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1: The United States of America were able to get part of Texas in 1845 because of the failure of The

Republic of Texas and because of that America took ownership of it through the treaty of annexation. In
1846 the us and Britain signed the Treaty of Oregon. The British gained land above the 49th parallel,
including Vancouver Island and the us gained the land to the south of it. The US eventually after 3 years
of war with Mexico gained the rest of Texas and almost the entire west of the continent through the
signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo. Finally, in 185, the US made the Gadsden purchase in which
they bought part of New Mexico and Arizona for 10 million dollars from Mexico.

2: The US gained 6 states that were rich with gold, 4 states that were rich with oil, and 4 states that were
rich with coal.

The United Stated shouldn’t have declared war because at some point we would’ve had enough money
to just buy all their land instead of taking some with force and others with money. A second reason is
that it costed too many lives and made the us more on the bad side with Mexico.

Even though some people think that we should have declared war because it would allow us to take the
west easier, I think that we could’ve done it peacefully and without too many casualties, although it
would cost us more, it would be worth it because our population would be bigger because some
Mexicans would’ve stayed in the us if we were peaceful with the transition of ownership.

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