EL 304 Application (Unit 7 / Lesson 15) Name: - Course/Section: - Instructions: Select One of Your Previous Written Outputs and Write Feedback On It

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EL 304

Application (Unit 7 / Lesson 15)

Name: ____________________________ Course/Section: ___________
Instructions: Select one of your previous written outputs and write feedback on it.
When writing feedback, make sure to observe the principles previously discussed.
Moreover, you also need to score your work using three rubrics (with different scoring
modes: holistic, primary trait, and analytic). You can either make your own rubrics or
look for available rubrics online. Your output will be graded using the rubric below. The
total number of points is 20.
Indicators Not Evident Very
Evident Evident
1. There was a balance between positive and
constructive comments.
2. The feedback was connected with the purpose of
the task.
3. Corrections covered both the content and the
4. Facilitative comments were provided.
5. The feedback was written using correct and
appropriate language.
6. The rubrics used were appropriate to grade the
7. The scores written in the rubric with holistic scoring
were properly justified.
8. The scores written in the rubric with primary trait
scoring were properly justified.
9. The scores written in the rubric with analytic
scoring were properly justified.
10. The scores written in the rubrics were guided by
the feedback.
Flores, Gerald A


Building and Enhancing Literacy Skills Across the Curriculum

Differentiate the Active Reading and Passive Reading.

The difference in the middle of active and passive reading are, in active reading you adjust how you turn
on the types of text and context within which you’re reading, Examine the purpose of the assignment
before reading and for instance, it is preview a text before reading by taking off headings, key words and
also a topic sentence. In passive reading here reading each text with the same style or way, and reading
without examining the purpose of the assignment and in addition, passive reading is didn’t try to
preview, just jump right into the reading. Moreover, active reading is you read with question in mind but
in passive you read without question in mind.

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