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Shift One (10/01 - 10/07)

____Tour of the VC. Meet each member of the FTS

____ Front desk basics (schmoozing)
____ Familiarize yourself with the QUICC. What does QUICC stand for?
____ Learn how to make a mailing packet and complete a mock mailing packet request.
____ Learn how to write a postcard
____ Study for map challenge
____ Shift bonding

What needs to be covered in the meeting:

- Front desk basics

- How to mailing packet
- Postcard introduction
- More map challenge information
- WNM information (how it works)
- Re-touch on dress code and changing out sizes
- Bio bank

Reminders for following week:

- Rookie meeting will be at 6:00
- First real WNM

Outline for Meeting:

- Meeting Etiquette
- Front Desk Basics
- Front Desk Activities (Postcard and Mailing Packet)
- Wednesday Night Meeting (Protocol, Buddy System, Attendance Form)
- Slate Form
- Dress Code
- Map Challenge
- Shift Reveal/Shift Refresh

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