LP General Demo 1

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At the end of the lesson the student will able to:

 Construct sentences using Comparative degree of adjectives.

 Participate actively and cooperate with classmates willingly.
 Define adjectives and comparative adjectives.

II. Subject matter
Topic: Comparative Degree of Adjectives
References: Let’s Get Better in English III
T.G pp. 256-258 L.M. pp. 253- 256
Instructional Materials: Visual Aids, pictures, objects and person to be compared,
Envelope, video clip
Values Integration: Cooperation

III. Methodology

Teachers Activity Students Activity

A. Preparatory Activity

1. Prayer
Before we begin the lesson this morning,
let us ask the guidance of almighty God The students recite the prayer.
and let us enlighten our mind to
completely understand the lesson this
morning. Zoe, would you please lead the

2. Greetings
Good Morning Class! Good morning Ma’am!
Before you take your seats I want you to The students arrange their seats.
arrange your seats properly. Thank you!

You may now take your seat.

3. Checking of attendance

Group1 is there any absent in your group? No one is absent.

Group2 is there any absent in your group? No one is absent.
Group3 is there any absent in your group? No one is absent.
Group4 is there any absent in your group? No one is absent.
Group5 is there any absent in your group? No one is absent.

I am glad that no one is absent. Give The students respond to the teacher.
yourselves a Five CLAP.

4. Drill
I have here several words which I would
like you to spell correctly. Please listen
very well so you will be able to spell
them correctly.
1. Transfer 1. T-R-A-N-S-F-E-R
2. Stressful 2. S-T-R-E-S-S-F-U-L
3. Attraction 3. A-T-T-R-A-C-T-I-O-N
4. Friendly 4. F-R-I-E-N-D-L-Y
5. Memorable 5. M-E-M-O-R-A-B-L-E
5. Review

Let us have a short recap before we go to

our next lesson.
I will play a video clip, pay attention to
it while it is being played.
(After 4 minutes)
What was the video clip about? The video clip was about a song where the
lyrics are adjectives.
Very good. It is entitled Paint the way
which is all about adjectives.

Can you define what is adjective Adjective describes a noun or a pronoun.

Very Good class! It seems that you really

understood what adjective is.
Give yourselves a WOW clap. The students respond to the teacher.

B. Lesson Proper

1. Motivation

Let’s have a Tongue Twister.

Clowns around town never frown even Clowns around town never frown even when
when they're down. Want to be a clown around they're down. Want to be a clown around
town? town?
Then never sound down and never frown. Then never sound down and never frown.
(Repeat three times)

Very good class! Give yourselves DJ Clap.

2. Presentation
Class, I want you to meet my friend
Princess Bubble Gum. She told me that she Hi Princess Bubble Gum
wants to meet you all, can you say hi to her?

OH! My friend told me, if you can help

her remember things and what she was doing,
while walking around because she will write it
on her journal. Can you help her?
Yes, Ma’am.
Princess Bubble Gum went out and start
walking going to the park, while walking She
saw a young lady with her younger sister
playing at the slides. She continues walking
until she reached to a pet shop. She walked
around and saw a tiny guinea pig and a tinier
hamster. Princess Bubble Gum wanted to buy
an animal but she was not sure what to buy so
she decided to go went home.

Class, let’s help Princess Bubble gum to recall

the things she saw and the things she did.

What did P.B saw in the park? Write your

answer on the board. She saw a young lady with her younger sister.

Where did she go next? In a pet shop.

What did she saw? Please write your answer She saw a tiny guinea pig and a tinier hamster.
on the board.

Very good class, you helped my friend to She saw a young lady and her younger sister.
remember all those things. In a pet shop.

Now, let us read your answers. She saw a tiny guinea pig and a tinier hamster.

How many animals did she compare? Two

What adjective was used describe the Guinea
pig? Tiny
What adjective was used to compare hamster
with the guinea pig? Tinier

How many people did she compare? Two

What adjective was used to describe the lady? Young
What adjective used to compare the sister with
the lady? Younger

Class, how did Princess Bubble gum know that She compared the hamster to guinea pig.
the hamster is tinier than the Guinea Pig?

3. Discussion

Let’s have these sentences.

Guinea pig is tiny but the hamster is tinier.

Her sister is younger than her.

How many animals did we compare in two animals

sentence 1?
When we say Comparative adjectives it
compares two things, people, or places.
For examples let’s have an adjective Short.

Krishna has short hair.

Allysa Mae’s hair was shorter than Krishna.

What was being described in sentence 1? Hair

What adjective was used? Short
What are compared in sentence no.2? Hair of Allysa Mae and Krishna
What adjective is used to compare them? Shorter

Read the following sentences.

The yellow ribbon is long.
The red ribbon is longer than the yellow

What does the underlined word long describe? Ribbon

What does the underlined word longer Red ribbon

The adjective shorter and longer in sentence 2

is in the comparative degree. How is it
formed? By adding? Add –er.

How it is used? By comparing.

Let’s have another adjective, Cheap
A cheap car.
Can you give me the comparative degree
of cheap? A cheaper car.
Very good.

Can you give me another example of

Comparative degree? Answers may vary.

Class I have here another sentence. Let us all Sampaguita is fragranter than gumamela.
Which word makes the sentence wrong? The word fragranter.
How can we make it correct? By adding more
Where we should put the word more? Before the word fragrant.
So now, what is our corrected sentence? Sampaguita is more fragrant than gumamela.

Very good class.

Let’s have another example.

Read all together. Crocodiles are more dangerous than dolphins.
Can you underline the adjective we use to
compare the two animals? Crocodiles are more dangerous than dolphins.

Can you give me another example? Answer may vary

Very good!

Always remember that when we are

comparing two things, not all adjectives will
only add er in its word but also we can add
the word “more” to make a comparative

Again, how many persons, place or thing can Two

we compare in comparative degree of

Very impressive class! Give yourselves

a Love Clap!

Is there any question class? If none, let’s

have a short exercise.

4. Enrichment
I have here different words and pictures. All
you have to do is match them accordingly.
1. Fast/Faster 1. Fast/Faster
2. Long/Longer 2. Long/Longer
3. Red/redder 3. Red/redder

Very good class!

5. Generalization.
Again, what is comparative degree? Comparative adjectives it compares two
things, people, or places
In comparing is it true that we always put No Ma’am
–er at the end of the adjective?
What else we can add to compare things, More
people, or places?
Very good class, give yourselves a Mosquito

6. Application

Let’s have an activity. Group number 1

I will group you into five groups and Fill in the correct form of the words in
each group have their envelope. All you have brackets.
to do is to read the instruction and proceed to 1. Your house is (big) ____ than my
the activity. house.
2. This flower is (beautiful)____ than that
3. My female cat is (young)____than that
4. My book is (old)_____than yours.
5. Trey is (handsome)_____ than Franco.

Group number 2
Fill in the correct form of the words in
1. Mathematics is (challenging)_____
than English subject.
2. Cars are (expensive)_____ than
3. Health is (important)____ than wealth.
4. Non-smokers usually live (long)_____
than smokers.
5. She is (pretty)_____than her sister.

Group number 3
Fill in the correct form of the words in
1. My brother has a (tidy)_____room
than me.
2. Lucy is (old)____than Ellie.
3. Her garden is (colourful)_____than
this park.
4. Amanda is (ambitious)____than her
5. Julie is (tall)____than her mother.

Group number 4
Fill in the correct form of the words in
1. She is (neat)_____ than her brother.
2. A rock is (heavy)_____than leaf.
3. This book is (interesting)_____than
a film.
4. My dog is (young)____than hers.
5. . A Mercedes is (expensive)_____
than a Fiat.
Group number 5
Fill in the correct form of the words in
1. A sports car is (fast)_____than a
2. Skiing is (dangerous)_____ than
3. . I am (tall)_____ my sister.
4. The crocodile is (heavy)____than a
5. Julie is (quiet)_____than her sister.

Complete the following sentences using the appropriate form of the adjective.

1. She is than ___ her sister.

a) pretty b) prettier c) prettiest

2. Martha is a___ than that girl.

a) nice b) nicer c) nicest

3. Supriya is _____than her brother.

a) intelligent b) more intelligent c) most intelligent

4..His house is a bit ______ than a hotel.

a.)comfortable b.)more comfortable c.) most comfortable

5. Russia is _____than Taiwan.

a) big b) bigger c) biggest

Answer Activity 221 Which is Which on page 256.

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