Selatan
2013 Peningkatan Keterampilan Berbicara Bahasa Inggris Dasar dengan Pendekatan Komunikatif
pada Mahasiswa PGSD Program S1 Kelas Kerja Sama Membramo

114 English for Elementary School Grade II
116 English for Elementary School Grade II

glasses vest backpack jacket

shorts jacket swimsuit socks

shoes dress cap sweater

overall raincoat trousers boots

skirt pajamas blouse slippers

118 English for Elementary School Grade II

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