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SRM 10-01: DEATH’S

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Writing – Grace “Pegasa” Lyttle

Art -

Proofing – Aaron Dykstra, Hjal Nelson

Maps -

Shadowrun Missions Logo – Jeff Laubenstein, Matt Heerdt

Shadowrun Missions Developer - Danny Oliver

Shadowrun Developer – Jason M. Hardy

Art Director – Brent Evans

He was late. He was always late, but he didn’t care, normally. Today though, he had a meeting with a Tanaka-san
whom his fixer said was not someone he wanted to make a bad first impression. So he had been 5 minutes late, which was a lot
better than the hour or more. Most of the Tanaka-sans he dealt with in Neo-Tokyo were Yakuza. But this one, his fixer told him,
is from a corps, and if he played his cards right, he would be set for life. He shook his head outside of the tea house in disbelief.
Of all the Tanaka-sans, a corps was going to higher him. His main source of money had been the Yakuza, but since half of them
got themselves killed not that long ago, business had been a bit slow. At least he was moving up in the world as apposedopposed
to going down to the sewer levels.

Kaito Nakamura was sipping on tea in the back room, waiting for the runner to show up. He was late, and she despised
tardiness. Her superiors wanted this mission to go well. Evo was desperate to get back into the Japanese scene, by any means
necessary. This Shadowrunner coming to meet her was well known in Neo-Tokyo as the hacking killer of Neo-Tokyo’s
underground. He could supposedly do incredible things and was worth the neuyen to her superiors. Shiawase and their
traditionalist allies were starting to breathe down the neck of those “outside” corps trying to get a foot hold in Japan. Evo,
especially, was not willing to lose anything because of them. All of the corps knew that whoever controlled Neo-Tokyo,
controlled the economy of the world. Potentially, anyway. There was always the possibility that whoever came out on the other
side of the war yet to come may not come out completely unscathed.

He walked into the tea house and was brought to the back room behind paper doors. There she was sipping tea and
surrounded by guards. She was an elf and dressed conservatively with an old fashionedold-fashioned black hat. He had heard of
her from other runners. Rumor was she worked for a company that was trying to reenter Neo - Tokyo, but had a falling out when
it was time to renew her contract.

“Ah Haiteku-san,” she said in good spirits, “I have a job for you.”
SRM 10-01 Death’s Daily Business is a Shadowrun Missions living campaign adventure. Full information on the
Shadowrun Missions living campaign is available at and includes a guide to
creating Missions characters and a regularly updated FAQ. All maps, player handouts, and other playing aids are found at the end
of this document.


SRM 10-01 Death’s Daily Business is intended for use with Shadowrun, Fifth Edition, and all character and rules
information refers to the fifth edition of the Shadowrun rules.

Adventure Structure

SRM 10-01 Death’s Daily Business consists of several scenes. These scenes form the basis of the adventure, which
should be completed in approximately four hours. If you are running short on time, you should streamline each and be a little
more generous with clues, target numbers, and other requirements to aid in guiding the players through the adventure.
Each scene outlines the most likely sequence of events, as well as how to handle unexpected twists and turns that
inevitably crop up. Each one contains the following subsections, providing gamemasters with all the information necessary to run

Scan This provides a quick synopsis of the scene’s action, allowing you to get a feel for the encounter at a glance.

Tell It to Them Straight is written to be read aloud to the players, describing what their characters experience upon
entering the scene. You should feel free to modify the narrative as much as desired to suit the group and the situation, since the
characters may arrive at the scene by different means or under different circumstances than the text assumes.

Behind the Scenes covers the bulk of the scene, describing what’s happening, what the non-player characters are
doing, how they will react to the player characters’ actions and so forth. It also covers the setting of the encounter, going over
environmental conditions and other properties of the location as well as providing any descriptions of important items.

Pushing the Envelope looks at ways to make the encounter more challenging for experienced or powerful characters
and other ways you can add some “extra spice” to the scene. This subsection should usually only be used for home games, or
games where time is not a factor. At most convention and Open Play events, gamemasters should omit this information. It adds to
the scene, but does not contain important information.

Debugging offers solutions to potential problems that may crop up during the encounter. While it’s impossible to
foresee everything that a group of player characters might do, this section tries to anticipate common problems and other
suggestions for dealing with them.


Gamemastering is more of an art than a science, and every gamemaster does things a bit differently. Use your own style
when it comes to preparing and running the adventure and do whatever you feel is best to provide the best Shadowrun game you
can for your players. Shadowrun Missions adventures are designed to run in a standard four-hour convention time slot.
Please keep this in mind when running the adventure. You should leave at least 15–20 minutes at the end of the time
slot to complete any necessary paperwork and pass out the players’ Debriefing Logs. (Make sure that you have enough copies of
the Debriefing Log for this adventure to give one copy to each player after running the adventure.) This section offers some
guidelines you may find useful in preparing to run SRM 10-01 Death’s Daily Business (or any Shadowrun Missions adventure).

Step 1: Read The Adventure

Carefully read the adventure from beginning to end. Get a feel for the overall plot and what happens in each scene.
That way, if something different happens, you won’t be caught off guard and you can adapt things smoothly.

Step 2: Take Notes

Take notes for yourself while reading through the adventure that you can refer to later on. Possible things to note
include: major plot points (so you can see them all at a glance), the names of various non-player characters, possible problems
you notice, situations where you think a particular character can shine and other things you’ll want to keep in mind while running
the adventure.

Step 3: Know The Characters

Prior to the start of the adventure, examine the PCs’ record sheets and Debriefing Logs for your reference and have
basic information about their important abilities handy so you can refer to it during play. Also go over the characters and keep
their previous events listed on the Debriefing Logs in mind when determining non-player character actions in various scenes if
such a dynamic has been included.

Step 4: Don’t Panic!

Gamemastering involves juggling a lot of different things. Sometimes you drop the ball and forget something or you
just make a mistake. It happens, don’t worry about it. Nobody is perfect all of the time and everybody makes mistakes. Just pick
up from there and move on. Your players will understand and forget about it once you get back into the action.

Step 5: Challenge the Players

Gamemasters should challenge the players, but should not generally overwhelm them. This is not to say that games
cannot be deadly. If the characters die through their own actions and repercussions of those actions, then so be it. But the idea is
to challenge the players and their characters, not to overwhelm them. If the enemies and challenges are too light for the characters
present, then increase them. On the other hand, if the characters are badly outmatched by the enemies, then tone them down.
Make things difficult but not impossible.


Shadowrun Missions adventures use the rules presented in Shadowrun, Fifth Edition (SR5). Standard rules such as
success tests, glitches, critical successes, and other common mechanics are described in SR5 and are not repeated in this
Please keep in mind when preparing for the adventure, that the PCs will not necessarily be comprised of a balanced
party. It’s entirely possible that the party will be made up entirely of technomancers or back-to-nature shamans. If the characters
run into a brick wall because of such complications, show flexibility and use your best judgment in how you lead them back to
the plot.

Non-Player Characters

Non-player characters (NPCs) are essential to any adventure. They are the allies, antagonists, and background
characters in the adventure that interact with the player characters. NPCs in this adventure have already been created and can be
found throughout the adventure.
Minor NPCs are found in the individual scene that they appear in, and generally have a brief write up, noting only their
important skills and the gear they are carrying.
Major NPCs can be found in the Cast of Shadows at the end of the adventure, and have more detailed write ups, and
include most of the skills and the gear they have access to.
The NPCs in this adventure should generally stand up to the average player character but may need some adjustment to
suit a particular group of characters, especially a more experienced and powerful group. The scenes and NPC descriptions offer
tips on adjusting the NPCs to suit the abilities of the characters in your group. To adjust the power level of an NPC, refer to
Helps and Hindrances (p. 378, SR5). Take the player characters’ abilities into consideration when assessing the NPCs in this
adventure and modify them accordingly.

Mission Difficulty

GMs are encouraged to use their own judgment, and to adjust the difficulty of the encounter to take into account the
abilities of the players. If the players have no magical support, replace magical defenses with mundane ones. If the players are
weak on combat, reduce the number of enemies by one or two. Conversely, if they’re steam-rolling the opposition, add one or
two enemies to the fight. Missions should be difficult and something of a challenge, but should not be insurmountable.
A simple method for adjusting difficulty is to simply increase the dice pools and Professional Ratings of the enemies. A
simple +1 or +2 to all combat and defense tests gives enemies a minor boost in power, while a +3 or 4 will make them truly
formidable. Adding to their Professional Rating will give them a larger group Edge pool to draw from, and gamemasters are
encourage to use this Edge when logical.
Often a combat scene will tell you if it’s supposed to be challenging or is simply there to serve as filler or a minor
obstacle that the players should steamroll through. When possible, use this as a guide to know when to tweak the enemies and
encounters. If it doesn’t say, assume the scene should present a challenge to the power levels of the players.

A Note on Loot and Looting

Gamemasters should be careful what they allow players access to, because they can and will try to steal everything not
nailed down (and even then, they often have pry bars and claw hammers to deal with those nails). Shadowrun Missions operate
under the assumption that two players who have run the same missions will have roughly the same amount of resources available
to them (give or take some negotiation and a little bit of minor loot fenced), so when players are able to steal and fence a lot of
gear or are able to get their hands on high-priced vehicles, cyberdecks, or foci, it can unbalance the game and make it unfair to
players who didn’t have the opportunity to get those items. Gamemasters should avoid letting the players get into a position to do
high value looting whenever possible.


Neo-Tokyo is widely considered the business capital of the world. Vast economic wealth fuels cutting edge research
and development which have shaped a city that rivals any other in terms of technological wonder. Robot vendors are more
prevalent than flesh and blood ones and drones are used for even the most basic tasks. AR spam often crowds out the meat world
completely, catering to a baffling breadth of 'moe', the mania that surrounds obsession with anime, aidoru culture, and every
single fad that passes through the country.
The newest trends in fashion, business, and technology belie a culture steeped in tradition and old-world ideals.
Japanese ethnocentrism is firmly entrenched and makes its appearance routinely in dealings with gaijin or the metahumans that
many Japanese still see as a disgrace to their society. Only recently have reforms been enacted to grant human rights to Japan's
metahuman population and it will take generations to erase the prejudices that have festered for decades.
Perhaps it is that whole-hearted embrace of tradition that has led the city to insist on employing a metropolitan police
force rather than contract a private security firm such as Lone Star. The Neo-Tokyo Metropolitan Police are a source of pride for
the citizens. Highly trained and well-equipped, the NTMP is fiercely loyal to the metroplex and the Japanese Imperial State,
rather than to corporate interests. They make extensive use of drones and POLNET, their communications and surveillance
system, rivals the capability of any megacorporation. Beat cops operate out of bee-hive shaped police stations in each ward and
every pair of officers is tailed by a surveillance drone. Mages patrol astrally while watcher spirits observe from crucial vantage
points, reporting suspicious magical activity to awakened dispatchers. When the situation calls for it, high threat response teams
are heavily armed and operate on a policy of 'shoot first then arrest survivors.'
In Japan, privately owned firearms are forbidden. Only the police, military, and megacorporate security forces are
licensed to carry firearms. Anyone caught with a firearm can expect to be arrested on the spot. Further, guns are harder to
acquire. While smugglers and arms dealers do what they can to supply 'enthusiasts' with the firepower they want, the obstacles
they face are formidable and the complexity of their methods increase with the size and power of the weapons they mean to
With all the changes enacted over the last decade by Emperor Yasuhito, opportunities are opening for those willing to
run one of the most secure sprawls in the world. The streets of Neo-Tokyo are not friendly to amateurs, but for professionals
who know how to engage with subtlety and read the perfect moment to fully open the throttle before melting back into obscurity,
there is ample nuyen to be shared. In the toughest sprawls, legends are born, and the seat of the empire makes a strong case for
being the toughest of them all.

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Rules changes and clarifications to Shadowrun mechanics specific to Neo-Tokyo Missions can be found in the
Shadowrun Missions FAQ, however some of the key items are noted here:

Due to the intense amount of matrix traffic and AR Spam that pollute the streets of Neo-Tokyo, the average level of
Noise in the sprawl is 2. Commercial zones and other areas can often suffer from Noise Ratings as high as 5. Assume a Noise
Rating of 2 in all locations unless otherwise noted in the scene.

In Neo-Tokyo, the legality classification of all firearms and heavy weapons is changed to Forbidden and licenses
cannot be created for them. The exceptions are weapons categorized as firearms that can never be armed with ammunition that
causes physical damage. While police, military, and corporate security can be granted special licenses, there are no exceptions
for Player Characters.

Social norms in Japan are quite different than they are in western cultures. The idea of 'face' or giri predicates specific
behaviors to ensure that there is no dishonor or shame. Shadowrunners who consistently insult the honor of their employers will
find themselves out of work. Foremost, refusing to appear before Tanaka-san (the Japanese version of Mr. Johnson) is an insult.
It is therefore assumed that all members of the team are present when any offers are made. Payment offered is per person at the
table and anyone who is not present will not receive payment.
Sometimes, a Tanaka-san will fall prey to the prejudices they grew up with. They may refuse to speak to a particular
metatype, focusing only on the metatype they are comfortable speaking with (an awkward situation if the slighted metatype is the
team's face). Major NPCs will have their prejudices included in their descriptions. For every prejudice that a character triggers,
GMs should impose a -1 dicepool penalty on opposed social rolls, up to -2 per character and no more than a total penalty of -6 for
the entire party.
Finally, when negotiating with Tanaka-san, demanding a higher payout is an egregious insult. In Japanese business
dealings, the offer is presumed to be the best offer that can possibly be made and asking for more implies that there is a level of
dishonesty at play. Rather than ask for additional payment outright, a suave negotiator placates their employer, subtly bringing
up their own concerns by ensuring they understand that their employer has already considered them. This is only a thematic
change; the mechanical system for negotiating higher payment is exactly the same. In play, rather than a successful Negotiation
Test increasing the initial offer, the GM records the result and Tanaka-san offers the additional amount as a ‘bonus’ for exceeding
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Throughout the Shadowrun Missions Neo-Tokyo arc, there will be plenty of Japanese words, names, and organizations
that may seem challenging to pronounce. Before you are overwhelmed by the thought of having to figure out how to say each
word you find, remember that Japanese doesn’t use the English alphabet and when you find these transliterations, the best bet is
to simply read it like it’s spelled. The letter ‘a’ is generally pronounced ‘ah’ as in the word ‘awesome’, the letter ‘e’ is ‘eh’ as in
the word ‘enter’, the ‘i’ is a hard ‘ee’ sound as in the word ‘ink’, ‘o’ is a hard ‘oh’ such as ‘omit’, and the letter ‘u’ is an ‘ooh’
such as ‘dude’.

In Japan, the surname comes before the given name. Thus, Bob Smith would be referenced as Smith Bob. The
Japanese do now have middle names. However, when using English or other Western languages, Japanese people often give
their name in the Western order, that is given name first and surname last. For the purposes of writing and to minimize confusion
between Japanese names and Western names, names will be presented in the Western style except in dialogue or narrative
expressly meant to be conveyed to the players, where the name will be presented in whichever method makes the most sense for
the voice being used.

Of course, titles like Mr. and Ms. Are Western titles and not universally used in Japanese culture. Instead, titles are
appended to the surname and are not gender specific. The title ‘san’ is the most common, being a standard translation for Mr.,
Ms., and Mrs. It is added to the end of the surname with a dash. For example, Mr. Tanaka becomes Tanaka-san (which is
incidentally the Japanese term for Mr. Johnson).
Sama is the formal version of san and is used when speaking to someone of higher rank or station, or when you wish to
accord someone respect. Note that it can also be used ironically.
Both of these titles are applied to Western names in various situations, such as Smith-san. However, in many business
circles, especially when dealing with foreigners, Japanese people will use Mr. and Ms.
There are other titles as well, offering a range terms that denote relative station, familiarity, or even how cute
something is.


If you’d like to make use of various Japanese words and slang to bring the setting to life, the following list is intended
to give you a very brief start.

Aidoru: Literally ‘Idol’, it refers to the culture of manufacturing young stars and starlets that are admired for their cuteness.
Bosozuki: A street samurai.
Domo Arigato: Thank you.
Gaijin: A foreigner, often used as a derogatory term but is not explicitly so.
Giri: Honor or obligation.
Goi: Cool! Wow! Impressive! Amazing! Derived from old word “sugoi” with the same meaning.
Hai: Yes.
Katagi: A non-Yakuza person, used by Yakuza to refer to outsiders.
Kawaii: Lovable, cute, or adorable.
Kawaruhito: Literally, “changed person”, metahuman.
Kobun: Member of a Yakuza clan or gumi.
Konnichiwa: Hello!
Kyodai: “Older-brother” a term of respect from a subordinate Yakuza member to their superior.
Moe: A strong affection towards characters in anime, manga, video games, or pop culture.
Moshi Moshi!: Hello! (usually associated with answering a call on your commlink)
Mushi: Computer glitch.
Nemawashi: Legwork, laying the groundwork.
Omae: Friend.
Oyabun: Head of a Yakuza clan or gumi.
Samurai: Mercenary or muscle for hire. Implies honor code.
Sararīman: A corporate employee. From a mispronunciation of salaryman.
Shatei: “Younger-brother” a term used by senior Yakuza members when speaking to their subordinates.
So ka: I understand. I get it. Derived from Japanese.
Yak: Yakuza. Either a clan member or a clan itself.
Tanaka-san: Japanese equivalent of Mr. Johnson.
Yokai: A catch-all word to describe any Awakened critter or spirit.
>>>>>Sidebar Ends

After running a Shadowrun Missions adventure, there are several important pieces of paperwork that need to be filled
The first is to make certain to distribute a copy of the adventure’s Debriefing Log to each player. As the GM, please
make certain to fill this out and sign off on it for each character. In the interests of time, you may have each player fill out the
sections, with appropriate values that you give them. Please consider the PCs actions in the scenario when providing Reputation
modifiers, per those rules (p. 372, SR5).
The second is to make sure that all players have updated their character’s Mission Calendar. PCs are allowed to go on
one run per week. The calendar is used to track the character’s monthly lifestyle expenses, adventures, and their downtime
Finally, once an adventure is completed gamemasters should head over to the official Shadowrun forums at
httt:// and look in the Shadowrun Missions section. There will be a section to post the outcome of
the Missions adventure. Future adventures will be affected by these results. Without GM feedback, the PCs’ exploits will be
unable to affect the campaign.

The runners are called by Tanaka-san (Kaito Nakamura) to meet at the oldest ramen shop in Neo-Tokyo. Tanaka-san
would like to hire them to solve the mystery of why an associate of hers was shot in a botched assassination attempt and to tie up
any loose ends. The associate was an Evo operative working undercover in Monobe when he discovered something important.
Before he could report, his supervisor grew suspicious. Evo hired a koborokuru sniper to eliminate the supervisor but he hit the
operative instead.
The runners find the sniper in a bathhouse where they must corner and interrogate him. He tells them he did everything
he was supposed to should not have missed. He had the target dead to rights, but somehow the bullet went in the wrong direction.
He did nothing wrong. After checking the sniper rifle, the team discovers tampering to the smart link with a tag left behind
They learn that the tag belongs to a decker known as Haiteku that burned his shadowrun team years before. Talking
with a former member of his team, they deduce he is at a love hotel in Chiba, Akuhyō No Ie. From there, they can confront the
decker or try to hack his cyberdeck to get the information they need.
Runners meet Kaito Nakamura at the oldest ramen shop in the world, Manpuku. She says she is working on behalf of
the Monobe Corporation andwants to hires the runners to investigate the mysterious death of their inside manan associate who
was working an inside job at ETCMonobe.


Though the Yakuza have been a very profitable source of income for you during your stay in Neo-Tokyo, everyone
knows the big money comes from the corporations. So, when your fixer called you this morning about a meet with a corporate
Tanaka-san, you were intrigued. Since your cred sticks keep turning into paperweights, a meet Tanaka-san sounds like a welcome
diversion. You grab your kit and make your way to the address and ride along through Neo-Tokyo.
The meeting place is Manpuku, the oldest ramen shop in the world. A little odd for a corporate meet, you think. Even
with its history and prime location in Ginza, a ramen shop doesn’t feel like the level of class you imagine when being
propositioned by some money-backed bigwig. Course, when you walk in, it makes more sense. While the place certainly feels
ancient, it is anything but run down. Great care has been taken to restore every antique and the atmosphere is quite formal. The
hostess bows respectfully and asks how many to be seated, though she gives any kawaruhito, or non-humans, a judgmental
glance. When you say Tanaka-san, she nods with a quick, “Hai!” before guiding you to a private room in the back, tucked behind
a set of sliding shoji screens. Seated within is a small elven woman, dressed in a conservative sheath dress, sleeveless and black.
Her demeanor is calm and friendly as she stands, gesturing for you to take a seat. Behind her is a troll—obviously a body guard.
His hair is black and cut high and tight in military fashion. He wears a simple gray suit and doesn’t exhibit any cyberware
“Konnichiwa,” she says, “I have a job for you, if you are amenable to such. It appears that a man was targeted for…
elimination.” Her lip curls slightly in distaste. “However, when the assassin made his move, he missed and instead killed an
associate of mine. The task is simple enough, determine what happened and, if necessary, clean up any mess. The offer is 7,500
nuyen for each of you. Of course, your discretion is required. Do we have a deal?”


Tanaka-san is of course Kaito Nakamura, whom the players may have met in Season 9. Her bodyguard is Misha
Rudov. She will not divulge any specifics until the team agrees to take the job but will offer that the intended target was a threat
to the man who was killed and that she ‘believes’ his termination was commissioned to protect the asset. A successful
Negotiation + Charisma [Social] Oopposed Ttest will garner an additional 500 nuyen per nNet hHit up to 2,500 nuyen. Kaito’s
dice pool is 14.
After they accept the job, she explains that her associate was working at the Monobe Corporate offices. He had
apparently stumbled onto some information regarding a reinvigorated joint project with another major corporation. While looking
for further information, his supervisor was tipped off to his duplicity. A cleaner was hired to remove the supervisor before he
could compromise the operative. Despite his credentials, the assassin somehow missed his target and shot the operative instead.
Of course, the assassin immediately went to ground and hasn’t been heard from since. She identifies him as ‘Dansu no
Hana,’ or ‘Dancing Blossom.’ She is uncertain if he purposefully killed the operative but cannot imagine another explanation.
She does not know what the operative found other than what was already stated and explains that getting more information was
the operative’s unfinished task.
The runners go on the hunt for the sniper. He is laying low, but not laying low enough for when you’ve angered a well-
connected Tanaka-san. They track him down to one of Neo-Tokyo’s many public baths where Yakuza security has little tolerance
for shenanigans.


Well, a job’s a job. It may be unfortunate that your quarry is one of your “professional colleagues”, but that’s the risk
he ran when he slotted off Tanaka-san. If this sniper knows what’s good for him, he’ll be keeping a very low profile indeed.
Good thing you know how to think like a shadowrunner who doesn’t want to be found.

When the runners arrive at the sentō:

From the front, this Harajuku neighborhood bathhouse is stylized to resemble a Shinto temple. Of course, the stop-N-
rob and laundromat abutting the building on either side make an obvious lie of the façade. Another lie is told by a physical sign
written in traditional script prohibiting tattooed patrons. An attendant sits behind athe counter between the respective doors
leading to the men’s and women’s locker rooms. The stooge looks dim-witted despite his obviously expensive tailored suit. He
looks up from his commlink’s AR display of an episode of Ningyo: The Digital Geisha Diaries with obvious annoyance at your
interruption, then slack-jawed confusion as he realizes he doesn’t recognize you.

When the runners enter the communal bathing area:

The locker rooms spill into the sentō’s communal bathing area. Both men and women sit on benches washing
themselves or soak in the pools of incrementally hotter water. Some have white towels wrapped around themselves; others do not
cover their nakedness. The spacious area extends the entire width of the building, under a high ceiling. The décor evokes images
of a pre-industrial Japan, with four terracotta statues of samurai warriors glaring menacingly out over the bathers. The bathhouse
is quietly devoid of AR spam, replaced instead by the smell of soap and chlorine and the sounds of burbling spigots and
contented sighs from patrons as they slip into the hot waters.


Dansu no Hana’s real name is Kishi Tsuruki. The koborokuru knows his job went sideways and he hasn’t bothered
checking in with Tanaka-san—he knows his payment was forfeit when his bullet missed the mark. However, it’s been a few days
with no sign of implications beyond the lost fee. Eager to put his unsuccessful attempt to branch out into megacorporate
shadowrunning behind him, he’s falling back onto more familiar habits and relying on established connections with the Yakuza.
Unwisely, he’s prematurely stopped laying low to come out for a ‘spa day,’ hoping to wash a few days’ worth of grime, all built
up while hiding out in a dingy bolt hole.
The team doesn’t have much to work with to track Kishi down. But his name is enough; shadowrunners live and die by
their reputations with shadow community. Runners can use appropriate knowledge skills and contacts to learn the information
about him presented in the legwork section. Add one to the dice pool of any safehouse contacts. The Inagawa-kai oni Tetsuya
Sakai knows all of the information available for him.
The tTicket cClerk is ostensibly there to pass out wristlets bearing RFIDs that unlock a locker and to identify valid
patrons. Of course, the reality is he’s the first line of Yakuza security. Technically, so long as a runner pays the entry fee (10
nuyen, which needn’t be tracked if that runner has Low or higher lifestyle), the clerk won’t bar entry. If they fail to smooth things
over with him, he’ll watch over the runners closely while they’re in the bathhouse and his attention will probably complicate their
interaction with Kishi when they find him. They can assure the clerk that they are friends of the Yakuza by succeeding on a Con
+ Charisma [Social] Oopposed Ttest (his modified dice pool is 11 [5]). Characters with a loyalty rating of 3 or greater with any of
Noboru Egawa, Tetsuya Sakai, or Yoriko Asakura can instead make an Etiquette + Charisma [Social] (3) Ttest. Attempting to
intimidate the tTicket cClerk will automatically trigger a hostile response of some kind, ranging from attack to sullenly calling for
backup, as the situation warrants.
If the runners contact Noboru or Yoriko about the location, they will refer the caller to Tetsuya. If the team speaks with
Tetsuya Sakai about the situation as part of their nemawashi, he will grant them permission to act as they must in his territory, but
they absolutely must not damage the property or harm anyone beyond their quarry. Causing a panic will cost them 1,000 nuyen
per team member to smooth things over with the community. With Tetsuya’s blessing, the team has permission to enter and can
operate within the establishment without worrying about authorities. Damaging the property or harming a patron will result in a
loss of loyalty with Tetsuya. Failure to pay restitution if required will also result in a loss of loyalty (if they haven’t otherwise lost
any) and a gain of Public Awareness.
If the runners prefer to try to sneak in, they must either go in through the front right under the clerk’s nose or break in
through the back alleyback-alley door. Sneaking through one of the front doors is possible despite a lack of cover because the
clerk is distracted by his trideo show. A runner must succeed on a Sneaking (Urban) + Agility [Physical] (6) Ttest to sneak past
the clerk. The back door is locked with an ancient tumbler lock (Rating 3) and overseen by a single camera located about 3 feet
above it. However, unlocking the door does little good because in contravention to all fire safety regulations the back door is
barred shut on the inside. The door can be battered in with a Body + Strength (20, Complex Action) Ttest that obviously kicks up
quite a racket. More importantly, each attempt might be noticed by the attendant via the camera feed. He suffers a -3 dice pool
modifier for his inattentiveness along with any other modifiers that would otherwise exist. If the runners do enter through this
door, they come into the boiler room behind the heated pools. Entering the communal bathing area via this back route will trigger
a security response. Leaving the sentō via this back route is easier than entering: unbarricading the alleyway door from the inside
only requires 3 complex actions.
Just inside the front doors are the paired men’s and women’s dressing rooms. These each have one or two patrons
inside. Kishi’s equipment is in fact stowed in a locker on the men’s side, but the lockers are EM shielded and finding his gear is
likely impossible without picking open locker after locker, hard to do without attracting attention.
Beyond these rooms is the communal bathing area. The four statues are actually MCT Bushi drones. Entering here
wearing anything more than a towel is an egregious faux pas. Any Japanese character automatically knows this. Non-Japanese
characters know this with an Etiquette + Charisma [Social] (4) Ttest or an appropriate Knowledge [Mental] (2) Ttest. Failure to
adhere to the custom results in hisses and complaints, shortly answered by the four drones coming into motion and demanding
the runners’ departure. If warranted an additional team of enforcers is nearby to respond to trouble (use stats for tTicket cClerk).
The communal area has rows of benches with faucets where bathers are expected to wash and lather; then rinse
thoroughly before entering a hot pool. The washing and bathing area is one large room with a ceiling roughly 5 meters overhead.
It is also enclosed on all sides by an invisible Force 7 Mana Barrier (see Getting Around Mana Barriers, pg. 316 SR5). This
barrier also encompasses the boiler room behind the communal bathing area, preventing a spirit from just materializing inside the
door and unblocking it. Aside from the ticket clerk, there are no Yakuza personnel physically present at the bathhouse. At the
first sign of trouble, the attendant notifies an on-call Yakuza spider will enter the host and jump into a drone in the second combat
turn. A mage arrives astrally with his cohort of spirits via projection.
Runners with the ability to perceive ultrasound will notice that motion detection sensors are broadcasting from the
apparent statues. A Perception + Intuition [Mental] (4) Ttest will reveal that the “terra cotta” is in fact foamed metal made to
resemble ceramic statuary, and the figures are in fact fully articulated anthropomorphic drones. Very heavily armored ones, at
that. But still, completely stationary for now.
Should the runners force the Yakuza security to respond (by causing violence, brazenly entering the bathing area with
weapons and armor, etc.), Kishi will drop down low in the water and try to remain unseen in hopes the runners are vanquished
before they find him. He rolls 16 [7] to hide, including a +3 dice bonus for the concealing effect of the water and steam. If the
runners grab him, he’ll try to defend himself with a combat knife he hid in his towel, but he has no interest in fighting to the
If the runners comply with bathing etiquette, Kishi will not have reason to hide from them. Still he doesn’t wish to
needlessly telegraph his presence, so spotting him in the pools requires a Perception (Visual) + Intuition [Mental] (2) Ttest, and
the runners may add +3 dice to their pool since they’re looking for him specifically.
Keep in mind that Kishi isn’t too proud to scream for help if he feels endangered, knowing the Yaks will immediately
address trouble inside their tranquil retreat. He’s also very fast, so if he thinks the team is there for him and he has a chance to
run, he will. Chasing a naked koborokuru through the streets might be rather humorous but will draw attention.

>>>>>Sidebar Begins
Public bathing has been a part of Japanese culture since long before the Awakening. Communal bathhouses with heated
pools are called sentō, or onsen if their waters are heated by natural geothermal energy. Becoming physically clean is almost
beside the point: these bathhouses are places to rejuvenate the spirit and soak one’s cares away surrounded by peers. While
running water is reliable for most social strata in Neo-Tokyo, public bathing endures anyway as a connection to the traditional in
modern Japanese culture. Without at least occasional shared nakedness in public bathhouses, it is believed one loses “skinship”
within the community. Of course, the communities that patronize sentō and onsen do naturally stratify themselves. For example,
rich corporate citizens wouldn’t be seen in a poor community bathhouse.
Contrary to many foreigners’ assumptions, sentō and onsen are not sex parlors. In fact, there’s a strict code of etiquette
to which all patrons expected to conform within a public bathhouse. Boisterousness, lewd behavior, or not following strictly
proscribed bathing protocol is simply not tolerated.
>>>>>Sidebar Ends


4 3 4 4 3 2 3 3 6

Initiative: 7 + 1D6
Condition Monitor (P/S): 11 / 10
Limits: Physical 6, Mental 4, Social 5
Armor: 9
Skills: Athletics skill group 5, Close Combat skill group 5, Con 4, Perception 4 (Hidden Weaponry +2), Pistols 2 (Tasers +2)
Qualities: Made Man, Toughness / SINner (Criminal: Japanese Imperial State)
Gear: Lined coat, contacts [Capacity 3 w/ flare compensation, imagelink, vision enhancement 1], earbuds [Capacity 2 w/ sound
link, damper], subvocal microphone; Renraku Sensei commlink [Device Rating 3]
Defiance EX Shocker [taser, Acc 4, DV 9S(e), AP –5, Modes: SS, RC 3, 4 (m)]
Stun Baton [Clubs, Acc 4, Reach 1, DV 9S(e), AP –5]
Katana [Blades, Acc 7, Reach 1, DV 7P, AP –3]
Unarmed Strike [Unarmed, Acc 7, Reach 0, DV 4S, AP –0]
Note: The Yakuza Ticket Clerk is prejudiced against anyone he doesn’t recognize as a regular.

Host: Odayakana Haru Sentō

Rating Attack Sleaze Data Processing Firewall
5 6 5 7 9

Grid: Public
Installed IC: Killer, marker, patrol, probe, track
Slaved Devices: Environmental controls, roll-down security gates (front entrances), MCT Bushi drones, security cameras
Sculpting: The host is sculpted as a traditional red torii arch when viewed from the grid. Inside, the host is sculpted as a quaint
village square from Japan’s Edo period. The sentō’s membership list is maintained as a bamboo sign on post at the center of the
Security Procedures: As the sentō is a legitimate enterprise that conducts no illegal business, its on-duty spider is more
concerned with guaranteeing guests’ physical security than defending the host per se. The spider will jump into one of the Bushi
drones if warranted. Still, IC has a very aggressive host security posture: Marker, patrol, and probe IC runs constantly, with track
then killer loading upon alert. If track IC discovers a hacker’s location, it is given to a Yakuza hit team rather than GOD and
NTMP. All private files are secured by rating 6 file protection.
Host Personas: A few patrons carry their commlinks into the bathing area and accordingly some are still logged into the host
after paying their entry fee, making use of the host’s privacy to avoid Public grid spam. Most however secure their commlinks in
the lockers and enjoy the retro, AR-free quiet time. The Ticket Clerk and Spider’s personas are their everyday icons, looking like
photoshopped-perfect versions of themselves. The IC’s personas are sculpted as towel-wrapped female bathing attendants.
Legitimate Access: The business is legitimate and the public is welcome to enter the host to pay for its services. The host will
invite a mark reciprocally from personas that first invite one. Yakuza personnel have their own biometric logins and naturally
don’t pay entry fees.
Paydata: As a known Yakuza hangout, public officials could be embarrassed if visiting with Yakuza bosses at the sentō were
publicized. Naturally the Yakuza keep that potential blackmail close to the vest; in addition to encryption as described above,
these visitor logs are protected by a rating 6 Data Bomb. If secured, the data is worth 100 nuyen per hit achieved on a Matrix
Search (Computer + Intuition [Data Processing] Ttest).


3 4 4 (6) 2 4 4 4 3 4.0

Matrix Initiative: 8 + 3D6 (Cold Sim VR)

Condition Monitor (P/S/M): 10 / 10 / 10
Limits: Attack 0, Sleaze 0, Data Processing 4, Firewall 5
Matrix Damage Resistance: 11
Biofeedback Damage Resistance: 9
Skills: Blades 5 (Swords +2), Electronics skill group 5, Electronic Warfare 4 (Sensor Operations +2), Pilot: Walkers 4 (Bipedal
Augmentations: Control rig 1 (used), reaction enhancers 2 (used)
Gear: Maersk Spider RCC [Device Rating 4 ASDF 0/0/4/5]
Programs: Armor, Clearsight 6, MCT Bushi Maneuvering 6, Sword Melee Autosoft 6
Typical Matrix Action Pools: Control Device (Attack with Swords) 11 [6], Matrix Perception 9 [4], Trace Icon 9 [4]


3 (2) 3 (2)G 1 4 15 3 3

Upgrades: Increased armor. Sensors: atmospheric sensor, camera, cyberware scanner, microphone, ultrasound
Autosofts: Clearsight 6, MCT Bushi Maneuvering 6, Sword Melee Autosoft 6 (all shared via RCC)
Sword [Sword Melee Autosoft, Acc 6, Reach 1, DV 7P, AP –2]
Sword [Sword Melee Autosoft, Acc 6, Reach 1, DV 7P, AP –2]
Notes: Drone cyberlimbs have Strength equal to Body and Agility equal to Pilot; Swords have an additional +1 reach when
wielded as a pair; Drones do not suffer Stun damage.


3 3 3 3 5 4 4 5 6 7

Astral Initiative: 8 + 2D6

Condition Monitor (P/S): 10 / 11
Limits: Physical 4, Mental 6, Social 7, Astral 7
Armor: 0
Skills: Arcana 4, Assensing 5, Astral Combat 5, Conjuring skill group 6, Perception 4, Sorcery skill group 4
Qualities: Made Man, Shaman, Mentor Spirit: Snake / SINner (Corp Limited: MCT)
Initiate Grade: 1
Metamagics: Flexible Signature
Spells: Clairvoyance, Control Actions, Manabolt, Mana Barrier, Turn To Goo / Curse ritual, Remote Sensing ritual, Ward ritual,
Watcher ritual
Summoned Spirit: Spirit of beasts [Force 6, 4 services]
Bound Spirits: Spirits of beasts [Force 6, 2 services] (x2)
Gear: Power Focus 2, Summoning Focus (spirits of beasts) 4
Psychic Punch [Astral Combat, Acc 7, DV 5P or 5S, AP –0]
Note: The Yakuza Mage and his spirits are not present unless his Mana Barrier is attacked/destroyed or if there is a call for
magical backup.


8 7 6 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

Initiative: 12 + 2D6
Astral Initiative: 12 + 3D6
Condition Monitor: 12 / 11
Limits: Physical 10, Mental 8, Social 8
Armor: 0 (12H vs non-magical attacks)
Skills: Assensing 6, Astral Combat 6, Perception 6, Unarmed Combat 6
Powers: Animal control, astral form, confusion, enhanced senses (hearing, low light vision, smell), fear, materialization,
movement, sapience, venom
Physical Attack [Unarmed, Acc 10, DV 8S, AP –0, venom]
Psychic Attack [Astral Combat, Acc 8, DV 6P or 6S, AP –0]
Note: Venom is Power 6, Penetration 0, Speed 1 Combat Turn, Effect: Physical damage


The scene is not meant to be difficult if the runners’ approach is discreet and subtle. However if they engage the
Yakuza on their own home turf, they should be appropriately challenged. For example, if the players are bringing in high Force
spirits, increase some or all of the spirits of beasts’ Force to match. The runners should be made aware that any potential High
Threat Response will be a Yakuza team, not NTMP. That should terrify smart players into playing “nice” in this scene.
In the unlikely event the runners kill Kishi, they can claim his wristlet off his arm to find and collect his gear from the
locker room, including his sniper rifle that holds the next clue they need.
If the players are hesitant to go in after Kishi inside a Yakuza-guarded establishment, stress that they know he’s a
deadly sniper. Going after him literally anywhere else is likely going to get someone’s head blown off. If they want to wait and
grab him as he leaves, it turns out he’s just not leaving anytime soon. He’s even having some take-out delivered here, if the
runners wait long enough. A call from Tanaka-san telling them to get the lead out if they want to get paid should spur them into
Having now caught the fugitive, they learn that Kishi honestly believes his aim was true. Clues point to a saboteur that
hacked his rifle.  


Well, information is information. That is what you need to get. Now that you have Kishi, it’s time to see what he

Once they convince him to talk:

“Alright, alright,” Kishi says, breathing in deep, “I will tell you what happened. I was given the task to kill this guy.
Stuffy corporate type, you know. They gave me a picture of the target and when it was time, I got up on the roof and set up the
targeting system. Now, I did everything right. Crosshairs on the right baka, adjusted for everything, and I pulled the trigger at the
perfect moment. But then I saw the guy next to him go down. I was confused as the meatbag I shot, chip truth! Still confused if
you want the whole of it. No way I should have missed. Nobody moved, the shot wasn’t that long. I ain’t missed in sixteen years.
Something moved the bullet, only thing it can be.”


Once they get a hold of Kishi, they’ve got to convince him to talk. He’s not much without his rifle and several hundred
meters between him and his target, so it shouldn’t be hard. Between the standard rules for an opposed Intimidation or Etiquette
Ttest and his knowledge that if he can’t convince these nice shadowrunners to let him live, he has no dice pool to oppose with.
His goal is to convince them of the truth and survive.
When they get him talking, he is nervous, and that can come across as being evasive. Anyone hearing his story can
choose to roll Judge Intentions (4). If they succeed, they read his mannerisms as justified nerves and believe him enough that they
feel they should investigate the possibility that he is telling the truth. Less than that and you can play up the fidgeting, lack of eye
contact, sweating, and stammering.
If the team looks at his gun, he will happily give them full access to it. Without needing to hack it, anyone can perform
a Matrix Search action, Computer + Intuition [Data Processing] (3) Ttest, to find an odd file. A Matrix Perception action can
reveal the following information (in no particular order):

 It is some form of malware.

 It is encrypted with an Encryption Rating 6.
 It is tagged with an icon looking like an ancient 8bit skull with a green laser protruding from the left eye.

Decrypting it finds a program that updates the firmware of the device. Long term analysis will eventually reveal that it
makes changes to the smartgun system and could be responsible for changing the sight picture for the user. That level of analysis
is outside the scope of Missions and a character would need to pay an appropriate contact 1,000 nuyen and it would take 24 hours
to return the information.
Most important is the icon, which is seen without needing to decrypt the file. That icon can lead the team to the next
part of their job.
All the team needs to do now is figure out what to do with Kishi. If they let him live, he is grateful. If they don’t look
like they are going to let him keep his rifle, he tentatively asks for it back. If they decide to keep it, they gain the item as
described in Cast of Shadows. If they leave it with him, they gain him as a contact.
The shadowrunners have a solid clue about where to go next, from that they can work a few options to determine where
to go next.


Well, the koborokuru sniper says it wasn’t his fault. Of course, that’s what he said. Is he telling the truth? The only clue
is an oddly pixelated skull, time to see if that means something to anyone.


This scene is included to help prod the runners along a variety of options to discover the truth about the matter and
discover the meaning behind the 8bit skull. The skull is a digital ‘signature’ placed by the hacker going by the handle Haiteku.
Once the team figures that out, they should be able to discover the name and whereabouts of a person who can tell them where to
find him.
As a signature, it should not be hard to tie the skull to Haiteku. Any character can perform the Matrix Search, though a
decker will have the fastest results. Asking around can get enough information to identify him. Following that, the team needs to
learn who Haiteku is. While a Matrix Search can give them the information they need, some useful information can be gleaned
by asking actual contacts.
The final step is the physical adept known as Hitori-chan. That adept can be found in a bar in Toshima ward. Once they
learn that, they can head her way to see if she can lead them to Haiteku.
The team heads to Gem, a bar in Chiba, to talk to an old shadowrun partner that Haiteku left in the cold. From her, they
can find out where Haiteku is and wrap up the case.


A spurned shadowrun partner? Interesting. Shadowrunners rarely turn on each other, that sort of reputation dries up the
well faster than twitchy razor boy on jazz. This muscle girl seems to be a decent runner and it looks like she frequents a bar in
Leaving Old Tokyo to the edges of Chiba brings you into the Bleeds. The well to-do skip over this part of the city on
the Sobu-line express to the middle of Chiba ward, where they can find the cutting edge of medical technology. The Bleeds is the
parasitic leech on the edges of that technology, taking advantage of whatever trickles out of Chiba and offering cut rate medical
and cyber services, no questions asked. It’s a desperate and dangerous place—and it looks like it. The sort of place where you
walk into the chop shop and get fused the moment you step back into the streets.
Gem itself is a dive by any standard, even though it was once praised as one of the best bars in Neo-Tokyo. There are
hard asses from all walks of life sitting here. A variety of languages can be heard amongst several tables, while a scattering of of
folks sit silently with only themselves for company. The bartender doesn’t even notice you as he mixes some drinks for the
dwarfs in the back. Now you just have to locate Hitori-chan. How hard can it be to find the lady adept in a rough and tumble bar
like this?

Once they convince Hitori-Chan:

“Well, since our interests seem to match, yeah I can tell you about that drekhead. Number one, he’s a bastard—arrogant
and insane. I guess when you spend that much time trading code with IC, it drives you nutty someday. The team we put together
was top caliber, the best nuyen could buy. Times were fast, morals loose, cred was flowing. Then, someone just made an offer he
wasn’t willing to pass on. Don’t know what they offered him, but he flipped easy as you please.”
The glass in her hand shatters and she looks at it, blinking twice. A glance to the bartender and he replaces it with a
new glass, full. She swallows half of it before continuing. “So we didn’t grab what we were supposed to and Noshi routed metro
to catch us on the way out, giving him the opening he needed to get out unseen. We didn’t go easy, but at the end of it all, I was
the only one who made it. Course, there’s no one that can say I wasn’t in on it with that scumbag. So everything dried up and
here I am: not working.”
She sighs, finishing her drink and holding the glass up for the bartender to see. “So if you need to find him, I ain’t
gonna be the one who stops you. If he is just coming off a gig, you would probably find him in Akuhyō No Ie. It is a love hotel in
Higashichiba. Be careful though, the guards around that place, are not friendly to those who cause trouble for their corporate
The bartender slides another tumbler her way and she downs that in one go. “Do me a solid though—maybe break his
legs for me.”


Hitori-chan is sitting at the end of the bar as the bartender will point out. She seems to be minding her own business in
her own sorrow when the players approach. Hitori-chan does not look like she has seen a well-paying run in a long time if those
clothes are anything to go by. Unfortunately, she has the cred to keep her cup filled and she’s been in the bar for some time today.
She’s drunk and any mention of Haiteku causes her to become violent. Soon as someone says his name, she screams, “Haiteku?
Frag that bastard!” At this point, everyone rolls a surprise check. Hitori-chan enjoys a bonus of 6 to her dice pool. On her first
action, she takes a swing at whoever said the name first, using adrenaline surge to act first in the pass.
If no one attacks Hitori-chan, then at the end of each Combat Turn, she can be convinced to stop and hear them out.
They can roll an Etiquette + Charisma [Social] Ttest. If they have at least one hit, then Hitori-chan makes a Composure Test (1)
and stops swinging long enough to learn that the runners are no friends of the decker. They can also attempt an opposed
Intimidate + Charisma [Social] oOpposed Ttest to get her to back down long enough to hear what they have to say.
If they fight back, no one else in the bar gets involved unless they gang up on her or brandish weapons. If that happens,
then Hitori-chan grabs her staff and a number of patrons equal to the number of shadowrunners involved join the fight. Those
patrons pull weapons only if the runners draw weapons.
If any of the shadowrunners fires a gun, everything stops and most of the patrons quickly exit. At this point, they have a
captive of audience. Law enforcement will not respond to a gunfire here, unless that gunfire goes on for several rounds.


The two prime runners listed below are among those who join the brawl on Hitori-chan’s behalf.
If they somehow kill Hitori-chan, they can get the information she tells them from her commlink.


4 6 (8) 4 (7) 5 (7) 4 2 4 3 0.9

Initiative: 11 + 2D6
Condition Monitor: 10
Limits: Physical 9, Mental 4, Social 4
Armor: 14
Skills: Athletics Group 2, Blades 6 (Swords +2), Intimidation 5, Negotiation 3, Perception4, Sneaking 3, Unarmed Combat 6
Qualities: Toughness
Augmentations: Muscle replacement 2, plastic bone lacing, reaction enhancers 2, wired reflexes 1
Gear: Armor vest, Renraku Sensei commlink [Device Rating 3]
Katana [Blades (Swords), Acc 7, Reach 1, DV 10P, AP –3]
Combat Knife [Blade, Acc 6, DV 9P, AP –3]
Unarmed Strike [Unarmed, Acc 9, DV 8P, AP 0]


5 6 (8) 4 (7) 5 4 3 4 3 0.3

Initiative: 12 + 2D6
Condition Monitor: 12
Limits: Physical 8, Mental 5, Social 4
Armor: 21
Skills: Athletics Group 3, Blades 8 (Swords +2), Intimidation 5, Negotiation 3, Perception4, Sneaking 3, Unarmed Combat 8
Qualities: Agile Defender, Natural Athlete, Toughness
Augmentations: Cyberarm (synthetic, main) [Agility 9, Strength 9 w/ enhanced armor 2] (betaware), reaction enhancers 3, wired
reflexes 1 (betaware) / muscle toner 2, orthoskin 3 / Reakt (+2 to defense tests)
Gear: Armor vest, Renraku Sensei commlink [Device Rating 3]
Katana [Swords, Acc 7, Reach 1, DV 11P, AP –3]
Combat Knife [Blade, Acc 6, DV 12P, AP –3]
Unarmed Strike [Unarmed, Acc 9, DV 12P, AP 0]
Given that Haiteku is known to stay at Akuhyō No Ie after a job and that he just came off one, you know where to head
next. The love hotel is one of many servicing the wealthy patrons or medical students in Chiba and that part of town is well
policed. If they play it right, they may get some information worth a bit of extra cred with their Tanaka-san.


This close to the global headquarters of Renraku, you have to be very mindful of the Neo-Toyko Metropolitan Police.
Not only is Renraku’s corporate park here, the showroom island of Aneki and the delta-grade clinics draw the richest and most
influential people in the entire Sixth World. AR spam chokes your devices and everywhere you look you see tech and money.
Of course, the residents haven’t left behind their spiritual roots and interspersed amongst the modern buildings
showcasing what Chiba has to offer are the old Shinto temples. The people here go about their business, happily ignoring the
woes of the world, like the Bleeds just a few districts away, living life as if the shadows never existed. Everyone seems to be
traveling with an entourage that includes at least one bodyguard. You even see some gentlemen that you can’t help but think are
Imperials based solely on the body guards and the arrogant matter way that they walk out of the doors in the alleys to their limos.
You finally get to the place and it is covered with bright lanterns and AR signs of a geisha winking repeatedly at you
from the entrance of the 6-story building. There are guards that stand on either side of the door and open the doors for the guests
as they walk in with one if not two giggling women on their arms. Time to go to work, chummers!


Akuhyō No Ie is a legitimate business devoted to the privacy of their customers. Patrons are checked in as numbers or
icons which cannot be attached to their names. The cameras are fitted solely with thermographic capabilities and security is made
up of private contractors that are cycled out on a regular basis. This level of privacy makes it a favored hotel of their clientele.
Haiteku has been at the Akuhyō No Ie for a bit since he left his calling tag on the smart link gun. He’s on the 3 rd floor in
room 324, one of the corner rooms. He’s currently in the room along with a pair of escorts. He’s spending his time multitasking
between their company and browsing the Matrix through AR.
The streets around the hotel are regularly patrolled by NMTP drones and response time here is very fast. It is a AAA
location and anyone entering loud can expect to find a high threat response team awaiting them outside. Individuals can freely
enter the hotel so long as they are fashionably dressed, that is anything name brand or valued at 1,500 nuyen or more. Smooth
talkers can convince the staff that their outfit is otherwise fashionable with an opposed Con + Charisma [Social] oOpposed Ttest
or an Etiquette + Charisma (4) [Social] tTest.
There are Rating 4 MAD scanners situated at every entrance and staff turn away anyone who causes an alert. The
cameras cover every angle of the interior. They cameras are Rating 3 and fitted with thermographic vision, but cannot see in real
color (meaning they can be completely defeated with thermal dampening). Access to the elevators leading to the rooms is with a
keycard that every guest has. It costs 500 nuyen a night for a standard room, which is covered in a character’s High lifestyle.
Figuring out what room Haiteku is in can be done by hacking the Host and viewing the guestlist where they find the
8bit skull icon associated with room 324. Chatting up hotel staff can work with an Etiquette + Charisma (15, 10 minutes) [Social]
Eextended Ttest. Once the team determines which room Haiteku is in, they can proceed to the third floor and either enter his
room physically or try to hack his cyberdeck.
Entering his room requires bypassing the lock on his door, which is a Rating 6 maglock. If they get in, Haiteku doesn’t
put up a physical fight. Once he figures out what they are there for, he can be convinced to tell them what he knows, but starts by
asking if the escorts can be released. His claims that they are simply working girls with no ties to the business between the decker
and the team is true and if they agree, he hands them each a credstick, winks, and tells them to forget everything they’ve seen. He
promises he knows how to keep his mouth shut.
He can be easily intimidated, but will also respond to polite inquiry. His first inclination is to sell the information to the
team for 5,000 nuyen. An opposed Negotiation + Charisma [Social] roll Opposed Test reduces this the total by 250 nuyen per net
hit and can bring his price as low as half. If the team convinces him that they will kill him or break his knees as a favor for Hitori-
chan, he will make a deal with them to hand over the information in exchange for leaving him unharmed.
Finding the information on his cyberdeck requires finding his hidden persona, placing a mark on his cyberdeck and
succeeding in a Matrix Search, Computer + Intuition (3, special) [Data Processing] Ttest, which takes 30 minutes. From there, the
file can be viewed after being decrypted (Encryption Rating 5) and the data bomb is disarmed (Data Bomb Rating 4).
Whether he tells them or they read the file, the information reveals that Haiteku was hired by an unknown Shiawase
Tanaka-san to hack Dansu no Hana’s sniper rifle to ensure that instead of taking out the Monobe manager he instead kill a
whistle-blower. There is no indication that the Tanaka-san knew of any outside ties for the operative.


4 5 4 (5) 4 4 3 4 3 6

Initiative: 8 (9) + 3D6

Condition Monitor: 10
Limits: Physical 6 (7), Mental 5, Social 8
Armor: 12
Active Skills: Close Combat skill group 3, Intimidation 3, Perception 4, Pistols 4 (Tasers +2)
Knowledge Skills: Hotel Gossip 2, Security Procedures 3
Languages: English 2 (Speaking +2), Japanese N
Qualities: Toughness
Gear: Erica Elite commlink [Device Rating 4], flashlight, jazz (1 dose), micro-transceiver, Zoé Executive Suite (w/ lightly worn)
Yamaha Pulsar [taser, Acc 5, DV 7S(e), AP –5, SA, RC 0, 4(m)]
Extendable baton [Clubs, Acc 5, DV 6P, Reach 1, AP –0]
Unarmed strike [Unarmed Combat, Acc 6, Reach 0, DV 4S, AP –0]

Note: Stats include bonuses from a dose of jazz.


If they are a particularly strong party, add a mage boss man with an Earth Spirit.. Otherwise, act accordingly.


2 4 3 2 5 5 5 3 6 6

Physical Initiative: 8 (12) + 3D6

Astral Initiative: 10 + 3D6
Condition Monitor: 11
Limits: Physical 3, Mental 7, Social 8, Astral 8
Armor: 12
Active Skills: Assensing 3, Astral Combat 3, Binding 5, Perception 3, Pistols 3, Sorcery skill group 6, Summoning 6
Spells: Armor, Clout, Combat Sense (sustained, 3 net hits, Force 4), Heal, Increase Reflexes (sustained, 4 net hits, Force 4),
Mana Bolt, Stunbolt, Stunball
Bound Spirits: Spirit of earth (Force 8, 3 services)
Gear: Contacts [Capacity 2 w/ image link, vision enhancement 1], reagents (10 drams), Renraku Sensei commlink [Device
Rating 3], sustaining focus (Health spells, belt) 4, Zoé Executive Suite
Yamaha Pulsar [taser, Acc 5, DV 7S(e), AP –5, SA, RC 0, 4(m)]
Unarmed strike [Unarmed Combat, Acc 3, Reach 0, DV 2S, AP –0]


12 6 7 12 8 7 8 8 8 8

Physical Initiative: 15 + 2D6

Astral Initiative: 16 + 3D6
Condition Monitor: 14
Skills: Assensing 8, Astral Combat 8, Perception 8, Unarmed Combat 8
Powers: Astral form, binding, confusion, engulf, guard, materialization, movement, sapience, search
Engulf [Unarmed Combat, Acc 15, DV 16P, AP –8]
Unarmed strike [Unarmed Combat, Acc 15, Reach 0, DV 12S, AP –0]

Rating Attack Sleaze Data Processing Firewall

5 5 6 7 8

Installed IC: Acid, Blaster, Patrol

Slaved Devices: Cameras, Door Locks, Fire Alarm System, Matrix / Trid Feeds in rooms, MAD Scanners
Sculpting: Hotel Lobby and Hallways
Security Procedures: Patrol IC runs at all times. Once alarmed, the host launches the Acid, then Blaster IC. The IC
tag teams opponents. The host reboots bricked IC as needed.

If there is not a decker or computer savvy runner in the party – the runners find sketch pad with an Evo logo sketched
by Haiteku if they kill him before asking him questions.
The team reports back to Tanaka-san and gets paid.


So an operative gets killed before he can report on a joint project between Monobe and an unnamed corporate partner
—and it’s Team Shiawase that orders the hit. Three guesses who the unknown partner is and the first two don’t count. Interesting,
but not really anything you care about beyond the payday you’re about to get from Tanaka-san.
You meet her at Happy Dorayaki across the street from Aoyoma Park in northwest Minato ward. As you arrive, you see
that she’s already ordered several boxes of dorayaki pancakes. “This is my favorite dorayaki in Neo-Tokyo,” she announces as
she hands you each a box. “I’m sure you’ll agree!”
She then steps outside and crosses the street, her troll bodyguard in tow. You follow in an odd procession before
settling in a secluded picnic area. She opens her box and removes one of the treats, two flat sponge cakes sandwiching an anko
(azuki bean paste), chestnut and whip cream filling. She takes a small bites and closes her eyes, smiling.
“So good!” she croons. Then, she opens her eyes and looks you over, “So, what do we know?”


A straightforward scene. Once they explain what happened, she nods and reflects on what Shiawase and Monobe might
be working on together, before she shrugs, seeming to forget the thought. She’s pleased if the team allowed Dansu no Hana to
live, since it appears he had not purposefully killed her associate and only momentarily frowns if she learns they killed him.
Allowing Haiteku to live results in a very light admonishment, reminding them that his word means very little.
Otherwise, she finishes enjoying her dorayaki, forcing Misha, her bodyguard, to eat one, which he does while still
trying to maintain his stand-offish posture. Then, she gathers her things and bids them all a good day before walking to a waiting
car. She leaves her Happy Dorayaki box behind and find their credsticks within.
 7,500¥ each + 500¥ per net hit, for a maximum of 10,000¥, for successfully completing the job.

 1 Karma – Completing the mission
 1 Karma – Without killing anyone
 2 Karma – Surviving the Adventure
 2 Karma – Overall Adventure Challenge

When running this adventure you may choose to count the Missions as “played” for their personal Shadowrun Missions
character. You must choose to do this the first time your run this Mission only, and take the optional results to match those the
team you GMed for earned. You may not choose to wait for a “better” attempt to choose your rewards. You’re on the honor
system here, so please don’t skew the adventure to help the players gain extra rewards just so that you can get better results.
You will earn a flat amount of karma and nuyen, regardless of how well (or poorly) the players do, listed below. For
other missions results and rewards that you track on the Debriefing Log (Objectives completed, reputation and contacts earned,
etc), take the average results of the group you’re GMing for. So if four out of six players earned a point of notoriety, you will
earn one as well. If only two players out of five earn a +1 Loyalty with Simon, you would not get that +1 Loyalty. Along those
Karma Earned: 6
Nuyen Earned: 8,500¥

During the adventure, runners may perform actions that will add to their Street Cred, Notoriety, or Public Awareness
(p. 372, SR5). Besides the scenario specific gains listed below, gamemasters should consider the characters actions throughout
the game and award additional points as appropriate. If a player earns Public Awareness or Noteriety, don’t be afraid to give
them extra points.

+1 Street Cred for breaking Haiteku’s legs

+1 Notoriety for breaking Haiteku’s legs
+1 Notoriety refusing to pay back restitution if damaging the bathhouse
+1 Public Awareness if they cause a panic in the bathhouse and don’t pay the smoothing over fee

Successfully completing objectives or performing the actions listed below will earn characters specific Missions
contacts at a Loyalty of 1, and should be given the Contact Sheet included with this Mission. If they already have that contact,
they gain a +1 loyalty to that contact (up to a maximum of 4).
Characters might interact with NPCs not specified by the Mission, and may earn these NPCs as a contact at Loyalty 1.
They may also work with non-Mission specific contacts that they have already earned or that they bought at character creation,
and gain a +1 Loyalty to these contacts, with a maximum Loyalty of 4. Gamemasters should not grant these lightly, and players
should have to work to earn these contacts by going the extra mile to impress the NPC, offering up favors, or paying them well
above the standard rates for information or services.

 +1 Loyalty with Kaito Nakamura (Connection Rating 5) if they successfully complete the Mission.
 +1 Loyalty with Dansu no Hana (Connection Rating 3) if they don’t kill him and don’t take his rifle.
 +1 Loyalty with Hitori-chan (Connection 2) if they break Haiteku’s legs.
 +1 Loyalty with Haiteku (Connection 4) if you let him live and don’t break his legs.

When a PC gets in touch with a contact, make an unopposed Connection + Connection test for the contact. The results
of this test determine how many ranks of information the contact knows about the question. If the relevance of the subject is a
specialty of the contact, they get +3 to this test. The player then makes an unopposed Charisma + Etiquette + Loyalty test, the
results of which determine how many ranks of information the contact is willing to divulge for free, up to the max ranks of
information they know. If the contact knows more, they will require a payment of 500¥-(Loyalty*100¥, minimum 100¥) per rank
of information they still know.
If the PCs have worked all of their contacts, and are still missing important information, they may request that a contact
ask around. If they do so, have the Contact make an extended (Connection + Connection (1 hour)) test. Additional information
will be available at a cost of 1000¥-(Loyalty*100¥, minimum 200¥).
A Matrix Search action (p. 241, SR5) may also be utilized to gather information from the following charts, using the
appropriate thresholds and search times.

Contacts to Ask: Matrix Contacts

Contacts Matrix Search Information

0 0 Maybe you should improve the resolution on your graphic drivers.
1 + That looks like a digital signature.
2 3 It’s the digital signature of a nova-hot street hacker called Haiteku.
3 6 Haiteku has a bad reputation in the shadows for burning bridges.


Contacts to Ask: Fixers, Shadowrunners, High Society

Contacts Matrix Search Information

0 0 I wish that was MY Tanaka-san!
1 1 I do believe that is Ms. Kaito Nakamura, an up and comer in the shadows.
2 3 She showed up about three years ago and actually runs contracts exclusively for Evo. Or at
least that was up to a few weeks ago.
3 5 Rumor has it she is taking on other corporate clients on the sly behind Evo’s back. Some still
say she is working for Evo still though.
4 -- Kaito Nakamura is an assumed name for Moa Nakamoto, a former aidoru who just disappeared
from the scene five years ago.
5 -- Rumor has it that she was experimented on as a girl, some weird attempt to make the perfect
aidoru star, but it didn’t work out quite right.

Contacts to Ask: Security, Corporate, Fixers

Contacts Matrix Search Information

0 0 I don’t know if you’re in the right sprawl for someone like that, chummer.
1 1 Foreigner that hires out for security work.
2 3 He’s actually been off the market for a while, been a few folks looking to hire and he’s had to
turn them down.
4 6 His current contract is with Evo Corporation for a job in based in Japan.
6 -- Heard he’s taken a shine to his new ward, it’s turned into something more than a job.
Dangerous if you ask me, chummer.

Contacts to Ask: Fixers, High Society, Foodies

Contacts Matrix Search Information

0 0 Doesn’t that have something to do with food?
1 1 It is Japan’s oldest ramen shops.
2 3 Opened in 1929 by Kasahara-san who was a master chef of Western cuisine.
3 -- It maintains the traditional recipes and is a big hit with the tourists.
4 5 It is a popular place for Tanaka-sans to meet with Shadowrunners, especially corps types
5 -- Has a history of treating the Kawaruhito poorly but will take a credstick like any other
establishment in Neo-Tokyo.

Contacts to Ask: Shadowrunners, Yakuza, Armorers

Contacts Matrix Search Information

0 0 Oh, that’s easy to find! Well, you’ll have to wait for the Cherry Blossom festival this spring…
1 2 Yeah, I know of him. He’s got solid Street Cred. Well, for a stone-cold killer, anyway.
2 3 Primarily does work for the Yaks. I know, I know! What’s a kawaruhito doing in their employ,
right? Turns out it doesn’t matter so much if your ears are pointy or round so long as the mark’s
geeked either way
3 -- He got hired for a job recently. Haven’t heard anything more about that, actually. Maybe the
’run went sour and he got himself geeked?
4 -- Yeah he’s been laying low the past couple days. But get this, a little bird told me he was seen
going into Odayakana Haru just a few minutes ago…


Contacts to Ask: Yakuza, Law Enforcement, Neo-Tokyo natives

Contacts Matrix Search Information

0 0 It’s a public bathhouse in Harajuku district of Shibuya Ward. Its name means “Tranquil
1 1 It’s “public”, in a finger-quotes kind of way. It’s an open secret that the Yaks run the joint.
2 3 The NTMP keeps its distance, letting the Yaks enforce the peace in that neighborhood.
3 -- It’s under Inagawa-kai protection, but the doors are open to locals and Yakuza allies.
4 -- Yakuza leaders sometimes take advantage of the venue for meetings with hostile rivals. It’s
ingenious, really. How are you going to sneak a weapon into a meet when you’re naked?

Contacts to Ask: Shadowrunners, Yakuza, Matrix Contacts

Contacts Matrix Search Information

0 0 Well, you’re in Neo-Tokyo… everywhere you go you can find something hi-tech.
1 + Human decker for hire.
2 -- A wiz decker that generally works as a lone wolf.
3 3 He used to run with a crew until they had a big falling out.
4 6 Double-crossed his crew, leading to all of them being arrested or killed, except the leader,

Contacts to Ask: Fixers, Yakuza, Street Contacts

Contacts Matrix Search Information

0 0 Sounds like an anime character with blue hair
1 1 A physad that used to be prolific in the shadows.
2 3 A run went sour and most of her team was arrested or killed; it ruined her reputation.
3 -- She is still a strong adept and favors a Shadowrunner bar in GEM
4 6 She is favors lightening
5 -- And carriers with her a quarterstaff

Contacts to Ask: Fixers, Locals, Street contacts
Contacts Matrix Search Information
0 0 It’s truly, truly, truly outrageous.
1 1 A dive bar in Chiba.
2 3 Used to be a fancy place, until the regulars became shadowrunners.
3 -- If you’re looking for a fight, folks here will definitely give you a run for your money.

Contacts to Ask: Corporate, Yakuza, Unsavory folk

Contacts Matrix Search Information

0 0 What does that mean?
1 1 Literally translated means “The House of bad Reputation” (or ILE-REPUTE)
2 2 It is a love hotel in the red-light district. 6 stories.
3 6 It is favored by lower executive types.
4 7 It is a place where many guards (mostly Shadowrunners) are hired to be security
5 -- One’s fixer can be contacted to assist in the offer.



A relatively new Tanaka-san, Kaito is an elf social adept recruited for her raw talents rather than any specific training.
She dresses conservatively in classic fashions that serve to accentuate her figure without being overly provocative. Her demeanor
is calm and friendly and even when she is frustrated she can sublimate her feelings to maintain a pleasant façade.

2 2 3 2 4 3 6(7) 7 5 6 6

Initiative: 10 + 1d6
Condition Monitor: 9 / 10
Limits: Physical 0, Mental 0, Social 0
Armor: 9 (Nightshade w/ Second Skin)
Active Skills: Artisan 5 (Writing +2), Athletics Group 3, Automatics 3, Computer 1, Con 1, Etiquette 4, Intimidation 1,
Leadership 1, Negotiation 4 (Bargaining +2), Perception 3, Performance 4 (Singing +2)
Knowledge Skills: Aidoru Culture 5, Megacorps 3 (Evo +2), Neo-Tokyo Sprawl 4, Shadow Scene 4
Languages: Chinese 5, English 5, Japanese (Native)
Qualities: Adept, Biocompatibility (Bioware), Jack of All Trades-Master of None, Prototype Transhuman, School of Hard
Knocks, Technical School Education, Allergy (Common, Mild – Soy), Creature of Comfort (High Lifestyle), SINner (Corporate
Limited SIN) - Evo
Adept Powers: Authoritative Tone 2, Combat Sense 3, Cool Resolve 1, Eidetic Sense Memory, Kinesics 4, kinesics Mastery, Lie
Detector 3, Memory Displacement, Voice Control 2
Augmentations: Cerebellum booster 1, reception enhancer, tailored pheromones 3, vocal range enhancer
Gear: AR nails, chemical detection nail polish rating 4 (x10), contacts [Capacity 3 w/ image link and vision enhancement 2],
Fuchi Cyber-X7 commlink [Device Rating 7], holo bracelet rating 3, Nightshade [nonconductivity 2], Second Skin, qi focus 6
(phoenix tattoo – left hip, Combat Sense 3), smart wig [w/ trode net]
Unarmed Strike [Unarmed, Acc 3, Reach 0, DV2S, AP –0]

9 5 (8) 4 (6) 9 (12) 4 4 4 2 3 1.06

Initiative: 8(10) + 3D6

Condition Monitor: 13 / 10
Limits: Physical 13, Mental 6, Social 6
Armor: 16 (Zoe Executive Suite, Dermal Armor, Bone Lacing (Titanium)
Skills: Computer 1, Etiquette 1, First Aid 1, Hardware 1, Intimidation 3, Palming 2, Perception 4, Pilot: Ground 3, Pistols
4, Running 3, Unarmed Combat 6
Knowledge Skills: Corporations 3 (Evo +2), Neo-Tokyo Sprawl 4 (Back Alleys +2), Security Procedures 5
Languages: English 2, Japanese 4, Russian (Native)
Qualities: Blandness, Perceptive (1), Sense of Direction, Impassive, SINner (Corporate Limited SIN: Evo)
Augmentations: Biowaste storage 4 (alphaware), bone lacing: titanium (betaware), internal air tank 1, nutrition storage system 4
(alphaware) / muscle augmentation 3, muscle toner 3, pain editor, platelet factories, reception enhancer, synaptic booster 2 / reakt
Gear: Bug scanner rating 6, chemsniffer ring rating 6, contacts [Capacity 3 w/ imagelink, smartlink, and vision enhancement 1],
earbuds [Capacity 3 w/ select sound filter 1 and spatial recognizer], Fuchi Cyber-X7 commlink [Device Rating 7], jammer (area)
rating 6, medkit rating 3, trauma patch, white noise generator rating 6; Zoé Executive Suite
Savalette Guardian [heavy pistol, Acc 5(7), DV 6S(e), AP –5, Modes: SA/BF, RC 6, 12 (c), integral smartgun, guncam,
safe target system, 2 spare clips (1x Stick-n-Shock, 1x APDS), concealable holster]
Unarmed Strike [Unarmed, Acc 13, Reach 1, DV 15P, AP –0]


Having lived in Neo-Tokyo all his life, Kishi had been looked down upon by most of society, He is a proud, successful
gunman who has never been caught, until today.

4 7 (9) 5 (6) 3 (5) 5 3 5 3 5 1.7

Initiative: 10 (11) + 2D6

Condition Monitor (P/S): 10 / 11
Limits: Physical 7, Mental 6, Social 5
Armor: 12
Active Skills: Armorer 4 (Firearms +2), Blades 4 (Knives +2), Gymnastics 4, Longarms 6 (Sniper Rifles +2), Perception 3,
Sneaking 4, Unarmed Combat 4
Knowledge Skills: Firearms 3, J Pop 2, Neo-Tokyo Sprawl 4
Languages: English 3, Japanese N
Qualities: Resistance to Pathogens/Toxins, Thermographic Vision
Augmentations: Cybereyes 2 [w/ image link, smartlink, thermographic vision, vision enhancement 3], muscle replacement 2,
wired reflexes 1
Gear: Armor jacket, headphones 6 [w/ audio enhancement 2, select sound filter 2, and spatial recognizer], PULSE Wave
commlink [Device Rating 6]
Cavalier Arms Crockett EBR [sniper rifle, Acc 7(9), DV 12P, AP –7, Modes: SA/BF, RC 6, 14(c), w/ bipod, easy
breakdown (powered), personalized grip, shock pad, smartgun system (internal), and 10 rounds of APDS ammo]
Combat Knife [Blades, Acc 6, Reach 0, DV 7P, AP –3]
Unarmed Combat [Unarmed, Acc 7, Reach 0, DV 5S, AP 0]
Note: He is not carrying his gear or weapons when they find him and his armor rating is zero.


A martial artist adept who is not afraid of challenge. She will not give anything up without a good fight whether it be
verbal or fisticuffs. When there is nuyen involved, that’s a bonus.

3 6 5 5 4 2 5 2 3 6 6

Initiative: 18 + 1D6
Condition Monitor (P/S): 10 / 10
Limits: Physical 6, Mental 5, Social 5, Astral 5
Armor: 12 (+6 vs electricity)
Active Skills: Arcana 4, Assensing 2, Athletics Group 2, Clubs 6(8) (Staves +2), Intimidation 4, Perception 4, Sneaking 5,
Unarmed Combat 6
Knowledge Skills: Bars 4, Neo-Toyko Sprawl 4, Shadow Scene 4, Street Docs 2
Languages: Japanese N
Qualities: Adept, Adrenaline Surge / Addiction (Severe; Alcohol), Hung Out to Dry
Maneuvers: Multiple Opponent, Combat, Sweep
Adept Powers: Adrenaline Boost 4, Astral Perception, Attribute Boost (Agility) 3, Combat Sense 2, Critical Strike, Elemental
Weapon (Electricity), Enhanced Accuracy (Clubs), Improved Ability (Clubs) 2
Gear: Armor jacket [w/ nonconductivity 6], Sony Angel commlink [Device Rating 2]
Telescoping Staff [Clubs (Staves), Acc 4(6), Reach 2, DV 8P(e), AP 0]
Unarmed Combat [Unarmed, Acc 6, DV 5S, AP 0]

Living in the underground for so long in Neo-Tokyo can keep you living well. Haiteku, or Hiro as his mother calls him,
is an excellent decker to the Yakuza Tanaka-sans that call upon his assistance.

1 2 4 1 5 6 (8) 5 (7) 2 5 4.2
Physical Initiative: 11 + 1D6
Matrix Initiative: 10 + 3(4)D6
Condition Monitor (P/S): 9 / 11
Limits: Physical 3, Mental 10, Social 5
Armor: 9
Active Skills: Computer 6, Cybercombat 6 (vs. IC +2), Electronic Warfare 4, Hacking 7 (vs. Hosts +2), Hardware 3, Influence
Group 5, Perception 2, Software 6.
Knowledge Skills: Corporations 5 (Japanacorps +2), Hotels 4 (Love Hotels +2), J Pop 5 (Aidoru Clubs +2), Yakuza 5
Languages: English N, Japanese N
Qualities: Bilingual, Codeslinger (Hack on the Fly), Fade to Black / Did You Just Call Me Dumb?, Poor Self-Control (Attention
Seeking), Signature (8bit Skull)
Augmentations: Data lock 1, datajack, implanted Renraku Tsurugi cyberdeck [Device Rating 3: 6/5/5/3] / Cerebellum booster 2,
cerebral booster 2 / Reakt (+2 to melee and ranged defense)
Gear: Armor vest
Unarmed Combat [Unarmed, Acc 3, DV 1S, AP 0]
Example Contact Sheets:

Kaito Nakamura MacCallister is a former shadowrunner, Tosh is a Knight Errant detective and
an older ork and a “decker not a hacker, works their Special Crimes Task Force.
fraggit” in his own words. He ran the He’s a troll, and not the cleanest officer on
shadows for over a decade before retiring, KE’s payroll. Tosh likes to say that his
and recently returned to Seattle to start a retirement plan sucks, so he’s always
new career as a fixer, still carries his beat looking to pad his nest egg. In return, he
up ancient cyberdeck (With a modern can help make minor infractions “slip
bleeding edge commlink mounted inside through the cracks” or hook someone up
the case), and he peppers his speech with with some info on a case, so long as it
out of date slang like “drek”, “frag”, and doesn’t put his job in jeopardy.
“hoop”. He’s confident and good natured.
He has a ton of contacts in the shadow Tosh is a bit of a thug. A big troll, he tops
community and uses them to great effect. 3 meters high, not counting his bull-like
He’s been acting as the front man for the horns. He knows that trolls are expected
Metahuman rights groups for a couple to be stupid and will play on that
months now, working toward stereotype. He’s been frequently cited for
legitimatizing the Ork Undergorund. excessive force and even brutality on the
job, but he’s proven himself valuable
enough to the department that he’s
avoided demotion or suspension so far.

Kaito Nakamura Hitori-chan Haiteku Noshi

Corporate Consultant Shadowrunner Decker (Technomancer)
Female Elf Female Human Male Human
Connection Rating: 3 Connection Rating: 3 Connection Rating: 2
Loyalty: Loyalty: Loyalty:

Key Active Skills: Key Active Skills: Brawling Adept Key Active Skills: Computers, drones

Knowledge Skills: Knowledge Skills: streets of Neo-Tokyo Knowledge Skills: Police Procedures,
Seattle Organized Crime, Yakuza

Human female martial artist with a Skinny human technomancer who loves
collapsible staff. She looks a little like drones Greased back hair and a smug
Katana only with a quarter staff instead. face.

Example Debrief Log: Factions would be replaced by the 4 Mission Specific ones. Probably have two blank default
sheets, for ease of layout.
Player________________________ Character________________________ Location______________ Date __/__/__

Synopsis Mission Results

SRM 10-01 Death’s Daily Business O – Killed Kishi

O – Killed Haiteku
When a corps hires you do solve the mystery of a botched O – Got into any public brawls
and assignation attempt, you quickly find out a O – Went back to Hitori after killing Haiteku
Shadowrunner’s job is never done in Neo-Tokyo.

Other Notes on Reverse -- O

Team Members Advancement

_______________________ Character Improvement Karma Cost

_______________________ ________________________________________

_______________________ ________________________________________

_______________________ ________________________________________

_______________________ ________________________________________

_______________________ ________________________________________

_______________________ ________________________________________

_______________________ ________________________________________

_______________________ ________________________________________

Karma Reputation Contacts, Special Items Gained or Lost, Notes

Previous Available _________ O Kaito Nakamura

Street Cred _________ O Hitori-chan
Earned O Haiteku Noshi
Notoriety _________
Spent __________

Remaining Avail. _________ Public Aware. _________

New Career Total _________


Previous Available _________ GM’s Name

Earned _________ _______________________

Spent _________
GM’s Signature
Remaining _________

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