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Database Design

1-2 : Data vs. Information

Practice Activities

 Distinguish between data and information, and provide examples of each

 Describe and give an example of how data becomes information


Identify the vocabulary word for each definition below.

Penjelasan disamping merupakan A collection of data arranged for ease and speed of
pengertian dari database search and retrieval.
Bahan mentah/ Raw material Raw material, from which you can draw conclusions
merupakan pengertian dari data
Dari penjelasan disamping, ini adalah Knowledge, intelligence, a particular piece of data with
pengertian dari informasi a special meaning or function

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Try It / Solve It

1. List specific data that the school collects about each student. What information could be
gathered using all the student data?
Jawab :
Data yang didapatkan dari informasi siswa bisa berupa berikut :
 Nama
 Alamat
 Kontak #
 Nama Penjaga
 ID Pelajar
 Nilai
 Subjek Terdaftar
 Biaya Pendidikan

2. Review an online database such as:

a. Write examples of data and information related to one of the sites.
● Nama Film
● Deskripsi Film
● Genre Film
● Cuplikan
● Transmisi
● Peringkat

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respective owners.
b. State why you believe data collections of this type could be important.
Jawab :
Karena informasi adalah sesuatu yang penting, selain itu informasi bisa memberikan jawaban dari
setiap permasalahan

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respective owners.
3. Choose a website that displays data that might be stored in a database; find 10 data items
on the site and list 5 pieces of information that could be gleaned from the data.
Jawab :
10 item data di situs facebook adalah sebagai berikut :
● Profil
● Informasi Akun
● Garis waktu
● Teman
● Pesan
● Pengikut
● Kabar Berita
● Halaman yang Diikuti
● Pemberitahuan
● Posting Tersimpan

5 informasi yang dapat dikumpulkan dari data:

● Informasi Pribadi teman Anda
● Status teman Anda
● Tempat
● Percakapan dengan teman Anda
● Berita dibagikan oleh halaman lain

4. Give examples of how data becomes information for these two industries:
 film/movie
 Judul film, tanggal rilis, nama aktor, dll
data yang semuanya bisa disatukan untuk menjadi sebuah informasi ketika mencoba
melakukan penelitian

 hospital/healthcare
 Nama pasien, daftar obatnya, tanggal dan waktu yang dijadwalkan,
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respective owners.
daftar masalah dan diagnosis adalah contoh data. Saat mereka diletakkan bersama-sama
menjadi informasi karena memberikan detail tentang pasien .

5. Using this Lunch Room Data Report, answer the questions that follow.

Date Student Faculty/Staff Hamburger/Taco Pizza Bar Soup/Salad

Sales Sales Bar Bar
12/02/2003 497 23 335 122 63
12/03/2003 440 19 285 126 48
12/04/2003 447 30 301 126 50
12/05/2003 442 27 325 107 37
12/06/2003 330 12 229 83 30

a. What does this report mean?

Jawab : Laporan diatas merupakan laporan data ruang makan siang.

b. What data was collected?

Jawab : Penjualan mahasiswa, Penjualan Fakultas / Staf, Hamburger / Taco bar, Pizza bar, dan
Soup / Salad Bar

c. What information does this table provide from the data collected?
Jawab : Jumlah mahasiswa dan pengajar / staf yang dibeli di ruang makan, dan jumlah makanan
/ barang yang dibeli oleh mahasiswa dan fakultas / staf.

d. How do you think this information is used by those reading the report?
Jawab : Untuk memantau penjualan harian dan melacak inventaris ruang makan siang.

e. Generate at least two conclusions based on the data provided.

Jawab : Item yang paling banyak dibeli adalah hamburger / taco bar, tapi pada 12/06/2003 data

f. Generate at least two questions that you would ask about the data provided.
Jawab : 1) Berapa penjualan dalam sebulan?
2). Berapa banyak stok tersisa untuk membuat bar Hamburger / Taco, bar Pizza, dan Soup /
Salad Bar?

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Database Design
1-3 : History of the Database
Practice Activities
 Describe the evolution of the database and give an example of its role in the business
 Name important historical contributions in database development and design
 List and explain the three major steps in the database development process

Identify the vocabulary word for each definition below.
Table Instance Chart A relational database chart that is used to map the infor-
mation from the entity relationship diagram
Primary Key The unique identifier for each row of data

Foreign Key Links data in one table to the data in a second table by re-
ferring to the PK column in the second table
Null/Mandatory Indicates if a column must contain a value

Unique Indicates if the value in the column is unique within the table

Data Type Refers to the format and definition of the data in each

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Try It / Solve It
1. Complete the diagram by listing the important events in the evolution of the database.
Draw a line from each event to the era in which it falls.

Jawab :

 1960-an : Komputer menjadi hemat biaya untuk perusahaan swasta, dan kapasitas penyimpanan
 1970-72 : EF Codd mengusulkan model relasional untuk database, memutuskan hubungan organisasi
logis dari penyimpanan fisik.
 1976 : P. Chen mengusulkan model hubungan entitas (ERM) untuk desain database.
 Awal 1980-an : Sistem DB relasional pertama yang tersedia secara komersial mulai muncul pada awal
1980-an dengan Orcale ver 2
 Pertengahan 1980-an: bahasa query terstruktur menjadi standar yang diterima secara luas
 Awal 1990-an: perubahan tren industri Oracle bertahan banyak yang pergi.
 Pertengahan 1990-an: www muncul
 Akhir 1990-an: Investasi besar di perusahaan internet - membantu ledakan pasar alat di konektor web /
internet / DB
 Awal 21 st Century: Pertumbuhan aplikasi DB terus berlanjut. Contoh: situs komersial (,,

2. True or False: The Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) was an important historical contribu-
tion in database development and design
Jawab : Benar

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respective owners.
3. Name two important historical contributions in database development and design.

Jawab :
· 1970-72 - EF Codd mengusulkan model relasional untuk database, memutuskan hubungan
organisasi logis dari penyimpanan fisik.
· 1976: P. Chen mengusulkan model hubungan entitas (ERM) untuk desain database.

4. If Building the database is the third major task in the database development process, then
what are the first two major tasks?

Jawab :
 Analisis - Memberikan Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
 Desain - Memberikan Bagan Contoh Tabel

5. (Optional) List at least three timeline events in the evolution of the database.

Jawab :

 1960-an : Komputer menjadi hemat biaya untuk perusahaan swasta, dan kapasitas penyimpanan
 1970-72 : EF Codd mengusulkan model relasional untuk database, memutuskan hubungan organisasi
logis dari penyimpanan fisik.
 1976 : P. Chen mengusulkan model hubungan entitas (ERM) untuk desain database.
 Awal 1980-an : Sistem DB relasional pertama yang tersedia secara komersial mulai muncul pada awal
1980-an dengan Orcale ver 2
 Pertengahan 1980-an: bahasa query terstruktur menjadi standar yang diterima secara luas
 Awal 1990-an: perubahan tren industri Oracle bertahan banyak yang pergi.
 Pertengahan 1990-an: www muncul
 Akhir 1990-an: Investasi besar di perusahaan internet - membantu ledakan pasar alat di konektor web /
internet / DB
 Awal 21 st Century: Pertumbuhan aplikasi DB terus berlanjut. Contoh: situs komersial (,,

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respective owners.

6. (Optional) To most of us, the Internet has become an essential element in the way we
communicate, the way we do business, and the way we learn. Surprisingly, few people re-
ally know the names of the people and the events that have contributed to its phenomenal

In this activity, you and your classmates will construct a wall mural timeline of the major
historical events in Internet history. Using Internet resources, your group will be assigned
one topic from the research list below. Your group's task is to gather information to add to
the classroom timeline:

Find at least four events that illustrate your topic. Each event must have a person, place,
and/or thing associated with it. Add your group's information to the timeline.

Research List:
 Historical thinkers: people without whose inventions computers and communication
as we know it today could not be possible
 Enablers: universities, government agencies, and businesses that contributed to
the idea of the Internet and birth of the Internet
 Communicators: people who developed computer languages, computer networks,
and the technology for one computer to communicate with another
 Innovators: people and businesses that enabled the average person to be able to
use a computer and communicate on the Internet
 Movers and shakers: people and companies that transformed the Internet into a vir-
tual mall of information and services

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