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J. P. Longley H.-W. Shin R. E. Plumley and

Whittle Laboratory Aerodynamics Research Lab. P. D. Silkowski
Cambridge University GE Aircraft Engines Gas Turbine Laboratory
Cambridge, United Kingdom Cincinnati, Ohio Massachusetts Inst. of Tech.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

I. J. Day E. M. Greitzer and C. S. Tan D. C. Wisler

Whittle Laboratory Gas Turbine Laboratory Aerodynamics Research Lab.
Cambridge, United Kingdom Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. GE Aircraft Engines
Cambridge, Massachusetts Cincinnati, Ohio

ABSTRACT For counter-rotational distortions, all the com-

In multi-spool engines, rotating stall in an up- pressors tested showed minimal loss of stability margin.
stream compressor will impose a rotating distortion on The results imply that counter—rotation of the fan and
the downstream compressor, thereby affecting its stabil- core compressor, or LP and HP compressors, could be a
ity margin. In this paper experiments are described in worthwhile design choice.
which this effect was simulated by a rotating screen up- Calculations based on the two—dimensional
stream of several multistage low—speed compressors. theoretical model show excellent agreement for the
The measurements are complemented by, and compared compressors which had a single peak for stall margin
with, a theoretical model of multistage compressor re- degradation. We take this first—of—a—kind comparison
sponse to speed and direction of rotation of an inlet dis- as showing that the model, though simplified, captures
tortion. the essential fluid dynamic features of the phenomena.
For co—rotating distortions (i.e., distortions ro- Agreement is not good for compressors which had two
tating in the same direction as rotor rotation), experi- peaks in the curve of stall margin shift versus distortion
ments show that the compressors exhibited significant rotation speed. The discrepancy is attributed to the
loss in stability margin and that they could be divided three—dimensional and short length scale nature of the
into two groups according to their response. The first stall inception process in these machines; this includes
group exhibited a single peak in stall margin degrada- phenomena that have not yet been addressed in any
tion when the distortion speed corresponded to roughly model.
50% of rotor speed. The second group showed two
peaks in stall margin degradation corresponding to dis- 1.0 — SCOPE AND OBJECTIVES
tortion speeds of approximately 25-35% and 70-75% of Inlet distortion can modify the flow rate at
rotor speed. These new results demonstrate that multi- which rotating stall occurs in an aeroengine compressor,
stage compressors can have more than a single resonant degrading the range over which stable operation is pos-
response. Detailed measurements suggest that the two sible. This paper addresses the relationship between the
types of behavior are linked to differences between the speed and direction at which the inlet distortion pattern
stall inception processes observed for the two groups of rotates around the compressor annulus and the severity
compressors and that a direct connection thus exists be- of the degradation in stability margin. Imposition of a
tween the observed forced response and the unsteady rotating distortion can also be thought of as a type of
flow phenomena at stall onset. forced response experiment to probe the compressor dy-
Presented at the International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition
The Hague, Netherlands — June 13-16, 1994
This paper has been accepted for publication in the Transactions of the ASME
Discussion of it will be accepted at ASME Headquarters until September 30, 1994

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namic behavior. Although not originally envisaged, the Kozarev et al. [1983] investigated the forced response of
results from these forced response experiments appear a two-stage compressor with similar results.
to be relevant to the types of instability phenomena that No relevant theoretical analysis accompanied
occur in undistorted operation as well. either of these investigations, but such an analysis was
The loss of stability margin associated with a subsequently carried out by Chue et al. [1989]. They
rotating, and hence locally time dependent, inlet distor- linked this phenomena to the resonant response of the
tion is directly relevant to multi-spool aeroengines. compressor, i.e. to a correspondence between the forc-
When the upstream compressor or fan is in rotating stall, ing (distortion speed) and the natural eigenmodes of the
the downstream compressor operates with an inlet flow compression system. (Note that the response at issue is a
non-uniformity that rotates around the compressor an- non-linear one; from a linearized analysis there is no ef-
nulus. This form of non-steady compressor interaction fect of forcing on stability.) The experiments and
has been known for some time but has not been treated in theoretical analysis described in the present paper ad-
any rigorous manner for multistage machines. Investi- vance the understanding of stability degradation ob-
gating the magnitude of the effect in a representative tained by previous researchers in three ways: 1) quanti-
configuration was thus one initial objective of the exper- fying the degradation in stability, 2) demonstrating, for
imental work. the first time, that a compressor can have more than one
Another equally important objective was to natural, or characteristic, speed, and 3) suggesting the
provide a diagnostic tool for evaluating new theories link between the type of behavior observed with rotating
that describe the response of a compressor to non- distortion and the unsteady phenomena at stall onset.
steady and non-uniform flow. Although the forms of
the predicted response in these instances can be com- 2.2 - Stall in Multistage Axial Compressors
plex, the modelling techniques employ rather rudimen- To establish the connection between the results
tary models for the non-steady flow within the compres- of the screen rotation rate tests and the fluid dynamic
sor. Detailed data of the type obtained is of considerable events at stall onset, it is useful to summarize the stall
utility in evaluating the theory. An additional benefit of inception phenomena that occur in the natural situation,
the experiments, only recognized once the results had i.e., without forcing. This will be seen to be important in
been obtained, is that measurements of forced compres- the interpretation of the forced response data. Day
sor response can also be interpreted to give information [1993a] demonstrated that there are at least two routes
about the general problem of compressor stall onset in by which rotating stall can develop, referred to here as
uniform as well as non-uniform flows. "modal-wave" and "spike" types. The first, modal-
wave stall inception, is characterized by a small ampli-
2.0 - BACKGROUND TO THE PROBLEM tude propagating disturbance (typically detected at
1-2% of mean flow velocity) that affects the entire flow-
2.1- Compressor Response to Rotating Inlet Dis- field, with a characteristic circumferential wavelength
tortion which is comparable to the circumference of the com-
There is little detailed data concerning the deg- pressor. Observations are that at inception, these mod-
radation in stability margin when compressors are sub- al-waves propagate at approximately 20-45% of rotor
jected to a rotating inlet distortion. The industry stan- speed, increasing to 40-60% rotor speed as they grow to
dard document on distortion(SAE AIR 1419) contains fully developed rotating stall. The behavior of these
no discussion of the effects of co-rotating versus count- types of flowfield disturbances has been well modeled
er-rotating distortion on gas-turbine engines. Experi- using a two-dimensional stability analysis [Longley,
ments carried out by Ludwig et al. [1973] for an isolated 1993], which is based on the length scale of the distur-
rotor show clearly that the rotation speed of the distor- bance being much larger than a blade pitch.
tion has a major influence on the stability margin of the The other type of stall inception, spikes, is a
compressor. Distortions that rotate in the same direction much more localized flow disturbance. The spikes ini-
as the compressor (co-rotating distortions) have a larger tially occupy only a few blade passages and are concen-
effect than counter rotating distortions, with the greatest trated at the tips of the rotor blades. Observations so far
loss of stability occurring at distortion speeds close to are that these disturbances have only been found on the
the speed at which a rotating stall cell would propagate. first rotor in multi-stage compressors [Day, 1993c].

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Typically they propagate at a higher speed of 70-80% rameters that are well in line with experimental results
rotor speed and can travel only once or twice around the such as the loss of compressor stability margin with dis-
compressor annulus before growing into rotating stall. tortion parameters [Hynes & Greitzer, 1987]. Further,
Little is known quantitatively about the evolution of the predictions of spatial growth and decay of circum-
spike type disturbances other than that as they grow their ferentially propagating disturbances when a distortion
propagation speed decreases to that of fully developed was present have also been verified experimentally
rotating stall. It is evident from the data that spikes are a [Longley, 1990]. In summary there are a variety of situ-
three-dimensional, short-length scale, flow feature. As ations in which the model has been a useful conceptual
yet, however, the basic fluid dynamics associated with tool, and the extent of its applicability in the present
their appearance, propagation, and growth is not under- instance is of interest.
stood and they have not been satisfactorily modeled.
Some compressors have been found to exhibit
both types of unsteady disturbances. Even in these cir- -

cumstances, in any particular configuration, one can The approach adopted was to rotate a distortion
still point to one or the other (modes or spikes) as being screen upstream of several low-speed multistage com-
the dominant phenomenon in the process of transition to pressors. The experimental facility used allowed the
rotating stall. distortion screen to be rotated in either direction (co- or
counter-rotational) at various fractions of rotor speed.
Both time mean and time resolved measurements were
23- Theoretical Model recorded for four different compressors with the data
In this research there are strong links between analysed in terms of the insight they gave into the forced
the experimental work and the theoretical modelling. and unforced compressor response. Comparisons were
The model was used to guide both the planning and the also made with calculations using the theoretical model.
interpretation of the experimental work, whilst the mea- Anticipating the results to be presented, we
surements were used to assess the conditions under note that the compressors tested exhibited two qualita-
which the model is reliable. It is thus useful to describe tively different types of behavior as far as stability mar-
briefly the model, and, more importantly, the prediction gin degradation with screen speed. Two showed a
of the flowfield that arises from it. single resonant response peak as a function of distortion
The model is an extension of that developed by propagation speed while the others exhibited a double
Hynes & Greitzer [1987]. It addresses the behavior of peaked response. As a framework for organizing the ex-
two-dimensional flowfield disturbances that have a cir- perimental and theoretical information, we first present
cumferential length-scale which is an appreciable frac- the results for the two compressors that showed a single
tion of the compressor circumference (and hence much peak. These compressors, which will be referred to as
longer than a blade pitch). The analysis is therefore "dromedary", appear to respond in a two-dimensional
strictly applicable only to cases where the flow through long length-scale manner (i.e., long compared to a
the compressor may be considered as radially uniform. blade pitch), in accord with the assumptions on which
While such purely two-dimensional flow dis- the analysis is based. The results for the compressors
turbance are not observed in practice, there are many sit- that showed two peaks will then be presented. These
uations in which the disturbances are predominantly compressors, which will be referred to as "bactrian", do
two-dimensional, and the usefulness of the theory has not appear to respond in a two-dimensional manner.
been born out in a number of cases. These include anal- Comments on the behavior of the two bactrian compres-
ysis of the non-linear evolution of small amplitude dis- sors will then be given, along with discussion of the
turbances into rotating stall [Gamier, 19911, predictions broader implications of this work.
of the existence of modal waves, MacDougall et al.
[ 1990], calculations of the effects of active control in ax-
ial compressors [Paduano et al., 1993; Haynes et al., 4.0 - EXPERIMENTAL FACILITY AND INSTRU-
1993] and design and demonstration of the suppression MENTATION
of rotating stall using aeromechanical feedback [Gys- The experimental measurements were made in
ling, 1993]. For compressors operating with inlet distor- the four-stage research compressor at the General Elec-
tion, the model shows overall trends with distortion pa- tric Aerodynamics Research Laboratory. A schematic

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of the facility is shown in Fig. 1 and a detailed descrip- 2.50
tion is given by Wisler [1985]. The facility is a large
scale (1.52 m tip diameter) low—speed research com-
pressor well suited for obtaining detailed measurements r 2 .00
a g
of steady and unsteady compressor flowfield phenome- o
na. The rotor tip speed in the experiments to be de- 1.50
scribed was 40 m/s (at 500 rpm) so the flow can be con- mN
sidered incompressible. All the compressors tested had
inlet guide vanes and four stages of blading. The hub/tip N
radius ratio of the present configurations was 0.85 . m


Inlet 4), Flow Coefficient (Cz/Uw)

\11 Figure 2. Overall pressure rise for the four stage compressors tested.

^-- Distortion design rotor speed in either direction. The advantage of
a screen generated distortion, rather than one generated
by another compressor in rotating stall, is that it allows
independent control of the severity of the distortion, the
rotation direction and the speed.
The screen was located 1.5 radii upstream of
Compressor the IGVs, as shown in Fig. 1. This is far enough up-
stream so that there is negligible potential field interac-
tion between the distortion generator and the compres-
sor. The screen produced a roughly square—wave total
pressure distortion of 120° circumferential extent, with
amplitude corresponding to 1.2 dynamic heads based on
the mean inlet velocity. This total pressure non—unifor-
mity was chosen to be representative of realistic inlet
Figure 1. Low Speed Research Compressor showing distortion conditions (DC(60°)' -0.8) and to give a large
location of rotating distortion screen relative to blading.
change in the compressor stability margin for the case
Four different blade geometries were used, de- where the screen was stationary (based on calculations
noted as compressors A to D. They are low Mach num- using the model).
ber equivalents of current state—of—the—art aeroengine
compressor designs. The total—to—static pressure rise
4.2 — Instrumentation
characteristics measured for the four compressors when
operating with undistorted inlet conditions are shown in Time mean and fast response instrumentation
Fig. 2. Compressor C has a stage loading representative were used during the series of tests which spanned a four
of current commercial as well as military high—pressure year period. In all cases the overall pressure rise and
cores, while compressors A, B, and D, are targeted at mass flow were measured using the same time—mean
very aggressive stage loadings. instrumentation. The fast response instrumentation was
changed between experiments according to which flow
aspects were of concern. For the initial experiments
4.1 — Inlet Distortion Characteristics (which were in fact carried out on compressor D) the fast
For the distortion experiments the facility was response measuring probes (a circumferential array of 8
equipped with a drive mechanism that can rotate a wire equally spaced single element hot—film velocity sensors
mesh screen at speeds between zero and 100% of the at mid—span) were placed 0.7 radii upstream of the IGVs

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where they could detect the presence of modal-waves dary compressors A and B are presented in Figs. 3 and 4.
[McDougall et al., 1990]. The calculations from the theory are shown in the fig-
For compressor C the fast response instrumen- ures as the solid lines. The stall flow coefficients with
tation included up to 20 velocity and 10 casing static no distortion and the design flow coefficients are also in-
pressure transducers which were concentrated around dicated in the figure. Negative screen speeds corre-
the first rotor. Here we will only discuss the casing static spond to distortion rotating in the direction opposite to
pressure measurements at 0.2 chords upstream of the the rotor rotation (counter-rotation). For both compres-
first rotor. In light of the discovery and definition of the sors some tests were carried out at reduced compressor
spike type route to rotating stall, which took place be- speeds to allow higher screen-to-compressor speed
tween the initial tests and those for compressors A and
Legend for Figs. 3 & 4
B, the later configuration included sixteen equally 0 Design PM Flow Coefficient
spaced velocity sensors placed 0.2 chords upstream of • Stationary Distortion Step Point
• UNfam Flow Std Point
the first rotor at 30% immersion. These velocity sensors ❑ E^erteenLI Data. 500 rpm
were used both as an array of eight equally spaced trans- o Expedniental Date. 350 rpm

- Catoiadon
ducers and as an array of sixteen. The sensors were
placed close to the first rotor in order to be able to detect
both long and short length-scale flowfield disturbances
uniform Inlet

Mi xr^,
Row Range Flow Range with
[Day, 1993a]. a Rotating Distortion
4.3 - Data Analysis for Long Length scale Dis- 0.52 Flow Range
turbances (Modal Waves) at

The presence of small amplitude long circum- 0 0.48

ferential-length-scale flowfield disturbances (modal- at
waves) was investigated by conducting a spatial-tem- 2 0.44
poral Fourier analysis of the data. This process makes 0
0 0
0 0
use of a two-dimensional Fourier decomposition. The 0.40 0 o 0 0

coefficient of the einewc component of the velocity

flowfield is calculated from the spatial and temporal 0.36 ' - _ i
data. Using sixteen sensors equally spaced around the
-1.00 -0.50 0.00 0.50 1.00
Screen Rotation Rate (Fraction of Rotor Speed)
circumference, one can analyze up to the seventh cir-
cumferential harmonic. The temporal resolution de- Figure 3. Flow coefficient at stall versus distortion rotation rate for
compressor A; uniform flow stall point and design point are also shown.
pends upon the sampling rate. The spatial-temporal de-
composition was done in two steps. First, at each instant 0.70
in time, the sixteen signals can be spatially Fourier ana-
Minimum Row Ra nge
lyzed to yield the phase and amplitude for each of the v5 0.66 wIa,
2 Rotating Distortion
resolved circumferential harmonics. This information,
represented as a complex number, is a function of time, 0.62

and can therefore be Fourier analyzed to yield the tem- Oat
poral spectra of any of the required spatial modes, usual-
ly the first.
c ry Distortion ® °
0.54 Range ® o
t_r^m 0
(DROMEDARY TYPE) Counter Rotation Co-rotation
5.1- Forced Response to a Rotating Distortion -1.00 -0.50 0.00 0.50 1.00
The measured mean flow coefficients at stall Screen Rotation Rate (Fraction of Rotor Speed)
inception as a function of screen rotational speed, non- Figure 4. Flow coefficient at stall versus distortion rotation rate
for compressor B; uniform flow stall point and design point are
dimensionalized by rotor rotation speed, for the drome- also shown.

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ratios; the agreement in the portions of the data that about which these peaks are centered and the per cent
overlap indicates minimal Reynolds number effects. loss in stability margin are listed in Table 1. In the case
Several observations can be made concerning of compressor B, the reduction in stability is a much as
these data The most evident is that the speed at which 90% of the margin which would exist for a steady distor-
the inlet distortion rotates has a major effect on the sta- tion.
bility point, with co-rotation of the screen having a Counter-rotating distortions have much less
much larger impact than counter-rotation. The change deleterious effect, as seen in Table 1 and Figs. 3 and 4.
in the stall flow coefficient with co-rotation is a substan- There are no peaks in the response curve, as there were
tial fraction of the difference between the stall flow co- for co-rotation. The flow range for some cases is larger
efficient at zero distortion screen speed and the design then with uniform flow.
flow; this gives an indication of how much the stability Finally, for both of these compressors the cal-
margin is degraded by co-rotating distortion. Further, culations of stability degradation are in good agreement
the degradation of compressor stability margin is largest with the measurements, implying that the stability mar-
near a certain screen co-rotation speed, 45% for com- gin degradation is governed by two-dimensional long
pressor A and 55 % for compressor B. The screen speeds circumferential-length-scale phenomena.

Table 1: Overall mean flow and unsteady flow results for the four compressors

Compressor A B C D
Mean Flow
Flow range: uniform inlet 0.174 0.093 0.068 0.163
4>design 4sta11 uniform flow

Flow range: stationary distortion 0.162 0.105 0.068 0.117

4design 4 stall stationary distortion
- )
(93%) (113%) (100%) (72%)
Minimum flow range: co—rotating distortion 0.093 0.010 0.046 0.060
design 4 sta11 rotating distortion
- ) (53%) (11%) (68%) (35%)
Flow range: counter-rotating distortion -50% 0.194 0.103 0.083 0.140
4design 4sta1l —50% rotating distortion
(111%) (111%) (122%) (86%)

Unsteady Flow
Screen speed of first peak 45% 55% 20% 30%
Screen speed of second peak - - 72% 70%
Spike propagation speed - - 70% -

Stall cell speed 46% 46% 45% 44%

Modal-wave speed (measured) 33% 53% 10% 18%
Modal-wave speed (calculated) 35% 33% 33% 27%
The presence of a first harmonic modal-wave
5.2 - Natural Stall Inception prior to stall was confirmed by a spatial-temporal Fouri-
Compressor A had hot wires located 0.2 chords er analysis. The spectra of the first spatial harmonic of
upstream of the first rotor. Time resolved measurements the velocity flowfield recorded by sixteen sensors are
of the velocity at each of the eight equally spaced sen- shown in Fig. 6. The data were taken 20 rotor revolu-
sors at 30% immersion are shown in Fig. 5. No short tions prior to stall for a slow throttle closure. (The height
length-scale disturbances (spikes) could be detected at of the peaks in the spectra is dependent on the throttle
this location close to the rotor. From the data we con- range over which the data were acquired, so that the or-
clude that the route to rotating stall was via the growth of dinate should be used as a relative measurement only.)
a long length scale small amplitude disturbance (mod- The smaller of the two peaks in the spectrum cone-
al-wave). sponds to a once-per-revolution disturbance associated
with a slight rotor asymmetry. The taller peak indicates

Downloaded From: on 05/30/2017 Terms of Use:

a modal-wave traveling at 33% of rotor speed; the mea- ral analysis, drawn on the figure show that the modal
sured amplitude was 1.4% of the mean axial velocity. disturbance initially travels at 53% of rotor speed and
The fully developed stall cell propagated at 46% of rotor slows as it grows into rotating stall. Spatial-temporal
speed. analysis of the output from sixteen sensors measured at
fixed throttle close to the stall point identifies a first spa-
1 469/6 tial harmonic modal-wave traveling at 53% of rotor
0.5 a'°°° re speed, as shown in Fig. 8. The average amplitude of the
0.5 Probe 07
wave at this throttle position was 0.4% of mean flow ve-
0.5 Pmb' le
46% 46%
0. 53% 53% 50% 46%
m 0.5 j Probe#5
0. 0.05 P,-b.a7
o. o ^!I
0 0.5
Pib .#1 .
V ^• Probe 15
0 0 5 compressor A
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 0. Prow14

Rotor Revolutions 0.5
0. PIcb,43
Figure 5. Inlet hot wire measurement of axial velocity in front of
compressor A during slow throttle dosing to stall showing modal U 0.5
type stall inception process. Uniform flow, eight wires equally
spaced around the circumference, 30% immersion, 02 chords
o 0. Pmbe#
! J I t
& 0.5
upstream of the first rotor.
0., Pb.11
! I r
o 15 0
Comps or B
2 4
6 8
12 14 16 18
Rotor Revolutions
33% Modal Wave Figure 7. Inlet hot wire measurement of axial velocity in front of
compressor B during slow throttle dosing to stall showing modal
type stall inception process. Uniform flow, eight wires equally
m 10 spaced around the circumference, 30% immersion, 02 chords

o2 Slight Rotor
upstream of the first rotor.

It t 15

0 1 v - -
m 10
-2.00 -1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00
Nondimensional Frequency (f/f PoloR)
Figure 6. Temporal spectrum of first spatial harmonic of hot
wire measurements for compressor A. Slow throttle dosing,
20 revolutions prior to stall. Uniform flow. Instrumentation as IS 5
In Figure 5.

Data for compressor B was similarly analyzed

0to determine
the stall inception process. Fig. 7 shows -1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00
' -

the velocities recorded ahead of the first rotor. A mod- Nondimensional Frequency (f/fnoma)
al-wave type stall inception is seen with the fully devel- Figure 8. Temporal spectrum of first spatial harmonic of hot
oped stall cell propagating at 46% of rotor speed. The wire measurements for compressor B. Fixed throttle near to
lines of constant phase, calculated using spatial-tempo- stall. Uniform flow. Instrumentation as In Figure 7.

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The measurements of stall inception in these

two compressors indicate that the natural (unforced) be-
havior is a two—dimensional, long length—scale, modal—
compressor B
wave. The measured wave and stall cell speeds are sum- a 020
marized in Table 1. For compressor A the peak stall
margin degradation occurs when the distortion is rotated
at the stall cell speed whilst for compressor B it occurs at
the modal—wave speed. o

^5 q,40 4b%
53 — Velocity Distribution at the Compressor Compressor B

The velocity variation due to the distortion is N 020

also of interest as another means of assessing the capa- 0
bilities of the theory. This flowfield, which is steady in a Z 0.80

screen fixed coordinate system, provides the back- 0.60

ground conditions for the growth or decay of traveling :ti —Measured
(Average of
small perturbations which propagate at the mode speed. 040
B Wires)

For compressor B the flowfield non—uniformity was

measured at the compressor face since this could be 0 90 Leo 270 360
compared with that calculated by the model. For the Circumferential Position
compressor operating at fixed throttle setting close to Figure 9. Comparison of computed and measured a,dal
the stability boundary, each velocity sensor measures velocity profiles at IGV inlet for three distortion rotation
speeds. Measurements are averages of eight hot wires
the entire circumferential flowfield variation as the around the circumference.
screen rotates. The resulting velocity distribution as a
function of time, or rather screen position, can be en- 6.0 — EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS: COMPRES-
semble averaged for each sensor to give eight indepen- SORS WITH TWO RESONANT PEAKS (BAC-
dent measurements. The stagnation pressure distribu- TRIAN TYPE)
tion far upstream, which had been measured for the In the previous section we discussed two com-
stationary screen in earlier experiments, was used as in- pressors which responded in a two—dimensional man-
put. In carrying out the computations it was assumed ner. The main features of this response were well cap-
that the screen produced a similar distortion profile at all tured using a theoretical model based on a
rotation speeds. two—dimensional, long length—scale approach. In this
The measured and calculated circumferential section we present results for two other four—stage com-
distribution of axial velocity at three different screen pressors which responded quite differently to the rotat-
speeds are compared in Fig. 9. The measurements rep- ing distortion. Specifically, these compressors exhib-
resent the average of eight hot wires. The comparisons ited two peaks in the curves of stalling flow versus
show that the model captures the asymmetry and the dif- screen rotation rate; the shape of the curves is not cap-
ference in flow between the plateau and trough of the ve- tured by calculations using the model.
locity distribution. Note that the largest velocity non—
uniformity measured between plateau and trough occurs 6.1— Forced Response to a Rotating Distortion
at 35% screen speed. For this compressor, the greatest Measured and calculated mean flow coeffi-
stability margin degradation occurred at 55% screen cients at stall inception are shown as a function of screen
speed. The measured velocity distribution at 55% rotation rate for bactrian compressors C and D, in Figs.
screen speed, however, shows an appreciably smaller 10 and 11 respectively. Both of these two compressors
flow coefficient non—uniformity than that at 35% speed. show two peaks in stability margin degradation as a
The implication is that loss of stability margin is not just function of distortion rotation rate. The first peak is at
a function of the degree of velocity non—uniformity but 20% for compressor B and 30% for compressor C. The
is also crucially dependent on the propagation speed of second peak, which is much narrower, occurs at 72%
the distortion. and 70% respectively. The stability computations, on
the other hand, yield curves with a single peak, and the

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0.60 r Legend for Figs. 10 8,11 ception occurs in this case. The line marked on the
' 0 Design Point Flow Coefficient
• Stationary Distortion Shl Point
figure indicates that the propagation speed of the spike
• Uniform Flow suo Point is 70% of rotor speed. Within several revolutions
❑ EVe^rnent i Dam, 350 nxn
— ca^wmnw, around the compressor annulus the local spike evolves
Minimum Flow Range
with into a fully developed, full-span rotating stall that trav-
Rotatlng Olatonlon els at 45% of rotor speed. Spatial-temporal analysis of
these eight casing pressure signals shows a broad band
Uniform Inlet I
Distortion response for the first spatial mode at 10% of the rotor
Flow Range SAO g
F speed with amplitude AP/QUa p2=0.6x10-3 . This com-
00000 0\

0.44 00 pressor, therefor, exhibits only a weak modal-wave be-

0 0 0 0 0 havior (in many signals this response could not be de-
For compressor D limited information is avail-
Counter Rotation -r--. Co-rotation
able concerning the stall inception process because the
-1.00 -0.50 0.00 0.50 1.00 time resolved measurements were recorded 0.7 radii up-
Screen Rotation Rate (Fraction of Rotor Speed) stream of the IGVs [Plumley, 1990]. In the absence of
Figure 10. Flow coefficient at stall versus distortion rotation rate for instrumentation placed closer to the compressor face,
compressor C; uniform flow stall point and design point are also shown. the presence of spikes cannot be decided. The data of
compressor D is useful, however, in showing that the
two-peaked behavior in the curve of stall flow coeffi-
cient versus distortion speed is not simply tied to loading
`DT Minimum Flow Range
0.461 1 1 or stage work coefficient. Compressor D was from the
N unKam inlet - same family of designs, and had comparable constant
Flow Range
speed line shapes as compressors A and B.
Distortlon XMe& o o ® 8 Snika RnMd — 7(O/ 45% — Stall Cell


10.301 .

• 0
Counte r Rotation Co-rotation U
026 ' fiS
-1.00 -0.50 0.00 0.50 1.00 m
Screen Rotation Rate (Fraction of Rotor Speed)
Figure 11. Flow coefficient at stall versus distortion rotation We for
compressor D; uniform flow stall point and design point are also shown. m
maximum loss of stability is calculated to occur in the
range of 40-60% of rotor speed. Rotor Revolutions
Figure 12. Wall static pressure measurements during slow
throttle dosing to stall showing spike type of stall inception
6.2 - Natural Stall Inception process. Uniform flow, eight equally spaced pressure
As a clue to the forced response behavior, we transducers, 0.2 chords upstream of the first rotor.
now describe the natural (unforced) stall inception pro-
cess for compressor C. This has been determined by Sil- 63- Summary of the Different Measured and Cal-
kowski [1992] as part of a detailed investigation of un- culated Propagation Speeds
steady flow behavior in multistage compressors. As a Table 1 shows a comparison of the mean flow
representative data set, static pressure measurements re- coefficients at design and at stall points and the different
corded at the casing just ahead of the first rotor are re- disturbance propagation and screen speeds. For the two
produced in Fig. 12. The spike-type process of stall in- compressors just described the first peak does not coin-

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cide with either the measured stall cell speed or the mod- in speed allows the two phenomena to behave indepen-
al-wave speed. The speed at which the second peak ap- dently.
pears for both compressors matches the measured spike From another point of view, since the spike is a
propagation speed for compressor C. This aspect will be short length-scale event, a spike may be expected to be-
discussed further in the next section. have and propagate according to the local flow environ-
ment only. Consider a compressor that exhibits a spike-
type stall inception in undistorted flow. When operating
6.4 - A Suggestion Concerning the Connection Be- with distorted inflow, spikes are likely to be created
tween Forced Response and the Natural Stall Onset whenever a sufficiently large portion (a few blade pas-
Behaviors sages) of the flowfield has reached a flow level that is
The interpretation of the results for the two below the uniform-flow stall point. Once created, the
single humped (dromedary) compressors seems clear. spike propagates round the annulus. If it enters a high-
The disturbances that characterize the unsteady re- flow region, it is likely to be suppressed. For an inlet dis-
sponse are predominantly two-dimensional, long cir- tortion traveling at the spike propagation speed, the
cumferential length scale. For the compressors that ex- spikes do not leave the local low flow region until they
hibit the two-humped behavior, however, the have grow enough so that their speed has changed. This
dynamical response is less well understood. In this and condition would seem likely to promote the growth of
the next sections an attempt is made to provide an inter- the spike into rotating stall. The consequence of such a
pretation of this behavior that may be useful as a basis sequence of events would be, as seen in the experiments,
for further work. a degradation of stall margin centered about a rotation
It is suggested that the two peaks on the degra- speed corresponding to the spike propagation rate. This
dation of compressor stability margin with screen speed is no more than a hypothesis at present, but it is one that
are related to the two types of stall inception processes. seems useful to pursue.
The first peak on these curves is associated with the long
circumferential length scale, primarily two-dimension-
al, response of the flowfield. The second peak is 6.6 Calculating Bactrian Compressor Stability

associated with short length scale, probably three-di- Margin Degradation

mensional, flowfield response and occurs at a distortion The theoretical model is for long length-scale
speed corresponding to the spike propagation speed. two-dimensional flowfield disturbances. Therefore, it
These results suggest that compressors are susceptible is unable to capture the spike phenomena. However, the
to both types of stall inception; in some cases one type model does not accurately capture the first hump for the
may be dominant, in other cases the other, but there also bactrian compressors which is hypothesized to be a pri-
may be cases in which both types have the capability to marily two-dimensional response. A possible explana-
cause stall. tion is that three-dimensional flow within bactrian com-
pressors affects the speed of the long length-scale
resonance which appears to be between the modal-
6.5 Interpretation of the Second Peak
wave speed and the fully developed stall cell speed.
For both of the bactrian compressors (C and D),
the second peak occurs at a screen speed (72% & 70%)
that is similar to the spike propagation rate. For the 7.0 - ADDITIONAL COMMENTS ON COM-
dromedary compressors (A and B) there is no measur- PRESSOR RESPONSE TO ROTATING INLET
able second peak and spikes could not be detected prior DISTORTION
to stall. It is therefore likely that the occurrence of the Aside from the insight that the above results
second peak is associated with the inlet distortion excit- give into the fluid dynamic response of compressor
ing the creation of a (three-dimensional) spike that then flowfields, there are practical implications of direct in-
develops into rotating stall. The second peak is relative- terest to the aeroengine designer. For example in a fan
ly narrow and this is consistent with an interaction be- and core compressor combination the speed of the fan
tween two distinct types of flowfield phenomena (ie stall cell is, generally speaking, about one half of fan
spike and modal-wave). Interaction can only occur speed and the fan speed itself is about one half of core
over a very narrow range of speeds since any mismatch compressor speed. Consequently for a co-rotational fan


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and core compressor, the speed of the rotating distur- theory does not describe the phenomena
bance generated by a fan stall cell would be approxi- associated with this situation.
mately 25% of the core compressor speed. Reference to (4) In the first of these circumstances (i.e. for
Figs. 3, 4, 10 and 11 for the four compressors tested in the conditions corresponding to (2)), the dis-
this paper shows that most would suffer a severe stabil- turbances appear to have wavelengths that
ity margin degradation with rotating distortion. Howev- are long compared to the blade pitch and to
er, for counter-rotation of the fan and core compressor, be essentially two-dimensional in nature. In
all would actually show beneficial results. the second (conditions corresponding to (3)),
Finally we note that the four compressors can the disturbances are much more local, with a
be ranked according to the stability boundary range, length scale that is on the order of one to sev-
measured in terms of flow coefficient, between the most eral blade pitches, and are strongly three-di-
and least favorable screen speeds, see Table 1. Com- mensional.
pressor C (bactrian) has the smallest range whilst com- (5) All the compressors tested would benefit
pressors A and B (both dromedary) have the largest. from counter-rotation of fan and core com-
This ranking correlates with the stacking of the pressure pressor as a means of decoupling the non-
rise characteristics given in Fig. 2 and shows the effect steady flowfield interaction between succes-
of stage pressure rise in determining the unsteady com- sive compressors.
pressor response. It is a topic of current research interest (6) While many of the two-dimensional aspects
into what aspect of compressor design determines the of stall onset appear to be yielding to theoret-
spike or modal response. ical investigation, there is no corresponding
description of the three-dimensional aspects.
8.0 - CONCLUSIONS These have been shown to be the observed
(1) The change in compressor stability margin route to instability in a number of compres-
when a rotating inlet distortion is present de- sors and seem a fruitful area to address.
pends strongly on the speed at which the
flow non-uniformity travels around the annu- 9.0 - ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
lus. If the distortion speed matches a charac- This work has been supported by the Air Force
teristic speed of the compressor flowfield, a Office of Scientific Research, under grants
resonant response can result, with the conse- F4960--93-1-0015 and AFOSR-90-0035, Major D.B.
quence of a severe degradation in stability Fant, Program Manager. This support is gratefully ac-
margin. knowledged. Support for P. Silkowski and R. Plumley
(2) For multistage compressors that exhibit mod- was provided under the Air Force Research in Aero Pro-
al type stall behavior, the response to inlet pulsion Technology (AFRAPT) Program; this assis-
distortion appears to be well described by the tance is also appreciated. The authors would like to
present theoretical model. The disturbance thank General Electric Aircraft Engines Division, espe-
structure is in accord with the assumptions of cially Dr. L.H. Smith and Mr. C.C. Koch, for support
the theory, which yields good predictions of and for permission to publish the results. Finally we are
the changes in compressor stability margin pleased to acknowledge the contributions of Prof. N.A.
with distortion rotation speed. Machines of Cumpsty throughout this work.
this class have a single peak in the curve of
loss in stability margin versus distortion rota- 10.0 REFERENCES

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