Benefits of Genetically MOSULE 25 ELS

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Benefits of Genetically Modified Organisms

Benefits of Genetic Engineering

What I Know

1. B 6. A 11. A
2. B 7. A 12. D
3. C 8. A 13. B
4. A 9. C 14. A
5. B 10. A 15. C

Activity 1. Guess Me!

1R E 2C O M B I N 3A N T D N A


S 2H O S T T

T N 3I N B R E E D I N G


I N 4G I

C 4G E L E L E C T R O P H O R E S I S




Activity 2 Transgenic (GM) Organisms

1. G R A P P L E
2. T R A N S G E N I C C O W
3. V E N O M OU S C A B B AG E
4. B A N A N A V A CC I N E
5. E S C H E R I C H IA C O L I
6. SP I D E R G O A T
7. L U M I N O U S C A T
8. L I G E R

Activity 3 Uses of Transgenic (GM) Organisms

1. C 4. D
2. C 5. B
3. C 6. A

Activity 4 Benefit and Risk of GMO

1. B 5. R
2. B 6. R
3. B 7. B
4. R

Activity 6. What is your stand?

1. The most beneficial is the rice because it had the Vitamin that
helped our body. We eat rice in our daily lives that gave us some
energy. The rice prevent its removal that why it’s beneficial.
2. Yes i would take the chance becasue as a farmer it is very
important to grow our food without any damage so nothing will
going to unwise away.Also it will help us to increase the salary
if it’s a pest resistant.
3. Yes we should patronize GMO fruit and vegetables becasue it
also a good product though it’s not the real process to grow
those food. It help us in everyway like it increase a salary and
also in our environment.
4. No bacause God create us to descover and explore this world
so I think it’s not a blasphemy for him. Also it’s not a bad thing
to try something that can help us to improve everything. As
long as we don’t do something bad it’s okay to descover
5. Its not really should be permissible because it help us big
time. It protect and preserve the air, water, land that’s why it’s
really helpful.And also it call help us to improve the farming
methods efficiently ad effectively that’s why its not really


1. C 6. B 11. A
2. D 7. D 12. D
3. C 8. C 13. B
4. A 9. C 14. A
5. C 10. A 15. C

Additional Activities

Genetically Modified Organism

The GMO is very useful to us because it help the environment also
it helped us to save our foods for the pest. It gave us effective methods
in farming and many more. It preserve and protect our water, air, land
and it limit the impact of climate change it’s really a big help for us and
to those person who have a farm or anything that can relate in climate
change. The GMO increased crop yields and reduced the pesticide I
must say it’s really a blessing to us because assist us in the production
of food, it said that farmers kept 48M Acres out of production. Due to
that it decreased the harm to our ecosystems, GMO help the air quality
cause it allow farmers to till less often it’s a good sign for us to the
reason that we can inhale a good air. It also helped to reduce our water
and that good because water is also important to us we can even live
without it. It reduced run-off and better retention in that case it
prevent clogging the bodies of water that’s a big helped in our society.
GMO benefit our daily lives without GMO we can’t improve the air
quality, protect land, conserve water, sustainable food production a lot
of use didn’t know the benefits of GMO that’s why they think they
don’t like the GMO. We need GMO in our daily life. We might not see it
but we can feel the things that it done for us. No matter how big or
small it helped should still consider it. Everything in this world is not
permanent so we need to discover things that can do something to
preserve things. Those who did everything for us have a rally big heart
cause there life is just evolving to the things that can make difference.

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