Ipcrf Ppss Rpms For Supervisor Psds Vers

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Results-Based Performance Management System (RPMS)
The Department of Education (DepEd) is committed to provide the members of its organization with opportunities
 Link their individual achievements and make a meaningful contribution to the attainment of the institution’s Vision
and Mission.

 Promote individual and team growth, participation and commitment.

 Grow professionally and personally.

In line with this Philosophy, DepEd implements a Results-Based Performance Management System. It is a shared undertaking
between the superior and the employee that allows an open discussion of job expectations, Key Results Areas, Objectives and how
these align to overall departmental goals. It provides a venue for agreement on standards of performance and behaviors which lead
to professional and personal growth in the organization.

This form is divided into four parts:

PART I Accomplishments of KRAs and Objectives - Each employee plays a vital part in the achievement of his/her department’s
objectives. At the beginning of the Results-Based Performance Management Cycle, the employee and his/her superior jointly
determines goal and measures that will lead to the achievement of the overall departmental goals. After which, weights are
assigned to those goals based on priorities. The total of the weights should not exceed 100. At the end of the performance cycle,
the employee is rated on the effectiveness/quality, efficiency (including cost), and timeliness in delivering the goals agreed upon.

PART II Competencies - The success of the employee in fulfilling his/her role and delivering exceptional performance
is dependent on how s/he applies various competencies on the job. The employee is rated based on the
effectiveness and consistency by which s/he demonstrates behaviors relevant to the competencies. The overall
rating is computed by adding the rating for each competency and dividing the sum by the total number of
competencies. Half-points (e.g. 3.5) may be given if the employee’s performance level falls in between descriptions
of the scale positions.

PART III Summary of Ratings for Discussion

PART IV Development Plans - The areas where the employee excels and areas for development are both identified.
In this manner, the employee’s strengths are highlighted and recognized. Development needs on the other hand are
addressed through formal and informal training and development approaches.

Scale Adjectival Description

Outstanding (5)
(97.50% and above)
Performance represents an extraordinary level of achievement and commitment in terms of quality and time,
technical skills and knowledge, ingenuity, creativity and initiative. Employees at this performance level should have
demonstrated exceptional job mastery in all major areas of responsibility. Employee achievement and contributions
to the organization are of marked excellence.

Very Satisfactory (4)

(86.25% to 97.49%)
Performance exceeded expectations. All goals, objectives and targets were achieved above the established

Satisfactory (3)
(75% to 86.24%)
Performance met expectations in terms of quality of work, efficiency and timelines. The most critical annual goals
were met.

(37.5% 74.99%)
Performance failed to meet expectations, and / or one or more of the most critical goals were not met.

(0 to 37.49 %)
Performance was consistently below expectations, and/or reasonable progress towards critical goals was not made.
Significant improvement is needed in one or more important areas.

These ratings refer to the accomplishment of targets or objectives. Evaluation should be based on indicators and
measures. CSC MC NO. 13, SERIES OF 1999 (REVISED Polices on the Performance Management System) have the
following descriptions:
Outstanding – performance exceeding targets by 30% and above of the planned targets on the previous definition of
performance exceeding targets by at least fifty (50%)

Very Satisfactory – performance exceeding targets by 15% to 29% of the planned targets; from the previous range of
performance exceeding targets by at least 25% but falls short of what is considered an outstanding performance.

Satisfactory – performance of 100% to 114% of the planned targets. For accomplishments requiring 100% of the
targets such as those pertaining to money or accuracy or those which may no longer be exceeded, the usual rating
of either 10 for those who met targets or 4 for those who failed or fell short of the targets shall still be enforced.

Unsatisfactory – performance of 51% to 99% of the planned targets; and

Poor – performance failing to meet the planned targets by 50% or below.
A Performance Review Committee (PRC) shall be created is DepEd composed of the Undersecretary for Regional
Operations, Assistant Secretary for Planning, highest ranking official in charge of personnel management and two
representatives from the rank and file nominated by the accredited employee association in the agency as

1. Employees who feel aggrieved or dissatisfied with their final performance rating can file an appeal with the PRC
within ten (10) days from date of receipt of their Performance Report Form from the PRC. Employees, however,
shall not be allowed to protest the performance rating of their co-employees. Ratings obtained by other employees
can only be used as basis or reference for comparison in appealing one’s performance rating;
2. The PRC shall decide on the appeals within one month from receipt. Appeals lodged at any PRC shall follow the
hierarchical jurisdiction of various PRCs in an agency. For example, the decision of the Provincial PRC is appealable
to the Regional PRC which decision is in turn appealable to the National/Central Office PRC. Only in exceptional
instances when the decision of the PRC in the central offices of departments may be appealed further to the CSC
Commission proper. The decision made on employees’ ratings by the PRC in the local government units maybe
appealed to the Civil service Regional Office which has jurisdiction over these units.

3. An official or employee who was separated from the service on the basis of unsatisfactory or poor performance
rating can appeal his separation to the CSC or its regional office within 15 days from receipt of the order or notice of
Results-Based Performance Management System (RPMS)
Please follow the following:

1. Enter the necessary data on the required field such as Name, position and others on the OPCRF WORKSHEET
EVALUATION PHASE sheet. (the rest of the sheets will be filled-in automatically)

2. During Mid-Year Review and Evaluation Phase, utilized the sheet, PORTFOLIO ASSESSMENT. Using the Portfolio of the
School Head containing all the MOVs and other supporting documents, CHECK and VALIDATE all presented MOVs against the
RUBRICS required for each objective under different KRAs.This is an electronic template which will in turn generate results for the
rating of School Heads for the OPCRF and other RPMS documents with the actual rating based on the actual performance of the
school head or the ratee based on Quality, Efficiency and Timeliness(QET). The rest of the fields are protected.(you can't enter any
variable on protected fields) Once finished, CLICK the HOME button and proceed to the IPCRF SHEET. Print the pages using legal
size bond paper.

3. Proceed now to Part II (Competencies). Tick the required fields which corresponds to the competence of the ratee/teacher. Tick
all that applies under each corresponding Domains. The total will be generated automatically. Once completed, print part II.

4. Proceed now to the PART III and IV (Summary of Ratings for Discussion and Development Plans). The strengths and
development needs are generated automatically after the completion of Portfolio Assessment. Complete PART III and IV by
supplying the Action Plan, Timeline, and Resources Needed. Once completed, PRINT this part using Legal-sized bond paper.

5. Accomplish EMPLOYEE FEEDBACK FORM. Some of the poarts are protected. Accomplish only the Employee
Feedback part. (Sample is given but you may change them based on your actual feedback about the RPMS cycle and
processes. Once done, PRINT this part using Legal-sized bond paper.

6. Accomplish the COACHING AND MONITORING Part. PRINT this part once completed.

7. Once ALL the parts are completed, have it signed by the corresponding personnel (Rater and the Approving Authority).

This Electronic OPCRF (RPMS) is dedicated to all the men and women of the Department of Education,
specifically, the school heads of the Division of Mandaue City. God speed and Mabuhay.

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Plaridel St., Centro, Mandaue City

Name of Employee: RONIL D. MANAON Name of Rater:

Position: Public Schools District Supervisor Position:

OIC-Chief, CID

Review Period: January 2021-December 2021 Date of Review:


School/Division: MANDAUE CITY

Public Schools District
I, RONIL D. MANAON Supervisor,
commit to deliver and agree to be rated on the attainment of the following targets in accordance with the indicated measures
for the period January 2021-December 2021 ,


Very Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor Results
QET Outstanding (5) Satisfactory (3) From To Q E T Average
(4) (2) (1)
Strand 1.1 1.1.2 Supported 90%-100% of the 85%-89% of the 80%-84% of the 75%-79% of the below 75% of the Reports on
curriculum outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs Curriculum
Supporting Curriculum

implementation contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate Implementation and
Management and

and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate Instructional

through the information/entries information/entries information/entries information/entries information/ Delivery

management of January and submitted 4-5 and submitted 1-3 and submitted on the and submitted 1-3 entries and
programs, 2021- days before the days before the deadline. days after the submitted 4-5 days Accomplished

projects and 5.00% deadline. deadline. deadline. after the deadline. Mentoring and 3 5
activities aligned Coaching Form
er 2021
with curriculum

Strand 1.2 1.2.2 Provided 90%-100% of the 85%-89% of the 80%-84% of the 75%-79% of the below 75% of the Supervisory Report
support for outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs on Instruction
Supporting Curriculum

curriculum contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate
Management and

and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate Accomplished

innovation information/entries information/entries information/entries information/entries information/ Mentoring and

schools/ and/or January and submitted 4-5 and submitted 1-3 and submitted on the and submitted 1-3 entries and Coaching Form
learning centers 2021-

days before the days before the deadline. days after the submitted 4-5 days
to improve 5.00% 3 5
Decemb deadline. deadline. deadline. after the deadline.
teaching and er 2021
Strand 1.3 1.3.2 90%-100% of the 85%-89% of the 80%-84% of the 75%-79% of the below 75% of the Reports on
Implemented outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs Curriculum

Supporting Curriculum
relevant contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate Implementation on

Management and
and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate Contextualization

strategies to information/entries information/entries information/entries information/entries information/ and Localization
support January and submitted 4-5 and submitted 1-3 and submitted on the and submitted 1-3 entries and
curriculum 2021-

days before the days before the deadline. days after the submitted 4-5 days Supervisory
contextualization. Decemb 5.00% deadline. deadline. deadline. after the deadline. Report on technical
3 5
er 2021 provided

Strand 1.4 Learning 1.4.2 Conducted 90%-100% of the 85%-89% of the 80%-84% of the 75%-79% of the below 75% of the Coordination
activities such as outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs Report with EPSvrs
Supporting Curriculum

sharing of one’s contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate on provision of TA
Management and

and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate Report on TA

expertise, writing information/entries information/entries information/entries information/entries information/ provided

instructional January and submitted 4-5 and submitted 1-3 and submitted on the and submitted 1-3 entries and
materials, 2021-

days before the days before the deadline. days after the submitted 4-5 days List of Learning
capacity building, 5.00% 3 5
Decemb deadline. deadline. deadline. after the deadline. Resource
and needs er 2021 developed
assessment that
support learning
development in
Strand 1.5 Learning schools and/or
1.5.2 Applied 90%-100% of the 85%-89% of the 80%-84% of the 75%-79% of the below 75% of the Inventory of
relevant centers. outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs Learning
Supporting Curriculum

processes to contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate Resources
Management and

and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate Report on

support learning information/entries information/entries information/entries information/entries information/ Utilization of LMs

resource January and submitted 4-5 and submitted 1-3 and submitted on the and submitted 1-3 entries and
management in 2021-
days before the days before the deadline. days after the submitted 4-5 days
schools and/or 5.00% 3 5
Decemb deadline. deadline. deadline. after the deadline.
learning centers. er 2021

Strand 1.6 Learning 1.6.2 Utilized 90%-100% of the 85%-89% of the 80%-84% of the 75%-79% of the below 75% of the Report on KPIs
results of learning outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs
Supporting Curriculum

outcomes contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate Report on Learning
Management and

and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate Outcomes

assessment in information/entries information/entries information/entries information/entries information/ Assessment

developing January and submitted 4-5 and submitted 1-3 and submitted on the and submitted 1-3 entries and
intervention 2021-

days before the days before the deadline. days after the submitted 4-5 days Recommendations
strategies to 5.00% 3 5
Decemb deadline. deadline. deadline. after the deadline. based on Learning
support schools er 2021 Outcomes
and/or learning Assessment

Strand 2.1 2.1.2 Conducted 90%-100% of the 85%-89% of the 80%-84% of the 75%-79% of the below 75% of the Activity Completion
programs, outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs Report
Strengthening Shared

projects and contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate
development plan and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate Supervisory Plan
activities aligned

operationalization January
information/entries information/entries information/entries information/entries information/
with the and submitted 4-5 and submitted 1-3 and submitted on the and submitted 1-3 entries and Supervisory Report
educational 2021-

days before the days before the deadline. days after the submitted 4-5 days on technical
development 5.00% 3 5
Decemb deadline. deadline. deadline. after the deadline. assistance
plan. er 2021 provided

TA Coaching Plan

TA Contract
Strand 2.2 Technical 2.2.2 Adopted 90%-100% of the 85%-89% of the 80%-84% of the 75%-79% of the below 75% of the TA and Coaching
outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs Plan
assistance provision and implemented contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate

Strengthening Shared
and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate TA Contract
technical information/entries information/entries information/entries information/entries information/
and submitted 4-5 and submitted 1-3 and submitted on the and submitted 1-3 entries and Supervisory Report
modalities to January days before the days before the deadline. days after the submitted 4-5 days on technical
schools and/or 2021- deadline. deadline. deadline. after the deadline. assistance

learning centers 5.00% provided. 3 5
based on quality
assurance, and er 2021
monitoring and

Strand 2.3 Policy 2.3.2 Conducted 90%-100% of the 85%-89% of the 80%-84% of the 75%-79% of the below 75% of the Quarterly PMEA
review and outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs Report
review and contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate
Strengthening Shared

recommendation and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate TA and Coaching
of national, information/entries information/entries information/entries information/entries information/ Plan

regional and/or and submitted 4-5 and submitted 1-3 and submitted on the and submitted 1-3 entries and
division policies January days before the days before the deadline. days after the submitted 4-5 days TA Contract
to ensure 2021- deadline. deadline. deadline. after the deadline.

relevance within Decemb
5.00% Supervisory Report
3 5
the context of on technical
er 2021 asstance provided
one’s area of

Strand 2.4 Disaster 2.4.2 Support the 90%-100% of the 85%-89% of the 80%-84% of the 75%-79% of the below 75% of the Report on schools’
management of outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs readiness
preparedness, contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate
Strengthening Shared

mitigation and and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate Report on the
resiliency support information/entries information/entries information/entries information/entries information/ Schools’ DRRM

mitigation and and submitted 4-5 and submitted 1-3 and submitted on the and submitted 1-3 entries and Implementation
resiliency in the January days before the days before the deadline. days after the submitted 4-5 days
schools and/or 2021-

deadline. deadline. deadline. after the deadline.

5.00% 3 5
learning centers Decemb
to ensure delivery er 2021
of basic

Strand 3.1 Support 3.1.2 Apply 90%-100% of the 85%-89% of the 80%-84% of the 75%-79% of the below 75% of the Supervisory Plan
Fostering a Culture of Continuous

appropriate outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs
for instructional contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate Supervisory Report
leadership instructional
and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate on Instructional
leadership information/entries information/entries information/entries information/entries information/ Leadership and
support strategies and submitted 4-5 and submitted 1-3 and submitted on the and submitted 1-3 entries and technical
to help schools

days before the days before the deadline. days after the submitted 4-5 days assistance
and/or learning January deadline. deadline. deadline. after the deadline. provided
centers with the 2021-

5.00% TA and Coaching 3 5

continuous Decemb
improvement of Plan
er 2021
the teaching- TA Contract
learning process.
Journal on
Strand 3.2 3.2.2 Utilized 90%-100% of the 85%-89% of the 80%-84% of the 75%-79% of the below 75% of the Schools report on

Fostering a Culture of Fostering a Culture of Continuous

relevant outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs the utilization of
Technology-based contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate relevant
innovation including technology-
and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate technology-based
ICT information/entries information/entries information/entries information/entries information/ innovations
innovations and submitted 4-5 and submitted 1-3 and submitted on the and submitted 1-3 entries and
including ICT in January days before the days before the deadline. days after the submitted 4-5 days
the effective deadline. deadline. deadline. after the deadline.

delivery of roles 5.00% 3 5
and functions to
support to er 2021
schools and/or
learning centers.

Strand 3.3 Culture of 3.3.2 Utilized 90%-100% of the 85%-89% of the 80%-84% of the 75%-79% of the below 75% of the Journal on
Continuous Improvement

findings of outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs Research and
research contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate Continuous
and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate Improvement
undertaken information/entries information/entries information/entries information/entries information/
and/or adapted to January and submitted 4-5 and submitted 1-3 and submitted on the and submitted 1-3 entries and
improve practice. 2021-

days before the days before the deadline. days after the submitted 4-5 days
5.00% 3 5
Decemb deadline. deadline. deadline. after the deadline.
er 2021

Strand 3.4 3.4.2 90%-100% of the 85%-89% of the 80%-84% of the 75%-79% of the below 75% of the School's Readiness
Continuous Improvement

Implemented outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs report
Communities of
Fostering a Culture of

communities of contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate
practice and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate Fund Utilization
practice to information/entries information/entries information/entries information/entries information/ Report
support the January and submitted 4-5 and submitted 1-3 and submitted on the and submitted 1-3 entries and
improvement of 2021-

days before the days before the deadline. days after the submitted 4-5 days SBM Level of
the delivery of 5.00% 3 5
Decemb deadline. deadline. deadline. after the deadline. Practice
basic education er 2021
services. Supervisory Plan

Supervisory Report

Strand 3.5 Use of 3.5.2 Used 90%-100% of the 85%-89% of the 80%-84% of the 75%-79% of the below 75% of the Supervisory Plan
communication outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs
communication contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate Supervisory Report
Continuous Improvement

platforms platforms
Fostering a Culture of

and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate
including print information/entries information/entries information/entries information/entries information/
and non-print and submitted 4-5 and submitted 1-3 and submitted on the and submitted 1-3 entries and District Memos
media to support January days before the days before the deadline. days after the submitted 4-5 days
to schools and/or 2021- deadline. deadline. deadline. after the deadline.

learning centers 5.00% 3 5

in improving basic
er 2021
Developing Self and others Developing Self and others Developing Self and others Developing Self and others Strand 4.1 Learning 4.1.2 Ensured the 90%-100% of the 85%-89% of the 80%-84% of the 75%-79% of the below 75% of the Learning and
delivery of outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs Development Plan
and development contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate and Report
different learning
and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate
and development information/entries information/entries information/entries information/entries information/ IPPD
interventions to January and submitted 4-5 and submitted 1-3 and submitted on the and submitted 1-3 entries and
support to 2021-

days before the days before the deadline. days after the submitted 4-5 days SPPD
schools and/or 4.00% 3 5
Decemb deadline. deadline. deadline. after the deadline.
learning centers. er 2021 Accomplished
mentoring and
coaching form

Strand 4.2 4.2.2 Participated 90%-100% of the 85%-89% of the 80%-84% of the 75%-79% of the below 75% of the Attendance to
actively in outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs MANCOM,
Professional contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate EXECON, and
networks professional
and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate seminars and
networks to information/entries information/entries information/entries information/entries information/ trainings.
enhance January and submitted 4-5 and submitted 1-3 and submitted on the and submitted 1-3 entries and
knowledge and 2021-

days before the days before the deadline. days after the submitted 4-5 days Membership to
skills in improving 4.00% 3 5
Decemb deadline. deadline. deadline. after the deadline. Professional
practice. er 2021 Networks/

Strand 4.3 Personal 4.3.2 Set 90%-100% of the 85%-89% of the 80%-84% of the 75%-79% of the below 75% of the Individual
achievable outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs Development Plan
and professional contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate
development personal and
and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate
professional information/entries information/entries information/entries information/entries information/
development January and submitted 4-5 and submitted 1-3 and submitted on the and submitted 1-3 entries and
goals based on 2021-

days before the days before the deadline. days after the submitted 4-5 days
the Philippine 4.00% 3 5
Decemb deadline. deadline. deadline. after the deadline.
Professional er 2021
Standards for

Strand 4.4 4.4.2 Applied 90%-100% of the 85%-89% of the 80%-84% of the 75%-79% of the below 75% of the Accomplished
professional outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs Mentoring and
Professional contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate Coaching Form
reflection and reflection and
and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate
learning to
learning to improve January
information/entries information/entries information/entries information/entries information/
improve one’s and submitted 4-5 and submitted 1-3 and submitted on the and submitted 1-3 entries and
practice practice. 2021-

days before the days before the deadline. days after the submitted 4-5 days
4.00% 3 5
Decemb deadline. deadline. deadline. after the deadline.
er 2021
Strand 4.5 Support 4.5.2 Supported 90%-100% of the 85%-89% of the 80%-84% of the 75%-79% of the below 75% of the Reports on
the outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs outputs plus MOVs Curriculum
for rewards and

Developing Self and others

implementation of contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate contained accurate Implementation and
recognition and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate Instructional
rewards and
mechanisms information/entries information/entries information/entries information/entries information/ Delivery
recognition and submitted 4-5 and submitted 1-3 and submitted on the and submitted 1-3 entries and
mechanisms in January days before the days before the deadline. days after the submitted 4-5 days Accomplished
acknowledging deadline. deadline. deadline. after the deadline. Mentoring and

the outstanding 4.00% Coaching Form 3 5
performance of
personnel in er 2021
schools and/or
learning centers.

a. Performed additional
functions (Technical Committee/ ✘

b. Assigned as Coordinator of
any program/project/learning

c. Attended training/ workshops

conducted by the Regional
Office and Central Office 5-Five or more Indicators were accomplished/ performed
with corresponding supporting document
d. Acted as Resource/Guest Speaker
Four Indicators were accomplished/ performed with
corresponding supporting document
e. Introduced reform/innovation
Performed tasks / functions that has significant impact on the 3- Three Indicators were
Please tick tasks/indicators which was/were
that lead to the attainment attainmert of PDP targets accomplished/ performed with corresponding supporting
VI. PLUS FACTOR 5% accomplished fully supported with documentary
of higher learning document requirements.
f. Presented research papers in
conferences 2- Two Indicators were accomplished/
performed with corresponding supporting document
g. Attend writeshop/ workshop
conducted by the regional Office
1- One Indicator
or Central Office was accomplished/ performed with corresponding
supporting document
h. Received award/ recognition from
reputable government/ non-
government organizations
(personal/institutional award)

i. Introduce Curriculum or
Instrcuctional materials

j. Introduce program for

simplification of work




Rater Ratee Approving Authority

DepEd RPMS Form- Supervisor

Self-Management Professionalism and Ethics
✘ 1. Demonstrates the values and behavior enshrined in the Norms of Conduct and Ethical Standards for
1. Sets personal needs, goals, and directions toward personal development. public officials and employees (RA 6713).

2. Undertakes personal actions and behaviors that are clear and purposive and takes into account personal 2. Practices ethical and professional behavior and conduct taking into account the impact of his/her
goals and values congruent to that of the organization. actions and decisions on others.

3. Maintains a professional image: being trustworthy, punctual and regular in attendance, well-groomed
3. Displays emotional maturity and enthusiasm for and is challenged by higher goals.
and a good communicator.

4. Makes personal sacrifices(reporting to school on Saturdays and Holidays) to meet the organization’s
4. Prioritizes work tasks and schedules (through ghantt charts, checklists, etc.) to achieve goals.

5. Acts with a sense of urgency and responsibility to meet the organization’s needs, improve systems
5. Sets high quality, challenging, realistic goals for self and others. and help others improve their effectiveness.

Results Focus Teamwork

1. Achieves results with optimal use of time and resources most of the time. 1. Willingly does his/her share of responsibility.

2. Avoids rework, mistakes and wastage through effective work methods by placing organizational needs before personal needs.
2. Promotes collaboration and removes barriers to teamwork and goal accomplishment across the

3. Delivers error-free outputs most of the time by conforming to standard operating procedures correctly and consistently. Able to produce
very satisfactory quality of work In terms of usefulness/acceptability and completeness with no supervision required. 3. Applies negotiation principles in arriving at win-win agreements.

4. Expresses desire to do better and frustration at waste or inefficiency. May focus on new or more precise ways of meeting goals set. 4. Drives consensus and team ownership of decisions.

5. Makes specific changes in the system or in own work methods to improve performance. Examples may include doing something better, 5. Works constructively and collaboratively with others and across organizations to accomplish
faster, at a lower cost, more efficiently; or improving quality, customer satisfaction, morale, without setting any specific goal. organizational goals and objectives.

Service Orientation Innovation

1. Examines the root cause of problems and suggests effective solutions. Fosters new ideas, processes,
1. Can explain and articulate organizational directions, issues and problems
and suggests better ways to do things (cost and/or operational efficiency).

2. Takes personal responsibility for dealing with and/or correcting customer service issues and 2. Demonstrates an ability to think “beyond the box”. Continuously focuses on improving
concerns. personal productivity to create higher value and results.

3. Initiates activities that promotes advocacy for men and women empowerment. 3. Promotes a creative climate and inspires co – workers to develop original ideas or solutions.

4. Participates in updating of office vision, mission, mandates and strategies based on DepEd 4. Translates creative thinking into tangible changes and solutions that improve the work unit
strategies and directions. and organization.
5. Develops and adopts service improvement programs through simplified procedures that will further 5. Uses ingenious methods to accomplish responsibilities.Demonstrates resourcefulness and
enhance service delivery. the ability to succeed with minimal resources.

Leading People People Performance Management

1Makes specific changes in the performance management system or in own work methods to improve
1. Uses basic persuasion techniques in a discussion or presentation e.g., staff mobilization, appeals
performance (e.g. does something better, faster, at lower cost, more efficiently; improves quality,
to reason and/or emotions, uses data and examples, visual aids customer satisfaction, morale, revenues).
2. Sets performance standards and measures progress of employees based on office and
2. Persuades, convinces or influences others, in order to have a specific impact or effect.
department targets.
3. Provides feedback and technical assistance such as coaching for performance improvement
3. “Sets a good example”, is a credible and respected leader; and demonstrates desired behavior.
and action planning.

4. Forwards personal, professional and work unit needs and interests in an issue. 4. States performance expectations clearly and checks understanding and commitment.
5. Assumes a pivotal role in promoting the development of an inspiring, relevant vision for the
5 Performs all the stages of result-based performance management system supported by
organization and influences others to share ownership of DepEd goals, in order to create an
evidence and required documents/forms.
effective work environment.

People Development
1. Improves the skills and effectiveness of individuals through employing a range of development
2 Facilitates workforce effectiveness through coaching and motivating/developing people within a
work environment that promotes mutual trust and respect.

3 Conceptualizes and implements learning interventions to meet identified training needs.

4 Does long-term coaching or training by arranging appropriate and helpful assignments, formal
training, or other experiences for the purpose of supporting a person’s learning and development.
Cultivates a learning environment by structuring interactive experiences such as looking for future
opportunities that are in support of achieving individual career goals.
Strand 1.1 Curriculum implementation

Strand 1.2 Curriculum innovation

Strand 1.3 Curriculum contextualization

Strand 1.4 Learning resource development

Strand 1.5 Learning resource management

Strand 1.6 Learning outcomes assessment

Strand 2.1 Educational development plan


Strand 2.2 Technical assistance provision

Strand 2.3 Policy review and recommendation

Strand 2.4 Disaster preparedness, mitigation and

resiliency support

Strand 3.1 Support for instructional leadership

Strand 3.2 Technology-based innovation including

Strand 3.3 Culture of research

Strand 3.4 Communities of practice

Strand 3.5 Use of communication platforms

Strand 4.1 Learning and development

Strand 4.2 Professional networks

Strand 4.3 Personal and professional

Strand 4.4 Professional reflection and learning to

improve practice

Strand 4.5 Support for rewards and recognition

Public Schools District Supervisor
Education Program Supervisor


Career Stage 1
Career Stage 2
Career Stage 3
Career Stage 4

1. Sets personal needs, goals, and directions toward
2. Undertakes
personal personal actions and behaviors that are clear
and purposive and takes into account personal goals and
3. Displays
values emotional
congruent to thatmaturity and enthusiasm for and
of the organization.
4. challenged by higher
Prioritizes work tasksgoals.
and schedules (through ghantt
5. Sets checklists,
high quality,etc.) to achieverealistic
challenging, goals. goals for self
and others.
1. Demonstrates theand Ethics
values and behavior enshrined in the
Norms of Conduct
2. Practices ethicaland
andEthical Standards
professional for public
behavior officials
and conduct
and employees
taking (RA
into account 6713).
the impact of his/her
3. Maintains a professional image: beingactions and
decisions on others.
punctual and regular in attendance, well-groomed and a good
4. Makes personal sacrifices(reporting to school on
5. Acts withand
Saturdays a sense of urgency
Holidays) to meetand
meet the
organization’s needs, improve systems and help others
Resultstheir effectiveness.
1. Achieves results with optimal use of time and resources most of the time.
2. Avoids rework, mistakes and wastage through effective work methods by
3. Delivers
placing error-free outputs
organizational most ofpersonal
needs before the timeneeds.
by conforming to standard
operating procedures correctly and consistently. Able to produce very
satisfactory quality of work In terms of usefulness/acceptability and
4. Expresses desire
completeness notosupervision
do better and
withchanges frustration at waste or inefficiency. May
5. Makes
focus specific
on new or more in the
precise system
ways or in own
of meeting work
goals set.methods to improve
performance. Examples may include doing something better, faster, at a
lower cost, more efficiently; or improving quality, customer satisfaction,
morale, without setting any specific goal.
1. Willingly does his/her share of responsibility.
2. Promotes collaboration and removes barriers to teamwork
and goal accomplishment
3. Applies across theinorganization.
negotiation principles arriving at win-win
4. Works
5. Drives constructively
consensus andand team ownership ofwith
collaboratively decisions.
and across organizations to accomplish organizational
Service andOrientation
1. Can explain and articulate organizational directions,
2. Takes and problems
personal responsibility for dealing with and/or
correcting customer service
3. Initiates activities that issuesadvocacy
promotes and concerns.
for men
4. Participates in updating
and women empowerment. of office vision, mission,
5. Develops and strategies
and based improvement
adopts service on DepEd strategies
and directions.
through simplified procedures that will further enhance
1. delivery.
Innovation the root cause of problems and suggests
effective solutions. Fosters new ideas, processes, and
2. Demonstrates
suggests an toability
better ways to think
do things (cost“beyond the box”.
and/or operational
efficiency). focuses on improving personal productivity
to Promotes a creative
create higher climate
value and and inspires co –
4. to develop
Translates original
creative ideas
thinking intoortangible
changes and
5. Uses ingenious
solutions methods
that improve to accomplish
the work unit and organization.
responsibilities.Demonstrates resourcefulness and the
ability to succeed with minimal resources.

Leading People
1. Uses basic persuasion techniques in a discussion or
presentation e.g., staff mobilization, appeals to reason
2. Persuades,
and/or convinces
emotions, or influences
uses data others,
and examples, in order
visual aids to
have a specific impact or effect.
3. “Sets a good example”, is a credible and respected
leader; and demonstrates desired behavior.
4. Assumes
Forwards apersonal,
pivotal role in promoting
professional andthework unit
development of an inspiring,
needs and interests in an issue. relevant vision for the
organization and influences others to share ownership
of DepEd
People goals,changes
specific in orderManagement
Performance intothecreate an effective
performance work
system or in own work methods to improve performance (e.g.
2. Setssomething better, standards
performance faster, at lower
andcost, more efficiently;
measures progress
improves quality, customer satisfaction,
of employees based on office and department morale, revenues).
3. Provides feedback and technical assistance such as
coaching for performance improvement and action
4. States performance expectations clearly and checks
Performs alland thecommitment.
stages of result-based
performance management system supported by
evidence and required documents/forms.
People Development
1. Improves the skills and effectiveness of individuals
Facilitates workforce
employing effectiveness
a range throughstrategies.
of development coaching
and motivating/developing people within a work
3 Conceptualizesthat promotes
and implementsmutual learning
trust and respect.
interventions to meet identified training needs.
4 Does long-term coaching or training by arranging
appropriate and helpful assignments, formal training, or
other experiences for the purpose of supporting a
person’s learning and development.

Cultivates a learning environment by structuring

interactive experiences such as looking for future
opportunities that are in support of achieving individual
career goals.
Career_Stage_1 Career_Stage_2 Career_Stage_3
1.1.1 Demonstrated 1.1.2 Supported curriculum 1.1.3 Provided needs-based
knowledge and implementation through the support for curriculum
understanding of support for management of programs, implementation through the
curriculum implementation projects and activities aligned application of efficient and
through the management of with curriculum standards. effective programs, projects
programs, projects and and activities aligned with
activities aligned with curriculum standards.
curriculum standards.

1.2.1 Demonstrated knowledge 1.2.2 Provided support for 1.2.3 Mentored and coached
and understanding of support curriculum innovation schools/ colleagues in providing
for curriculum innovation. and/or learning centers to support for curriculum
improve teaching and learning. innovation to enhance

1.3.1 Demonstrated knowledge 1.3.2 Implemented relevant 1.3.3 Adapted harmonized

and understanding of support strategies to support curriculum strategies to support curriculum
for curriculum contextualization. contextualization based on the
contextualization. needs analysis of targeted
clusters of schools and/or
learning centers.

1.4.1 Displayed knowledge and 1.4.2 Conducted activities such 1.4.3 Designed and
understanding of learning as sharing of one’s expertise, implemented activities that
resource development to writing instructional materials, support learning resource
support schools and/or learning capacity building, and needs development in schools and/or
centers. assessment that support learning centers.
learning resource development
in schools and/or learning
1.5.1 Demonstrated knowledge 1.5.2 Applied relevant processes 1.5.3 Exhibited effective
and understanding of the to support learning resource practices in providing support
different processes to support management in schools and/or for learning resource
learning resource management learning centers. management in schools and/or
in schools and/or learning learning centers.

1.6.1 Demonstrated knowledge 1.6.2 Utilized results of learning 1.6.3 Mentored and coached
and understanding of the outcomes assessment in colleagues in the development
utilization of the results of developing intervention and implementation of an
learning outcomes assessment. strategies to support schools effective harmonized
and/or learning centers. intervention strategy based on
analyses of results of learning
outcomes assessment to
support schools and/or learning

2.1.1 Demonstrated knowledge 2.1.2 Conducted programs, 2.1.3 Developed and

and understanding of the projects and activities aligned implemented responsive
operationalization of with the educational programs, projects and activities
educational development plans. development plan. aligned with the educational
development plan.

2.2.3 Mentored and coached

2.2.2 Adopted and implemented
2.2.1 Demonstrated knowledge colleagues in providing efficient
appropriate technical assistance
and understanding of the and effective technical
modalities to schools and/or
provision of technical assistance assistance to a targeted cluster
learning centers based on
based on quality assurance, and of schools and/or learning
quality assurance, and
monitoring and evaluation centers based on quality
monitoring and evaluation
results. assurance, and monitoring and
evaluation results.
2.3.3 Mentored and coached
colleagues on the effective
2.3.1 Identified national, 2.3.2 Conducted review and
conduct of review and
regional and/or division policies recommendation of national,
recommendation of national,
for review and recommendation regional and/or division policies regional and/ or division policies
to ensure relevance within the to ensure relevance within the
to ensure their relevance in
context of one’s area of context of one’s area of
addressing the harmonized
concern. concern.
needs of the cluster of schools
and/or learning centers.

2.4.2 Support the management 2.4.3 Provide enhanced support

2.4.1 Demonstrate knowledge
of disaster preparedness, in the management of disaster
and understanding of laws,
mitigation and resiliency in the preparedness, mitigation and
policies, guidelines and
issuances on disaster risk schools and/or learning centers resiliency in the schools and/or
to ensure delivery of basic learning centers to ensure
reduction management.
education. delivery of basic education.

3.1.2 Apply appropriate 3.1.3 Mentor and coach

3.1.1 Demonstrate knowledge
instructional leadership support colleagues in adapting relevant
and understanding of
strategies to help schools instructional leadership support
instructional leadership for
and/or learning centers with the strategies to address the
continuous improvement of the
continuous improvement of the harmonized needs of clusters of
teaching-learning process.
teaching-learning process. schools and/or learning centers.

3.2.2 Utilized relevant

3.2.1 Displayed knowledge and 3.2.3 Adapted technology-based
technology- based innovations
understanding of relevant including ICT in the effective innovations including ICT in
technology-based innovations addressing the harmonized
delivery of roles and functions
including ICT in the effective needs of a cluster of schools
to support to schools and/or
delivery of roles and functions. and/or learning centers.
learning centers.
3.3.3 Mentored and coached
3.3.1 Demonstrated knowledge 3.3.2 Utilized findings of colleagues in planning and
and understanding of relevant research undertaken and/or conducting research, and
research findings. adapted to improve practice. utilizing findings to improve

3.4.1 Demonstrated 3.4.3 Sustained effective

3.4.2 Implemented communities communities of practice in
understanding of establishing
communities of practice to of practice to support the collaboration with colleagues
improvement of the delivery of for continuous improvement in
improve the delivery of basic
basic education services. the delivery of basic education
education services.

3.5.3 Managed the efficient and

3.5.1 Familiarized oneself with 3.5.2 Used communication effective use of communication
the effective use of different platforms including print and platforms including print and
communication platforms non-print media to support to non- print media to support
including print and non-print schools and/or learning centers
schools and/or learning centers
media to improve basic in improving basic education
in improving basic education
education services. services.

4.1.2 Ensured the delivery of 4.1.3 Sustained the effective

4.1.1 Demonstrated knowledge
and understanding of different different learning and delivery of different learning
development interventions to and development interventions
learning and development
support to schools and/or to support schools and/or
learning centers. learning centers.

4.2.2 Participated actively in 4.2.3 Supported colleagues to

4.2.1 Sought opportunities to
improve one’s practice through professional networks to
engage in advanced activities of
enhance knowledge and skills in various professional networks in
professional networks.
improving practice. enhancing practice.
4.3.3 Assisted colleagues in
4.3.1 Reflected on the Philippine 4.3.2 Set achievable personal
setting and achieving their
Professional Standards for and professional development
personal and professional
Supervisors to plan for personal goals based on the Philippine development goals based on the
and professional development Professional Standards for
Philippine Professional
goals. Supervisors. Standards for Supervisors.

4.4.1 Demonstrated an
4.4.3 Promoted learning
understanding of how 4.4.2 Applied professional
opportunities by initiating
professional reflection and reflection and learning to
professional reflections to
learning can be used to improve improve one’s practice.
improve practice.

4.5.3 Provided enhanced

4.5.2 Supported the
support in the implementation
implementation of rewards and
4.5.1 Demonstrated knowledge recognition mechanisms in of rewards and recognition
and understanding of rewards mechanisms to acknowledge
and recognition mechanisms. acknowledging the outstanding the outstanding performance of
performance of personnel in personnel in schools and/or
schools and/or learning centers.
learning centers.
1.1.4 Led in designing and Strand 1.1 Curriculum
managing responsive support implementation
for curriculum implementation
through efficient and effective 1.1.2 Supported curriculum
programs, projects and implementation through the
activities aligned with management of programs,
curriculum standards. projects and activities aligned
with curriculum standards.

1.2.4 Exhibited and shared Strand 1.2 Curriculum

research- based exemplary innovation
practice in intensifying support
for curriculum innovation within
and across regions/ divisions.
1.2.2 Provided support for
curriculum innovation schools/
and/or learning centers to
improve teaching and learning.

1.3.4 Led colleagues in Strand 1.3 Curriculum

innovating strategies to support contextualization
curriculum contextualization.
1.3.2 Implemented relevant
strategies to support
curriculum contextualization.

1.4.4 Led colleagues in designing Strand 1.4 Learning

and implementing activities that resource development
support learning in schools 1.4.2 Conducted activities such
and/or learning centers. as sharing of one’s expertise,
writing instructional materials,
capacity building, and needs
assessment that support
learning resource development
in schools and/or learning
1.5.4 Modeled exemplary Strand 1.5 Learning
practices in providing support resource management
for learning resource 1.5.2 Applied relevant
management schools and/or processes to support learning
learning centers. resource management in
schools and/or learning

1.6.4 Showed exemplary Strand 1.6 Learning

leadership skills in applying a outcomes assessment
wide range of intervention
strategies based on results of
learning outcomes assessment
to support schools and/or 1.6.2 Utilized results of
learning centers. learning outcomes assessment
in developing intervention
strategies to support schools
and/or learning centers.

2.1.4 Modeled exemplary skills Strand 2.1 Educational

on evidence-based approaches development plan
in the evaluation of programs, operationalization
projects and activities aligned
with the educational
development plan. 2.1.2 Conducted programs,
projects and activities aligned
with the educational
development plan.

2.2.4 Modeled exemplary skills 2.2.2 Adopted and

in the provision of technical implemented appropriate
assistance by designing and technical assistance modalities
Strand 2.2 Technical
implementing responsive to schools and/or learning
assistance provision
interventions based on quality centers based on quality
assurance, and monitoring and assurance, and monitoring and
evaluation results. evaluation results.
2.3.4 Led colleagues in designing
strategies such as creating a
review committee, conducting
focus group discussions (FGDs) 2.3.2 Conducted review and
and roundtable discussions for recommendation of national,
efficient and effective review regional and/or division Strand 2.3 Policy review
and recommendation of policies to ensure relevance and recommendation
national, regional and/or within the context of one’s
division policies to ensure their area of concern.
relevance to the improvement
of schools and/or learning

2.4.4 Share best practice in the

2.4.2 Support the management
provision of enhanced support
of disaster preparedness,
in the management of disaster
mitigation and resiliency in the Strand 2.4 Disaster
preparedness, mitigation and preparedness, mitigation
resiliency in schools and/or schools and/or learning and resiliency support
centers to ensure delivery of
learning centers to ensure
basic education.
delivery of basic education.

3.1.4 Lead colleagues in 3.1.2 Apply appropriate

developing a compendium of instructional leadership
effective and efficient support strategies to help
Strand 3.1 Support for
instructional leadership support schools and/or learning
instructional leadership
strategies to address the centers with the continuous
identified priority needs of improvement of the teaching-
schools and/or learning centers. learning process.

3.2.4 Exhibited best practice in

3.2.2 Utilized relevant
applying technology-based
technology- based innovations
innovations including ICT to including ICT in the effective Strand 3.2 Technology-
strengthen shared
delivery of roles and functions based innovation including
accountability and foster a ICT
to support to schools and/or
culture of continuous
learning centers.
3.3.4 Modeled exemplary skills
in conducting, utilizing and 3.3.2 Utilized findings of Strand 3.3 Culture of
research undertaken and/or
communicating research research
adapted to improve practice.
findings to improve practice.

3.4.4 Exhibited exemplary skills 3.4.2 Implemented

in institutionalizing communities communities of practice to
of practice for continuous support the improvement of Strand 3.4 Communities of
improvement in the delivery of the delivery of basic education
basic education services. services.

3.5.4 Exhibited exemplary skills

in using a wide range of efficient 3.5.2 Used communication
and effective communication platforms including print and
platforms to support schools non-print media to support to Strand 3.5 Use of
schools and/or learning communication platforms
and/or learning centers in
centers in improving basic
improving basic education
education services.

4.1.4 Modeled exemplary

4.1.2 Ensured the delivery of
practices in the delivery of
different learning and different learning and Strand 4.1 Learning and
development interventions to
development interventions to development
support to schools and/or
support schools and/or learning
learning centers.

4.2.4 Modeled exemplary

4.2.2 Participated actively in
practice in leading and engaging
professional networks to Strand 4.2 Professional
colleagues through professional
enhance knowledge and skills networks
networks to maximize potential
in improving practice.
and enhance practice.
4.3.4 Led reforms in enhancing
personal and professional 4.3.2 Set achievable personal
development programs based and professional development
Strand 4.3 Personal and
on in-depth knowledge and goals based on the Philippine professional development
understanding of the Philippine Professional Standards for
Professional Standards for Supervisors.

4.4.4 Provided leadership within

and across school contexts in
4.4.2 Applied professional Strand 4.4 Professional
critically reflecting on and
reflection and learning to reflection and learning to
setting clearly defined targets
improve one’s practice. improve practice
for professional learning to
improve practice.

4.5.4 Shared best practice in 4.5.2 Supported the

providing enhanced support in implementation of rewards
the implementation of rewards and recognition mechanisms in Strand 4.5 Support for
and recognition mechanisms to acknowledging the outstanding rewards and recognition
acknowledge the outstanding performance of personnel in mechanisms
performance of personnel schools and/or learning
schools and/or learning centers. centers.




Career_Stage_1 Career_Stage_1 Career_Stage_2
Demonstraing knowledge and Supporting curriculum
understanding of support for implementation through the
curriculum implementation management of programs,
through the management of projects and activities aligned
programs, projects and with curriculum standards.
activities aligned with
curriculum standards.

Demonstrating knowledge and Providing support for curriculum

understanding of support for innovation to schools/ and/or
curriculum innovation. learning centers to improve
teaching and learning.

Demonstrating knowledge and Implementing relevant

understanding of support for strategies to support curriculum
curriculum contextualization. contextualization.

Displaying knowledge and Conducting activities such as

understanding of learning sharing of one’s expertise,
resource development to writing instructional materials,
support schools and/or learning capacity building, and needs
centers. assessment that support
learning resource development
in schools and/or learning
Demonstrating knowledge and Applying relevant processes to
understanding of the different support learning resource
processes to support learning management in schools and/or
resource management in learning centers.
schools and/or learning centers.

Demonstrating knowledge and Utilizing results of learning

understanding of the utilization outcomes assessment in
of the results of learning developing intervention
outcomes assessment. strategies to support schools
and/or learning centers.

Demonstrating knowledge and Conducting programs, projects

understanding of the and activities aligned with the
operationalization of educational development plan.
educational development plans.

Adopting and implementing

Demonstrating knowledge and
appropriate technical assistance
understanding of the provision
modalities to schools and/or
of technical assistance based on
learning centers based on
quality assurance, and
quality assurance, and
monitoring and evaluation
monitoring and evaluation
Identifying national, regional
Conducting review and
and/or division policies for
recommendation of division
review and recommendation to policies to ensure relevance
ensure relevance within the
within the context of one’s area
context of one’s area of
of concern.

Supporting the management of

Demonstrating knowledge and
disaster preparedness,
understanding of laws, policies,
mitigation and resiliency in the
guidelines and issuances on
disaster risk reduction schools and/or learning centers
to ensure delivery of basic

Applying appropriate
Demonstrating knowledge and
instructional leadership support
understanding of instructional
strategies to help schools
leadership for continuous
and/or learning centers with the
improvement of the teaching-
continuous improvement of the
learning process.
teaching-learning process.

Displaying knowledge and Utilizing relevant technology-

understanding of relevant based innovations including ICT
technology-based innovations in the effective delivery of roles
including ICT in the effective and functions to support schools
delivery of roles and functions. and/or learning centers.
Demonstrating knowledge and Utilizing findings of research
understanding of relevant undertaken and/or adapted to
research findings. improve practice.

Demonstrating understanding of Implementing communities of

establishing communities of practice to support the
practice to improve the delivery improvement of the delivery of
of basic education services. basic education services.

Familiarizing oneself with the Using communication platforms

effective use of different including print and non-print
communication platforms media to support schools and/or
including print and non-print
learning centers in improving
media to improve basic
basic education services.
education services.

Ensuring the delivery of

Demonstrating knowledge and
understanding of different different learning and
development interventions to
learning and development
support schools and/or learning

Participating actively in
Seeing opportunities to improve
professional networks to
one’s practice through
enhance knowledge and skills in
professional networks.
improving practice.
Reflected on the Philippine Setting achievable personal and
Professional Standards for professional development goals
Supervisors to plan for personal based on the Philippine
and professional development Professional Standards for
goals. Supervisors.

Demonstrating an
understanding of how Applying professional reflection
professional reflection and and learning to improve one’s
learning can be used to improve practice.

Supporting the implementation

of rewards and recognition
Demonstrating knowledge and mechanisms in acknowledging
understanding of rewards and
recognition mechanisms. the outstanding performance of
personnel in schools and/or
learning centers.
Career_Stage_3 Career_Stage_4
Providing needs-based Leading in designing and
support for curriculum managing responsive support
implementation through the for curriculum implementation
application of efficient and through efficient and effective Supporting curriculum
effective programs, projects programs, projects and implementation through the
and activities aligned with activities aligned with management of programs,
curriculum standards. curriculum standards. projects and activities aligned
with curriculum standards.

Mentoring and coaching Exhibiting and sharing research-

colleagues in providing based exemplary practice in
support for curriculum intensifying support for
innovation to enhance curriculum innovation within
and across regions/ divisions.
practice. Providing support for
curriculum innovation to
schools/ and/or learning
centers to improve teaching
and learning.

Adapting harmonized strategies Leading colleagues in innovating

to support curriculum strategies to support curriculum
contextualization based on the contextualization.
needs analysis of targeted
clusters of schools and/or Implementing relevant
learning centers. strategies to support
curriculum contextualization.

Designing and implementing Leading colleagues in designing

activities that support learning and implementing activities that
resource development in support learning resource Conducting activities such as
schools and/or learning centers. development in schools and/or sharing of one’s expertise,
learning centers. writing instructional materials,
capacity building, and needs
assessment that support
learning resource development
in schools and/or learning
Exhibiting effective practices in Modeling exemplary practices in
providing support for learning providing support for learning
resource management in resource management in
schools and/or learning centers. schools and/or learning centers. Applying relevant processes to
support learning resource
management in schools and/or
learning centers.

Mentoring and coaching Showing exemplary leadership

colleagues in the development skills in applying a wide range of
and implementation of an intervention strategies based on
effective harmonized results of learning outcomes
intervention strategy based on assessment to support schools
analyses of results of learning and/or learning centers. Utilizing results of learning
outcomes assessment to outcomes assessment in
support schools and/or learning developing intervention
centers. strategies to support schools
and/or learning centers.

Developing and implementing Modeling exemplary skills on

responsive programs, projects evidence-based approaches in
and activities aligned with the the evaluation of programs,
educational development plan. projects and activities aligned
with the educational
development plan.
Conducting programs, projects
and activities aligned with the
educational development plan.

Mentoring and coaching

Modeling exemplary skills in the Adopting and implementing
colleagues in providing efficient
provision of technical assistance appropriate technical
and effective technical
by designing and implementing assistance modalities to
assistance to a targeted cluster
responsive interventions based schools and/or learning
of schools and/or learning
on quality assurance, and centers based on quality
centers based on quality
monitoring and evaluation assurance, and monitoring and
assurance, and monitoring and
results. evaluation results.
evaluation results.
Laeding colleagues in designing
strategies such as creating a
Mentoring and coaching
review committee, conducting
colleagues on the effective
focus group discussions (FGDs)
conduct of review and Conducting review and
and roundtable discussions for
recommendation of division recommendation of division
policies to ensure their efficient and effective review policies to ensure relevance
and recommendation of
relevance in addressing the within the context of one’s
national, regional and/or
harmonized needs of the cluster area of concern.
division policies to ensure their
of schools and/or learning relevance to the improvement
of schools and/or learning

Sharing best practice in the

Providing enhanced support in Supporting the management of
provision of enhanced support
the management of disaster disaster preparedness,
in the management of disaster
preparedness, mitigation and mitigation and resiliency in the
preparedness, mitigation and
resiliency in the schools and/or resiliency in the schools and/or schools and/or learning
learning centers to ensure centers to ensure delivery of
learning centers to ensure
delivery of basic education. basic education.
delivery of basic education.

:Leading colleagues in Applying appropriate

Mentoring and coaching
developing a compendium of instructional leadership
colleagues in adapting relevant
effective and efficient support strategies to help
instructional leadership support
instructional leadership support schools and/or learning
strategies to address the
strategies to address the centers with the continuous
harmonized needs of clusters of
identified priority needs of improvement of the teaching-
schools and/or learning centers.
schools and/or learning centers. learning process.

Exhibiting best practice in

Utilizing relevant technology-
Adapting technology-based applying technology-based
based innovations including
innovations including ICT in innovations including ICT to ICT in the effective delivery of
addressing the harmonized strengthen shared
roles and functions to support
needs of a cluster of schools accountability and foster a
schools and/or learning
and/or learning centers. culture of continuous
Mentoring and coaching
Modeling exemplary skills in
colleagues in planning and conducting, utilizing and Utilizing findings of research
conducting research, and undertaken and/or adapted to
communicating research
utilizing findings to improve improve practice.
findings to improve practice.

Sustaining effective Exhibiting exemplary skills in

communities of practice in Implementing communities of
institutionalizing communities of
collaboration with colleagues practice for continuous practice to support the
for continuous improvement in improvement of the delivery of
improvement in the delivery of
the delivery of basic education basic education services.
basic education services.

Managing the efficient and Exhibiting exemplary skills in

effective use of communication using a wide range of efficient Using communication
platforms including print and and effective communication platforms including print and
non- print media to support platforms to support schools non-print media to support
schools and/or learning
schools and/or learning centers and/or learning centers in
centers in improving basic
in improving basic education improving basic education
education services.
services. services.

Sustaining the effective delivery Modeling exemplary practices in Ensuring the delivery of
of different learning and the delivery of different learning different learning and
development interventions to and development interventions development interventions to
support schools and/or learning to support schools and/or support schools and/or
centers. learning centers. learning centers.

Modeling exemplary practice in

Supporting colleagues to engage Participating actively in
leading and engaging colleagues
in advanced activities of various through professional networks professional networks to
professional networks in enhance knowledge and skills
to maximize potential and
enhancing practice. in improving practice.
enhance practice.
Leading reforms in enhancing
Assisting colleagues in setting
personal and professional Setting achievable personal
and achieving their personal and
development programs based and professional development
professional development goals
based on the Philippine on in-depth knowledge and goals based on the Philippine
understanding of the Philippine Professional Standards for
Professional Standards for
Supervisors. Professional Standards for Supervisors.

Providing leadership within and

Promoting learning across school contexts in
Applying professional
opportunities by initiating critically reflecting on and
reflection and learning to
professional reflections to setting clearly defined targets
improve one’s practice.
improve practice. for professional learning to
improve practice.

Sharing best practice in Supporting the

Providing enhanced support in
providing enhanced support in implementation of rewards
the implementation of rewards
the implementation of rewards and recognition mechanisms in
and recognition mechanisms to
and recognition mechanisms to acknowledging the outstanding
acknowledge the outstanding acknowledge the outstanding performance of personnel in
performance of personnel in performance of personnel in schools and/or learning
schools and/or learning centers.
schools and/or learning centers. centers.
Career_Stage_1 Career_Stage_1 Career_Stage_2
Consistently Demonstraing Consistently Supporting
knowledge and curriculum implementation
understanding of support for through the management of
curriculum implementation programs, projects and
through the management of activities aligned with
programs, projects and curriculum standards.
activities aligned with
curriculum standards.

Consistently Demonstrating Consistently Providing

knowledge and support for curriculum
understanding of support for innovation to schools/ and/or
curriculum innovation. learning centers to improve
teaching and learning.

Consistently Demonstrating Consistently Implementing

knowledge and relevant strategies to support
understanding of support for curriculum contextualization.
curriculum contextualization.

Consistently Displaying Consistently Conducting

knowledge and activities such as sharing of
understanding of learning one’s expertise, writing
resource development to instructional materials,
support schools and/or capacity building, and needs
learning centers. assessment that support
learning resource
development in schools
and/or learning centers.
Consistently Demonstrating Consistently Applying
knowledge and relevant processes to support
understanding of the different learning resource
processes to support learning management in schools
resource management in and/or learning centers.
schools and/or learning

Consistently Demonstrating Consistently Utilizing results

knowledge and of learning outcomes
understanding of the assessment in developing
utilization of the results of intervention strategies to
learning outcomes support schools and/or
assessment. learning centers.

Consistently Demonstrating Consistently Conducting

knowledge and programs, projects and
understanding of the activities aligned with the
operationalization of educational development
educational development plan.

Consistently Demonstrating Consistently Adopting and

knowledge and implementing appropriate
understanding of the technical assistance
provision of technical modalities to schools and/or
assistance based on quality learning centers based on
assurance, and monitoring quality assurance, and
and evaluation results. monitoring and evaluation
Consistently Identifying Consistently Conducting
national, regional and/or review and recommendation
division policies for review of division policies to ensure
and recommendation to relevance within the context
ensure relevance within the of one’s area of concern.
context of one’s area of

Consistently Demonstrating Consistently Supporting the

knowledge and management of disaster
understanding of laws, preparedness, mitigation and
policies, guidelines and resiliency in the schools
issuances on disaster risk and/or learning centers to
reduction management. ensure delivery of basic

Consistently Demonstrating Consistently Applying

knowledge and appropriate instructional
understanding of instructional leadership support strategies
leadership for continuous to help schools and/or
improvement of the teaching- learning centers with the
learning process. continuous improvement of
the teaching-learning

Consistently Displaying Consistently Utilizing relevant

knowledge and technology- based
understanding of relevant innovations including ICT in
technology-based innovations the effective delivery of roles
including ICT in the effective and functions to support
delivery of roles and schools and/or learning
functions. centers.
Consistently Demonstrating Consistently Utilizing findings
knowledge and of research undertaken
understanding of relevant and/or adapted to improve
research findings. practice.

Consistently Demonstrating Consistently Implementing

understanding of establishing communities of practice to
communities of practice to support the improvement of
improve the delivery of basic the delivery of basic
education services. education services.

Consistently Familiarizing Consistently Using

oneself with the effective use communication platforms
of different communication including print and non-print
platforms including print and media to support schools
non-print media to improve and/or learning centers in
basic education services. improving basic education

Consistently Demonstrating Consistently Ensuring the

knowledge and delivery of different learning
understanding of different and development
learning and development interventions to support
interventions. schools and/or learning

Consistently Seeing Consistently Participating

opportunities to improve actively in professional
one’s practice through networks to enhance
professional networks. knowledge and skills in
improving practice.
Consistently Reflected on the Consistently Setting
Philippine Professional achievable personal and
Standards for Supervisors to professional development
plan for personal and goals based on the Philippine
professional development Professional Standards for
goals. Supervisors.

Consistently Demonstrating Consistently Applying

an understanding of how professional reflection and
professional reflection and learning to improve one’s
learning can be used to practice.
improve practice.

Consistently Demonstrating Consistently Supporting the

knowledge and implementation of rewards
understanding of rewards and and recognition mechanisms
recognition mechanisms. in acknowledging the
outstanding performance of
personnel in schools and/or
learning centers.
Career_Stage_3 Career_Stage_4
Consistently Providing needs- Consistently Leading in
based support for curriculum designing and managing
implementation through the responsive support for
application of efficient and curriculum implementation Consistently Supporting
effective programs, projects through efficient and effective curriculum implementation
and activities aligned with programs, projects and through the management of
programs, projects and
curriculum standards. activities aligned with activities aligned with
curriculum standards. curriculum standards.

Consistently Mentoring and Consistently Exhibiting and

coaching colleagues in sharing research- based
providing support for exemplary practice in
curriculum innovation to intensifying support for
enhance practice. curriculum innovation within Consistently Providing support
and across regions/ divisions. for curriculum innovation to
schools/ and/or learning
centers to improve teaching
and learning.

Consistently Adapting Consistently Leading

harmonized strategies to colleagues in innovating
support curriculum strategies to support
contextualization based on curriculum contextualization. Consistently Implementing
the needs analysis of relevant strategies to support
targeted clusters of schools curriculum contextualization.
and/or learning centers.

Consistently Designing and Consistently Leading

implementing activities that colleagues in designing and Consistently Conducting
support learning resource implementing activities that activities such as sharing of
development in schools support learning resource one’s expertise, writing
and/or learning centers. development in schools instructional materials,
and/or learning centers. capacity building, and needs
assessment that support
learning resource development
in schools and/or learning
Consistently Exhibiting Consistently Modeling
effective practices in exemplary practices in
providing support for learning providing support for learning Consistently Applying relevant
resource management in resource management in processes to support learning
schools and/or learning schools and/or learning resource management in
schools and/or learning
centers. centers. centers.

Consistently Mentoring and Consistently Showing

coaching colleagues in the exemplary leadership skills in
development and applying a wide range of
implementation of an effective intervention strategies based
harmonized intervention on results of learning Consistently Utilizing results of
strategy based on analyses of outcomes assessment to learning outcomes assessment
results of learning outcomes support schools and/or in developing intervention
assessment to support learning centers. strategies to support schools
schools and/or learning and/or learning centers.

Consistently Developing and Consistently Modeling

implementing responsive exemplary skills on evidence-
programs, projects and based approaches in the
activities aligned with the evaluation of programs,
educational development projects and activities aligned
plan. with the educational Consistently Conducting
development plan. programs, projects and
activities aligned with the
educational development plan.

Consistently Mentoring and Consistently Modeling

coaching colleagues in exemplary skills in the
providing efficient and provision of technical Consistently Adopting and
effective technical assistance assistance by designing and implementing appropriate
to a targeted cluster of implementing responsive technical assistance modalities
schools and/or learning interventions based on quality to schools and/or learning
centers based on quality assurance, and monitoring centers based on quality
assurance, and monitoring and evaluation results. assurance, and monitoring and
and evaluation results. evaluation results.
Consistently Mentoring and Consistently Laeding
coaching colleagues on the colleagues in designing
effective conduct of review strategies such as creating a
and recommendation of review committee, conducting
division policies to ensure focus group discussions
their relevance in addressing (FGDs) and roundtable
the harmonized needs of the discussions for efficient and Consistently Conducting
cluster of schools and/or effective review and review and recommendation
learning centers. recommendation of national, of division policies to ensure
regional and/or division relevance within the context of
policies to ensure their one’s area of concern.
relevance to the improvement
of schools and/or learning

Consistently Providing Consistently Sharing best

enhanced support in the practice in the provision of
management of disaster enhanced support in the Consistently Supporting the
preparedness, mitigation and management of disaster management of disaster
resiliency in the schools preparedness, mitigation and preparedness, mitigation and
and/or learning centers to resiliency in the schools resiliency in the schools and/or
ensure delivery of basic and/or learning centers to learning centers to ensure
education. ensure delivery of basic delivery of basic education.

Consistently Mentoring and Consistently :Leading

coaching colleagues in colleagues in developing a
adapting relevant instructional compendium of effective and
leadership support strategies efficient instructional
to address the harmonized leadership support strategies
needs of clusters of schools to address the identified
and/or learning centers. priority needs of schools Consistently Applying
and/or learning centers. appropriate instructional
leadership support strategies
to help schools and/or learning
centers with the continuous
improvement of the teaching-
learning process.

Consistently Adapting Consistently Exhibiting best

technology-based innovations practice in applying
including ICT in addressing technology-based innovations Consistently Utilizing relevant
the harmonized needs of a including ICT to strengthen technology- based innovations
including ICT in the effective
cluster of schools and/or shared accountability and delivery of roles and functions
learning centers. foster a culture of continuous to support schools and/or
improvement. learning centers.
Consistently Mentoring and Consistently Modeling
coaching colleagues in exemplary skills in
planning and conducting conducting, utilizing and Consistently Utilizing findings
research, and utilizing communicating research of research undertaken and/or
findings to improve practice. findings to improve practice. adapted to improve practice.

Consistently Sustaining Consistently Exhibiting

effective communities of exemplary skills in
practice in collaboration with institutionalizing communities
colleagues for continuous of practice for continuous Consistently Implementing
improvement in the delivery improvement in the delivery communities of practice to
of basic education services. of basic education services. support the improvement of
the delivery of basic education

Consistently Managing the Consistently Exhibiting

efficient and effective use of exemplary skills in using a
communication platforms wide range of efficient and Consistently Using
including print and non- print effective communication communication platforms
media to support schools platforms to support schools including print and non-print
media to support schools
and/or learning centers in and/or learning centers in and/or learning centers in
improving basic education improving basic education improving basic education
services. services. services.

Consistently Sustaining the Consistently Modeling

effective delivery of different exemplary practices in the
learning and development delivery of different learning
interventions to support and development
schools and/or learning interventions to support Consistently Ensuring the
centers. schools and/or learning delivery of different learning
centers. and development
interventions to support
schools and/or learning

Consistently Supporting Consistently Modeling

colleagues to engage in exemplary practice in leading
advanced activities of various and engaging colleagues Consistently Participating
professional networks in through professional actively in professional
enhancing practice. networks to maximize networks to enhance
knowledge and skills in
potential and enhance improving practice.
Consistently Assisting Consistently Leading reforms
colleagues in setting and in enhancing personal and
achieving their personal and professional development
professional development programs based on in-depth Consistently Setting achievable
goals based on the Philippine knowledge and personal and professional
development goals based on
Professional Standards for understanding of the
the Philippine Professional
Supervisors. Philippine Professional Standards for Supervisors.
Standards for Supervisors.

Consistently Promoting Consistently Providing

learning opportunities by leadership within and across
initiating professional school contexts in critically
reflections to improve reflecting on and setting Consistently Applying
professional reflection and
practice. clearly defined targets for learning to improve one’s
professional learning to practice.
improve practice.

Consistently Providing Consistently Sharing best

enhanced support in the practice in providing
implementation of rewards enhanced support in the Consistently Supporting the
and recognition mechanisms implementation of rewards implementation of rewards
to acknowledge the and recognition mechanisms and recognition mechanisms in
outstanding performance of to acknowledge the acknowledging the outstanding
personnel in schools and/or outstanding performance of performance of personnel in
learning centers. personnel in schools and/or schools and/or learning
learning centers. centers.
Career_Stage_1 Career_Stage_1 Career_Stage_2
Frequently Demonstraing Frequently Supporting
knowledge and curriculum implementation
understanding of support for through the management of
curriculum implementation programs, projects and
through the management of activities aligned with
programs, projects and curriculum standards.
activities aligned with
curriculum standards.

Frequently Demonstrating Frequently Providing support

knowledge and for curriculum innovation to
understanding of support for schools/ and/or learning
curriculum innovation. centers to improve teaching
and learning.

Frequently Demonstrating Frequently Implementing

knowledge and relevant strategies to support
understanding of support for curriculum contextualization.
curriculum contextualization.

Frequently Displaying Frequently Conducting

knowledge and activities such as sharing of
understanding of learning one’s expertise, writing
resource development to instructional materials,
support schools and/or capacity building, and needs
learning centers. assessment that support
learning resource
development in schools
and/or learning centers.
Frequently Demonstrating Frequently Applying relevant
knowledge and processes to support learning
understanding of the different resource management in
processes to support learning schools and/or learning
resource management in centers.
schools and/or learning

Frequently Demonstrating Frequently Utilizing results of

knowledge and learning outcomes
understanding of the assessment in developing
utilization of the results of intervention strategies to
learning outcomes support schools and/or
assessment. learning centers.

Frequently Demonstrating Frequently Conducting

knowledge and programs, projects and
understanding of the activities aligned with the
operationalization of educational development
educational development plan.

Frequently Demonstrating Frequently Adopting and

knowledge and implementing appropriate
understanding of the technical assistance
provision of technical modalities to schools and/or
assistance based on quality learning centers based on
assurance, and monitoring quality assurance, and
and evaluation results. monitoring and evaluation
Frequently Identifying Frequently Conducting review
national, regional and/or and recommendation of
division policies for review division policies to ensure
and recommendation to relevance within the context
ensure relevance within the of one’s area of concern.
context of one’s area of

Frequently Demonstrating Frequently Supporting the

knowledge and management of disaster
understanding of laws, preparedness, mitigation and
policies, guidelines and resiliency in the schools
issuances on disaster risk and/or learning centers to
reduction management. ensure delivery of basic

Frequently Demonstrating Frequently Applying

knowledge and appropriate instructional
understanding of instructional leadership support strategies
leadership for continuous to help schools and/or
improvement of the teaching- learning centers with the
learning process. continuous improvement of
the teaching-learning

Frequently Displaying Frequently Utilizing relevant

knowledge and technology- based
understanding of relevant innovations including ICT in
technology-based innovations the effective delivery of roles
including ICT in the effective and functions to support
delivery of roles and schools and/or learning
functions. centers.
Frequently Demonstrating Frequently Utilizing findings
knowledge and of research undertaken
understanding of relevant and/or adapted to improve
research findings. practice.

Frequently Demonstrating Frequently Implementing

understanding of establishing communities of practice to
communities of practice to support the improvement of
improve the delivery of basic the delivery of basic
education services. education services.

Frequently Familiarizing Frequently Using

oneself with the effective use communication platforms
of different communication including print and non-print
platforms including print and media to support schools
non-print media to improve and/or learning centers in
basic education services. improving basic education

Frequently Demonstrating Frequently Ensuring the

knowledge and delivery of different learning
understanding of different and development
learning and development interventions to support
interventions. schools and/or learning

Frequently Seeing Frequently Participating

opportunities to improve actively in professional
one’s practice through networks to enhance
professional networks. knowledge and skills in
improving practice.
Frequently Reflected on the Frequently Setting achievable
Philippine Professional personal and professional
Standards for Supervisors to development goals based on
plan for personal and the Philippine Professional
professional development Standards for Supervisors.

Frequently Demonstrating an Frequently Applying

understanding of how professional reflection and
professional reflection and learning to improve one’s
learning can be used to practice.
improve practice.

Frequently Demonstrating Frequently Supporting the

knowledge and implementation of rewards
understanding of rewards and and recognition mechanisms
recognition mechanisms. in acknowledging the
outstanding performance of
personnel in schools and/or
learning centers.
Career_Stage_3 Career_Stage_4
Frequently Providing needs- Frequently Leading in
based support for curriculum designing and managing
implementation through the responsive support for
application of efficient and curriculum implementation Frequently Supporting
effective programs, projects through efficient and effective curriculum implementation
and activities aligned with programs, projects and through the management of
programs, projects and
curriculum standards. activities aligned with activities aligned with
curriculum standards. curriculum standards.

Frequently Mentoring and Frequently Exhibiting and

coaching colleagues in sharing research- based
providing support for exemplary practice in
curriculum innovation to intensifying support for
enhance practice. curriculum innovation within Frequently Providing support
and across regions/ divisions. for curriculum innovation to
schools/ and/or learning
centers to improve teaching
and learning.

Frequently Adapting Frequently Leading

harmonized strategies to colleagues in innovating
support curriculum strategies to support
contextualization based on curriculum contextualization. Frequently Implementing
the needs analysis of relevant strategies to support
targeted clusters of schools curriculum contextualization.
and/or learning centers.

Frequently Designing and Frequently Leading

implementing activities that colleagues in designing and Frequently Conducting
support learning resource implementing activities that activities such as sharing of
development in schools support learning resource one’s expertise, writing
and/or learning centers. development in schools instructional materials,
and/or learning centers. capacity building, and needs
assessment that support
learning resource development
in schools and/or learning
Frequently Exhibiting Frequently Modeling
effective practices in exemplary practices in
providing support for learning providing support for learning Frequently Applying relevant
resource management in resource management in processes to support learning
schools and/or learning schools and/or learning resource management in
schools and/or learning
centers. centers. centers.

Frequently Mentoring and Frequently Showing

coaching colleagues in the exemplary leadership skills in
development and applying a wide range of
implementation of an effective intervention strategies based
harmonized intervention on results of learning Frequently Utilizing results of
strategy based on analyses of outcomes assessment to learning outcomes assessment
results of learning outcomes support schools and/or in developing intervention
assessment to support learning centers. strategies to support schools
schools and/or learning and/or learning centers.

Frequently Developing and Frequently Modeling

implementing responsive exemplary skills on evidence-
programs, projects and based approaches in the
activities aligned with the evaluation of programs,
educational development projects and activities aligned
plan. with the educational Frequently Conducting
development plan. programs, projects and
activities aligned with the
educational development plan.

Frequently Mentoring and Frequently Modeling

coaching colleagues in exemplary skills in the
providing efficient and provision of technical Frequently Adopting and
effective technical assistance assistance by designing and implementing appropriate
to a targeted cluster of implementing responsive technical assistance modalities
schools and/or learning interventions based on quality to schools and/or learning
centers based on quality assurance, and monitoring centers based on quality
assurance, and monitoring and evaluation results. assurance, and monitoring and
and evaluation results. evaluation results.
Frequently Mentoring and Frequently Laeding
coaching colleagues on the colleagues in designing
effective conduct of review strategies such as creating a
and recommendation of review committee, conducting
division policies to ensure focus group discussions
their relevance in addressing (FGDs) and roundtable
the harmonized needs of the discussions for efficient and Frequently Conducting review
cluster of schools and/or effective review and and recommendation of
learning centers. recommendation of national, division policies to ensure
regional and/or division relevance within the context of
policies to ensure their one’s area of concern.
relevance to the improvement
of schools and/or learning

Frequently Providing Frequently Sharing best

enhanced support in the practice in the provision of
management of disaster enhanced support in the Frequently Supporting the
preparedness, mitigation and management of disaster management of disaster
resiliency in the schools preparedness, mitigation and preparedness, mitigation and
and/or learning centers to resiliency in the schools resiliency in the schools and/or
ensure delivery of basic and/or learning centers to learning centers to ensure
education. ensure delivery of basic delivery of basic education.

Frequently Mentoring and Frequently :Leading

coaching colleagues in colleagues in developing a
adapting relevant instructional compendium of effective and
leadership support strategies efficient instructional
to address the harmonized leadership support strategies
needs of clusters of schools to address the identified
and/or learning centers. priority needs of schools Frequently Applying
and/or learning centers. appropriate instructional
leadership support strategies
to help schools and/or learning
centers with the continuous
improvement of the teaching-
learning process.

Frequently Adapting Frequently Exhibiting best

technology-based innovations practice in applying
including ICT in addressing technology-based innovations Frequently Utilizing relevant
the harmonized needs of a including ICT to strengthen technology- based innovations
including ICT in the effective
cluster of schools and/or shared accountability and delivery of roles and functions
learning centers. foster a culture of continuous to support schools and/or
improvement. learning centers.
Frequently Mentoring and Frequently Modeling
coaching colleagues in exemplary skills in
planning and conducting conducting, utilizing and Frequently Utilizing findings of
research, and utilizing communicating research research undertaken and/or
findings to improve practice. findings to improve practice. adapted to improve practice.

Frequently Sustaining Frequently Exhibiting

effective communities of exemplary skills in
practice in collaboration with institutionalizing communities
colleagues for continuous of practice for continuous Frequently Implementing
improvement in the delivery improvement in the delivery communities of practice to
of basic education services. of basic education services. support the improvement of
the delivery of basic education

Frequently Managing the Frequently Exhibiting

efficient and effective use of exemplary skills in using a
communication platforms wide range of efficient and Frequently Using
including print and non- print effective communication communication platforms
media to support schools platforms to support schools including print and non-print
media to support schools
and/or learning centers in and/or learning centers in and/or learning centers in
improving basic education improving basic education improving basic education
services. services. services.

Frequently Sustaining the Frequently Modeling

effective delivery of different exemplary practices in the
learning and development delivery of different learning
interventions to support and development
schools and/or learning interventions to support Frequently Ensuring the
centers. schools and/or learning delivery of different learning
centers. and development
interventions to support
schools and/or learning

Frequently Supporting Frequently Modeling

colleagues to engage in exemplary practice in leading
advanced activities of various and engaging colleagues Frequently Participating
professional networks in through professional actively in professional
enhancing practice. networks to maximize networks to enhance
knowledge and skills in
potential and enhance improving practice.
Frequently Assisting Frequently Leading reforms in
colleagues in setting and enhancing personal and
achieving their personal and professional development
professional development programs based on in-depth Frequently Setting achievable
goals based on the Philippine knowledge and personal and professional
development goals based on
Professional Standards for understanding of the
the Philippine Professional
Supervisors. Philippine Professional Standards for Supervisors.
Standards for Supervisors.

Frequently Promoting Frequently Providing

learning opportunities by leadership within and across
initiating professional school contexts in critically
reflections to improve reflecting on and setting Frequently Applying
professional reflection and
practice. clearly defined targets for learning to improve one’s
professional learning to practice.
improve practice.

Frequently Providing Frequently Sharing best

enhanced support in the practice in providing
implementation of rewards enhanced support in the Frequently Supporting the
and recognition mechanisms implementation of rewards implementation of rewards
to acknowledge the and recognition mechanisms and recognition mechanisms in
outstanding performance of to acknowledge the acknowledging the outstanding
personnel in schools and/or outstanding performance of performance of personnel in
learning centers. personnel in schools and/or schools and/or learning
learning centers. centers.
Career_Stage_1 Career_Stage_1 Career_Stage_2
Occasionally Demonstraing Occasionally Supporting
knowledge and curriculum implementation
understanding of support for through the management of
curriculum implementation programs, projects and
through the management of activities aligned with
programs, projects and curriculum standards.
activities aligned with
curriculum standards.

Occasionally Demonstrating Occasionally Providing

knowledge and support for curriculum
understanding of support for innovation to schools/ and/or
curriculum innovation. learning centers to improve
teaching and learning.

Occasionally Demonstrating Occasionally Implementing

knowledge and relevant strategies to support
understanding of support for curriculum contextualization.
curriculum contextualization.

Occasionally Displaying Occasionally Conducting

knowledge and activities such as sharing of
understanding of learning one’s expertise, writing
resource development to instructional materials,
support schools and/or capacity building, and needs
learning centers. assessment that support
learning resource
development in schools
and/or learning centers.
Occasionally Demonstrating Occasionally Applying
knowledge and relevant processes to support
understanding of the different learning resource
processes to support learning management in schools
resource management in and/or learning centers.
schools and/or learning

Occasionally Demonstrating Occasionally Utilizing results

knowledge and of learning outcomes
understanding of the assessment in developing
utilization of the results of intervention strategies to
learning outcomes support schools and/or
assessment. learning centers.

Occasionally Demonstrating Occasionally Conducting

knowledge and programs, projects and
understanding of the activities aligned with the
operationalization of educational development
educational development plan.

Occasionally Demonstrating Occasionally Adopting and

knowledge and implementing appropriate
understanding of the technical assistance
provision of technical modalities to schools and/or
assistance based on quality learning centers based on
assurance, and monitoring quality assurance, and
and evaluation results. monitoring and evaluation
Occasionally Identifying Occasionally Conducting
national, regional and/or review and recommendation
division policies for review of division policies to ensure
and recommendation to relevance within the context
ensure relevance within the of one’s area of concern.
context of one’s area of

Occasionally Demonstrating Occasionally Supporting the

knowledge and management of disaster
understanding of laws, preparedness, mitigation and
policies, guidelines and resiliency in the schools
issuances on disaster risk and/or learning centers to
reduction management. ensure delivery of basic

Occasionally Demonstrating Occasionally Applying

knowledge and appropriate instructional
understanding of instructional leadership support strategies
leadership for continuous to help schools and/or
improvement of the teaching- learning centers with the
learning process. continuous improvement of
the teaching-learning

Occasionally Displaying Occasionally Utilizing relevant

knowledge and technology- based
understanding of relevant innovations including ICT in
technology-based innovations the effective delivery of roles
including ICT in the effective and functions to support
delivery of roles and schools and/or learning
functions. centers.
Occasionally Demonstrating Occasionally Utilizing findings
knowledge and of research undertaken
understanding of relevant and/or adapted to improve
research findings. practice.

Occasionally Demonstrating Occasionally Implementing

understanding of establishing communities of practice to
communities of practice to support the improvement of
improve the delivery of basic the delivery of basic
education services. education services.

Occasionally Familiarizing Occasionally Using

oneself with the effective use communication platforms
of different communication including print and non-print
platforms including print and media to support schools
non-print media to improve and/or learning centers in
basic education services. improving basic education

Occasionally Demonstrating Occasionally Ensuring the

knowledge and delivery of different learning
understanding of different and development
learning and development interventions to support
interventions. schools and/or learning

Occasionally Seeing Occasionally Participating

opportunities to improve actively in professional
one’s practice through networks to enhance
professional networks. knowledge and skills in
improving practice.
Occasionally Reflected on the Occasionally Setting
Philippine Professional achievable personal and
Standards for Supervisors to professional development
plan for personal and goals based on the Philippine
professional development Professional Standards for
goals. Supervisors.

Occasionally Demonstrating Occasionally Applying

an understanding of how professional reflection and
professional reflection and learning to improve one’s
learning can be used to practice.
improve practice.

Occasionally Demonstrating Occasionally Supporting the

knowledge and implementation of rewards
understanding of rewards and and recognition mechanisms
recognition mechanisms. in acknowledging the
outstanding performance of
personnel in schools and/or
learning centers.
Career_Stage_3 Career_Stage_4
Occasionally Providing Occasionally Leading in
needs-based support for designing and managing
curriculum implementation responsive support for
through the application of curriculum implementation Occasionally Supporting
efficient and effective through efficient and effective curriculum implementation
programs, projects and programs, projects and through the management of
programs, projects and
activities aligned with activities aligned with activities aligned with
curriculum standards. curriculum standards. curriculum standards.

Occasionally Mentoring and Occasionally Exhibiting and

coaching colleagues in sharing research- based
providing support for exemplary practice in
curriculum innovation to intensifying support for
enhance practice. curriculum innovation within Occasionally Providing support
and across regions/ divisions. for curriculum innovation to
schools/ and/or learning
centers to improve teaching
and learning.

Occasionally Adapting Occasionally Leading

harmonized strategies to colleagues in innovating
support curriculum strategies to support
contextualization based on curriculum contextualization. Occasionally Implementing
the needs analysis of relevant strategies to support
targeted clusters of schools curriculum contextualization.
and/or learning centers.

Occasionally Designing and Occasionally Leading

implementing activities that colleagues in designing and Occasionally Conducting
support learning resource implementing activities that activities such as sharing of
development in schools support learning resource one’s expertise, writing
and/or learning centers. development in schools instructional materials,
and/or learning centers. capacity building, and needs
assessment that support
learning resource development
in schools and/or learning
Occasionally Exhibiting Occasionally Modeling
effective practices in exemplary practices in
providing support for learning providing support for learning Occasionally Applying relevant
resource management in resource management in processes to support learning
schools and/or learning schools and/or learning resource management in
schools and/or learning
centers. centers. centers.

Occasionally Mentoring and Occasionally Showing

coaching colleagues in the exemplary leadership skills in
development and applying a wide range of
implementation of an effective intervention strategies based
harmonized intervention on results of learning Occasionally Utilizing results of
strategy based on analyses of outcomes assessment to learning outcomes assessment
results of learning outcomes support schools and/or in developing intervention
assessment to support learning centers. strategies to support schools
schools and/or learning and/or learning centers.

Occasionally Developing and Occasionally Modeling

implementing responsive exemplary skills on evidence-
programs, projects and based approaches in the
activities aligned with the evaluation of programs,
educational development projects and activities aligned
plan. with the educational Occasionally Conducting
development plan. programs, projects and
activities aligned with the
educational development plan.

Occasionally Mentoring and Occasionally Modeling

coaching colleagues in exemplary skills in the
providing efficient and provision of technical Occasionally Adopting and
effective technical assistance assistance by designing and implementing appropriate
to a targeted cluster of implementing responsive technical assistance modalities
schools and/or learning interventions based on quality to schools and/or learning
centers based on quality assurance, and monitoring centers based on quality
assurance, and monitoring and evaluation results. assurance, and monitoring and
and evaluation results. evaluation results.
Occasionally Mentoring and Occasionally Laeding
coaching colleagues on the colleagues in designing
effective conduct of review strategies such as creating a
and recommendation of review committee, conducting
division policies to ensure focus group discussions
their relevance in addressing (FGDs) and roundtable
the harmonized needs of the discussions for efficient and Occasionally Conducting
cluster of schools and/or effective review and review and recommendation
learning centers. recommendation of national, of division policies to ensure
regional and/or division relevance within the context of
policies to ensure their one’s area of concern.
relevance to the improvement
of schools and/or learning

Occasionally Providing Occasionally Sharing best

enhanced support in the practice in the provision of
management of disaster enhanced support in the Occasionally Supporting the
preparedness, mitigation and management of disaster management of disaster
resiliency in the schools preparedness, mitigation and preparedness, mitigation and
and/or learning centers to resiliency in the schools resiliency in the schools and/or
ensure delivery of basic and/or learning centers to learning centers to ensure
education. ensure delivery of basic delivery of basic education.

Occasionally Mentoring and Occasionally :Leading

coaching colleagues in colleagues in developing a
adapting relevant instructional compendium of effective and
leadership support strategies efficient instructional
to address the harmonized leadership support strategies
needs of clusters of schools to address the identified
and/or learning centers. priority needs of schools Occasionally Applying
and/or learning centers. appropriate instructional
leadership support strategies
to help schools and/or learning
centers with the continuous
improvement of the teaching-
learning process.

Occasionally Adapting Occasionally Exhibiting best

technology-based innovations practice in applying
including ICT in addressing technology-based innovations Occasionally Utilizing relevant
the harmonized needs of a including ICT to strengthen technology- based innovations
including ICT in the effective
cluster of schools and/or shared accountability and delivery of roles and functions
learning centers. foster a culture of continuous to support schools and/or
improvement. learning centers.
Occasionally Mentoring and Occasionally Modeling
coaching colleagues in exemplary skills in
planning and conducting conducting, utilizing and Occasionally Utilizing findings
research, and utilizing communicating research of research undertaken and/or
findings to improve practice. findings to improve practice. adapted to improve practice.

Occasionally Sustaining Occasionally Exhibiting

effective communities of exemplary skills in
practice in collaboration with institutionalizing communities
colleagues for continuous of practice for continuous Occasionally Implementing
improvement in the delivery improvement in the delivery communities of practice to
of basic education services. of basic education services. support the improvement of
the delivery of basic education

Occasionally Managing the Occasionally Exhibiting

efficient and effective use of exemplary skills in using a
communication platforms wide range of efficient and Occasionally Using
including print and non- print effective communication communication platforms
media to support schools platforms to support schools including print and non-print
media to support schools
and/or learning centers in and/or learning centers in and/or learning centers in
improving basic education improving basic education improving basic education
services. services. services.

Occasionally Sustaining the Occasionally Modeling

effective delivery of different exemplary practices in the
learning and development delivery of different learning
interventions to support and development
schools and/or learning interventions to support Occasionally Ensuring the
centers. schools and/or learning delivery of different learning
centers. and development
interventions to support
schools and/or learning

Occasionally Supporting Occasionally Modeling

colleagues to engage in exemplary practice in leading
advanced activities of various and engaging colleagues Occasionally Participating
professional networks in through professional actively in professional
enhancing practice. networks to maximize networks to enhance
knowledge and skills in
potential and enhance improving practice.
Occasionally Assisting Occasionally Leading reforms
colleagues in setting and in enhancing personal and
achieving their personal and professional development
professional development programs based on in-depth Occasionally Setting achievable
goals based on the Philippine knowledge and personal and professional
development goals based on
Professional Standards for understanding of the
the Philippine Professional
Supervisors. Philippine Professional Standards for Supervisors.
Standards for Supervisors.

Occasionally Promoting Occasionally Providing

learning opportunities by leadership within and across
initiating professional school contexts in critically
reflections to improve reflecting on and setting Occasionally Applying
professional reflection and
practice. clearly defined targets for learning to improve one’s
professional learning to practice.
improve practice.

Occasionally Providing Occasionally Sharing best

enhanced support in the practice in providing
implementation of rewards enhanced support in the Occasionally Supporting the
and recognition mechanisms implementation of rewards implementation of rewards
to acknowledge the and recognition mechanisms and recognition mechanisms in
outstanding performance of to acknowledge the acknowledging the outstanding
personnel in schools and/or outstanding performance of performance of personnel in
learning centers. personnel in schools and/or schools and/or learning
learning centers. centers.
Career_Stage_1 Career_Stage_1 Career_Stage_2
Rarely Demonstraing Rarely Supporting curriculum
knowledge and implementation through the
understanding of support for management of programs,
curriculum implementation projects and activities aligned
through the management of with curriculum standards.
programs, projects and
activities aligned with
curriculum standards.

Rarely Demonstrating Rarely Providing support for

knowledge and curriculum innovation to
understanding of support for schools/ and/or learning
curriculum innovation. centers to improve teaching
and learning.

Rarely Demonstrating Rarely Implementing relevant

knowledge and strategies to support
understanding of support for curriculum contextualization.
curriculum contextualization.

Rarely Displaying knowledge Rarely Conducting activities

and understanding of learning such as sharing of one’s
resource development to expertise, writing instructional
support schools and/or materials, capacity building,
learning centers. and needs assessment that
support learning resource
development in schools
and/or learning centers.
Rarely Demonstrating Rarely Applying relevant
knowledge and processes to support learning
understanding of the different resource management in
processes to support learning schools and/or learning
resource management in centers.
schools and/or learning

Rarely Demonstrating Rarely Utilizing results of

knowledge and learning outcomes
understanding of the assessment in developing
utilization of the results of intervention strategies to
learning outcomes support schools and/or
assessment. learning centers.

Rarely Demonstrating Rarely Conducting programs,

knowledge and projects and activities aligned
understanding of the with the educational
operationalization of development plan.
educational development

Rarely Demonstrating Rarely Adopting and

knowledge and implementing appropriate
understanding of the technical assistance
provision of technical modalities to schools and/or
assistance based on quality learning centers based on
assurance, and monitoring quality assurance, and
and evaluation results. monitoring and evaluation
Rarely Identifying national, Rarely Conducting review
regional and/or division and recommendation of
policies for review and division policies to ensure
recommendation to ensure relevance within the context
relevance within the context of one’s area of concern.
of one’s area of concern.

Rarely Demonstrating Rarely Supporting the

knowledge and management of disaster
understanding of laws, preparedness, mitigation and
policies, guidelines and resiliency in the schools
issuances on disaster risk and/or learning centers to
reduction management. ensure delivery of basic

Rarely Demonstrating Rarely Applying appropriate

knowledge and instructional leadership
understanding of instructional support strategies to help
leadership for continuous schools and/or learning
improvement of the teaching- centers with the continuous
learning process. improvement of the teaching-
learning process.

Rarely Displaying knowledge Rarely Utilizing relevant

and understanding of relevant technology- based
technology-based innovations innovations including ICT in
including ICT in the effective the effective delivery of roles
delivery of roles and and functions to support
functions. schools and/or learning
Rarely Demonstrating Rarely Utilizing findings of
knowledge and research undertaken and/or
understanding of relevant adapted to improve practice.
research findings.

Rarely Demonstrating Rarely Implementing

understanding of establishing communities of practice to
communities of practice to support the improvement of
improve the delivery of basic the delivery of basic
education services. education services.

Rarely Familiarizing oneself Rarely Using communication

with the effective use of platforms including print and
different communication non-print media to support
platforms including print and schools and/or learning
non-print media to improve centers in improving basic
basic education services. education services.

Rarely Demonstrating Rarely Ensuring the delivery

knowledge and of different learning and
understanding of different development interventions to
learning and development support schools and/or
interventions. learning centers.

Rarely Seeing opportunities Rarely Participating actively

to improve one’s practice in professional networks to
through professional enhance knowledge and skills
networks. in improving practice.
Rarely Reflected on the Rarely Setting achievable
Philippine Professional personal and professional
Standards for Supervisors to development goals based on
plan for personal and the Philippine Professional
professional development Standards for Supervisors.

Rarely Demonstrating an Rarely Applying professional

understanding of how reflection and learning to
professional reflection and improve one’s practice.
learning can be used to
improve practice.

Rarely Demonstrating Rarely Supporting the

knowledge and implementation of rewards
understanding of rewards and and recognition mechanisms
recognition mechanisms. in acknowledging the
outstanding performance of
personnel in schools and/or
learning centers.
Career_Stage_3 Career_Stage_4
Rarely Providing needs- Rarely Leading in designing
based support for curriculum and managing responsive
implementation through the support for curriculum
application of efficient and implementation through Rarely Supporting curriculum
effective programs, projects efficient and effective implementation through the
and activities aligned with programs, projects and management of programs,
curriculum standards. activities aligned with projects and activities aligned
curriculum standards. with curriculum standards.

Rarely Mentoring and Rarely Exhibiting and sharing

coaching colleagues in research- based exemplary
providing support for practice in intensifying
curriculum innovation to support for curriculum
enhance practice. innovation within and across Rarely Providing support for
regions/ divisions. curriculum innovation to
schools/ and/or learning
centers to improve teaching
and learning.

Rarely Adapting harmonized Rarely Leading colleagues in

strategies to support innovating strategies to
curriculum contextualization support curriculum
based on the needs analysis contextualization. Rarely Implementing relevant
of targeted clusters of schools strategies to support
and/or learning centers. curriculum contextualization.

Rarely Designing and Rarely Leading colleagues in

implementing activities that designing and implementing
support learning resource activities that support learning Rarely Conducting activities
such as sharing of one’s
development in schools resource development in
expertise, writing instructional
and/or learning centers. schools and/or learning materials, capacity building,
centers. and needs assessment that
support learning resource
development in schools and/or
learning centers.
Rarely Exhibiting effective Rarely Modeling exemplary
practices in providing support practices in providing support
for learning resource for learning resource Rarely Applying relevant
management in schools management in schools processes to support learning
and/or learning centers. and/or learning centers. resource management in
schools and/or learning

Rarely Mentoring and Rarely Showing exemplary

coaching colleagues in the leadership skills in applying a
development and wide range of intervention
implementation of an effective strategies based on results of
harmonized intervention learning outcomes Rarely Utilizing results of
strategy based on analyses of assessment to support learning outcomes assessment
results of learning outcomes schools and/or learning in developing intervention
assessment to support centers. strategies to support schools
schools and/or learning and/or learning centers.

Rarely Developing and Rarely Modeling exemplary

implementing responsive skills on evidence-based
programs, projects and approaches in the evaluation
activities aligned with the of programs, projects and
educational development activities aligned with the
plan. educational development Rarely Conducting programs,
plan. projects and activities aligned
with the educational
development plan.

Rarely Mentoring and Rarely Modeling exemplary

coaching colleagues in skills in the provision of
providing efficient and technical assistance by Rarely Adopting and
effective technical assistance designing and implementing implementing appropriate
to a targeted cluster of responsive interventions technical assistance modalities
schools and/or learning based on quality assurance, to schools and/or learning
centers based on quality and monitoring and centers based on quality
assurance, and monitoring evaluation results. assurance, and monitoring and
and evaluation results. evaluation results.
Rarely Mentoring and Rarely Laeding colleagues in
coaching colleagues on the designing strategies such as
effective conduct of review creating a review committee,
and recommendation of conducting focus group
division policies to ensure discussions (FGDs) and
their relevance in addressing roundtable discussions for
the harmonized needs of the efficient and effective review Rarely Conducting review and
cluster of schools and/or and recommendation of recommendation of division
learning centers. national, regional and/or policies to ensure relevance
division policies to ensure within the context of one’s
their relevance to the area of concern.
improvement of schools
and/or learning centers.

Rarely Providing enhanced Rarely Sharing best practice

support in the management of in the provision of enhanced
disaster preparedness, support in the management of Rarely Supporting the
mitigation and resiliency in disaster preparedness, management of disaster
the schools and/or learning mitigation and resiliency in preparedness, mitigation and
centers to ensure delivery of the schools and/or learning resiliency in the schools and/or
basic education. centers to ensure delivery of learning centers to ensure
basic education. delivery of basic education.

Rarely Mentoring and Rarely :Leading colleagues in

coaching colleagues in developing a compendium of
adapting relevant instructional effective and efficient
leadership support strategies instructional leadership
to address the harmonized support strategies to address
needs of clusters of schools the identified priority needs of
and/or learning centers. schools and/or learning Rarely Applying appropriate
centers. instructional leadership
support strategies to help
schools and/or learning
centers with the continuous
improvement of the teaching-
learning process.

Rarely Adapting technology- Rarely Exhibiting best

based innovations including practice in applying
ICT in addressing the technology-based innovations Rarely Utilizing relevant
harmonized needs of a including ICT to strengthen technology- based innovations
including ICT in the effective
cluster of schools and/or shared accountability and delivery of roles and functions
learning centers. foster a culture of continuous to support schools and/or
improvement. learning centers.
Rarely Mentoring and Rarely Modeling exemplary
coaching colleagues in skills in conducting, utilizing
planning and conducting and communicating research Rarely Utilizing findings of
research, and utilizing findings to improve practice. research undertaken and/or
findings to improve practice. adapted to improve practice.

Rarely Sustaining effective Rarely Exhibiting exemplary

communities of practice in skills in institutionalizing
collaboration with colleagues communities of practice for
for continuous improvement continuous improvement in Rarely Implementing
in the delivery of basic the delivery of basic communities of practice to
education services. education services. support the improvement of
the delivery of basic education

Rarely Managing the efficient Rarely Exhibiting exemplary

and effective use of skills in using a wide range of
communication platforms efficient and effective Rarely Using communication
including print and non- print communication platforms to platforms including print and
media to support schools support schools and/or non-print media to support
and/or learning centers in learning centers in improving schools and/or learning
improving basic education basic education services. centers in improving basic
services. education services.

Rarely Sustaining the Rarely Modeling exemplary

effective delivery of different practices in the delivery of
learning and development different learning and
interventions to support development interventions to
schools and/or learning support schools and/or Rarely Ensuring the delivery of
centers. learning centers. different learning and
development interventions to
support schools and/or
learning centers.

Rarely Supporting colleagues Rarely Modeling exemplary

to engage in advanced practice in leading and
activities of various engaging colleagues through Rarely Participating actively in
professional networks in professional networks to professional networks to
enhancing practice. maximize potential and enhance knowledge and skills
enhance practice. in improving practice.
Rarely Assisting colleagues in Rarely Leading reforms in
setting and achieving their enhancing personal and
personal and professional professional development
development goals based on programs based on in-depth Rarely Setting achievable
the Philippine Professional knowledge and personal and professional
development goals based on
Standards for Supervisors. understanding of the
the Philippine Professional
Philippine Professional Standards for Supervisors.
Standards for Supervisors.

Rarely Promoting learning Rarely Providing leadership

opportunities by initiating within and across school
professional reflections to contexts in critically reflecting
improve practice. on and setting clearly defined Rarely Applying professional
targets for professional reflection and learning to
learning to improve practice. improve one’s practice.

Rarely Providing enhanced Rarely Sharing best practice

support in the implementation in providing enhanced
of rewards and recognition support in the implementation Rarely Supporting the
mechanisms to acknowledge of rewards and recognition implementation of rewards
the outstanding performance mechanisms to acknowledge and recognition mechanisms in
of personnel in schools the outstanding performance acknowledging the outstanding
and/or learning centers. of personnel in schools performance of personnel in
and/or learning centers. schools and/or learning
Career_Stage_1 Career_Stage_1 Career_Stage_2
Reports on Curriculum
Implementation and
Instructional Delivery

Accomplished Mentoring and

Coaching Form

Supervisory Report on

Accomplished Mentoring and

Coaching Form

Reports on Curriculum
Implementation on
Contextualization and

Supervisory Report on
technical assistance provided

Coordination Report with

EPSvrs on provision of TA
Report on TA provided

List of Learning Resource

Inventory of Learning
Report on Utilization of LMs

Report on KPIs

Report on Learning
Outcomes Assessment

Recommendations based on
Learning Outcomes

Activity Completion Report

Supervisory Plan

Supervisory Report on
technical assistance provided

TA Coaching Plan

TA Contract

TA and Coaching Plan

TA Contract

Supervisory Report on
technical assistance
Quarterly PMEA Report

TA and Coaching Plan

TA Contract

Supervisory Report on
technical asstance provided

Report on schools’ readiness

Report on the Schools’

DRRM Implementation

Supervisory Plan

Supervisory Report on
Instructional Leadership and
technical assistance provided

TA and Coaching Plan

TA Contract

Journal on Continuous

Schools report on the

utilization of relevant
technology-based innovations
Journal on Research and
Continuous Improvement

School's Readiness report

Fund Utilization Report

SBM Level of Practice

Supervisory Plan

Supervisory Report

Supervisory Plan

Supervisory Report

District Memos

Learning and Development

Plan and Report



Accomplished mentoring and

coaching form

Attendance to MANCOM,
EXECON, and seminars and

Membership to Professional
Networks/ Organizations
Individual Development Plan

Accomplished Mentoring and

Coaching Form

Reports on Curriculum
Implementation and
Instructional Delivery

Accomplished mentoring and

coaching form.
Career_Stage_3 Career_Stage_4

Reports on Curriculum
Implementation and
Instructional Delivery

Accomplished Mentoring and

Coaching Form

Supervisory Report on

Accomplished Mentoring and

Coaching Form

Reports on Curriculum
Implementation on
Contextualization and

Supervisory Report on
technical assistance provided

Coordination Report with

EPSvrs on provision of TA
Report on TA provided

List of Learning Resource

Inventory of Learning
Report on Utilization of LMs

Report on KPIs

Report on Learning Outcomes


Recommendations based on
Learning Outcomes

Activity Completion Report

Supervisory Plan

Supervisory Report on
technical assistance provided

TA Coaching Plan

TA Contract

TA and Coaching Plan

TA Contract

Supervisory Report on
technical assistance provided.
Quarterly PMEA Report

TA and Coaching Plan

TA Contract

Supervisory Report on
technical asstance provided

Report on schools’ readiness

Report on the Schools’ DRRM


Supervisory Plan

Supervisory Report on
Instructional Leadership and
technical assistance provided

TA and Coaching Plan

TA Contract

Journal on Continuous

Schools report on the

utilization of relevant
technology-based innovations
Journal on Research and
Continuous Improvement

School's Readiness report

Fund Utilization Report

SBM Level of Practice

Supervisory Plan

Supervisory Report

Supervisory Plan

Supervisory Report

District Memos

Learning and Development

Plan and Report



Accomplished mentoring and

coaching form

Attendance to MANCOM,
EXECON, and seminars and

Membership to Professional
Networks/ Organizations
Individual Development Plan

Accomplished Mentoring and

Coaching Form

Reports on Curriculum
Implementation and
Instructional Delivery

Accomplished mentoring and

coaching form.
Strand 1.1 Curriculum

Strand 1.2 Curriculum


Strand 1.3 Curriculum


Strand 1.4 Learning

resource development
Strand 1.5 Learning
resource management

Strand 1.6 Learning

outcomes assessment

Strand 2.1 Educational

development plan

Strand 2.2 Technical

assistance provision
Strand 2.3 Policy review and

Strand 2.4 Disaster

preparedness, mitigation
and resiliency support

Strand 3.1 Support for

instructional leadership

Strand 3.2 Technology-

based innovation including
Strand 3.3 Culture of

Strand 3.4 Communities of


Strand 3.5 Use of

communication platforms

Strand 4.1 Learning and


Strand 4.2 Professional

Strand 4.3 Personal and
professional development

Strand 4.4 Professional

reflection and learning to
improve practice

Strand 4.5 Support for

rewards and recognition
Republic of the Philippines
Region VII, Central Visayas
Final Performance Results Rating
Accomplishments of KRAs and Objectives 0.00
Employee-Superior Agreement
The signature below confirm that the employee and his/her superior has agreed to the contents of the performance as captured in this form.

Name of Employee Name of Superior

Signature Signature

Date Date


Action Plan
Strengths Development Needs (Recommended Developmental Timeline Resources Needed
A. Leadership Competence (PPSS)

B. Core Behavioral Competencies (DepEd)


Rater Ratee
DepEd RPMS Form- Supervisor
Republic of the Philippines
Region VII, Central Visayas


Rating Period: January 2021-December 2021

Strengths Development Needs Action Plan Timeline Resources Needed

A. Leadership Competencies (PPSS)

B. Core Behavioral Competencies (DepEd)

Employee Feedback

1. The RPMS is a tool in improving teachers' quality performances and productivity towards his commitment in teaching.
2. The competencies are designed to help improve perspective towards personal and professional growth, students' quality performances and community linkages.


Rater Ratee
DepEd RPMS Form- Supervisor
Republic of the Philippines

Region VII, Central Visayas



Rating Period: January 2021-December 2021



Rater Ratee
DepEd RPMS Form- Supervisor

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