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Implementasi Sistem Manajemen Energi

di Industri

Dr.techn. Rahmi Andarini

2 March 2021

02/03/2021 1
Short Bio
Rahmi Andarini
➢ Education
❑ 1991 – 1996 Sarjana Teknik, Jurusan Teknik Fisika FTI – ITS Surabaya
❑ 1999 – 2001 Master of Engineering Science, School of Mechanical
and Manufacturing Engineering , UNSW, Sydney, Australia
❑ 2007 – 2010 Dr. techn. Institute of Thermal Engineering, TU Graz,
➢ Work Experiences
❑ National Expert on Energy Management System ISO 50001
❑ Lead Auditor Energy Management System ISO 50001
❑ Technical Expert Energy Efficiency & Conservation Clearing House
❑ Lecturer at Engineering Physics Department, ITS Surabaya
❑ Lecturer at Engineering Physics Department UMN

02/03/2021 2
❑ Industrial energy use accounts for roughly one-third of global energy
❑ Situation in Indonesia

Industrial sector is the second

biggest energy consumer

Djebtke, 2020

02/03/2021 3
❑ Potential of Energy Efficiency in Industry – Global
Technical Saving Potential (%)

UNIDO, 2008 and 2011

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❑ Potential of Energy Efficiency in Indonesia

Djebtke, 2020

02/03/2021 5
❑ Implementation of Energy Efficiency programs are still scattered
Ad Hoc Approach to Energy Management

Source : UNIDO

02/03/2021 6
Energy Management Program
❑ Promoting Energy Efficiency in Industries through System Optimization
and Energy Management Standard
❑ Systematic Approach to Energy Management

Source : UNIDO

02/03/2021 7
Energy Management System

• Process of managing the energy consumption in the

organization to assure that energy has been efficiently
• Covers all aspects of energy consumption, technical and

Source : AEMAS

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Energy Management System
Concepts :
• DO


Source : UNIDO

02/03/2021 9
Concept of EnMS
1. Commitment
Management Yes
Responsibility • Roles and Responsibilities
Policy 2. Significant Energy Users

3. Energy Performance
Indicators (EnPIs)
4. Opportunities List
Implementation &
5. Operational Control
Day to day
Source : UNIDO 6. Review
02/03/2021 10
Where do we start?
❑ Initial – Gap Assessment

02/03/2021 11
Strategic Steps
❑ Appoint Energy Manager & Energy Team

Source : UNIDO

02/03/2021 12
Strategic Steps
❑ Energy Review

Source : UNIDO

02/03/2021 13
Barrier to Energy Efficiency #1
Lack of Management Awareness

• Production is more important

• Lack of investment capital
• Limited policies/systems/processes
• Hierarchical structures

Source : UNIDO

02/03/2021 14
Barrier to Energy Efficiency #2
Limited Knowledge and Information

• Poor information systems

• Limited internal knowledge and expertise
• Difficult to access external information and

Source : UNIDO

02/03/2021 15
Barrier to Energy Efficiency #3
Lack of Financing
• Money available, but not now!
• Lack of money to invest in options

Source : UNIDO

02/03/2021 16
Barrier to Energy Efficiency #4
Limited Policies and Enforcement

• Lack of effective policies

• Weak enforcement of legislation
• Focus on short-term economic gain

Source : UNIDO

02/03/2021 17
Sample Case 1 – Petrochemical Industry
Initial Condition
✓ Top management has good commitment
✓ Old equipment
✓ Huge data
✓ Quality of energy source is not stable

02/03/2021 18
Sample Case 1 – Petrochemical Industry

✓ Increase knowledge to implement Energy Management systematically

✓ Increase awareness on how to achieve continual improvement – more
sustainable program
✓ Increase involvedness of top management
✓ Certified Energy Manager
✓ Support other program, i.e PROPER
✓ Adopted by other plant and already certified ISO 50001

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Sample Case 2 – Footwear Industry
Initial Condition
✓ Top Management has commitment
✓ Some data are still scattered
✓ Not clear in defining SEU and driver
✓ Not clear in defining EnPI

02/03/2021 20
Sample Case 2 – Footwear Industry
✓ Increase knowledge to implement Energy Management
✓ Increase awareness on how to achieve continual improvement –
more sustainable program
✓ Certified Energy Manager and ISO 50001 certification
✓ Financial & non Financial Benefit
▪ Energy Saving of + 4700 MWh/year or equivalent to CO2
emission reduction of 4.200.000 tCO2

02/03/2021 21
Sample Case 3 – Home Industry
✓ Catat pemakaian listrik bulanan
✓ Catat produksi bulanan
✓ Catat pemakaian daya peralatan
✓ Buat daftar peluang penghematan

• Kapasitas Produksi : - Roti Tawar 200 pack/hari

- Roti Manis 360 pack/hari
• Biaya Energi : - Listrik Rp 625.000/bulan
- Gas Elpiji Rp Rp 1.200.000/bulan
- Minyak Diesel untuk Genset

02/03/2021 22
Sample Case 3 – Home Industry

• Kapasitas Produksi :
- Mukena Katun 8 pcs/hari
- Baju muslim 10 pcs/hari
• Biaya Energi :
- Listrik Rp 70.000/bulan

02/03/2021 23
Benefit of EnMS Implementation

• Efisiensi energi (EE) telah menunjukkan bahwa:

✓ Menghemat uang
✓ Meningkatkan keandalan dari operasi
✓ Menimbulkan efek positif terhadap produktifitas dan
daya saing
✓ Menawarkan keuntungan finansial dan ekonomi
✓ Mengurangi risiko terhadap kenaikan harga energi
✓ Meningkatkan ketahanan terhadap suplai energi
✓ ….

02/03/2021 24
Comments and Discussion

02/03/2021 25

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