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Hello everyone!

welcome to the west

this place is huge and has a lot of potential for houses and such
There are many mountains but also many plains
You also may be murdered by native Americans, trampled by buffalo and horses, and eaten by cannibals
who have tried to make the trip you are currently pursuing to do. In the forests you may in fact be
mauled by a variety of bears and possibly stolen from by thieves. You may also die of starvation or also
having no water whatsoever.
The journey takes almost a month or two.
All you must do is go west until you find a place you think is suitable to live in.
A suggestion would be in a forest near a river.
Bring food, lots of food, lots and lots of water, cattle, medical supplies, and don’t forget, if you need to
resort to cannibalism, DO IT
You will feel as if you are restarting your life and being reborn anew into a forest, plains, mountains, or
desert. Life will be the hardest you will ever experience e v e r.
you may or may not encounter other people, if you do, do not trust them whatsoever
Have a great time!

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