Physics Module 3 WAVE & OPTICS

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Energy is conserved, thus changes form continuously. Let us take a look at some of these

Chemical energy can be found in foods being assisted through oxidation and fossil fuel through

Gravitational Potential energy is energy of stored energy due to Position.

Kinetic energy is moving objects with example of atoms and molecules having heat energy.

Nuclear energy is energy released in radioactive decay.

Electrical energy is derived from some chemical energy source.

Sound energy is a mechanical vibration with a particular frequency and amplitude.

Electromagnetic radiation is when energy without matter in any form

For our study of waves and optics we begin with Electromagnetic radiation waves as they are
energy without matter and then sound and water waves.

General Objectives:

On completion of Module 3, students should:

1. Appreciate that wave motion is a means of transferring energy

2. Understand the properties of the electromagnetic spectrum;

3. Understand the way in which sound waves are produced and propagated;

4. Familiar with the historical development of the theory of light;

5. Appreciate how a ray treatment facilitates the understanding of reflection and refraction of
light waves.
Specific Objectives:

1. Types of Waves: Pulses, progressive waves, transverse and longitudinal waves.

2. Wave parameters: Speed, frequency, wavelength, period and amplitude.
3. Transverse and longitudinal waves displayed in displacement-position and
displacement-time graphs.
4. Properties of electromagnetic waves
5. Types of electromagnetic waves in terms of their wavelengths
6. Source and use of each type of electromagnetic wave.

SOUND and WATER Waves (Module 3B)

In module 2B, we have looked at energies in matter, now we examine energy without matter.
Energy without matter has an interesting twist as it lends itself to the development of technology.
This is the reason why you can uses a cell phone or computer that we can communicate around
the world.

Here we begin with the types of Waves.

Using a slinky as example, when stretched on a smooth surface we can examine types of wave.
A pulse is described as a short – lived or single wave motion.

Fig.1 Wave pulse Fig. 2 Wave train

Wave trains are continuous group waves at regular intervals.

There are two forms of waves which are Transverse and Longitudinal. (Sound)

Transverse waves are waves displaced at right angle to the direction of the wave motion

Longitudinal Waves the displacement is in the same direction as wave motion thus forming a
compression within the wave and refractions they pull apart.

Progressive or Travelling Waves is movement of a disturbance which carries energy away

from the source.
Wave Parameters

Wave parameters define the variables used in describing waves. If we recall Galileo’s
pendulum and our experiment with the pendulum, we calculated the period of oscillation and
solve for the value of gravity. This same period is related to waves as they too oscillate. With
that in mind here we go.

Oscillations can take place under various conditions such as swinging pendulum, weight on a
spring (Hooke’s Law), clamp a meter rule to a table, pull down and release and observe, or any
back and forth motion. We can get technical and deep (University and CAPE physics) in the
vibration of the atom, same treatment in principle which will be visited when we study the atom.

An oscillation is damped when it eventually comes to rest, where amplitude is reduced. An

equilibrium position is established at center position at rest.

Period, T defined as time a vibrating object takes to make a complete oscillation.

Frequency, f defined as the number of complete oscillations (or cycle) in 1 second.

Period T = 1/frequency T =1/f

Displacement, s of a vibrating object is the distance, in either direction, from the equilibrium or
central position.

Amplitude, a, is the maximum displacement, in either direction, from the equilibrium or central

Wavelength, ʎ (lambda) define as the distance between successive crests or successive troughs.

Fig. 3 (a) Period (b) Wavelength, a amplitude

Fig.3 graph (a) plot of particle displacement versus time which is period of oscillation. Graph
(b) plot of particle displacement versus distance which is wavelength.

Wave speed expressed as the distance moved by wave train divided by time taken to move, in
formula v=f ʎ wave speed = frequency x wavelength.

Wave speed is

(a) Independent of shape or amplitude

(b) Independent of frequency and wave length
(c) Dependent on material it passes through

Properties of All Electromagnetic waves

All electromagnetic waves are transverse in nature.

(a) Transfer energy from one place to another

(b) Can be emitted and absorbed by matter
(c) Do not need a medium to travel through
(d) Travels at 3.0 x 108 m/s in vacuum
(e) Are transverse waves and can be polarized
(f) Can be superposed and produce interference effects
(g) Obey laws of reflection and refraction (light)
(h) Can be diffracted
(i) Carries no charge

The electromagnetic spectrum

The sources
applications of
electromagnetic waves are the reason why we live the way we do in this high technology,
nanosecond pace of life. We are constantly being bombarded with these various energies in
different wave lengths thus frequencies. Our body also generates an energy frequency as body
functions from brains of neurons firing, to radiated energy from food consumption.

As the spectrum indicates, there are different wavelengths which provide individual usage for
each wavelength. The only region in the spectrum that is visible to man is the area of light. This
will be an area in its self to be studied in detail.

Applications of EM waves

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