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Student’s name: Isaac Delgado Barrantes

Name of content reviewed: Money Heist

Type of content: TV series, / Genre: fiction, romance.

Main Characters The money heist has many characters one of them is the Professor, this is characterized by his intelligence and cunning when creating the
(Describe only the perfect plan with all the details, the Professor then meets with one of the most characteristic characters, this is Silene known as Tokyo in the
most important series, this is represented by being problematic and very daring in the field, she was the first one who joined the team, later there are
ones) characters like Nairobi with a traumatic story behind her but very brave, Berlin, the Professor's brother with a disease that does not allow him
to live for a long time and his life and what he loves the most is stealing, Helsinki and Oslo, two brothers who were in the war, Rio, one of his
specialties is computer science, he is in charge of all the hakes of the system to be able to enter the national bank of currency and stamp and
last but not least Denver a specialist in weapons and a little crazy you could say and with an important role in the series.

Summary of the In season one the professor plans an attack on the national currency and stamp bank and makes a plan with his brother Berlin which they
plot carry out for years, after having planned them they seek to gather a team to achieve the robbery their objective is to recruit to a group of
(Describe only the criminals, who have nothing to lose in life, to enter the building and stay inside for several days to manage to manufacture 2,400 million euros,
most important Silene (Tokyo) She is wanted by the police for different crimes and the the Professor communicates with her by offering her a deal which
events) would involve her in the team and help her escape from the police since her mother had delivered her, after all this the Professor
(Use historical communicates with the rest of the team meeting him with different people and different skills that would help to go well with the plan, the
present) Professor carries out the plan for months giving details about details to each one about their role, the Professor wants to maintain the identity
of each gives a hidden one and assigns a nickname to each one in which they are cities, Tokyo, Berlin, Denver, Nairobi, Oslo, Helsinki, Rio,
etc., since if something were to happen, no one would know the identity of their companions, after all the training they go into action to be able
to enter the bank for it, a group of eight criminals, all with fictitious names and with their faces masked with the face of Salvador Dali, will
occupy the building for 11 days with 67 hostages (including the daughter of the British ambassador). After five months of meticulous training
on the robbery, the assailants enter the bank in Madrid, where they manipulate technology to prevent any type of external communication and
kidnap those present, among whom are the workers of the Factory and the students of a prestigious institute in Madrid. During the robbery,
the kidnappers face all kinds of situations, such as the recognition of the faces of three of the kidnappers by the police or the escape plan led
by one of the hostages. For his part, The Professor communicates with criminals and the police from an abandoned premise. Despite his
efforts to solve the band's errors from outside, Sergio did not count on falling in love with Raquel Murrillo, the inspector in the case, which will
change the course of events.
In season two, the scientific police discover the Toledo country house where the leader trained the robbers for five months and they also
obtain DNA remains. Later Raquel discovers the identity of The Professor. The police are also about to find out who the leader of the group is.
Meanwhile, The Professor cannot communicate with the interior of the Factory. There, hostages and kidnappers lose their nerves and the
situation ends with Tokio, one of the criminals, expelled from the Factory and detained by the police. Meanwhile, The Professor struggles to
keep his plan and his relationship with the inspector safe. However, she tortures him when she finds out his true identity. Finally, Raquel,
accused of being an accomplice, is removed from the case and the police enter the National Mint. After a shootout inside the building, starring
the gang and the police, the robbers manage to get out with the riot through a tunnel that connects with the Professor's lair and they manage
to escape.
Student’s name: Isaac Delgado Barrantes
Name of content reviewed: Money Heist
Type of content: TV series, / Genre: fiction, romance.

Opinions I found this series striking because it gives you another perspective on how the characters live that life within it, how their lives change during
- What I like the course of the series, how they come together as a team, support each other and also the side of the Problems how they can solve it, also
about it and how the teacher a very intelligent person manages to create a plan so perfect that every possible thing that happens has a solution and how
why he manages to avoid mistakes since that could affect his team, this series despite the fact that It is not one in which they teach us values, it
- What it could be possible to rescue how the teacher gathers a team that calls them criminals but as the story develops, the life of each one of them is
teaches or seen and that there is something good, that They are not bad at all and that they try to break the corrupt system of their country, it teaches us
transmits what companionship, love, friendship are and that despite the problems together they can get out of everything, and finally this is a series for
- What kind All public, it is a series which is very recommendable and at least all people should see it once and it is possible that they end up liking it a lot,
of person so much, that they are anxious for the following season since the chapters end very quickly, definitely It is considered one of the best series.
would like it
and why

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- The last day to submit it is Sunday December 6th. I recommend you have it ready before that.

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