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Parameters / 4 2 0.

Writing Style Uses a neutral Uses a style that is Uses a style that is
writing style, not too somewhat too completely
formal as to sound personal or too impersonal or too
impersonal, not too impersonal and does personal and does
informal as to sound not express the not accomplish its
too colloquial. familiarity needed to purpose of sounding
attract new professional or is
customers. too formal lacking
human touch.
Grammar Uses time Uses time Does not use any
expressions, expressions, time expressions,
expressions for expressions for expressions for
additional additional additional
information and information and information and
verbs describing the verbs describing the verbs describing the
company´s work company´s work company´s work
more than once in only once in the anywhere in the
the whole text. whole text. text.
Number of The structure of the The structure of the The profile lacks
profile is divided profile is divided structure is not
Words and into easy to into categories that divided into
Structure. understand are somewhat categories and it is
categories and the confusing and the confusing. The
number of words is number of words number of words is
no less than 120. are between 80 and less than 80.
Pictures & The document The document The document
includes at least 3 includes less than 3 includes no pictures
Design pictures that pictures or some at all or all the
correspond with pictures do not pictures do not
each of the text´s correspond with the correspond with the
paragraphs. text´s paragraphs. text´s paragraphs-

Company´s Profile Writing Rubric

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