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Paul University Surigao

St. Paul University System
Cor. San Nicolas & Rizal Streets, Surigao City, Philippines

Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19): The Impact and Role of Online Class to the Academic
Learning of SPUS Engineering Students in the Midst of the Pandemic

A Research Paper Presented to

The Department of College of Engineering
St. Paul University Surigao
Surigao City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject


Submitted by:

Hazel Padal

Submitted to:



December 2020
St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
Cor. San Nicolas & Rizal Streets, Surigao City, Philippines



Data Gathering Procedure 2

Statement of the Problem 5

Results and Discussion 8

Documentation 12

Curriculum Vitae 13
St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
Cor. San Nicolas & Rizal Streets, Surigao City, Philippines


The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has created a global

health crisis that has had a deep impact on the way we perceive our world and our
everyday lives. The COVID-19 has resulted in schools shut all across the world.
According to World Health Organization (WHO), globally, over 1.2 billion children are
out of the classroom. As a result, education has changed dramatically, with the distinctive
rise of e-learning, whereby teaching is undertaken remotely and on digital platforms.

The coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) is a highly transmittable and pathogenic

viral infection caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-
2), which emerged in Wuhan, China and spread around the world. The said virus causes
several damage and changes thru the society, especially to the students. Hence, the rise of
online class started during the declaration of the community lockdown in the entire
Philippines to prevent students from physical interaction due to the virus pandemic.

With this sudden shift away from the classroom in many parts of the globe,
especially in St. Paul University Surigao (SPUS), some are wondering whether the
adoption of online learning will continue to persist post-pandemic, and how such a shift
would impact the academic learning of the students.

According to World Health Organization (WHO), while countries are at

different points in their COVID-19 infection rates, worldwide there are currently more
than 1.2 billion children in 186 countries affected by school closures due to the pandemic.

Thus, this study will further tackle about the impact and role of the “Online
Class” system to the student particularly, the engineering students of SPUS.

St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
Cor. San Nicolas & Rizal Streets, Surigao City, Philippines

Moreover, St. Paul University Surigao (SPUS) is one of the schools in Surigao
City who conducted the online class to the entire students of the campus. Online classes
are generally self-paced, allowing for greater flexibility in completing coursework.
However, online class during this Covid19 pandemic really gives an impact and roles to
students on how they're going to perceive their educational learning.

With this activity and study, we will be able to broaden our understanding to the
application of hypothesis testing and other aspects of this subjects to a certain issue or
problem that have been face by few to several engineering students of SPUS.

St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
Cor. San Nicolas & Rizal Streets, Surigao City, Philippines


This part describes the methodology of research study or data gathering procedure,
supervision of interviewers, and data analysis techniques, including collection of data,
study design, sampling frame and procedure of respondent’s selection. In this study
methodologies have been used to know the impact and roles of online class to the
students in the midst of this pandemic.

Research Design

In order to find out the general impact and role of online class to students during
this covid19 pandemic, this study will utilized the quantitative type.

Moreover, researcher will going to apply online survey research design in which
it is the best way to answer the questions of the study. The used of this research
instrument will gather and analyze data from the selected group of people that considered
as the respondents of the study.


This study was conducted in order to determine and prove the stated assertion
in the Introduction. To gather the necessary data, 10 respondents from Bachelor of
Science in Civil Engineering (BSCE) student and 10 respondents from Mining
Engineering student, a total of 20 respondents will be our target population of this study.
Specifically, respondents should be those who tried to use online class during the
community lockdown.

St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
Cor. San Nicolas & Rizal Streets, Surigao City, Philippines

Data Collection Method and Statistical Treatment of Data

In this portion we will be presenting methods in collecting data and statistical

treatment of data through the application of quantitative and some of the topic of this
subject. We will also elaborate the procedure on how we were going to conduct a survey
and to evaluate their responses.

From the general guideline or mechanics given by the instructor of this subject,
we will create a problem with two questions to be addressed accordingly. The first
question should use either t-test or ANOVA depending on the number of samples and
number of sample groups (there should be two or more sample group). Assume the data
are normally distributed. The second question should use correlation and the Analysis
Toolpak to address degree of correlation and test of significant relationship. The question
will be conducted thru online survey question to 20 respondents.

The online survey questionnaire will be divided in two categories (these are
Impact Category and Role Category) the first category will correlate to the stated general
mechanics which has only two questions and will be evaluate thru the statistical tool
aforementioned above. On the other hand the second category will use several question
and the result will be presented thru tally and histogram or the analysis toolpak .

St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
Cor. San Nicolas & Rizal Streets, Surigao City, Philippines


General Problem:

 The Impact and Role of Online Class to the Academic Learning of SPUS
Engineering Students in the Midst of the Pandemic.

Particular Problem:

I. Impact Category: (Research Hypothesis)

 There is a significant difference between online class and face-face class to
the academic learning of SPUS engineering students in the midst of the
II. Role Category: (Research Hypothesis)
 If there is no online class students will no longer have a chance to learn.

St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
Cor. San Nicolas & Rizal Streets, Surigao City, Philippines

Survey Questionnaire

I. Impact Category (Survey Questionnaire)

Direction: Just chose your best answer. Be honest to your answer.

Questions Online Face-face

Class Class

No. of No. of
responses responses

1. I learned a lot when the class is? 3 17

2. Which learning system do you prefer? 8 12

3. During this pandemic, which is more risky to do? 7 13

4. My grades are better when the class is? 9 11

5. I’m more active during the class when it is? 2 18

6. Which learning system is more hassle to do? 14 6

7. More expensive. 9 11

8. I have bad performance in academic. 15 5

9. More convenient. 6 14

10. Effective learning system during this pandemic. 11 9

St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
Cor. San Nicolas & Rizal Streets, Surigao City, Philippines

II. Role Category (Survey Questionnaire)

Direction: In this part we ask the respondents thru a survey question also. 1 stands for
VERY USEFUL, 2- USEFUL and 3 as NOT USEFUL. It means that respondent will
response according to what level. Write only the number before the statement.

___ Online class as an alternative learning process for students during this pandemic

___ Implementing Online Class to prevent spreading of coronavirus.

___ online class must be require to all students from different school.
St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
Cor. San Nicolas & Rizal Streets, Surigao City, Philippines


This part contains the results of the assessment or the survey questionnaire.
Assessment or Survey Results
Part 1. Impact Category

This part contains the results obtained from the assessment or survey conducted

thru online. These results will help determine the impact of online class during this

Table 2
St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
Cor. San Nicolas & Rizal Streets, Surigao City, Philippines

pandemic. The data we gathered are obtained from our respective respondents. Also, this

part will be the basis if the said hypothesis above will be rejected or accepted.

Number of Responses t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances

Question Online Class (x) Face-face Class (y)
1 3 17 Variable 1 Variable 2
2 8 12 Mean 8.4 11.6
3 7 13 Variance 17.822222 17.82222222
4 9 11 Observations 10 10
Pooled Variance 17.822222
5 2 18
Hypothesized Mean Diff
0 erence
6 14 6
df 18
7 9 11
t Stat -1.694939
8 15 5
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.0536584
9 6 14
t Critical one-tail 1.7340636
10 11 9 P(T<=t) two-tail 0.1073167
t Critical two-tail 2.100922

Table 1

Interpretation: The table 1 on the left shows the gathered data of online survey, while on
the table 2 shows how the data being interpret using T-test. As what we can say to table 2,
the p-value is greater to the significant value and t-value. Thus, it only means that the null
hypothesis is not rejected or fails to reject. In short, this implies that the alternative
hypothesis is correct.
St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
Cor. San Nicolas & Rizal Streets, Surigao City, Philippines

Part 2. Identifying the Impact of online class during this Pandemic

In this part we ask the respondents thru a survey question also. 1 stands for VERY

USEFUL, 2- USEFUL and 3 as NOT USEFUL. It means that respondent will response

according to what level.

1. Online class as an alternative learning process for students during this pandemic
x number of responses P(x) xP(x) u-x (u-x)2
1 14 0.7 0.7 0.4 0.16
2 4 0.2 0.4 -2 4
3 2 0.1 0.3 -3 9
20 1 1.4 13.16

variance= 0.068889 mean= 1.4

std.v= 0.262467

St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
Cor. San Nicolas & Rizal Streets, Surigao City, Philippines

The result shows that there are 0.7 or 70% of students who said that online class as an
alternative learning process for students during this pandemic is VERY USEFUL, while 20% for
USEFUL and 10% for NOT USEFUL. 9

2. Implementing Online Class to prevent spreading of coronavirus.

x number of responses P(x) xP(x) u-x (u-x)2
1 18 0.9 0.90 0.15 0.0225
2 1 0.1 0.1 -2.00 4
3 1 0.1 0.2 -3.00 9
20 1.15 13.0225

variance= 0.160556
std.v= 0.400694 mean= 1.15


On the question “Implementing Online Class to prevent spreading of coronavirus”, there

are more people who said VERY USEFUL.
St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
Cor. San Nicolas & Rizal Streets, Surigao City, Philippines


3. Online class must be require to all students from different school.

x number of responses P(x) xP(x) u-x (u-x)2
1 13 0.7 0.65 0.5 0.25
2 4 0.2 0.4 -2 4
3 3 0.2 0.45 -3 9
20 1 1.5 13.25

variance= 0.050556
std.v= 0.224846 mean= 3


The data shows that there are 70% of people who chose VERY USEFUL, 20% in
St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
Cor. San Nicolas & Rizal Streets, Surigao City, Philippines


St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
Cor. San Nicolas & Rizal Streets, Surigao City, Philippines



Contact Information:

Name : Hazel Padal PICTURE

Address : Nueva ext. Surigao City

Cellphone Number : 09393739635


Personal Information:

Date of Birth : August 04. 2000

Place of Birth : Manila quezon city

Citizenship : Filipino

Gender : Female

Marital Status : Single

Educational Attainment:

Junior High School : Taft National High School

Senior High School : STI College-Surigao Narciso St., Surigao City

St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
Cor. San Nicolas & Rizal Streets, Surigao City, Philippines

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