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Bangladesh University of Professionals

Mirpur Cantonment, Dhaka- 1216

Term Paper on
“Larry Page”

Prepared By

Tanvir Ahmed
ID No: 2023031005
Program: MBA (Professional)
Batch No: 23rd

Submitted To
Dr. Ziaur Rahaman
Associated Professor
Business Leadership

Course Title : Business Leadership (BUS-7303)

Submission Date : 27 November 2020

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Letter of Transmittal
27 November 2020
Dr. Ziaur Rahaman, Psc, PhD
Associated Professor
Business Leadership
Faculty of Business Studies
Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP)

Subject: Submission of Term Paper on “Larry Page”

Dear Sir,
It is my immense pleasure to submit the report on “Larry Page” as a part of my MBA
(Professional) curriculum. To prepare this report, I have tried to present what I have come
to know and believe to be true.
It was an enormous opportunity for me to prepare the report under your instruction,
which really was a great experience for me. In order to make my report perfect, I have
collected various information from websites and various newspapers.
I have worked hard for preparing this report and sincerely tried to make the paper a
comprehensive one within the given time span. Any lacking or fault may arise as my
unintentional mistakes. I will be always available for answering any query regarding this
paper. I believe that the preparation I took to prepare my report will help me to work in
my career.

Tanvir Ahmed
Roll: 2023031005
Section: A

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One of the most pleasant parts of preparing this report is the opportunity to thank those
who have contributed to it. Unfortunately, in any establishment, the list of expression of
thanks no matter how all embracing is always imperfect and insufficient, this
acknowledgement is as other is not Immunity.
At first, I want to thank Almighty Allah who gave me energy, patience and knowledge
for making this kind of report. Secondly, I want to express my gratitude to my course
instructor, Dr. Ziaur Rahaman Psc, PhD without whose instruction I would be unable to
make it.
Although I have not been able to go to the library to collect information during the
current pandemic period, but I have been able to collect the necessary information from
different websites through the internet. For this reason, I express my special gratitude to
all the concerned websites.
Finally, I want to thank my friends and course mates who helped me for gaining
information and complete the report successfully.

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Executive Summary
This report contains both qualitative analysis about Larry Page. Larry Page is one of the
most powerful tech leader in the current world. The quirky, soft-spoken computer
scientist co-founded Google with Sergey Brin in 1998. As Google evolved into multi-
billion-dollar assets, Page stayed at the top, first as Google's CEO and later running its
parent company, Alphabet. 

People who lead to communities and organizations are called "leaders". Leaders are very
important for a community, organization and business. The success of an organization
mostly depends on the leader of the organization. Like communities and people,
companies have leader(s). As an organization, Google got an effective and successful
leader “Larry Page”. In this article, an analysis of Larry Page's leadership style and how
that leadership affected to Google is discussed. Here is how Page got his start, and how
he built Google into what it is today. 

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Table of Contents
Letter of Transmittal....................................................................................................................3
Executive Summary......................................................................................................................5
Chapter-1: Introduction...............................................................................................................7
1.1 LIFE HISTORY OF LARRY PAGE............................................................................................................................7
1.1.1 Childhood and Early life................................................................................................................7
1.1.2 Life in Google.................................................................................................................................8
1.2 PERSONAL LIFE & LEGACY..............................................................................................................................10
1.3 CHARACTERISTICS OF LARRY PAGE.................................................................................................................10
Chapter-02: Works and Achievements of Larry Page.............................................................12
2.1 MAJOR WORKS................................................................................................................................................ 12
2.2 AWARDS & ACHIEVEMENTS.............................................................................................................................12
2.3 AUTONOMOUS AIR TAXI..................................................................................................................................13
2.4 SUPERB QUOTES BY LARRY PAGE...................................................................................................................13
Chapter-03: Contribution of Larry Page..................................................................................16
3.1 WHAT AND HOW DOES LARRY PAGE CONTRIBUTE TO GOOGLE?.....................................................................16
3.2 MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS OF LARRY PAGE....................................................................................................17
Chapter-04: Leadership of Larry Page.....................................................................................19
4.1 WHAT TYPE OF LEADER IS LARRY?...................................................................................................................19
4.2 LEADERSHIP STYLES OF LARRY PAGE.............................................................................................................19
4.3 LEADERSHIP STRATEGIES OF LARRY PAGE.......................................................................................................20
4.4 TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP..................................................................................................................21
4.5 LEADERSHIP TRAITS AND SKILLS......................................................................................................................22
4.5.1 Leadership – Recruiting his team...............................................................................................23
4.5.2 Leadership – Motivating his team..............................................................................................23

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Chapter-1: Introduction
Leadership is one of the most important characteristics and necessity of human life. Since
the Paleolithic era, some people need someone who leads and advances them. For this
reason, some people lead to these people.
Larry Page is a leader that is working, not one, but many steps at a time to make sure
that he can provide what's best for Google and his employees and that is what makes him
not just Google's CEO, but a great leader that will surely boost Google's services and
maintain employee happiness.

1.1 Life History of Larry Page

1.1.1 Childhood and Early life
Gloria and Carl Page had their second son, Lawrence Edward Page, on March 26, 1973.
They both taught computer science at Michigan State University and filled their home
with computers and tech magazines that enthralled Larry from a very young age.

They enrolled him in a Montessori school. Such programs are known to foster
independence and creativity, and Page now credits "that training of not following rules
and orders, and being self-motivated and questioning what's going on in the world" as
influencing his later attitudes and work.

At 12, Page read a biography about the brilliant inventor Nikola Tesla, who died in debt
and obscurity. The ending made him cry, and inspired Page to not only want to build

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world-changing technologies, but to have the business sense to know how to spread them.
"I figured that inventing things wasn't any good," he has said. "You really had to get them
out into the world and have people use them to have any effect."

Besides tinkering with electronics, Page also played saxophone growing up, and he once
told Fortune that his musical training in part led "to the high-speed legacy of Google"
(Apparently he also tried to pick up percussion in the last few years).

During his time as an undergrad at University of Michigan, Page started mulling the
future of transportation, something he's still interested in today. He joined the school's
solar-car team and suggested that Michigan build a monorail-like "personal rapid-transit
system" between its campuses.

1.1.2 Life in Google

After graduation, Page headed west to Stanford for his Ph.D. There, he met Sergey Brin
in 1995. The two became close friends, geeking out about computer science.

The origin of Google is a story about the origin of an idea, and that idea was Page’s
vision that a World Wide Web search engine could rank links based on how often they
were being linked by other pages he started working on an idea to rank webpages by their
inbound links, instead of how many times they contained a queried word. He enlisted
Brin's help and they started collaborating on a search engine they initially called Backrub.

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The search product went live on Stanford’s network in 1996.

Soon, Backrub became Google — also a mathematical term — because it reflected Page
and Brin's mission “to organize the world’s information and make it universally
accessible and useful.”

Page ran Google as CEO until 2001, when Eric Schmidt was brought in to lead the
company as its "adult supervision." Both Brin and Page were wary of all the CEO
candidates, but when they learned Schmidt was originally a programmer and a "burner"
too, they felt that at least he would be a "cultural fit" at the company. Page was not happy
about having to relinquish his CEO spot at first but gradually became comfortable being
less involved in the day-to-day management of the company.

In 2007, he actually felt like he was still spending too much time in meetings, so he got
rid of his assistants. so that anyone who wanted to talk to him had to physically track him
down. In 2007, he actually felt like he was still spending too much time in meetings, so
he got rid of his assistants so that anyone who wanted to talk to him had to physically
track him down.

After 10 years, Page decided to take back the CEO title in 2011. He reorganized the
company's senior management, and before the end of 2012, the company had launched
Google Plus, its first Chromebook laptop, Google Glass, high-speed-internet service
Fiber, and more.

Page continued leading Google until 2015 when the company blew up its corporate
structure, and Page became the CEO of parent company Alphabet instead.

Nevertheless, perhaps the best part of Page's job is that he has also gotten to chase his far-
flung aspirations through Alphabet. The company's search engine ads machine pumps out
so much money that Alphabet can afford to spend on "other bets" that Page is passionate
about, like building smarter home appliances, spreading internet through its Project Loon
balloons, and extending human life.

On December 3, 2019, Page and Brin announced in a letter that they were stepping down
from their roles as Alphabet CEO and president, respectively. "Alphabet and Google no

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longer need two CEOs and a President," the pair wrote and handing the reins to Sundar
Pichai. It is a fitting end for two of the most mysterious tech leaders of a generation, who
are both exiting their company as it hovers near $1 trillion in market cap.

1.2 Personal Life & Legacy

Larry Page married Lucinda Southworth, a research scientist, in 2007. Page and
Southworth have two children, born in 2009 and 2011.

1.3 Characteristics of Larry Page

Page has admitted that he is better at big-picture ideas than management, in part because
he does not enjoy dealing with people. As a leader, he focuses on results and has an
affinity for ultra-ambitious ideas.

Business Insider's Nich Carlson reported that when Page was first CEO, he wrote down
the following management rules that guided him:

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 Do not delegate. Do everything you can yourself to make things go faster.

 Do not get in the way if you are not adding value. Let the people actually doing
the work talk to each other while you go do something else.

 Do not be a bureaucrat.

 Ideas are more important than age. Just because someone is junior does not mean
they do not deserve respect and cooperation.

 The worst thing you can do is stop someone from doing something by saying,
"No. Period." If you say no, then you have to help them find a better way to get it

Omid Kordestani, Google's business founder and a confidante of Page, described him as
"curious, idealistic" and "focused on changing the world and having an impact through
technology." He does not shy away from huge goals, like mapping the entire planet or
digitizing every book ever published.

Page also dedicates part of his wealth to causes he believes in. He is a personal investor
in Planetary Resources, which aims to mine asteroids; Tesla; and Twig tale, a
personalized children's book startup founded by his sister-in-law.

In 2006, he also started The Carl Victor Page Memorial Foundation in honor of his
father. Carl Page died soon after Larry left for graduate school because of complications
caused by polio he contracted as a child.

Page is also an investor in Kitty Hawk, a mysterious flying-car startup. The company
recently built a fully electric, single-person aircraft.

Page wrote in his letter about the news that becoming Alphabet's CEO would help with
"getting more ambitious things done" and "taking the long-term view" to improve "the
lives of as many people as we can."

In that role, Page spent much of his time researching new technologies, meeting and
enlisting really smart people, and imagining what Alphabet's next moonshot bet might be.

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Chapter-02: Works and Achievements of Larry Page

2.1 Major Works

 Larry Page’s biggest work is the formation of Google. Google, founded in 1998,
is world's leading search engine, serving millions of users worldwide. Besides
search, Google offers many other products and services like Gmail, Blogger,
Google Maps, and Picasa etc.
 The charitable arm of the company,, was formed in 2004. The
organization is dedicated to finding technological solutions to help address global
challenges like hunger and poverty.

2.2 Awards & Achievements

 He is currently in rank no 8 on Forbes' 400 list of billionaires, with a net worth of
$78.1 billion (November 2020).
 In 2002, Page and Brin were named in the MIT Technology Review TR100 for
being among the top 100 innovators in the world under the age of 35.
 The World Economic Forum named Page as a Global Leader for Tomorrow in
 Page and Brin received the prestigious Marconi Foundation Prize (2004) which is
given to honour significant contributions in science and technology. They were
also elected Fellow of the Marconi Foundation at Columbia University.
 In September 2013, Page was ranked No. 13 on the Forbes 400 list of the richest
people in America. That October, he was ranked No. 17 on Forbes' 2013 "Most
Powerful People" list.
 Larry holds a Master of Science degree in computer science from Stanford
University and a Bachelor of Science degree in engineering, with a concentration
in computer engineering, from the University of Michigan.
 From September 1998 to July 2001, Larry served as Google’s Chief Executive
Officer and from September 1998 to July 2002, as Google’s Chief Financial
 From July 2001 to April 2011, Larry served as Google’s President, Products.

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 He has served as a member of Google’s board of directors since its inception in
September 1998, and as Google’s Chief Executive Officer from April 2011 to
October 2015.

 Larry Page, the Chief Executive Officer of Alphabet and one of Google’s
founders, has served as a member of Alphabet’s board of directors from October
2015 to December 2019.

2.3 Autonomous Air Taxi

In March 2018, it was announced that a company personally funded by Page, called Kitty
Hawk, had reached an agreement with officials in New Zealand to begin the certification
process on a fully electric, self-piloting flying taxi.

Kitty Hawk had been testing its aircraft, nicknamed Cora, over New Zealand since the
previous October. With Boeing, Airbus and Uber among the companies looking to break
ground in the burgeoning air taxi industry, Kitty Hawk is aiming to have a commercial
network of vehicles up and running by 2021.

2.4 Superb Quotes by Larry Page

 Always work hard on something uncomfortably exciting.

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 I think it is often easier to make progress on mega-ambitious dreams. Since no
one else is crazy enough to do it, you have little competition. In fact, there are so
few people this crazy that I feel like I know them all by first name.

 We have a mantra: do not be evil, which is to do the best things we know how for
our users, for our customers, for everyone. Therefore, I think if we were known
for that, it would be a wonderful thing.

 Our goal is to organize the world's information and to make it universally

accessible and useful.

 The ultimate search engine would understand everything in the world, and it
would always give you the right thing. And we're a long, long ways from that.”

 We do not have as many managers as we should, but we would rather have too
few than too many. We want a thin structure.

 You can try to control people, or you can try to have a system that represents
reality. I find that knowing what is really happening is more important than trying
to control people.

 We really care about our brand. We really want it to stand for high quality. We
want people to be excited about it, for it to be fun.

 Over time, it is becoming more and more understood by people that we are acting
in their interests. And that's a very, very powerful thing for our brand.

 Part of our brand is that we are pretty understated in what we do. If you look at
other technology companies, they might preannounce things, and it will be a
couple years before they really happen, and they do not happen in the way they
said they would.

 We don't have as many managers as we should, but we would rather have too few
than too many.”

 If you can run the company a bit more collaboratively, you get a better result,
because you have more bandwidth and checking and balancing going on.”

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 The increasing volume of information is just more opportunity to build better
answers to questions. The more information you have, the better.

 Many leaders of big organizations, I think, do not believe that change is possible.
However, if you look at history, things do change, and if your business is static,
you are likely to have issues.

 You know what it is like to wake up in the middle of the night with a vivid
dream? And you know that if you don't have a pencil and pad by the bed, it will
be completely gone by the next morning. Sometimes it is important to wake up
and stop dreaming. When a great dream shows up, grab it.

 You never lose a dream. It just incubates as a hobby.

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Chapter-03: Contribution of Larry Page
3.1 What and how does Larry Page contribute to Google?
Larry Page currently holds the title of Google's chief executive officer. However, let us
go back in time a bit, shall we? It all started on September 15, 1997, when the company
launched. Of course, there was much more to the company than the launch date. To learn
more about how Larry Page and fellow PhD student, Sergey Brin started the company,
head over to the Background page of our website. From 2001-2011, Page held the title of
president of products of the company. In the recent years, Page has taken over day-to-day
operations, product development, and technology strategy. What is product development,
you ask? Product development is the complete process of bringing a new product to
market, and involves eight crucial steps. These steps include idea generation, idea
screening, concept development and testing, business analysis, beta testing and market
testing, technical implementation, commercialization, and new product pricing. Page's
other duty is technology strategy. Technology strategy is an overall plan, which consists
of objectives, principles, and tactics relating to the use of technology within the company.
Page has since grown the company in over 200 employees and profitability. 

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Page has helped Google become so successful because he gives the people what they
want, in the easiest way possible. Google is a company that tends to all the needs of the
users, in a simplistic way, functional for everyone. Page manages resources and works
with other departments by choosing the right people for the company. Google only hires
people who are smart and determined and who favor ability over experience. On the topic
of choosing the right people, Google's website says, "Although Googlers share common
goals and visions for the company, we hail from all walks of life and speak dozens of
language, reflecting the global audience that we serve." Google manages resources by
choosing the right people to work for their company. These people are smart and efficient
with using the resources, and are able to make do with the current supply of items by
coming up with innovative and creative ideas. 

3.2 Management Functions of Larry page

Planning: Larry Page plans to invent something wild that will not only help humanity
but also get them adopted by users. For his invention, he is looking to gain profit and
keep inventing new things using the corporate structure. He is reaching this certain goal
by continuing to strive for new ideas and new features to improve Google. He improves
and improvises all the time with the workers. The steps that Larry is taking to are

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constantly improve Google is working faster and collaborating with the executives to
make quick choices. He encourages an attitude that will help people work together that
helped YouTube grow. His hero is Nikola Tesla, an amazing inventor who failed to build
what he wanted because he could not fund his work. Larry Page says Google is a
response to that failure and is continue to strive to make an impact on the world through

Organizing: Larry is tackling on many projects at once but sharing his focus equally on
each project. One project that took him 6 years to get staff working on was the Google
digitization of books. He worked on of He believes that if people are focused on the right
things that can see the bigger picture and find different ways to expand and improve
ideas. Mr. Page said that it was unsatisfying to look at very big companies who continue
to do only one thing. He believes the more people and resources you have, the more you
are able to do and solve. Page puts key executives in charge of different individual
product group has to have them report to him later. These executives will be able to make
many decisions to make sure they benefit Google.

Leading: Larry Page has a democratic leading style causing him to value his employee’s
opinions. He encourages young employees to think of crazy ideas because those ideas
could involve into amazing things. He motivates and values his employees by figuring
out what would be best for them and looking out for the health of his workers. He
believes that if people are happier, then they are going to be more productive.

Controlling: It has only been a couple years since Larry Page took over as the CEO of
Google, but Google has evolved to be quicker, more disciplined and bolder. What is
Page’s secret? He focuses on things that are able to make a big impact but also focuses on
and invests in his employee’s creative ideas instead of continuously doing the same thing
repeatedly like some big companies. Larry is thinking of his employee’s first and is
constantly encouraging them to think big so he can increase Google’s services. Larry
Page is a manager that is succeeding not only business wise but as a leader in the
business world.

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Chapter-04: Leadership of Larry Page
4.1 What Type of Leader is Larry?
Innovation matters to Larry Page. He is constantly on the go waiting to change Google
for the better. Larry Page has a very open and equal way of leading, making him a
democratic leader. These are the reasons that Larry Page is a great leader:

 Larry Page urges his employees to believe in crazy ideas and is accepting to all
ideas because those are the ideas “that could really change the world.”
 In order to have a more active management approach at Google, Larry strives to
work quickly and encourages faster decisions to be made. To make this possible,
Larry asks the staff to give him 60 word updates or pitches on their current
projects so he can constantly be involved but also be efficient. 
 Since Larry is an introvert, he is more likely to hear and include other people’s
creative ideas. Introverts are said to be the best leaders for proactive employees.
 Because of Larry’s strong leadership skills there are people that are committing to
a few more years to the company because of their belief in Larry.
 Larry tries his best to avoid an autocratic way of leading by building his team to
gather more insight and ideas to help Google grow. He insists on being involved
in hiring new employees and continues to seek thousands of brilliant graduates to
join Google's team.
 Larry Page is a leader that is working, not one, but many steps at a time to make
sure that he can provide what's best for Google and his employees and that is what
makes him not just Google's CEO, but a great leader that will surely boost
Google's services and maintain employee happiness. 

“Ideally, if you have more people and more resources, you can do more things, get
more things solved. We've kind of always had that philosophy.” 
- Larry Page

4.2 Leadership Styles of Larry Page

Larry Page was Google's CEO before 2015, one of the world's best internet companies. In
addition, he is an innovation leader. Those individuals who lead a new product or service

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through ideation, design, development, market launch and implementation (Hunter, et al.,
2012). As per of Forbes, Google and its services created sole by Larry Page and Sergey
Brin only assisted Larry Page in structuring the company. In addition, leadership skills in
innovation, patience and situational approach to employee empowerment have helped
Larry Page successfully design Google's governance structure (Elmer, 2011). When he
replaced Schmidt as CEO in 2011, Google was already very successful. Nevertheless,
Page did not rely on that success. Instead, he continued to lead his employees towards
new horizons of advancing technologies and innovations. He was working to train a
nimbler and faster management approach. Page says that his employees should follow the

 Be a good leader
 Empower your team and don’t micromanage
 Express interest in your team members’ success and well-being
 Be productive and results-oriented
 Be a good communicator and listen to your team
 Help your employees with career development
 Have a clear vision and strategy for the team
 Have technical skills so you can advise the team Page uses the participating
leadership style and laissez-faire management style.

He gives much freedom to his employees so they can make the most out of their

4.3 Leadership strategies of Larry Page

In Page’s second term (2011-2015), he restructured a plateauing organization. Before
Larry Page resumed control of the company in 2011, Google had rather fallen into a "left
hand didn't know what the right hand was doing" situation.

Google’s success depends on the following leadership strategies of Larry Page (Elmer,

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 To pay attention to the innovative ideas and use the best opportunities to
implement them
 To concentrate on team work
 To avoid use of bureaucracy
 To adopt a quick and concise work structure  
 To recognize the importance of small changes within the organization. With these
strategies, Google Inc. has announced the best workplace by Fortune in 2016.
Google has implemented independent thinking for employees. The
implementation of the 70-20-10 norm in the organizational model helped Larry
Page reduce the employees' turnover to 0%. The broader employee rights, the
existence of Transformational leadership and the absence of any audit technique
at Google. Have made it the most preferred company for all individuals with
creative ability. Larry Page and his employees are not paying attention to their
opponents. They only focus their operations.

4.4 Transformational Leadership

Transformational leaders believe that transformation will make their companies
successful in the industry. In general, to do something is to offer a new way. It finds a
new way to connect with music or online people, these leaders are literally innovative.
Larry Page recently said,

“We still feel computers are pretty bad, and there can be more work done to make it
better”. The most common strength is finding the better way to do something. In addition,
they have better performance in the niche markets. On the other hand, they can put
anything at the risk and only focus their jobs. Therefore, they are not interested in what
their competitors do. Individuals exhibiting transformational leadership styles, designs
vision based on changing transformations in the organization and motivates employees to
create innovative strategies. (Binsiddiq & Alzahmi, 2013). Page has adopted four steps of
transformations leadership namely Idealized influence, inspirations and motivations,
Brain stimulation and individualized considerations.

Larry Page says, “Ideally, if you have more people and more resources, you can do more
things, get more things solved. We've kind of always had that philosophy.”
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 In addition, it supports him transformational leader profile. Larry Page is a leader that is
working, not only one, but also many steps at a time to make sure that he can provide
what's best for Google and his employees and that is what makes him not  just Google's
CEO, but definitely increase Google's services and protect employee happiness. At
Google, Larry Page introduces mail systems that ask for summaries of projects they are
working on, so they have an idea about current work on Google. Larry Page brought 70-
20-10 model where employees spend

 70 percent of time on core business (search and advertising)

 20 percent on related projects (e.g. Google News and Google Earth)

 10 percent on unrelated new businesses

Page, also designed the vision to inspire Google's employees. To increase the intellectual
abilities of employees, Page suggested that managers should stop working on their laptop
computers and work on paper or other materials that fuel innovation. Page instructed top-
level managers to work with employees to interact with them daily to create a
comfortable working environment for them to apply their personal thoughts for

4.5 Leadership traits and skills

Not only transformational style is suitable for the Larry Page. Also, leadership traits and
skills are indispensable features of a leader. Charismatic style of Page is making the
employees over dependent. However, keeping the traits of open communication and

In addition, according to leadership traits and skills of the Page, the employees can be
motivated effectively with the help of non-monetary benefits rather than only monetary
benefits. According to people skills, Page shows empathetic nature towards the needs of
the employees because he believes that treating employees like a family member will
increase their productivity. The company has introduced “no smoking initiatives” and
“increased health benefits” to enhance the health conditions of the employees.

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The introvert nature of Page makes him the appropriate leader for Google and helps him
to focus on the product innovation rather on the competitor analysis. The employees find
him more consternated to the teamwork rather than being judgmental and dominating in

Because, introvert nature of a leader, may act as an added advantage especially for
proactive employees. This triggers the future growth of Google. Lastly, Visionary skills
of the Page necessary for the growth and future of the company. Page demonstrates high
visionary skills in setting S.M.A.R.T. goals for his engineers. Qualities like self-
inspiration, high level of optimism, personal responsibility of organization’s actions,
action orientation, skills of integrity and honesty and considering all adverse situations as
a winning circumstance, makes Page a good visionary.

4.5.1 Leadership – Recruiting his team

At Google, professional interviewers have conversations with the interviewee, then a
phone interview, and finally an on-site interview at any Google offices. A part of the
interview is to ask interviewees challenging questions to test their creative minds. Google
hires people who are smart, determined, and team-oriented and have more ability than

Unlike other big companies, Larry Page wants to find new candidates as quickly as
possible, by giving a final answer to interviewees within weeks rather than months. He
personally receives regular spreadsheets that allow him to review each candidate. Page
hires employees from all over the world so there is a diverse workforce and different

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I think that the recruitment process at Google is very fair and open because they hire
people of any nationality, race and religion. However, it is difficult to get a job at Google
because competition is high and the recruiters look for extreme creativity.

4.5.2 Leadership – Motivating his team

Larry Page provides employees with both financial and non-financial motivation.
Google’s benefits and rewards include:

 Health insurance/health care coverage

 On-site physicians, nurses and convenient medical services and
 Retirement benefits
 Free massages, fitness and gym facilities (so employees can be healthier and more
 Free first-class meals
 Free transportation
 Travel insurance and emergency assistance (even on personal vacations)
 Time off and family allowance for new parents

Page focuses on the relationship between families and employees and these rewards will
help to create a suitable relationship. Employees at Google are equal and have the
freedom to create whatever they want, which makes them feel empowered and a sense of

The motivation theories Larry Page uses are Mayo & Herzberg’s theory and Maslow’s
Hierarchy of Needs. A participative management style will encourage the greatest
motivation. He believes that treating people well is more important than making money.

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In my opinion, Larry Page was and still is an effective leader. The way he leads, guides,
communicates and motivates his employees makes him stand out from other big CEOs.
He does not just act as a leader, but also a friend and family member to the employees.
Page makes Googlers feel at home. He does not need to provide loads of financial
benefits to keep his employees motivated (although he does provide them to create a
homely environment). Instead, he focuses on making them feel happy, self-satisfied, self-
accomplished and empowered.

He does not force too much on the employees and give them more freedom than any
other company gives. Even so, Google is still more productive than most companies are.
Page makes use of his employees’ talents by giving them 20% of free time to innovate
using their creativity. This 20% of free time is accountable for almost half of Google’s
innovations. The most important factor that keeps him and his employees connected is
“trust”. He believes that the employees are capable by giving them freedom, while the
employees repay him by using the freedom to innovate based on their interests and
talents. In conclusion, Larry Page is an effective leader because he builds good relations
between him and the employees.

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 Larry Page: The Untold Story - Business Insider

 Leadership Qualities, Skills and Styles of Larry Page – The Strategy Watch

 The Google Guys: Inside the Brilliant Minds of Google Founders Larry Page
and Sergey Brin by Richard L. Brandt

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