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Dosen Pengampu Mata Kuliah : Dr.Alemina P, M.Hum.

Kls: A/B/C
Semester: VIII
For question number 1-5, circle the correct answer according to the following dialogue.

Dr. So, Robert, let’s run through the case. Can you summarize it for me?
Robert: OK. We have a thirteen-year-old male (1) __________ of excessive thirst with polyuria, especially
after meals. He also (2) __________ that he feels lethargic. There might be a family (3)
_________ of diabetes mellitus. The patient has a Body Mass Index of 17.5, which indicates that
he is underweight. On examination, pulse, temperature, blood pressure, and respiration rate were
normal. There was an enlargement of the thyroid gland. I would make an initial (4) __________ of
Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus.
Dr. Very good. I would agree with you. So what lab tests would you run?
Robert: I think we need a urine glucose test and a fasting blood glucose test. In addition, I think we ought
to do a (5) __________function test, and a urine ketone test. We could also do an oral glucose
tolerance test.
1. A. reports D. diagnosis
B. complaining E. history
C. thyroid
D. blood 4. A. diagnosis
E. enlargement B. complaining
C. reports
2. A. complaining D. history
B. reports E. blood
C. history
D. thyroid 5. A. blood
E. diagnosis B. enlargement
C. thyroid
3. A. blood D. diagnosis
B. thyroid E. report
C. enlargement

For question number 6-10, circle the correct answer to complete the following dialogue.
Dr. White: Hi, Robert. Have you seen Mark Thurston’s lab test 6) __________ What do you think?
Robert: It looks like we were correct with our preliminary diagnosis of diabetes.
Dr. White That’s right. But what do you think about the thyroid result?
Robert: Well, it’s just within the 7) __________ but I think we ought to do more a comprehensive thyroid
Dr. White: Well, the first step is to draw up a 8) __________ treatment plan.
Robert: That sounds good to me. Now, where do we begin with the 9) __________ of the diabetes?
Dr. White: Well, I think the first 10) __________ is to get the diabetes under control and then we can
monitor the thyroid.
6. A. limit E. treatment
B. comprehensive
C. result
D. priority
7. A. limit E. diagnosis
B. result
C. treatment
D. comprehensive
8. A. diagnosis C. come
B. treatment D. discuss
C. priority E. depress
D. result
E. comprehensive 16.OK, well you can talk this over with the doctor.
A. tolerate
9. A. comprehensive B. depress
B. limit C. discuss
C. result D. discover
D. treatment E. come
E. priority

10.A. limit
B. result
C. comprehensive
D. priority
E. treatment

For question number 11-13, circle the correct

medical terms for the lay terms provided.
11. Broken bones
A. reposition
B. cervical brace
C. place someone under observation
D. unconscious
E. fractures

12. Knock out

A. dislocated mandible
B. unconscious
C. fractures
D. reposition
E. cervical brace

13. Put back in place

A. fractures
B. dislocated mandible
C. place someone under observation
D. cervical brace
E. reposition

For question number 14-16, circle the correct

answer to replace the phrasal verbs in italics with
expressions below.
14. Oh, my back’s really getting me down.
A. coming
B. depressing
C. persevering
D. tolerating
E. discovering

15. I hope so. I don’t think I can put up with it any

A. tolerate
B. preserve
For question number 17-20, read the conversation and circle the verbs in the correct tense.
Nurse: It’s Mr. Slenkovich, Wayne’s father, isn’t it?
Mr. Slankovich: That’s right. What happened to Wayne? Is he all right?
Nurse: He’ll be fine, Mr. Slenkovich. But first things first. It seems that Wayne had finished work at
8 o’clock in the evening and he had just left the store when two men (1) ________(attack)
Mr. Slankovich: Had he already gone to the bank with the money from the store?
Nurse: I am not really sure. Anyway, some people (2) ______(see) the assault and called an
ambulance. The paramedics checked Wayne over, put on a neck brace, and brought him in.
Mr. Slankovich: Did they get the guys who attacked him?
Nurse: I don’t know, but the police have already spoken to Wayne. Dr. Tan examined him when he
arrived and sent him to have a scan. He had a dislocated jaw, which we put back in place, but
there don’t seem to be any broken bones. Anyway, we (3) _______(decide) to keep him in for
the night.
Mr. Slankovich: Why? If he’s OK, why can’t he come home?
Nurse: Well, he had knocked out for about ten minutes after the attack and the doctor thinks it best to
keep an eye on him.
Mr. Slankovich: Can I see him?
Nurse: Just for a minute. He (4) ________ (need) to rest.

17. A. has attacked

B. attacked
C. had attacked
D. will attack
E. attacks

18. A. has seen

B. had seen
C. are seeing
D. saw
E. see

19. A. decide
B. decided
C. will decide
D. has decided
E. have decided

20. A. has needed

B. had needed

C. will need

D. needs

E. needed

For question number 21-25, circle the correct question tags to complete the telephone conversation.

Dave: Hi, Chuck. It’s Dave. We are having a problem with the XL45 again. The films are coming
out clear.
Chuck: Oh no, and I’m really busy at this moment. Can we just run over a few things on the phone?
Dave: Sure thing. Shoot.
Chuck: First, it’s plugged in, (1.) ___________?
Dave: Give me a break. Of course, it is.
Chuck: You didn’t leave the collimator shutters closed, (2.) ___________?
Dave: No, I don’t think so.
Chuck: You haven’t been playing with the gain control, (3.) ___________?
Dave: Never touched it.
Chuck: What about the footswitch? You are keeping your foot on it all the time, (4.) ___________?
Dave: Sure.
Chuck: OK, well it looks like I’ll have to come over. You’ll still be there in this afternoon, (5.)
Dave: I finish at 10:00 today. So, if you come as soon as possible, I would appreciate it.
Chuck: I’ll do my best. See you later.
21. A. is it B. won’t you

B. isn’t it C. are you

C. was it D. aren’t you

D. wasn’t it E. don’t you

E. didn’t it

25. A. don’t you

22. A. are you B. aren’t you

B. weren’t you C. are you

C. did you D. won’t you

D. didn’t you E. will you

E. were you

23. A. haven’t you

B. did you

C. were you

D. had you

E. have you

24. A. will you

For question number 26-30, circle the correct passive forms.

The patient (1) ________ (see) by Dr. Helingbaum and a mucocele (2) ________(find) on the
lower tip. The cyst (3) ________ (excise) under local anesthetic and the patient (4)
________(instruct) to return the following week when the sutures (5) _________ (remove).

26. A. was seeing

B. was seen

C. was being seeing

D. seen

E. had seen

27. A. finding

B. was finding

C. was found

D. found

E. be found

28. A. had excised

B. was excising

C. were excised

D. excising

E. was excised

29. A. was instructed

B. instructed
C. had instructed

D. being instructed

E. was instructing

30. A. are being removed

B. were removed

C. was removed

D. removed

E. had removed

31. He.........some merchandise when he was in Bali last week.

a. Bought

b. Buy

c. Buys

d. Buying

e. To buy

32. Mary.........her holiday in Lombok last semester.

a. Spend

b. Spending

c. Spent

d. To spend

e. Spends

33. She.........her hair short yesterday.

a. Cut d. To cut

b. Cutted e. Cuts

c. Cutting
34. The Student........their study with their new computer.

a. Enjoys

b. Enjoy

c. Enjoyed

d. To enjoy

e. Enjoying

35. The camera steven.

a. Take d.Taking

b. Takes e. To take

c. Taken

36. The photos the album by her.

a. Keeps

b. Keeping

c. Kept

d. Kept

e. To keep

37. She threw the book.... the drawer.

a. Up

b. Below

c. Upwards

d. Outwards

e. Into

38. She is

a. In d. On

b. At e. Of
c. From

39. We never go.....for dinner.

a. In d. For

b. Of e. Out

c. At

40. She likes fruit instead.....vegetables.

a. At

b. Of

c. In

d. For

e. At

41. She looks.... her sleeping baby.

a. After d. Of

b. For e. In

c. On

42. They have.....for camping since Thursday.

a. Going d. Went

b. Go e. Gone

c. Goes

43. We have been... in Bali for three years.

a. Stay

b. Stays

c. Stayed

d. Staying
e. To stay

44. He has....since 2008.

a. Move

b. Moving

c. Moved

d. To move

e. Moves

45. The secretary...type very fast.

a. Do not d. Can

b. Are e. Is

c. Weren’t

46. The traveler can’ one place.

a. Staying

b. Stay

c. To stay

d. Stayed

e. Stays

47. .......... i come pick you up at seven tonight?

a. Didn’t

b. Am

c. Could

d. Ought to

e. Should have

48. She is as.... her brother.

a. Clever as

b. Clever

c. Clevers as

d. Clever with

e. Clever of

49. They stay at.....famous apartment in the world.

a. The most d. among

b. More e. between

c. As

50. Compared to Pantai Cermin, Pantai Sanur is.....

a. Beautiful

b. The most beautiful

c. More beautiful

d. As beautiful

e. As beautiful as

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