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Abilities and Job Requirements

Class objectives

▪ Learning objective: To talk about professional

experiences and abilities.
▪ Communicative: To discuss and learn about
interview tips.
▪ Strategies: To formulate a cover letter and answer
interview questions.
➢ 1. Vacancy:
➢ a job that no one is doing and is there for someone new to do it.
➢ 2. Payday:
➢ the day on which wages or salaries are paid.
➢ 3. Raise:
➢ to move to a higher position.
➢ 4. Applicant :
➢ a candidate who applies for or requests f or a job position.
➢ 5. Overtime:
➢ time that you spend doing your job in addition to your
normal working hours.
➢ 6. Resign:
➢ to give up a job position.
➢ 7. Hire:
➢ to employ someone for a specific position.
➢ 8. Qualification:
➢ special skills, knowledge, or abilities that makes
someone suitable for a particular job or activity e?
What are their Job Requirements?
What skills are needed for these jobs?
Job Interview Brainstorming

▪ What are some requirements to have an excellent


▪ What skills are needed to have a job in your field?

▪ Have you ever had an interview?What was it like?

Basic Interview Rules

▪ Be punctual

▪ Research relevant information about the company.

▪ Prepare your CV- Talk about strengths and abilities.

▪ Recall past achievements and experiences

▪ Dress well

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