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English II

Title of the paper

Present simple task

Author’s name (with ID)

John Jairo Toro Portillo ID 662570

Teacher’s name
Mg. Solangellie Arango Nieto

Colombia, San Juan de Pasto 16/10/2020

Activity: Complete las oraciones con: might, will, should, could, must, ought, might,
may, must, would, can, shall, mustn’t, couldn’t, shouldn’t, won’t

1) You will play videogames when you should be studying.

2) They Should to work harder.
3) Could you always be late?
4) You Ought to read the washing machine instructions carefully or you will ruin your
5) Would I wear a fancy dress for the party?
6) We can take an umbrella. It looks like it’s raining cats and dogs.
7) Patty Should train harder if she wants to break the record.
8) Would you help me with my English exam?
9) I Might love to go to the beach this August.
10) Rock climbing Might be dangerous.

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