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Members :

1. Aisya Tabina (1)

2. Amira Luthfiyya (4)
3. Anala Ahimsa (5)
4. Callista Astrid (9)
5. Putri Joanna (30)
6. Sarah Khalisha (34)

Exercise 1
A. a : Ouch! My teeth hurts! Maybe I should go to the dentist
b : Oh my. Do you want me to accompany you to the dentist?
a : Sure. That would be nice.
B. A: These books are quite heavy.
B : Would you like me to help you carry those books?
A : Yes please, that’s very kind of you.
C. A: Oh my, it’s so hot outside, I’m sweating.
B : Would you like me to bring you a cold drink?
A : Yes, I need it very much, thank you.
D. A: My stomach hurts so bad! i think I’ve got diarrhea.
B: Do you need me to take you to the doctor?
A: Yes please, that would help me so much.

E. A: It’s so cold today I’m freezing.

B: would you like me to make you some hot chocolate to warm you up?
A: Oh that would be amazing, thank you!
F. A: I’ve been having pretty bad cough this week
B: Oh no. Would you like to get tested for COVID 19?
A: Yes, i think i should.

Exercise 2
A. Dani : Huh! This work is really stressing me.
Dian : Do you want me to help you?
Dani : Umm, yes please, I would love that.
Dian : What can I do to help?
Dani : Would you put the figures in the data please? This is a very
Urgent matter.
Dian : Okay, I’ll do it.
Dani : Thank you so much. I don’t know what I should do without
Dian : That’s what a friend for.

B. Mother : Kiki, mommy is going to make your favorite soup.

Kiki : Hurrah, my favorite soup!
Mother : But… I’m running of salt.
Kiki : Oh really? Do you want my help?
Mother : Yes, that would be great
Kiki : Shall I buy some salt at the store across the road?
Mother : Get two packets, please. And be careful. Cross the road
Only the cars have passed.
Kiki : alright mom

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