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Machine Problems (10 points each)

1. Write the symbolic expression of the signal shown in the Figure 1 below:

2. Complete the script below to calculate the autocorrelation of x(t) given in item (1).

% Complete the code below

% Use the symbol T to represent tau
syms T;
xx = x * subs(x,t,t-T);
rxx = piecewise(T<=-1,0,...
T > -1 & T < 0, int(xx,,),...
T >= 0 &T< 1, int(xx,,),...
T >= 1, 0);

3. Write a Matlab code that will display the autocorrelation of x(t) for -2    2. Label the figure.

4. Suppose the continuous-time signal x(t) is sampled with a sampling period of 0.3 seconds between
each sample. Suppose also that the first sample is at t = 0 and that a total of 12 samples are
collected. The table below lists the samples of x(t) that were collected.

Using the plot command, make a plot of this signal. The horizontal axis should be labeled: TIME
(SECONDS). Make sure that the horizontal time axis shows the correct time for each sample: 0,
0.3, 0.6, ..., 3.3.

5. Compute and plot (time vs y(t)) the first 8 terms of the Fourier Series representation both individually
and as a cumulative sum, for a simple box function on the interval - to :
6. Assume that for the charging RC circuit above Vs = 15 V and C = 1/4 F. Plot the voltage across the
capacitor if R equals 5k ohm, 10k ohms and 20k ohms. In the same charging circuit above, the
input voltage is now a rectangular pulse with an amplitude of 30 V and a width of 0.5 s. If C = 1/3
F, plot the output voltage, Vo(t), for a resistance R equal to 5k ohms, 10k ohms, and 20k ohms. The
plots should start from 0s and end at 1s. Use subplot to plot separately each resistance.

7. Write a symbolic Matlab expressions that will determine the exponential Fourier coefficient, Cn, of
the periodic signal xp(t) = x(t  nT) where n is an integer value and T = 1s which is the period of
the periodic signal.

8. Write a Matlab code below that will plot the magnitude of Cn for -5  n  5. Label the figure.

9. Write a Matlab code that result to a symbolic math expression corresponding to xp(t), for -5  n 
5. Label the figure.

10. Design a Butterworth bandpass filter that satisfy the following specifications below. Determine the
required order and transfer function in s-domain.

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