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My Digital CV

Phrasal verbs, Idiomatic Expressions


Learning objective: To create a Digital CV to apply

for a dream job.

Communicative: To discuss dream jobs, and use

vocabulary and expressions related to work.

Strategies: CV Writing.
Phrasal Verbs and Idioms

1. Get the sack =be dismissed from your job.

2. Hit the jackpot=win a lot of money gambling.
3. Head hunted=Be recruited by an external employer to do a better
4. Snowed under=Have an impossibly large amount of work to do.
5. Bottom of the career ladder=The starting point for a life time of
Phrasal Verbs and Idioms
6. Stand down= Voluntarily stop working in a position.
7. Take on= Agree to have more responsibility in your life or career.
8. Pencilin=Agree a provisional time for a meeting or event.
9. Stuck in a rut=Have Little motivation in your life or career.
10. Lay off= Lose your job as part of general redundancies at a
11. Knock off= Finish work for the day early.
Use of them in context
bottom of the career ladder
 Mike started off at the ________________________________ but now he’s the
 Sarah was _________________
head hunted to be the new director of the company.
 The meeting was ___________________
pencilled in for Friday at half past nine.
knocked off
 Jack ___________________ work early so he could watch the football match.
 Harry _____________________
got the sack after he lied to his boss and pretended to be ill.
 Michael was _________________
snowed under with work and had no time to do anything else.
 Diana was ____________________
stuck in a rut in her career, so she decided to go travelling.
 Lucy __________________
hit the jackpot when she was offered a job as an ice cream taster.
CANVAS activity vovcabulary
The Best Jobs in the World
Watch on the best jobs in the world.
Talk and describe the job that you would most like to do and why.
An outline of a person's educational
and professional history, usually
prepared for job applications.
It is the way you “sell” your skills,
abilities, qualifications and experience
to employers.
Traditionally done on paper.
Now common to see digital formats
using websites such as LinkedIn.
What information should a CV include?
Personal details (Name, Date of Birth, Phone number, e-mail).
Previous related work experience.
Education history.
Clear objective.
Personal experiences.
Qualifications and skills.
Personal and Academic References.
Language skills.
Canvas Activity
Your Digital CV
Follow the instructions to create your own
Digital CV profile in English
Need to complete key sections; personal
information, summary, work experience,
and education.
Some Tips for a Great Profile

Use a professional profile photo.

Fill out the “summary” field with 5–6 of
your biggest achievements.
Fill out as much of the profile as possible.
Add professional images to document your
Ask for recommendations from friends or

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