Reported Speech With Gerund and Infinitive

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1. _____________________________________________________________



1. Paulo said, “I want to buy a pocket calculator for my father”.
 ________________________________________________________________
2. “The store isn’t going to open on New Year’s Day,” the man informed us.
 ________________________________________________________________
3. She said, “I once spent a summer here in this village”
 ________________________________________________________________
4. The students said, “We’ll be sitting for our exams next Monday”
 ________________________________________________________________
5. The nurse said, “The patient in this room did not obey your orders, Doctor”.
 ________________________________________________________________
6. “The house will seem so empty without you and Tom,” Mrs. Brown said to Susan.
 ________________________________________________________________
7. “If she knew the truth, she would be unhappy,” David told me.
 ________________________________________________________________
8. Peter said to Suzy, “I may come when I’ve finished my work”.
 ________________________________________________________________
9. These students speak English very well,” the visitors remarked.
 ________________________________________________________________
10. Mother said, “I think it won’t rain tomorrow”
 ________________________________________________________________
11. “I have something to show you” She said to me.
 She _____________________________________________________________________________
12. “I’m going away tomorrow, mother,” he said to his mother.
 He ______________________________________________________________________________
13. “I have already written this letter,” my friend said.
 My friend _________________________________________________________________________
14. Carol said to me, “I will ask Mr. Harris about this word.”
 Carol ____________________________________________________________________________
15. He said, “I don’t understand those two lessons at all.”
 He said (that) ______________________________________________________________________
16. “I will get myself a drink,” she said.
 She said ________________________________________________________________________
17. “I cannot drive them home,” he said.
 He said _________________________________________________________________________
18. “The film began at seven o'clock,” he said.
 He said _________________________________________________________________________
19. The father said, “I was on a business trip the whole day yesterday.”
 The father _______________________________________________________________________
20. “My brother will get married next month,” James said.
 James _________________________________________________________________________
21.John said, “I want to attend a famous university.”
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 John said _______________________________________________________________________
22. “I’m looking for the book you gave me last week,” Mary said to Peter.
 Mary told Peter___________________________________________________________________
23. “ It isn’t so foggy today as it was yesterday,” I said.
 I said ___________________________________________________________________________
24. “ I bought some oranges yesterday and they are now already in the fridge,” said Ann.
 Ann_____________________________________________________________________________
25. Mr. Miller said, “I went to the Post Office last week and sent you a parcel of clothes.”
 Mr. Miller said ___________________________________________________________________

1. _____________________________________________________________




1. Mr. Smith said, “Where are you going on your vacation this year?”
 ________________________________________________________________
2. “Did the mechanic finish repairing my car?” she said.
 ________________________________________________________________
3. “Why has David been looking so miserable lately?” she wondered.
 ________________________________________________________________
4. “Was anyone badly hurt in the automobile accident last night?” I asked my friend.
 ________________________________________________________________
5. The manager said, “When will it be convenient for you to start work, Miss Snow?”
 ________________________________________________________________
6. The boys said, “Must we be here at six or can we come a little late?”
 ________________________________________________________________
7. “Do you know which is the cup you used?” she asked her son.
 ________________________________________________________________
8. “Which country was the first to send a man into space?” the teacher asked.
 ________________________________________________________________
9. “Shall I be seeing you next week?” John said to his girlfriend.
 ________________________________________________________________
10. Mrs. Baker said, “Tom! Why don’t you go to bed?”
 ________________________________________________________________

1. _____________________________________________________________


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1. The manager said, “Come into my office, please”.
 ________________________________________________________________
2. The teacher said to us, “Don’t make so much noise”.
 ________________________________________________________________
3. Mr. Green said, “Please come to our dinner tonight, Bill”.
 _______________________________________________________________
4. “Don’t call me again at this late hour!” Susan said to Tom.
 ________________________________________________________________
5. “Hurry up if you want to go out with me,” Father said.
 ________________________________________________________________
6. The driver said, “Don’t get off the bus while it’s going”.
 ________________________________________________________________
7. “Show me what you have in your hand,” she told the boy.
 ________________________________________________________________
8. “Stay where you are and don’t touch anything!” ordered the policeman.
 _______________________________________________________________
9. “Do what you’re told or you’ll get into trouble,” he warned the man.
 ________________________________________________________________
10. “Ring my boss and tell him I won’t be back till tomorrow”, she said
 ________________________________________________________________
11. “ Switch off the TV,” he said to her.
 He _____________________________________________________________________
12. “ Shut the door, Tom,” she said
 She___________________________________________________________________
13. “ Don’t watch late-night horror movies,” I asked them.
 I ________________________________________________________________________
14. “ Don’t believe anything you hear,” he asked me
 He _____________________________________________________________________
15. “ Don’t use bent coins in the slot machine, Tony, “ said the young boy.
 The young boy____________________________________________________________
16. Henry said to his mother, “Come and spend a week with us.”
 Henry told ______________________________________________________________________
17. He said to me, “Keep a seat for me in the lecture hall.”
 He ____________________________________________________________________________
18. Mike said to Henry, “Give me my book back, please.”
 Mike __________________________________________________________________________
19. “Don't play on the grass, boys,” she said.
 She ____________________________________________________________________________
20. “Don't make so much noise,” he said.
 He ____________________________________________________________________________
21. “ Don’t bathe when the red flag is flying,” said the lifeguard.
 The lifeguard ___________________________________________________________________
22. “Put down that gun. It’s loaded,” she told him
She ____________________________________________________________________________
23. “ Make good use of your time. you won’t get such an opportunity again,” he said to us.
 He_____________________________________________________________________________
24. “Be very careful crossing roads,” she said, “ and remember to drive on the right”
25. “ Would you please take off your shoes?” Keiko said to him.
 Keiko ___________________________________________________________________________
1.congratulate SO ON Ving Sth:________________
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2.apologize TO S.O FOR Ving Sth: ____________
3.accuse S.O OF Ving Sth : __________
4.Thank S.O FOR V-ING Sth : ___________
5.warn + S.O against + Ving Sth : _____________________
6.prevent/stop S.O from Ving Sth : _____________________
7.criticize S.O for Ving: _______________
(shouldn’t have +V3/ed):____________________
8.blame + SO + for + Ving Sth : _________________
9.compliment SO + on + Ving : _____________
(Pay SO a compliment on Ving/sth)
10. think of + Ving _______________
11. object + to Ving___________________
12.admit +Ving :_____________________
13. Why don’t we + V1
Let’s V1
Shall we + V1 S + suggest + Ving
How about/what about + Ving
14. Why don’t you V1 …?  S1+ suggest + (that) S2 + should V1
1.would like  invite + S.O + to V1.______________
2. If I were you
Had better= should + V1 Advise + O + to V1
3.-Threaten + S.O + to V1: __________________
4.ask + S.O+ to V1:___________
5.tell+ S.O + to V1: ____________
6.promise to V1 : _________________
7.Don’t forget , Remember  Remind SO TO V1 / REMIND S.O OF V-ING
8. Offer + to V1 ________________
9. Order +SO to V1 :________________
10. warn + O + to V1 :__________________
Rewrite the following sentences in reported speech with infinitives.
1. “You’d better spend more time learning to write,” I said to the boy.
I advised ................................................................................................
2. “Would you like to have dinner with us tonight?” Mike said to Linda.
Mike invited ............................................................................................
3. “Don’t lean your bicycles against my windows, boys,” said the shopkeeper.
The shopkeeper warned ......................................................................................
4. “Shall I open the window for you, Edna?” he said.
He offered ..........................................................................................
5. “Would you like to come with me?” John said to Mary.
John invited .......................................................................................
6. “Don’t touch that switch, Peter,” I said.
I warned ..........................................................................
7. “Read this document before you sign it,” he said to her.
He advised .........................................................................
8. “Don’t forget to prune the roses,” my aunt said to Alfred.
My aunt reminded ......................................................................
9. “Would you like me to help you with the cooking, Tom?” Laura said.
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Laura offered ....................................................................
10. “If you don’t pay the ransom, we’ll kill your son,” the kidnappers said to them.
The kidnappers threatened ......................................................................
11. “Would you like to go camping with us next weekend?” Andrew said to Cindy.
Andrew invited .............................................................................
12. “Would you like me to clean the room for you, Alvin?” she said.
She offered ....................................................................................
13. “If I were you, I would join the voluntary team tomorrow, Tom,” said Eve.
Eve advised ..............................................................................
14. “Flora, can you remember to buy some bread?” said Raymond.
Raymond reminded ............................................................................. …
15. “ I really think you should see a doctor, Lucia, ” said Thomas.
Thomas advised ......................................................... ……….
16. “No, I’m sorry, I won’t work on Saturday,” said Victoria
Victoria refused ................................................................................
17. “ If you like, I’ll help you do the decorating, Carol,” said Charles
Charles offered ..............................................................................
18. “Fill in the form, sir” the receptionist said to the guest.
The receptionist asked .....................................................................
19. “Don’t repair the computer yourself,” she said to him.
She warned ................................................................................................…………
20. “Don’t give yourself up” he told his girlfriend.
He advised .......................................................................................
21. “Don’t forget to post the letter for me when you go out,” my wife said to me.
My wife reminded ................................…………………………………
22. “Could you possibly speak more slowly, please?” the student said to the teacher.
The student asked …………………………………………………………
23. “Guard, take him to the prison,” said the king.
The king ordered ...……………………………………………………
24. “Can you translate this sentence into English for me?” Maria said to Mark.
Maria asked ...…………………………………………
25. “Don’t forget to send your uncle a birthday card tomorrow,” Mary said to her son.
Mary reminded ...…………………………………………………………................
26. “Please come to our wedding,” John said to his boss.
John invited …………………………………………….......................................
27. “Don’t run around the edge of the swimming pool or you’ll fall in,” Susan said to her children.
Susan warned ………………………………………………………..........
28. “I won’t go to bed,” Ron said.
Ron refused ………………………………………………....................
29. “You should talk to your advisor,” Bill said to Linda.
Bill advised ……………...…………………………..............................
30. “Take that chewing gum out of your mouth immediately!” the teacher said to Tom.
The teacher ordered ……………………………………………
31. “ I will bring the sandwiches to the party,” said Helen.
Helen offered .........................................................................................
37. “Come to the cinema with me tonight,” he said to her.
He invited ……...………………………………………....................
38. The teacher said to us , “Do all your homework before you go to class”
The teacher told ..………………………………………...........................
39. Mary said to Tom, “Send me a postcard when you come to Paris, please”

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Mary asked ..............................................................................................
40. He said to me, “Don’t believe everything you hear”
He advised ..……………...…………………………...............
41. “Follow this car,” the detective said to the taxi-driver.
The detective ordered ..........................................................................
42. “Go on, send your short story to magazine,” Adam said to Alice
Adam encouraged .................................................................................
43. The teacher said to Jim, “Would you give your book to Mary, please?”
The teacher asked ...............................................................................
44. “Ok. I will not change the date of the meeting,” Mary said
Mary promised ..................................................................................
1. “Why don’t we organize an English competition for our student?” said Ms Lien.
Ms Lien suggested ……………………………………………………
2. “I’m sorry I’m late,’ said Mr Thanh.
Mr Thanh apologized ...………………………………………………........
3. “Me? No, I didn’t take Sue’s calculator,” Said Bob.
Bob denied ……………………………………………………
4. “You took my pencil,” said David to Henry.
David accused ………………………………………………
5. “I must see the manager,” he cried.
He insisted ……………………………………………………
6. “If you wanted to take my bike, you should have asked me first,” said Mike to his brother.
Mike criticized ……………………………………………………….
7. “ You won the scholarship. Congratulation!” Mary told me.
Mary congratulated .………………………………………………….
8. “It was kind of you to help me with my homework,” Lan said to Hoa.
Lan thanked …………………………………………………….
9. “Turn off the computer. You are not allowed to play game now,” Dick’s mother said to him.
Dick’s mother prevented ...………………………………………..
10. “I’m sorry that I broke the glass,” said Peter.
Peter apologized ……………………………………………………
11. “Let’s invite Mr. Brown to the party next weekend,” he said.
He suggested ………………………………………………………...
12. “You stole the jewels,” the inspector said to him.
The inspector accused .......………………………………………………
13. “I only borrowed your car for some hours,” the man said.
The man admitted ……………………………………………………….....
14. “I’m sorry I damaged your tape recorder, Mike,” said Bob.
Bob apologized ………………………………………………………..............
15. “It’s nice of you to invite me to lunch,” Bob said to John.
Bob thanked ……………………………………………………….......
16. Carol said, “What about going to the cinema this weekend, Max ?”
Carol suggested ………………………………………
17. “I’m sorry I forgot your birthday,” Dave said Julia.
Dave apologized ………………………………………………………................
18. “Why didn’t you tell me the truth?” he said to me.
He accused ………………………………………………………....................
19. “Don’t go near that deserted house,” Tony said to Monica.
Tony warned ……………...………………………………………...........

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20. “I’m sorry. I broke the vase,” my son said.
My son admitted ………………………………………………………...............
21. “You cheated in the exam,” the teacher said to Jack.
The teacher accused ………………………………………………………....
22. “Great! You are well-dressed today, Mary,” Tommy said.
Tommy complimented ……………………………………………
23. “You have just got a promotion, haven’t you? Congratulation!” Peter said to her friend.
Peter congratulated ……………………………………………………….....
24. “You mustn’t get into this area,” the policeman said to them.
The policeman stopped ………………………………………………………......
25. “I know I’m wrong,” he said.
He admitted ………………………………………………………................
26. “I didn’t say that last night,” Joan said.
Joan denied ……..……………………………………………….................
27. “If only I had told him the true!” Jane said.
Jane regrets ………………………………………………………................
28. “I haven’t finished the assignment yet. I’m really sorry”.
The boy apologized ………….....................................................
29. “It’s you who took my bag,” the man said to the boy.
The man accused ………………………………………………………..............
30. “No, no .I really must sit for the test,” Hilary said.
Hilary insisted …....………………………………………………….............
31. “What I always want is to become a doctor,” she said.
She dreamt ………………………………………………………...............
32. “I can’t let you use the mobile phone,” his mother said to him.
His mother prevented ………………………………………………………............
33. “I like this car. I’ll buy it,” Christina said.
Christina thought ………….....……………………………………………......
34. “I feel like going to America next month,” Margaret said.
Margaret looked forward to …………...……………………………………..
35. “It was your fault. You didn’t tell me,” she told me
She blamed ……………………………………………………….......
36. “I don’t think that we must widen the village road”, he said
He objected ……………………..…………………………………………
37. “You are so selfish to behave like this,” my mother said to him.
My mother criticized ...........................................................................................
38. "I wish to speak English very fluently,” said Stella.
Stella dreamt ...................................................................................................
39. “I must go home now,” said Daisy
Daisy insisted .......................................................................................
40."Sorry teacher, I didn't do the homework," Philip said to his teacher.
Philip apologized to ................................................................................................
41. “You didn’t pay attention to what I said,” the teacher said to him
The teacher accused ..............................................................................................
42. “I hear you passed your exams. Congratulations!” Mark said to us.
Mark congratulated ................................................................................................
43. “It was nice of you to visit me. Thank you,” Miss White said to Jack.
Miss White thanked .........................................................................
44. “I’ve always wanted to be rich” Bob said.
Bob dreamed ..........................................................................................

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45. “Why don’t we go to the beach tonight for a change?” said Henry.
Henry suggested ............................................................................................
46. “You failed to save my husband’s life,” she said to the doctors.
She blamed .................................................................................................
47. “Let me pay for the meal,” said Ben.
Ben insisted .............................................................................................
48. “Yes. I’ve spent too much money doing the shopping,” she said.
She admitted ...........................................................................................................
49. “Well done, Tom. You won the game,” said the teacher.
The teacher congratulated ......................................................................................
50. “Beware of this bad road! It’s very dangerous to drive on it!” He said to us.
He warned ................................................................................................
51. “I didn’t tell the teacher your mistake,” Joseph said to Martin.
Joseph denied ...............................................................................................
52. “You got me into trouble with this man,” Kevin said to Elizabeth.
Kevin blamed ..............................................................................................
53. “You lied to me, Julia,” Max said.
Max accused ..................................................................................
54. “Forgive me. I didn’t mean to make you angry, Sarah,” Lewis said.
Lewis apologized ..................................................................................
55. “We must be given every detail of this case,” they said.
They insisted .......................................................................................
56. “I’m afraid I’ve lost your letter, ” Michael said to Barbara.
Michael admitted .............................................................
57. “Don’t drink this water because it is very polluted, ” Mitchell said to us.
Mitchell warned ....................................................................
58. “Why don’t we go sailing this weekend?” Samuel said.
Samuel suggested ................................................................................
59. “It’s not true. I didn’t sell this information, ” Stephen said.
Stephen denied ..........................................................................
60. “I’m sorry that I was rude to you yesterday, Helen,” said Robert.
Robert apologized to ..........................................................................................

1. 'You'd better look for a new job, Andrew.'

 Jane advised _____________________________________________________________________
2. 'It was nice of you to invite me to your birthday party. Thanks very much.'
 Mike thanked ____________________________________________________________________
3. 'I must have made a mistake in the calculations."
Mr Forest admitted ___________________________________________________________________
4. 'I'll pay for the meal.'
Sarah insisted ________________________________________________________________________
5. 'I'm sorry I couldn't come to visit you last summer.'
Kate apologized ______________________________________________________________________
6. 'We'll organize the Christmas party.'
They promised _______________________________________________________________________
7. 'I hear you won the championship. Congratulations!'
Dane congratulated ____________________________________________________________________
8. 'All right. We will meet the student representatives.'
The teachers agreed ____________________________________________________________________
9. 'You mustn't drink too much caffeine.'
Marta warned _________________________________________________________________________
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10. “I’ll take the children into town,” he said.
 He offered __________________________________________________________________________
11. “Would you like to come on a picnic with us, Jane?” he said.
 He invited __________________________________________________________________________
12. “ I am sorry, I am late”, Amanda said
 Amanda apologized ___________________________________________________________________
13. “ I am terribly sorry. I kept you waiting for so long, Ben,” Rita said.
 Rita apologized ______________________________________________________________________
14. “ If I were you, I wouldn’t buy that house,” my sister said.
 My sister advised _____________________________________________________________________
15. “I will shoot you if you move,” said the robber.
 The robber threatened __________________________________________________________________
16. “ You’d better not lend Bob anything” Anne said to me.
 Anne advised _________________________________________________________________________
17. “ Remember to put your dirty clothes in this basket, boy,” said the mother.
The mother reminded the boy _______________________________________________________________
18. “ Why don’t we drive instead of taking the train?”
Melanie suggested _________________________________________________________________________
19. “ I’ll pay back the money at the end of this month” Ted said.
Ted promised _____________________________________________________________________________
20. “ I didn’t reveal the company’s confidential information,” Marian said.
Marian denied ____________________________________________________________________________
21. “ Let me prepare dinner for everyone!” Stella insisted.
Stella insisted ______________________________________________________________________________
22. “Your brother spoilt our party,” Rose told me. ( accuse)
Rose accused ______________________________________________________________________________
23. “ You got me into trouble with Amanda”, Rob told me.
Rob blamed _______________________________________________________________________________
24. “ I think I’ve made a serious mistake,” Mr. Will said
Mr. Will admitted __________________________________________________________________________
25. “ Go on! You must send your story to the magazine, Susan,” George said to Susan.
George encouraged __________________________________________________________________________

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