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សាកលវ ិទាល័យបាត់ដំបង Business Statistics

មេម ៀនទី១

ិ ិអត្ថថធិបាយ

ិ ិ?

ស្ថិតិជាវ ិទាសាស្រស្តននការរបមូ ល ររៀបចំ បង្ហាញ វ ិភាគ និងបកស្រសាយទិនន

ន ័ យរលខ ស្រាប់រោល

បំ ណងជួ យកនុងការរធវើរស្ចកតីស្ររមចចិ តឲ្

ត យានរបស្ិទិ ភា
ឋ ព។ បរចេក រទស្ស្ថិតិរតូវបានររបើ យ៉ាងទូ លំ

ទូ លយកនុងការស្រសាវរជាវ ទី ផារ គណរនយយ រតួតពិនិតយគុ ណភាព អ្នកររបើ របាស្់ អ្នកជំ នាញកីឡា

រដឋបាលមនទីររពទយ អ្នកអ្ប់រ ំ អ្នកនរយបាយ អ្នករូបវ ិទា... ។ល។

1.2- របរភទស្ថត
ិ ិ

ស្ថិតិរតូវបានប្ចករចញជាពី រប្ផនក៖

1.2.1- ស្ថត
ិ ិពណ៌នា

ជាវ ិធី សាស្រស្តននការររៀបចំ ស្រងេប និងបកស្រសាយទិនន

ន ័ យកនុងលកេណៈជា ព័ត៌ាន។


- According to the microfinance survey shows that 49% of the respondents who used the
credit service met the problem of loan repayment. The statistic 49 describes the number out of
every 100 persons who met the problem.
- According to Consumer Reports, Whirlpool washing machine owners reported 9
problems per 100 machines during 2009. The statistic 9 describes the number of problems out of
every 100 machines.
ិ ិស្ននិោឋន

ជាការស្ររមចចិ តត បា៉ា ន់សាាន ទស្សន៍ ទាយ ឬររៀបចំ អ្ំពីបា៉ារ៉ា ប្ម៉ារតស្កល រោយប្ផែករលើស្ិត

ថ ិ

ស្ំណាក។ ស្កលជាការរបមូ លផតំុននបុគគលឬវតថុប្ដលអាចរកើតាន ទាំងអ្ស្់ ឬជារង្ហវស្់ប្ដលរតូវបាន

រគយកមកស្ិកា។ ស្ំណាកជាផលរធៀបមួ យ ឬជាប្ផនកមួ យននស្កលប្ដលរគយកមកស្ិការដើ មបីរធវើ

ទូ រៅកមា។


បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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សាកលវ ិទាល័យបាត់ដំបង Business Statistics

Example: ការស្ិកាជីវភាពរគួសារកនុងឃុំមួយ មួ យរយ(១០០)រគួសាររតូវបានររជើស្ ររ ើស្រោយនចដ

នយស្រាប់ ការរធវើស្ំភាស្ន៍ ។
- All households in the commune is the population (N)
- 100 households out of the households in the commune is the sample (n).
ស្ាគល់៖ រោយប្ផែករលើភស្តតាងស្ំ
ុ ណាករយើងអាចរធវើទូរៅកមាអ្ំពីស្កលមួយបាន។

1.3- របរភទអ្រថរ

ា ស្ញ្ញាមួ យប្ដលរគយកមករយការណ៍ជាតួ រលខ ឬតនមល (មិនានរលខ)រៅនឹ ង

លកេណៈរបស្់វ។ តនមលរលខកំ ណត់អ្រថរមួ យគឺ អាស្រស្័យរលើលកេណៈ របស្់អ្រថររនាោះ។ រយងរៅ

នឹ ងការបង្ហាញទិ នន
ន ័ យអ្រថរអាចជាអ្រថរគុ ណភាព (qualitative) និ ងបរ ិាណ(quanlitative)៖

1.3.1- អ្រថរគុណភាព ឬអ្រថររបរភទរកុម

អ្រថរគុណភាព ឬអ្រថររកុមជាអ្រថរប្ដលរគយកមកស្ិកាមិ នប្មនជារលខ។

Sex, occupation, level of education, brand of the products manufactured by a company,
satisfaction on credit service and so on.
Variable Values Explanation
Gender □ Male □ Female This variable has two categories or two attributes

Education □ Primary school

□ Junior high school
□ Senior high school This variable has four categories or four attributes
□ College/University
1.3.2- អ្រថរបរ ិាណ

អ្រថរបរ ិាណជាអ្រថរប្ដលរគយកមករយការណ៍ជារលខ។
Example:បរ ិមាណផលិតផលដែលបានលក់,កំ ឡុងពពលរងចំរបស់អតិ ថិជនសរមាប់ ពសវាកមម, ចណូ
លររួសារ, ចំ នួនពមា៉ ងពលើសកនុងមួ យដែ, ទំ ហំការលក់ (បរ ិមាណលក់ ឬជាែុល្លល), និងមានពរចើនពទៀ
អ្រថរបរ ិាណអាចជាអ្រថរោច់ (Discrete) និ ងជាអ្រថរជាប់(Continuous)៖

- អ្រថរោច់ ជាអ្រថរប្ដលអាចស្នាតពីតនមលជាក់លក់របស្់វ រហើយជាធមាតាាន

ចំ នួនបនទប់ពែកកនុងផទះមួ យ, ចំនួនសមាជិកររួសារ, ចំនួនបរ ិកាាពផេងៗ (1,2,3,...)។
- អ្រថរជាប់ ជាអ្រថរអាចស្នាតពី តនមលរបស្់វស្ថិតរៅកនុងចរនាលោះជាក់ លក់មួយ។

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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សាកលវ ិទាល័យបាត់ដំបង Business Statistics

រយៈពពលពធវើែំពណើរពីភំ ពន ពញពៅពសៀមរាប, ចំ ណូល, ទមងន់វតថុ ។ល។


Qualitative or attribute Quantitative or numerical

(type of car owned)

discrete continuous
(number of children) (time taken for an exam)

ន ័យស្ថត
ិ ិ.

1.4.1- ទិនន
ន ័យរបាោះពុមព Secondary data
ា ការស្រសាវរជាវតរមូវឲ្យពបាះពុ មផ
ភ េពវផាយ។ ទិនននយសថិតិពលើ បញ្ហ
ា ទំងពនះអាច
រតូវបានរកព ើញកនុងអតថបទពបាះពុម,ភ journals, សារណាបទ, របាយការណ៍រដ្ឋាភិ បាល, និ ងទសេនាែតី
ជាពែើ ម។
1.4.2- ទិនន
ន ័យបឋម Primary data
ទិ នន
ន យពបាះពុ មរ
ភ ឺ មិនអាចផតល់ពត៌ មានររប់ រាន់ សរមាប់ ការសិកាស្រសាវរជាវ
បានពទ។ កនុងករណីពនះពត៌ មាននឹ ងរតូវបានរបមូ ល,វ ិភារ។ វ ិធី មួយននការរបមូលទិ នន
ន យបឋមរឺ
1.5 ករមិតរង្ហវស្់ទិនន
ន ័យ .Levels of Measurement
ជាការពិ តមានរបពភទរង្វវស់ទិនន
ន យបួនសរមាប់ អពថរមួ យដែលបានរបមូ ល៖
 រង្វវស់ Nominal,
 រង្វវស់ Ordinal,
 រង្វវស់ Interval, and
 រង្វវស់ Ratio.
 រង្វវស់ Nominal level (scaled):
ជារង្វវស់សរមាប់ របពភទទិនននយរកុម(categories)ិរុណភាព(qualitative)ពដ្ឋយពុំ រិតលំដ្ឋប់
ឬទី តាំងននការពរបៀបពធៀបពទបើយ។ កនុងរង្វវស់ nominal តនមលពលែ រតូវបានពរបើជាព្មះ
សរមាប់ តាងឲ្យតនមលរបស់អពថរមួ យ។

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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សាកលវ ិទាល័យបាត់ដំបង Business Statistics

អពថរ Variable: ពសវាកមមទំនាក់ទំនង Communication services
តនមលValues (ទិ នន
ន យ data): 1 = Mobitel, 2 = Metfone, 3 = Mfone,
4 = Smart mobile, 5 = Beeline, 6=qb.

កនុងករណីពនះតនមលពលែ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 រាន់ដតតាងសរមាប់របពភទរកុម

“Nominal” តាង “ព្មះ” ននរបពភទរកុម។ រង្វវស់ nominal រតូវបានពរបើ សរមាប់ ទិ នន
ន យរុ ណ
ភាពែូចជាអពថរពភទ,អប់ រ ំ,មុ ែរបរ,ព្មះផលិតផល,តំ បន់ ជាពែើ មពនាះជាទិនននយមិ នដមនជាពលែ។
 រង្វវស់ Ordinal level:
ជារង្វវស់សរមាប់ របពភទទិនននយរកុម(categories)ិរុណភាព(qualitative)ពដ្ឋយរិ តលំដ្ឋប់ ឬ
ទី តាំងននការពរបៀបពធៀបអាស្រសយពៅនឹងទំ នាក់ ទំនងទំ ហំ ឬរុ ណភាពរបស់វា។
Four products ranked by customers may be ranked as 1, 2, 3, and 4 where 4 is the best
and 1 is the worst. In this case of scale of measurement we do not know how much one product
is better than others, only that it is better.
During a taste test of 4 colas, cola C was ranked number 1, cola B was ranked number
2, cola A was ranked number 3, and cola D was ranked number 4.
 រង្វវស់ Interval level:
ជារង្វវស់ដែលរតូវបានពរពរបើ ពែើ មបីវាស់ដវងពលើទិនន
ន យពលែរបស់អពថរជាប់ ពដ្ឋយ រិ តលំដ្ឋប់ ឬ
ទី តាំងននការពរបៀបពធៀបអាស្រសយនឹ ងទំ នាក់ទំនងទំហំរបស់វា។
Example: របពភទរកុមចំណូល៖
Income category
□ 0 to $50
□ 50 to $100
□ 100 to $150
□ 150 to $200

 Ratio level:
Ratio ជារង្វវស់រតូវបានពរពរបើ សរមាប់វាស់ពលើទិនន
ន យពលែរបស់អពថរដ្ឋច់។
Example: ែូចជាទិនន
ន យចំ ណូលរបចំដែ,ទមងន់វតថុ, ចមាងយ, សីតុណាភាព,ទំ ហំនផទមុែកាត់ , ចំនួន
ផលិតផលមួ យ,ទំ ហំននការលក់ ជាពែើ ម។

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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សាកលវ ិទាល័យបាត់ដំបង Business Statistics

1.6-បំប្ណងប្ចកររបកង់ Frequency Distribution

Frequency distribution : ជារកុមននទិ នន

ន ័ យមួ យជារបរភទរកុមប្ដលបង្ហាញ តនមលរលខ ឬ ររបកង់ នន

ការអ្រងេតកនុងរកុមនិ មួយៗ

Example1: ស្ំណួរ៖ ចូ របង្ហាញពី ការង្ហររបស្់អ្ក

ន ?

ស្ំណួរ៖ រតើ អ្ក
ន រកចំណូលបានប៉ាុ នាានកនុងមួ យប្ខ?

1.7- រកាហវបង្ហាញទិនន
ន ័យស្ថត
ិ ិ Graphical presentation of data

ជាទូ រៅរគររបើ រកាហវអ្ុីស្ូរកាម

ត និងពហុរកាណររបកង់ រកើ ន។

A Histogram ជារកាហវស្ស្រតភាាប់ ោនប្ដលផេិតននថ្ននក់ កំណត់ រលើអ្័កសរដក

និ ងររបកង់ ននថ្ននក់រលើអ្័កសឈរ។ ររបកង់ ននថ្ននក់ រតូវបានបង្ហាញរោយកមពស្់ននស្ស្រ និ ងស្ស្រនិមួ

យៗរតូវគូ ស្តភាាប់ ោន។

ឧទាហរណ៍៖ ចូ រស្ង់ អ្ុីស្រកាមស្រាប់

ូត ចំនួនរា៉ា ងស្ិការបស្់និស្សិតស្រុបចំនួន

35 នាក់ ប្ដលបានស្ិកាកាលពី ស្បាតហ៍មុន។

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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សាកលវ ិទាល័យបាត់ដំបង Business Statistics

Histogram for Hours Spent Studying

A Cumulative Frequency Distribution បំ ប្ណងប្ចកររបកង់ រកើនជាផលបូ កររបកង់ បនតបនាទប់ ពីរលើចុោះ

ររកាម រហើយរតូវបានរគយកររបើ រដើ មបីកំណត់ចំនួន ឬ ផលរធៀប ននតនមលទិនន

ន ័យរៅររកាម ឬរៅរលើ


រដើមបីស្ង់ពហុរកាណររបកង់រកើន រគរៅារតោឋនរោលរលើននថ្ននក់ និមួយៗ

រៅរលើអ្័កសរដក(X-axis) និ ងឲ្យរតូវនឹងររបកង់ រកើនរបស្់វរៅរលើអ្័កសឈរ(Y-axis.)។

ឧទាហរណ៍៖ ចូ រស្ង់ ពហុរកាណររបកង់ រកើ នស្រាប់ចំនួនរា៉ា ងស្ិការបស្់និស្សិត

ស្រុបចំនួន 35 នាក់ ប្ដលបានស្ិកាកាលពី ស្បាតហ៍មុន។

ពហុរកាណររបកង់រកើន Cumulative Frequency Polygon

រកាហវស្ស្រ Bar Chart

ព័ ត៌ានកនុងតារងររបកង់អាចបង្ហាញជារកាហវស្ស្របាន។ រកាហវស្ស្រ

អាចរតូវបានរគររបើរដើមបីបង្ហាញទិ នន
ន ័ យរង្ហវស្់ nominal និ ងordinalផងប្ដរ។

Example: ចូ រស្ង់ រកាហវស្ស្រស្រាប់ចំនួនមនុ ស្សអ្ត់ ការង្ហររធវើប្ដលានចំនួន

ស្រុប 100,000 នាក់ ស្រាប់ រខតតប្ដលបានររជើ ស្ររ ើស្កនុងឆ្នំ2008។

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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សាកលវ ិទាល័យបាត់ដំបង Business Statistics

Bar Chart

រកាហវផិ ត
ល Pie Chart

A Pie Chart ានសារៈស្ំខាន់ ស្រាប់ ការបង្ហាញបំ ប្ណងប្ចកររបកង់ រធៀប។

រងវង់រតូវបានប្ចកជាចំររៀក ឬប្ផនកននរងវង់ទាំងមូ ល រហើយចំ ប្ណកនិមួយៗននរងវង់

ស្ាារតរៅនឹ ងររបកង់ រធៀបននរបរភទនិ មួយៗរៅកនុងទិ នន

ន ័ យ។

ឧទាហរណ៍៖ ចូ រស្ង់ រកាហវផិ ត

ល តាងចំប្ណករកុមស្រសារបៀរប្ដលអ្តិ ថិជនចូលចិ ត។


1.1snµtfaePsC¢³3RbePTxus²KñaRtÚv)anlk;enAePaCnIydæan Fast-food restaurant Edllmanlk;

ePsC¢³ Et nig kaehV. cUrBnül;faehtuGVI)anCaRbePTePsC¢³Edl
)anlk;KWCa]TahrN_mYyénGefrminEmnelx (Categorical variable). Suppose that three difference types of
beverages are sold at a fast-food restaurant - soft drinks, tea, and coffee. Explain why the type of beverage
sold is an example of a categorical variable.

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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សាកលវ ិទាល័យបាត់ដំបង Business Statistics

1.2snµtfa ePsC¢³RtÚv)anlk;kgñú TMhM3RbePTenAkñúgePaCnIydæan Fast-food manTMhMtUc mFüm

nigFM.cUrBnül;fa ehtuGI)V anCaTMhrM bs;ePsC¢³KWCaGefrminEmnelx (Categorical variable). Suppose that
soft drinks are sold in three sizes in a fast-food restaurant – small, medium, and large. Explain why the size of
the soft drink is a categorical variable.

snµtfa eyIgvas;Evgry³eBl edanelat MP3 file BI Internet. cUrBnül;fa


ehtuGI)V anCary³eBledanelatKWCaGefrelx (Numerical variable). Suppose that we measure the time it

takes to download an MP3 file from the internet. Explain why the download time is a numerical variable.

Applying the Concept

1.4 cMeBaHGefrécdnünImYy²xageRkam cUrkMNt;fa etIGefrNaCaGefrminEmnelx rWGefrelx ehIy

kMNt;faetIGefrNaCaGefrdac; rWGefrCab;.
k> cMnYnTUrs½BÞkgñú mYyRKÜsar
x> RbePTTUrs½BEÞ dl)aneRbIR)as;PaKeRcIn
K> cMnYnénkarehATUrs½BÞkúñgcMgayq¶aykñgú mYyEx
X> ry³eBl¬KitCanaTI¦énkarehATUrs½BkÞ ñúgcMgayq¶ayEdlyUrCageKbMputkñúg1Ex
g> BN’TrU s½BÞEdlPaKeRcIneRbIR)as;
c> karKitR)ak;RbcaMEx¬Caduløar nigesn¦cMeBaHkarehATUrs½BkÞ ñúgcMgayq¶aykñgú 1Ex
q> kmµsTi é§ nTUrs½BÞcl½t
C> cMnYnénkarehATUrs½BÞkgñú RbeTskñúg1Ex
Q>manExSTUrs½BÞ1ExS P¢ab;eTAm:Udmi kMuBüÚTr½ (Computer Modem) mYyenAkñúgpÞH
j> manm:asInu hVak;mYyeRKÓgenAkñúgpÞH
1.5 snµtfaB½tm ’ anxageRkamKWTTYl)anBIsisSEdlsßitenAkñgú haglk;esovePAkñgú brievN
mhaviTüal½ykñúgs)þah_TmI YyénkarcUleronkñgú fñak;.
k> brimaNsac;R)ak;cMnayelIkarTijesovePA
x> cMnYnesovePAEdl)anTij
K> ry³eBlcMnayelIkaredIrTijesovePA
X> muxviCa¢ sikSa

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

Page 13
សាកលវ ិទាល័យបាត់ដំបង Business Statistics

g> ePT
c> kmµsiT§rbs;m:asIunftkaEstvIedGU
q> cMnnY eRkDItEdl)ancuHbBa¢Ikgñú qmasfµeI nH
C> manRbePTexaGavmYycMnYnEdleK)anTijkñúgeBlfµI²enHenAhaglk;esovePA
Q>viFIsaRsþénkarTUrTat;ly u kñgú haglk;esovePA.EbgEckGefrnImYy² kñgú cMeNam
GefrTaMgenHCa GefrminEmnelx(Categorical) rWGefrelx (Numerical). RbsinebIGefrelx cUrkMNt;fa
etIGefrNaCaGefrdac; rWGefrCab;.
1.6 cMeBaHGefrécdnüxageRkam kMNt;nUvGefrnImYy² faetIGefrNaCaGefrminEmnelx rWGefrelx.

RbsinebIGefrCaelx cUrkMNt;faetIGefrNaCaGefrdac; rWGefrCab;.

k> eQµaHGñkpþl;esvaGIunfWeNt
x> KitR)ak;RbcaMExeTAelIesvaGIunfWeNt
K> ry³eBlkñúgkareRbIR)as;esvaGInu fWeNt
X> eKalbMNgcMbgkñúgkareRbIR)as;GnIu fWeNt
g> cMnYnGIeu m:l ( E-mail )Edl)anTTYlkñgú 1s)þah_
c> cMnYnénkarTijtamGInu fWeNtkñgú 1Ex
q> cMnYnsac;R)ak;cMnaysrubeTAelIkarTijTMnijtamGIunfWeNtkñgú 1Ex
C> kMBu üÚTr½ pÞal;xnøÜ (Personal computer) man Rewritable CD drive.
1.7 cMeBaHGefrécdnüxageRkam kMNt;nUvGefrminEmnelx rWGefrelx. RbsinebIGefrCaelx cUrkMNt;

faetIGefrNaCaGefrdac; rWGefrCab;.
k> cMnYnTwkR)ak;EdlcMNaykñúgkaredIrTijexaGavenAkñgExmun
x> cMnYnGavrgarEdlman
K> hagEdleBjcitþ
X> eBlevlacMNaykñgú karedIrTijexaGavenAkñgú Exmun
g> kMLgu eBledIrTijexaGaveRcInCageKbMput ¬ éf¶Fmµta eBlyb; nigcugs)þah_ ¦
c> cMnYnKUrrbs;eRsamédrgarEdlman
q> RbePTyanþCMniHcMbgEdleRbIkgñú eBledIrTijexaGav

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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1.8 GefrmYyEdlPaKeRcInrYmbBa©Úlkñgú karGegátCajwkjab;KW cMNUl.CYnkalsMnYrecaT

CaRbeyaKsMnYrfa :etIGkñ mancMNUlb:nu µan¬Ban;duløar¦? : enAkñúgkarGegátdéTeTot sMnYrsYrfa
cUrKUsrgVg;elIkRmitR)ak;cMnUlEdl RtÚvKñanwgcMNUlrbs;Gkñ :
ehIycMNlU RtÚv)aneKerobCacenøaHsRmab;eGayeRCIserIs.
k> enAkñgú TMrg;sMnYrTI1 Bnülfa ;ehtuGVI)anCacMNlU RtÚv)aneKKitfaCa Gefrdac; nigGefrCab;.
x> kñúgcMeNamTMrg;TaMgBIrenHetITMrg;NamYyEdlGñkeBjcitþeRbIsRmab;cHu Gegát? ehtuGI?V
K> etITMrg;NamYykñúgcMeNamTMrg;TaMgBIrpþl;manPaBsuRkwtücMeBaHcMelIyeRcInCag?

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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សាកលវ ិទាល័យបាត់ដំបង Business Statistics

មេម ៀនទី២

ង្វវស្់ទីត្ថ ាំង និង បាយទិននន័យ

(Measures of Location and Dispersion)

2.1- ស្ថិតិស្កល

2.1.1- មធយមស្កល
For ungrouped numerical data, the population mean is the sum of all the population
values divided by the number of population values:



µ : តាងតនមលមធយមស្កល stands for the population mean.

N : ជាចំ នួនអ្រងេតកនុងស្កល is the number of observations in the population.
x : តាងតនមលនិមួយៗននស្កល stands for a particular value.
x : របាណវ ិធី បូកននតនមលនិមួយៗ indicates the operation of adding.

Example: រគួសារ Kiers ានរថយនតបួន។ ខាងររកាមជាអាយុរបស្់រថយនត (គិតជាmile)ប្ដលទទួ ល

បានពី រថយនតនិមួយៗ៖
56,000, 23,000, 42,000, and 73,000.
ចូ ររកអាយុមធយមរបស្់រថយនតនិមួយៗ។

ដំ រណាោះស្រសាយ

អាយុមធយមរបស្់រថយនតទាំងបួនរនោះគឺ ៖

 
x 56,000  23,000  42,000  73,000
 48,500
N 4

2.1.2- វ៉ា រយង់ស្កល

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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The population variance for ungrouped numerical data is the arithmetic mean of the squared
deviations from the population mean.

( x   ) 2
2 

2 : ជាវ៉ា រយង់ ស្កល is the population variance

x : ជាតនមលអ្រងេតនិមួយៗ is the value of each observation
 : ជាមធយមស្កល is the population mean

N : ជាទំ ហំស្កល is the population size

 ( x  :) 2
ជាផលបូកគាលតចាាយការរពីមធយមស្កល is the sum of square
deviations from the population mean.

A class of statistics consists of 5 students with the scores:
30, 17, 23, 18, 15. What is the variance?

 
x 30  17  23  18  15 130
  20.6
- The mean: N 5 5

(x  ) 2

 2
-The Variance: N

(30  20.6)2  (17  20.6)2  (23  20.6) 2  (18  20.6) 2  (15  20.6)2

2   29.04

2.1.3- គាលតស្តង់ោស្កល
The population standard deviation ( ) is the square root of the population variance.

( x   ) 2
For previous example, the population standard deviation is 5.39 (square root of 29.04).

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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  29.04  5.3888

ិ ថ ិស្កល

 មធយមស្កល The population mean:


 វ៉ា រយង់ ស្កល The population variance for numerical data:

( x   ) 2
2 

 គាលតស្តង់ោស្កល The population standard deviation:

( x   ) 2

2.2- ស្ថត
ិ ិស្ណា
ំ ក (Sample Statistics)

2.2.1- មធយមស្ថត
ិ ិស្ណា
ំ ក Sample Mean
The sample mean is the sum of all the sample values (observations) divided by the number of x
sample values (observations):


x តាងមធយមស្ំណាក stands for the sample mean
n ជាចំ នួនននការអ្រងេត (x) កនុងស្ថិតិស្ំណាកមួ យ
Example: សថិតិស្ំណាកននអ្នករបតិ បតតិការ៥រូប បានទទួ លចំ នួនរបាក់ បប្នថមរបចំឆ្នំ កាលពី ឆ្នំមុន៖
$14,000, $15,000, $17,000, $16,000, and $15,000.

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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សាកលវ ិទាល័យបាត់ដំបង Business Statistics

ចូ ររករបាក់ បប្នថមធយមស្រាប់ ស្ិត

ថ ិ ស្ំណាករនោះ។
ែំ ពណាះស្រសាយ
មធយមស្ថិតិស្ំណាក ឬចំនួនរបាក់បប្នថមមធយមគឺ

x x
14,000  15,000  17,000  16,000  15,000
x  15,400

2.2.2- វ៉ា រយង់ស្ត

ិ ថ ិស្ណា
ំ ក Sample Variance

s2  
( x  x )2
n 1
s 2 : is the sample variance
x : is the value of each observation (value of a variable)
x : is the sample mean
n : is the sample size or number of observations in the sample
(x  x) 2
: is the sum of square deviations from the sample mean
Example: ធានាារ ANZ Royal កំ ពុងសិកាពីចំនួនពពលដែលរតូវពរបើ កុងមួ
ន យនថង
ពដ្ឋយមា៉ សុីនែករបាក់ សយរបវតត
វ ិ សិត
ថ ពៅកនុងផារទំពនើបសូរ ិយា។ ខាងពរកាមជាចំ នួន ពពលដែលរតូវ
ន និមួយៗពដ្ឋយមា៉ សុីនពនះកាលពី ១០នថងមុន។
95 34 78 61 59 84 95 47 87 60
1. ចូ រកំណត់មធយមសថិតិសំណាកននចំ នួនពពលដែលរតូវពរបើ ពដ្ឋយមា៉ សុីនពនះ

 x  95  34  78  61  59  84  95  47  87  60  700  70
n 10 10

2. ចូ ររណនាវា៉ រយង់ សិត

ថ ិ សំណាកពនះ.

s2 
 (x  x) 2

n 1
(95  70) 2  (34  70) 2  (78  70) 2  (61  70) 2  (59  70) 2  (84  70) 2  (95  70) 2  (47  70) 2  (87  70) 2  (60  70) 2

10  1
625  1296  64  81  121  196  625  529  289  100 3926
   436.22
9 9

2.2.3- គាលតស្តង់ោស្ថត
ិ ិស្ណា
ំ ក Sample Standard Deviation

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

Page 19
សាកលវ ិទាល័យបាត់ដំបង Business Statistics

គាលតស្តង់ោស្ថិតិស្ំណាករតូវររបើ ជាឧបករណ៍វយតនមល(បា៉ា ន់ សាាន)រលើគាលតស្តង់ោ

ស្ថិតិស្កល។ គាលតស្តង់ោស្ថិតិស្ំណាកជាឫស្ការរននវា៉ រយង់ សិត

ថ ិ សំណាក។

s (x  x) 2

n 1
s : is the sample standard deviation
x : is the value of each observation (value of a variable)
x : is the sample mean
n : is the sample size or number of observations in the sample

(x  x) 2
: is the sum of square deviations from the sample mean
Example: ទិនន
ន ័ យននរស្វកមាា៉ាស្ុីន ATM របស្់ធនាោរ ANZ Royal Bank រយើងាន៖

គាលតស្តង់ោស្ថិតិស្ំណាកននចំនួនរពលប្ដលរតូវររបើ រោយា៉ា ស្ុីនស្វ័យរបវតតិរនោះគឺ s  20.88 ដង។

s (x  x) 2

 436.22  20.88
n 1
ិ ថ ិស្ណា
ំ ក

 មធយមស្ំណាក The sample mean:


 វ៉ា រយង់ ស្ំណាក The sample variance for numerical data:

( x  x ) 2
s2 
n 1

 គាលតស្តង់ោស្ំណាក The sample standard deviation:

( x  x ) 2
n 1
2.3- មធយមមួយចំនួនរទៀត Other Means

ន ័យរកុម The Mean of Grouped Data
ន យដែលពរៀបចំ កុងតារាងបំ
ន ដណងដចកពរបកង់ រតូវបាន

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

Page 20
សាកលវ ិទាល័យបាត់ដំបង Business Statistics

x  xf   xf
f n
x : ជាតនមលផិត
ច ននថ្ននក់ the mid-point of the class
f : ជាពរបកង់ ននថ្ននក់ the frequency of the class
សថិតិសំណាកនិ សេិតចំ នួន150នាក់ រតូវបានសមាភសពីការចំ ណាយទិ ញកាតទូ រសពទ របចំដែបាន
Expense category($) Frequency
5 to 10 70
10 to 15 30
15 to 20 20
20 to 25 15
25 to 30 10
30 to 35 5
Total 150

ដំ រណាោះស្រសាយ

Expense category($) Frequency ( f ) Midpoint ( x ) f.x

5 to 10 70 7.5 525
10 to 15 30 12.5 375
15 to 20 20 17.5 350
20 to 25 15 22.5 337.5
25 to 30 10 27.5 275
30 to 35 5 32.5 162.5
Total 150 2025

xw   xf 
 13.5
f 150

លទធផលអពងេតបង្វាញថ្ននិ សេិតចំណាយសរមាប់ការពៅទូរសពទពចញជាមធយមរឺ
$13.5 កនុងមួ យដែ។
2.3.2- មធយមធរណីារត Geometric Mean

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

Page 21
សាកលវ ិទាល័យបាត់ដំបង Business Statistics

មធយមធរណីមារតមានសារៈសំខាន់ កុងការរកតនមល
ន មធយមភាររយ, ផលពធៀប,
សនទសេន៍, និ ងអរតាកំ ពណើន។ វាក៍ មានការអនុ វតតទូលំទូល្លយកនុងអាជី វកមម, ពសែាកិច,ច
និ ងកសិកមមផងដែរ ពររះពយើងដតងដតរតូវបានសិកាកនុងការរកបដរមបរមួលភាររយ កនុងទិ នផ
ន លស្រសូវ,
ចំ ណូលររួសារ, ការលក់ផលិតផល ឬតួ ពលែពសែាកិចែ
ច ូ ចជា
the Gross National Product (GNP)។ មធយមធរណីមារតននសំណុំចំ នួន n ករណី រឺ ជាឫសទីn ននផល
រុ ណតនមល x និ មួយៗ ននចំនួនn ករណី។
The geometric mean (GM) ននសំណុំចំនួន n ករណីរតូវបានកំ ណត់ពដ្ឋយរូបមនត
ែូ ចខាងពរកាម៖
(1) GM  n ( x )( x )( x )...( x )
1 2 3 n

ពនះជាមធយមធរណីមារតរតូវបានពរបើ ជាមធយមននភាររយ, សនទសេន៍ ,និងផលពធៀប

ទំ នាក់ទំនង។
Example: អរតាការរបាក់ ពលើបណណ បំណុលបីរឺ 5, 7, and 4 ភាររយ(%)។ មធយមធរណី មារតរឺ ៖
GM  3 (5)(7)(4)  5.192
សមាាស់៖ កនុងករណីពនះមធយមនពវនរ ត ឺ ៖ (5 + 7 + 4)/3 =5.33% , មធយមធរណីមារត
(GM=5.192% ) ផតល់ឲ្យតួពលែចំ ពណញពរចើ នជាងពររះវាមិនមានទមងន់ពៅរកភារ រយដែលធំ ជាង
មធយម 7% ែូ ចមធយមនពវនពត ទ។
 ករណីពផេងពទៀតការពរបើមធយមធរណីមារត(GM) ពែើមបីកំណត់រកមធយមនន
ភាររយពកើ នពឡើងកនុងការលក់ , ផលិតកមម ឬអាជី វកមម ឬពសែាកិចព
ច ីកំឡុងពពលមួ យ
ពៅកំ ឡុងពពលមួ យពផេងពទៀត។ រូបមនតសរមាប់ពដ្ឋះស្រសាយបញ្ហ
ា របពភទពនះរឺ
(2) Value at end of period
GM  n 1
Value at beginning of period

Example: ចំនួនសិសេស្រសីសរុបបានចុ ះព្មះចូ លពរៀនកនុងមហាវ ិទាលយពៅអាពមរ ិក បានពកើនពឡើង

ពី 750,000 កនុងឆ្នំ1986 រហូតែល់ 835,000 កនុងឆ្នំ 1995។ ចូ ររកអរតា កំពណើនរបស់សិសេស្រសីដែល
បានចុ ះព្មះចូ លពរៀន។
ែំ ពណាះស្រសាយ
Here n = 1995 – 1986 = 9.
GM  9  1  0.012  1.2%
That is, the geometric mean rate of increase is 1.2%.

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

Page 22
សាកលវ ិទាល័យបាត់ដំបង Business Statistics

2.4- រមដាន-ម៉ាូត The Median - The Mode

2.4.1- រមដាន The median

Median: ជាតនមលកណា
ត លពរកាយពរពរៀបលំដ្ឋប់ រច
ួ ពីតនមលតូចបំផុតពៅធំបំផុត ឬពីតនមលធំបំផុត
ពៅតនមលតូចបំ ផុត។
The midpoint of the values after they have been ordered from the smallest to the largest,
or the largest to the smallest.
សមាាស់៖ សរមាប់ ចំនួនតួ ននសំណុំទិនន
ន យជាចំនួនរូ (nរូ)ពនាះពមែានជាមធយម
ត លពីរ។
សមាាស់៖ មធយម និ ង ពមែានរឺ ជានិ នានការពៅរកផចិតននទិ នន
ន យ ឬរឺ ជារង្វវស់
ទី តាំងមធយម(Average) ននទិនននយ។
Example: ចូ ររណនាពមែានននសំណុំទិនននយខាងពរកាម៖
1. The age of a sample of five college students is:
21, 25, 19, 20, and 22.
Arranging the data in ascending order gives:
19, 20, 21, 22, 25. Thus the median is 21.
2. The height of four basketball players, in inches, is
76, 73, 80, and 75.
Arranging the data in ascending order gives:
73, 75, 76, 80. Thus the median is 75.5
2.4.2- ម៉ាូត The Mode
- ម៉ូ តរឺ ជាតនមលននការអពងេតដែលពកើតពឡើងពរចើនែងជាងពរបំផុត។
The mode is the value of the observation that appears most frequently.
Example: The exam scores for ten students are:
81, 93, 84, 75, 68, 87, 81, 75, 81, 87.
Since the score of 81 occurs the most, the modal score is 81.
- ម៉ូ តននទិ នន
ន យរកុមរឺ ជាតនមលរបហាក់របដហលតនមលផិត
ច ននថ្ននក់ ដែលមានពរបកង់
ធំ ជាងពរបំ ផុត។ កនុងឧទហរណ៍ , ថ្ននក់ ែំបូងមានពរបកង់ ធំជាងពរបំ ផុតរឺ 70។ ែូពចនះម៉ូតននបំ ដណង
ដចកតារាងពរបកង់ ពនះរឺ 7.5។

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

Page 23
សាកលវ ិទាល័យបាត់ដំបង Business Statistics

Expense category($) Frequency

5 to 10 70
10 to 15 30
15 to 20 20
20 to 25 15
25 to 30 10
30 to 35 5
Total 150

2.5- រង្ហវស្់របាយទិនន
ន ័យ

2.5.1- រង្ហវស្់ននភាពប្របរមួល Measures of Variability

ភាពពរទតបង្វាញលកាណៈករមិ តភាពឆលុះននបំ ដណងដចកជុំ វ ិញមធយមរបស់វា។
- ភាពពរទតពសមើសូនយ: Mean ,Median and Mode are equal.
 xi  x 
n 3
Skewness   
(n  1)(n  2) i1  s 

mode = median = mean

ឧទហរណ៍៖ ពិ និតយសំណុំទិ នន
ន យពីរខាងពរកាម៖
Set I : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Set II: 4, 5, 5, 5,6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8

Set I: Mean = Median = Mode = 6

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 x

Data are spread out

Set II: Mean = Median = Mode = 6

Skew = 0
4 5 6 7 8 x

Data are clusterd together

- ភាពពរទតវ ិជជមាន: Mean and Median are to the right of the Mode.

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

Page 24
សាកលវ ិទាល័យបាត់ដំបង Business Statistics

Skew > 0


- ភាពររទតអ្វ ិជាាន: Mean and Median are to the left of the Mode.

Skew < 0


2.5.2- រង្ហវស្់ននរបាយទិនន
ន ័យ Measures of Disperson - វ៉ា រយង់ Variance

Example: ចូ រពិ និតយសំណុំទិ នន
ន យពីរ៖
Data set I: 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 11
Data set II: 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 8
Mean  Median  Mode  6 , That is x1  x2  6
(1  6)2  (2  6)2  ...  (11  6)2
s12   10.00
(4  6)2  (5  6)2  ...  (8  6)2
s22   1.27
សំណុំទិ នន
ន យទំងពី រមាន mean = median = mode = 6 and skew = 0,
ប៉ុ ដនតសំណុំទិនន
ន យទីIមានរបាយខាលំងជាងសំណុំទិនន
ន យទី II។ គាលតស្តង់ោ Standard Deviation
Example: ចូ រពិនិតយសំណុំទិ នន
ន យពីរ៖
Data set I: 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 11

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

Page 25
សាកលវ ិទាល័យបាត់ដំបង Business Statistics

Data set II: 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 8

Mean  Median  Mode  6 , That is x1  x2  6

(1  6)2  (2  6)2  ...  (11  6)2

s1   3.16

(4  6)2  (5  6)2  ...  (8  6)2

s2   1.13
សំណុំទិ នន
ន យទំងពី រមាន mean = median = mode = 6 and skew = 0,
ប៉ុ ដនតសំណុំទិនន
ន យទីIមានរបាយខាលំងជាងសំណុំទិនន
ន យទី II។ គាលតចាាយ Range:
ន យរឺ range។ វាមានភាពែុ សានរវាង តនមលែពស់បំផុត
និ ងតូ ចបំផុតកនុងសំណុំទិនន
ន យមួ យ។
Range  Highest value  Lowest value
Range  Max  Min

Data set I 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 11

Data set II 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 8

Data set I Range = 11 - 1 = 10

Data set II Range = 8 - 4 = 4

The sum of the data = 72 is equaled and skew =0, but the data set I is more
disperses than data set II. រមគុណបប្រមបរមួល Coefficient of Variation (CV)
CV ជាផលពធៀប(ភាររយ)ននរមាលតសតង់ដ្ឋសំណាកពៅរកមធយមសំណាក។
Coefficien t of Variation : CV  (100)
Example: ការសិកាមួ យពលើទិនផ
ន លស្រសូវនិ ងនផទែីរបស់កសិករកនុងតំបន់មួយបាន
បង្វាញលទធផលកនុងសថិតិទំងពី រពនះ។ មធយមនននផទែីរបស់កសិកររឺ59.17haជាមួ យ

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

Page 26
សាកលវ ិទាល័យបាត់ដំបង Business Statistics

រមាលតសតង់ដ្ឋរឺ20.98។ មធយមននទិននផលស្រសូវកនុងររួសារនិមួយៗរឺ1,774.75Kg និ ងរមាលតសតង់ដ្ឋរឺ

1,298.66Kg។ ចូ រពរបៀបពធៀបទំ នាក់ទំនងរបាយកនុងបំដណងដចក
ទំងពីរពនះពដ្ឋយពរបើ ពមរុណបដរមបរមួល(CV)។

ដំ រណាោះស្រសាយ
s 20.98
(ទំ ហំនផទដី) CV  (100)  (100)  35 percent
X 59.17

s 1,298.66
(ទិននផលស្រស្ូវ) CV  (100)  (100)  73 percent
X 1,774.75
បកស្រសាយ៖ ានទំ នាក់ ទំនងរបាយទិននន័យខាលំងជាងរៅកនុងបំ ប្ណងប្ចកននទិននផលស្រស្ូវ

រធៀបនឹងបំ ប្ណងប្ចកននទំហំនផទដីរបស្់កស្ិករកនុងតំបន់រនាោះ(រររោះ 75% > 35%) ។

ានន័ យថ្នរមគុ ណបប្រមបរមួលទិននផលស្រស្ូវធំ ជាងរមគុ ណបប្រមបរមួលទំ ហំនផទដី។

ន ័យ

 គាលតចាាយrange:

range  max min

 វ៉ា រយង់ ស្ិត

ថ ិ ស្ំណាក( s 2 ):

( x  x ) 2
s2 
n 1

 គាលតស្តង់ោស្ថិតិស្ំណាក( s ):

( x  x ) 2
n 1

 រមគុ ណបប្រមបរមួល(CV)
CV  (100)

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

Page 27
សាកលវ ិទាល័យបាត់ដំបង Business Statistics


2.1 RbeTsCaeRcIn)anbBa¢ÚnePJóveTscrN_y:ageRcInmkRbeTskm<úCakñúgqña2M 007manbgðaj

RbeTs cMnYneTscr¬lan¦
kaNada 15.9

muiksickU 8.9

Cb:un 5.5

cRkPBGg;eKøs 3.3

GaLWmg: ; 2.1

)araMg 1.1

eRbsIlu 1

kUer:xageCIg 1

GIutalI 0.6

GURsþalI 0.5

KNnamFüm emdüan nigKMlatKMrU. cUrKUsRkabssr.

2.2 xageRkamenHKWCacMnnY t¥ÚjEt¥rrbs;GtifiCncMeBaHRkumh‘unGakascrbreTs (Foreign airlines)

eTAelIEpñkdwkCBa¢ÚnenAkñúgqña2M 006

Gakascr cMnYnt¥ÚjEt¥r(Complain)
British Airways 98
Air France 48
KLM 39
Alitalia 36
Aer Lingus 26

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

Page 28
សាកលវ ិទាល័យបាត់ដំបង Business Statistics

cUrKUsdüaRkampøit. KNnamFüm nigemdüan.

2.3 Tinnñ ½yxageRkamenHKWCacMnYnetanEdl)andwkRbcaMs)aþhq_ øgkat;mhasmuRT)a:sIuhVik
398 412 560 476 544 690 587 600
613 457 504 477 530 641 359 566
452 633 474 499 580 606 344 455
505 396 347 441 390 632 400 582

snµt;faTinnñ ½yTaMgenHtMNageGaysMNs uM aklTaMgmUl.KNnamFümnigKMlatKMrUénsMNMusakl.

2.4 GWru :Uey:nKWCarUbIyb½NÑrbs;Cb:unenAeBlGnaKtsRmab;eFVIGaCIvkmµenAkñúgTIpSar

GWur:ubenAeBlGnaKt. xageRkamenHKwCasnÞsSn_éføGWur:Uey:nenAkñúgry³eBl30éf¶enA
99.24 99.37 98.33 98.91 98.51 99.38 99.71 99.21 98.63 99.10

KNna ,  ,  nigemdüan.

2.5 xageRkamenHCatémøeRbgkateqARbcaMéf¶KitCaduløarkñúg1)aEr:lenAkñg
ú rdUvekþAqña2M 007³
17.5 17.6 18.3 17.9 17.4 16.9 17.1 18
17.2 18.3 17.8 17.1 18.3 17.5 17.4. 17.7

KNnamFüm KMlatKMrU nigv:arüg;.

2.6 xageRkamenHCacMnYnh‘unEdl)ane)aHsRmab;eFVB I aNiC¢kmµenAkñúg American Stock ExchangekññúgeBl
eFVIBaNiC¢kmµ 6éf¶ ¬éf¶GgÁar éf¶suRk éf¶cn½ Þ nigéf¶GgÁarTI 10/ 9/ 8/ 7/ 4 nigTI3 Exmifuna³
éf¶eFVIBaNiC¢kmµ cMnYnPaKh‘unEdle)aH
10-mifnu a 749

9-mifuna 760

8-mifuna 719

7-mifuna 715

4-mifuna 730

3-mifnu a 721

KNnamFüm emdüan KMlatsþg;da nigv:arü:g;éntYelxTaMgenH.

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

Page 29
សាកលវ ិទាល័យបាត់ដំបង Business Statistics

Population Mean and Sample Mean

2.7 KNnamFümrbs;sMNMusakl³ 6 3 5 7 6
Compute the mean of the following population values: 6 3 5 7 6

2.8 KNnamFümrbs;sMNMusakl³ 7 5 7 3 7 4
Compute the mean of the following population values: 7 5 7 3 7 4
2.9 k> KNnamFümrbs;):an;KRmÚxageRkam³ 5, 9, 4, 10

x> bgðajfa  X  X   0
a. Compute the mean of the following sample values: 5, 9, 4, 10
 
b. Show that  X  X  0 .

2.10 k>KNnamFümrbs;):an;KRmÚxageRkam³ 1.3, 7.0, 3.6, 4.1, 5.0

x>bgðajfa  X  X   0
a. Compute the mean of the following sample values: 1.3, 7.0, 3.6, 4.1, 5.0.
 
b. Show that  X  X  0 .

2.11 KNnamFümrbs;):an;KRmÚxageRkam³ 16.25, 12.91, 14.58

Compute the mean of the following sample values: 16.25, 12.91, 14.58
2.12 KNnamFümR)ak;QñÜlRbcaMem:agsRmab;CageQIEdlrkcMNlU )andUcxageRkam³
$15.40 $20.10 $18.75 $22.76 $30.67 $18.00

k> KNnamFümnBVnþ nig
x> bgðajfaetIvaKWCa Sample statistic rW Population parameter
2.13 Rkúmh‘un Midtown Ford )anCYlbuKÁlikEpñklk;cMnn Y 10nak;. cMnYnLanfµIEdl
)anlk;kal BIExmunedaybuKlÁ ikEpñklk;mandUcteTA³
15, 23, 4, 19, 18, 10, 10, 8, 28, 19

EpñkKNenyüenAkñúgRkúmh‘un)anrab;cMnnY énkarehATUrs½BÞkñúgmYyéf¶eTAkan;

elxTUrs½BÞminKitéføesvarbs;Rkúmh‘unkñgú ry³eBl7éf¶dMbUgkñúgEx]sPaqña1M 998³

14, 24, 19, 31, 36, 26, 17

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

Page 30
សាកលវ ិទាល័យបាត់ដំបង Business Statistics

2.15 Rkúmh‘un Cambridge Power nigRkúmh‘un Light )aneRCIserIs GtifiCneday

écdnücMnYn20nak;. xageRkamenHCaéføesvaGKÁIsnIEdl)anKitR)ak;BGI tifiCnkñgú GMLúug
54 48 58 25 47 75 46 60 70
67 68 35 56 66 33 62 65 67
2.16naykrbs;mnÞIreBTü Mercy Hospital )ankt;RtacMnYnem:ageFIkV areRkAem:ag
dnü ehIycMnYnem:ageFVIkareRkAem:agkñúgGMLúgeBlExmifunamankt;Rta
13 13 12 15 7 15 5 12
6 7 12 10 9 13 12

The Median

2.21 etIGñkraykarN_tMélelxNaCam:Utrbs;sMNuMTinñn½yRbsinebImancMnnY
Tinnñ ½ysrub³
k> Tinnñ ½ycMnYn10 ehIytémønImYy²mindUcKñaeT
x> Tinnñ ½ycMnYn6 ehIyelxTaMgGs;dcU Kña
K> Tinnñ ½ycMnYn5 ehIymantémø 1/ 2/ 3/ 4 nig4?
cMeBaHlMhat; 2.18 – 2.19
k> emdüan nig
x> m:Ut
2.22 xageRkamenHKWCabrimaNeRbg\nnÞ³ERbRbÜlry³eBl7éf¶cugeRkayenA Jiffy Lube enAkac;RCúg Elm

Street and Pennsylvania Ave.

41 15 39 54 31 15 33

2.23xageRkamenHKWCabERmbRmÜlPaKryénR)ak;cMeNjBIqña1M 997dl;1998sRmab;):an;KMrURkúm
h‘unsMNg;cMnnY 12enA Denver.
5 1 -10 -6 5 12 7 8 2 5 -1 11

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

Page 31
សាកលវ ិទាល័យបាត់ដំបង Business Statistics

2.24 xageRkamenHKWCaGayurbs;mnusScMnYn10nak;mkelgenA Video Arcade enAkñúghag Southwyck

Shopping MallenAevlaem:ag10RBwkenH.
12 8 17 6 11 14 8 17 10 8

The Geometric Mean

2.25 KNnamFümFrNImaRténtémøelxxageRkam³ 8, 12, 14, 26, 5 .

Compute the geometric mean of the following values: 8, 12, 14, 26, 5.

2.26. KNnamFümFrNImaRténtémøelxxageRkam³ 2, 8, 6, 4, 10, 6, 8, 4 .

Compute the geometric mean of the following values: 2, 8, 6, 4, 10, 6, 8, 4.

2.27. enAkñúgqña1M 950manRbeTscMnnY 51 CakmµsiT§rbs;shrdæGaemrik. luHdl;qña1M 996

cMnYnenH)anekIneLIgeTAdl;185RbeTs. etImFümFrNImaRténGRtaRbcaM
qñaéM nkMenInsmaCikkñgú GMLuúgeBlenHesµIb:unµan?
2.28. cMnYnxageRkamKWCaPaKryénkMenInénkarlk; MG Corporation kñúgry³eBl5qñaM

cugeRkayenH. kMNt;mFümFrNImaRténGRtakMenInRbcaMqñaM;kúñgry³eBlenH.
9.4 13.8 11.7 11.9 14.7

2.29 Darenfest nig Associates )anbgðajfaenAkñuñúgqñaM1988 mnÞIreBTü)ancMNay R)ak;cMnYn 3/9Ban;

landuløareTAelIRbB½n§kMuBüÚT½r. eKBüakrN_fa enAqñaM2000TwkR)ak;enHnwgekIneLIgeTA
dl;14Ban;landuløar. RbsinebIkarcMNayBitCamankarekIneLIgdl;cMnYn 14Ban;landuløar
enHEmn etImFümFrNImaRténGRtakMeNInRbcaMqñaMenAkñúgry³eBlenHesµIb:unµan?
2.30 enAqñaM1988 mancMnYnGtifiCneRbIesvaExSkabTUrTsSn_cMnYn 9/19lannak;. luHdl;

qña1M 998 cMnYnmankarekIneLIgdl;eTA 54/87lannak;. etIGRtakMenInRbcaMqñaMb:unµan?

2.31 sßanIyviTüú WLQR fµI²enH)anpøas;bþÚreGaykan;EtTMenIbgayRsÜlsþab;.

Gñksþab;cMnnY 50nak;RtÚv)aneRCIserIsCa)a:n;KMrUnigmanbgðajenAkñúgbMEngEck
GayudUcxageRkam. BüakrN_mFümGayurbs;Gñksþab;.
2.32 bc©úb,nñmanburs nigRsþIRbmaN1/2lancUlrYmkñúgkatBVkicb © eRmIkgT½B
បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់
Page 32
សាកលវ ិទាល័យបាត់ដំបង Business Statistics

enAkñúgCYrkgT½BeCIgTwk Tah‘anm:arIn nigT½BGakasrbs;shrdæGaemrik.

xageRkamenHbgðajB½t’manlMGit GMBIPaKryénRkúm Gayu. kMNt;mUt: énGayurbs;
Tah‘ansµ½RKcitbþ MeBjkatBVkic©kgT½B.
Gayu PaKry
ticCag 20 15
20 – 25 33
25 – 30 19
30 – 35 17
35 – 40 11
40 – 45 4
eRcInCag 45 1

2.33 Rkúmh‘unKNenyürbs; Crawford nig Associates manédKUr (Senior partners)

cMnYn 5. mSilmijédKUrTaMgenaH)anCYbCamYyGtifiCn 6/ 4/ 3/ 7 nig5nak;

k> KNnamFüm nigemdüanéncMnYnGtifCi nEdlédKUrmñak;²)anCYb.

x> etImFümenHKWCamFüm Sample rW Population?
K> bBa¢ak;fa  ( X   )  0.
 ( X   )  0.

2.34 Owens Orchards lk;Epøe)a:mmYyfg;FM. Epøe):amcMnYn7fg;RtÚv)aneKeRCIserIs

Ca):an;KRmÚEdlmancMnnY Epøe):amdUcteTA³ 23, 19, 26, 17, 21, 24, 22

k> KNnamFüm nigemdüanéncMnYnEpøe):amkñúgfg;nmI Yy²
x> bBa¢ak;fa  ( X  X )  0.
2.35 ):an;KRmÚénRKÜsarEdlBN’naBIRkúmh‘un United Bell Phone Company )anbgðajfa

xageRkamenHCacMnYnénkarTTYlTUrs½BÞkalBIs)þah_mun. kMnt;mFüm nigemdüanéncMnYnTUrs½BÞ

52 43 30 38 30 42 12 46 39 37
34 46 32 18 41 5

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

Page 33
សាកលវ ិទាល័យបាត់ដំបង Business Statistics

2.36 sikSaBIcMnYndgénkareRbIR)as;m:asIun ATMkñúgmYyéf¶EdlmanTItaMgenApSarTMenIb Loblaws

Supermarket. xageRkamenHKWCacMnYndgénkareRbIR)as;m:asIun ATM taméf¶nImy Y ²ry³eBl
30éf¶cugeRkay. kMnt;mFüméncMnYndgénkareRbIR)as;m:asIun ATM kñúgmYyéf¶.

83 64 84 76 84 54 75 59 70 61
63 80 84 73 68 52 65 90 52 77
95 36 78 61 59 84 95 47 87 60
2.37 cMnYnvIedGUkaemr:a (Temban Camcorders) plitkñúgry³eBl 8em:agkñúg1ev:n ehIyxageRkam
enHCacMnYnev:n 50EdleRCIserIsedayécdnü. kMnt;mFüméncMnYnvIedGUkaemr:aEdl)anplitkñúgev:n
348 371 360 369 376 397 368 361 374
410 374 377 335 356 322 344 399 362
384 365 380 349 358 343 432 376 347
385 399 400 359 329 370 398 352 396
366 392 375 379 389 390 386 341 351
354 395 338 390 333
2.38 American Automobile Association

vismkalcugs)aþh._ xageRkamenHKWCatémøesvapÞal;xÜnø sRmab;kEnøglk;raycMnYn

15kEnøgenAkñúgEx]sPaqñaM1997enAéf¶cgu s)aþh_énéf¶rlM wkxYbenAtMbn; Detroit,
1.24 1.22 1.15 1.19 1.29 1.21 1.26 1.21 1.29
1.25 1.28 1.19 1.26 1.24
k> etImFümnBVnþénéfølk;esµbI :unµan?
x> etIemdüanénéfølk;esµIb:unµan?
K> etIm:Uténéfølk;esµIbn:u µan?

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

Page 34
សាកលវ ិទាល័យបាត់ដំបង Business Statistics

មេម ៀនទី៣

របូបាបននបាំណែងណែកន័ ម៉ាល់
(The Normal Probability Distribution)

3.1- លកេណៈននបំប្ណងប្ចកន័រា៉ា ល់

• ប្ខសររកាងានកំ ពូលរៅចំចំណុចកណា
ត លននបំ ប្ណងប្ចក។

• មធយម រមដាន និ ងម៉ាូតរស្ាើោនរៅចំ កំពូលននបំប្ណងប្ចក។

• រកឡានផទររកាមប្ខសរកាងប្ចកជាពី រប្ផនកគឺប្ផនករលើ(ធំជាង) និ ងររកាម(តូ ចជាង)មធយម


• បំ ប្ណងប្ចករនោះឆលុោះោនរធៀបនឹងមធយម(Mean)។

• ប្ខសរកាងខិ តជិតអ្័កសរដកប្តមិនកាត់។

3.2- របូបាបននបំប្ណងប្ចកស្តង់ោន័រា៉ា ល់

• បំ ប្ណងប្ចកន័ រា៉ា ល់ ជាមួយមធយមរស្ាើនឹង០ និងគាលតស្តង់ោរស្ាើនឹង1រៅថ្នបំ ប្ណងប្ចក

ស្តង់ោន័ រា៉ា ល់ ឬតនមល z ។

• Z value: ជាចាាយគាលតស្តង់ោរវងតនមលx ណាមួយប្ដលបានររជើ ស្ររ ើស្រចញពី តនមលមធយម

ស្កល(  )រធៀបនឹងគាលតស្តង់ោស្ថិតិស្កល( )។ កំណត់ រោយ៖


បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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សាកលវ ិទាល័យបាត់ដំបង Business Statistics


ចំ ណូលរបចំប្ខរបស្់កមាករររងចរកកាត់ រដរគឺ ជាបំប្ណងប្ចកnormalជាមួ យមធយម(Mean)រស្ាើ

នឹ ង$150 និ ងគាលតស្តង់ោ$41។

-រតើ តនមលzរស្ាើនឹងប៉ាុ នាានស្រាប់ ចំណូលរបចំប្ខ$200/ប្ខ?

-រតើ តនមលzរស្ាើនឹងប៉ាុ នាានស្រាប់ ចំណូលរបចំប្ខ$70/ប្ខ?


x 200  150

- For x=$200 Z   1.22
 41

x 70  150
- For x=$70 Z   1.95
 41
A Z-value = 1.22 indicates that the salary of $200 is 1.22 standard deviation above the mean of

$150, and a Z-value = –1.95 indicates that the salary of $ 70 is 1.95 standard deviation below

the mean of $150.


ការវ ិភាគស្ថិតិននចំនួនរយៈរពលស្រុបប្ដលអ្តិ ថិជនរៅរចញកនុងមូ យប្ខគឺ ជាបំប្ណងប្ចកNormal

ជាមួ យមធយមស្ថិតិស្កល240វ ិនាទី និ ងគាលតស្តង់ោស្ថិតិស្កល60វ ិនាទី។

1.រតើ ភាគរយរបស្់អ្តិថិជនប្ដលបានរៅរចញស្រុបកនុងមួ យប្ខតិចជាង170sរស្ាើនឹងប៉ាុ នាាន?

2. រតើ របូបាបរបស្់អ្តិថិជនប្ដលបានរៅរចញស្រុបកនុងមួ យប្ខរៅចរនាលោះ170s និង240sរស្ាើនឹង

ប៉ាុ នាាន?

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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3. រតើ របូបាបរបស្់អ្តិថិជនប្ដលបានរៅរចញស្រុបកនុងមួ យប្ខរៅចរនាលោះ240s និង350sរស្ាើនឹង

ប៉ាុ នាាន?

4. រតើ របូបាបរបស្់អ្តិថិជនប្ដលបានរៅរចញស្រុបកនុងមួ យប្ខរៅចរនាលោះ200s និង300sរស្ាើនឹង

ប៉ាុ នាាន?

5. ានអ្តិ ថិជន10%ប្ដលបានរៅរចញររចើនកនុងមួយប្ខ,រតើចំនួនរយៈរពលរៅរចញតិ ចបំផុតនន



បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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សាកលវ ិទាល័យបាត់ដំបង Business Statistics

Example 2:

សាស្រសាតចរយMannបានកំណត់ ថ្នមធយមភាគពិនុបញ្
ទ ា ប់ កុងមុ
ន ខវ ិជាាស្ថិតិរបស្់ោត់ ជាបំ ប្ណង ប្ចក

Normalជាមួ យមធយមស្ថិតិស្កល72ពិ នុទ និ ងគាលតស្តង់ោស្ថិតិស្កល5ពិ នុ។ោត់

ទ ស្ររមចកំ ណត់ ពិនុទ

ខពស្់បំផុតរបស្់មុខវ ិជាាប្ដលោត់ កំពុងបររងៀនរបស្់និស្សិតទទួ លបាននិ រទទស្Aគឺ 15%។ រតើ មធយម

ទ ផុតប្ដលនិស្សិតអាចទទួ លបាននិ រទទស្Aរស្ាើនឹងប៉ាុ នាាន?

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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3.3- បំប្ណងប្ចកស្ំណាកននមធយមស្ំណាក (Sampling Distribution of the Sample Means)

បំ ប្ណងប្ចកស្ំណាកននមធយមស្ំណាកជាបំ ប្ណងប្ចករបូបាបននមធយមស្ំណាកទាំងអ្ស្់ននទំ ហំ

ស្ំណាកប្ដលបានររជើ ស្ររ ើស្រចញពី ស្ិត

ថ ិ ស្កលមួយ និ ងរបូបាបននរពឹ តិ កា
ត រណ៍រកើតរ ើងជាមួ យ

មធយមស្ំណាកនិ មួយៗ។


បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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ចំនួនស្ំណាកប្ដអាចររជើស្ររ ើស្រោយនចដនយ

ចំនួនស្ំណាកប្ដលអាចររជើស្ររ ើស្រោយនចដនយជាមួយមធយមស្ំណាករបស្់វ៖ (កមាករពីរនាក់)

Possible sample Computing Sample Mean

A, B (22+26)/2 = 24.0
A, C (22+30)/2 = 26.0
A, D (22+26)/2 = 24.0
A, E (22+22)/2 = 22.0
B, C (26+30)/2 = 28.0
B, D (26+26)/2 = 26.0
B, E (26+22)/2 = 24.0
C, D (30+26)/2 = 28.0
C, E (30+22)/2 = 26.0
D, E (26+22)/2 = 24.0
Population mean = 25.2

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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សាកលវ ិទាល័យបាត់ដំបង Business Statistics


ិ ិស្ណា
ំ ក និងមធយមស្ថត
ិ ិស្កល៖

3.3.1- រទឹស្ល
ីត ម
ី ីតកណា
ត ល )The Central Limit Theorem(

• If all samples of a particular size are selected from any population, the sampling

distribution of the sample means is approximately a normal distribution. This

approximation improves with large samples.

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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• The central limit theorem is that when we take more samples, we will find the distribution

of sample means will approach the normal distribution.

3.3.2- កំហស្
ុ គំរនូ នមធយមស្ំណាក (Standard Error of Sample Mean)

3.4- ស្ង់ចរនាលោះរជឿជាក់

3.4.1- ស្ង់ចរនាលោះរជឿជាក់ស្រាប់មធយមស្កល µ

• The interval within which a population parameter is expected to occur is called a

confidence interval.
• In general, a confidence interval ( CI )for the mean is computed by: CI : X  Z

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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ចំ ណាំ៖ ស្ង់ចរនាលោះរជឿជាក់ 95% and 99% ស្រាប់ មធយមស្កល µ

រលករពឹទធបុរស្ននមហាវ ិទាល័យរណិជាកមាចង់បា៉ាន់ សាានចំនួនរា៉ា ងស្ិកាជាមធយមរបចំស្បាតហ៍

របស្់និស្សិតកនុងមហាវ ិទាល័យរបស្់ោត់។ ស្ថិតិស្ំណាកនិ ស្សិតចំនួន49នាក់ បង្ហាញថ្នចំនួនរា៉ា ង

ស្ិកាជាមធយមស្ថិតិស្ំណាកគឺ 24រា៉ា ង/ស្បាតហ៍ និ ងគាលតស្តង់ោស្ថិតិស្ំណាកគឺ4រា៉ា ង/ស្។

ចំ ណុចវយតនមលគឺ24រា៉ា ង(មធយមស្ថិតិស្ំណាក)។

ក. ចូ ររកលរមែៀងស្តង់ោននស្ថិតិស្ំណាករនោះ។

ខ. ចូ ររកចរនាលោះរជឿជាក់95%ស្រាប់ ចនួ នរា៉ា ងស្ិកាជាមធយមរបចំស្បាតហ៍(មធយមស្ថិតិ

ស្កល)របស្់និស្សិតរៅកនុងមហាវ ិទាល័យរបស្់ោត់ ។

ដំ រណាោះស្រសាយ

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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3.4.2- ស្ង់ចរនាលោះរជឿជាក់ស្រាប់ផលរធៀបស្ាារតស្កល

Matt Williams ជាអ្នកររៀបចំ គររាងហិរញ្ា វតថុបានរធវើការវ ិភាគគររាងចូ លនិ វតតន៍ របស្់អ្ក
ន រធវើការវ ័យ

រកាង។ ស្ំណាកននអ្នករធវើការចំ នួន500នាក់ ប្ដលានផទោះផ្ទទល់ ខលួនរបស្់ពួករគបង្ហាញថ្ន175នាក់ ាន

គររាងលក់ផទោះរបស្់ពួករគ និងចូ លនិ វតតរៅរស្់រៅArizona។ ចូ រស្ង់ចរនាលោះរជឿជាក់98%ស្រាប់

ផលរធៀបស្ាារតរបស្់អ្នករធវើការប្ដលានគររាងលក់ផទោះ និ ងបតូររៅរស្់រៅArizona។

ដំ រណាោះស្រសាយ

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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1> edayeRbItarag (areas under the normal curve) épÞxageRkamExSekag KNnaRbU)ab‘ÍleI t

a) P(Z>1,22) b) P(Z<-0,56) c) P(Z<0,78)

d) P(Z>-1,01) e) P(0,5<Z<1.5) f) P(-0,33<Z<1,33)

2> tMrUvkarcMeBaHplitplmYyKWCabMENgEckFmµta EdlmanmFüménkarlk;RbcaMéf¶ 300Ékta ehIy

nwg Standard deviation 30 Ékta.
a) KNnaPaKryéncMnYnéf¶Edlkarlk; nigx<sC ; ag 350 Ékta?
b) KNnaPaKryéncMnYnéf¶Edlkarlk;nwgTabជាង 260Ékta?

c) etImanb:n
u µanéf¶eRkABI 300éf¶ énqñaEM dlkarlk;nwgTabCag 330Ékta?
4> tMrUvkarcMeBaHplitplmYyKWCabMENgEckFmµta EdlmanmFüménkarlk;RbcaMéf¶ 300Ékta ehIy
nwg Standard deviation 30Ékta.
a) KNnaPaKryéncMnYnéf¶ Edlkarlk;nwgx<s;Cag 350Ékta?

b) KNnaPaKryéncMnYnéf¶ Edlkarlk;nwgTabCag 260Ékta?

c) etImanb:n
u µanéf¶ eRkABI 300éf¶énqñaM Edlkarlk;nwgTabCag 330Ékta?
d) KNnakMriténkarlk; EdlkMNt;farvl;CageK 20% énqñaM?

e) KNnakMriténkarlk; EdlkMNt;farvl;CageK 30éf¶énqña? M

f) KNnakMriténkarlk; EdlkMNt;faGn;CageKbMput 20éf¶énkarlk;?

5> Rkumh‘unmYylk;)arI ehIydwgfa karlk;CamFümman 10.000 kBa©b; kñúgmYyéf¶ CamYynwg Standard

deviation 1.000kBa©b. ; ]bmfaCabMENgEckFmµtamYy
a) KNnaPaKryéncMnYnéf¶ Edlkarlk;nwgx<s;Cag 8.000kBa©b;?

b) KNnaPaKryéncMnYnéf¶ Edlkarlk;nwgTabCag 11.000kBa©b;?

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

Page 46
សាកលវ ិទាល័យបាត់ដំបង Business Statistics

c) etImanb:nu µanéf¶ Edlkarlk;nwgx<s;Cag 10.500kBa©b; ebIkgñú mYyqñaM eKlk;350éf¶?

d) KNnakMriténkarlk; EdlkMNt;farvl;CageK 15%énqñaM?

e) KNnakMriténkarlk; EdlkMNt;faGn;CageKbMput 100éf¶ énqñaM?

6> eragcRkmYyplitePsC¢³ EdlplitecjCamFüm 5.100db kñúgmYyéf¶ nig Standard deviation


a) etImanb:n u µanPaKryénéf¶ EdleragcRkplit)aneRcInCag 5.100db?

b) etImanb:n u µanéf¶enAkñúg300éf¶énqñaM EdleragcRkplit)anBI 4.800 eTA 5.100db?
c) KNnakMritplitkmµ EdlkMNt;fa RbesIrCageKbMput 20% énqñaM?

d) KNnakMritplitkmµ dlkMNt;fa GaRkk;CageKbMput 50éf¶énqñaM?

7> KNnacenøaHeCOCak; 95% nig 99% cMeBaHkrNIEdlKMrPU aKryrbs;Gñkman Sample percentage

30 nigTMhMKMrUrbs;Gñkman sample size 400.

8> tamtaragbMENgEckFmµta bgðajfa cMnnY EdleRbIenAkñúgkarKNna cenøaHeCOCak; 99% man 2,85.

etIcMnYnEdlGñkeRbIsMrab;cenøaHeCOCak; 98% manb:unµan?
9> eragcRkplitsab‘UmYy cg;eGaymanPaBBit 99% énGRtaGñkeRbIR)as;EdlcUlcitþsab‘mU ankøuin
Cagsab‘FU mµta. Kat;)aneRCIserIsKMrU 150nak; ehIyKNnaeGayeXIjfa 53nak;clU citþsab‘U
mankøin. KNnacenøaHeCOCak; 99% cMeBaHsMNMuPaKryénGñkEdlcUlcitþsab‘Umankøin.
10> enAkñgú eragcRkplitsab‘cU g;)a: n;sµankñgú 5% énsMNMuPaKry. edayeRbIkar):an;sµanén using initial
estimate 35% etIeyIgeRCIserIsykmnusSb:unµannak;mkeFVICaKMrU edIm,IeGayOncenøaHeCOCak; 99% ?

11>enAkñgú karrt; marathon mYyRkumEdleRCIserIs edayécdnü mansmaCik 50nak;Edlmanry³

eBlCamFüm 3,4 em:ag CamYynwgKMlatsþg;daKMrmU Yy Edl s = 0,9em:ag. KNnacenøaHeCOCak;
95% énry³eBlCamFümTaMgGs;ceM BaHkarrt; marathon enH.

12> Gñkcg;):an;sµaneTAelIplitkmµrbs;GñkRbcaMéf¶. enAkñúgkMLúgeBl 100éf¶ Gñk)anrkeXIjéføedIm

CamFümman $10,400 CamYynwg s = $6. KNnacenøaHeCOCak; 95% cMeBaHR)ak;Exkmµkr Ca
បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់
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13> kareRCIserIsedayéddnüGMBIR)ak;bMNac;RbcaMExrbs;kmµkrcMnnY 25nak; manR)ak;bMNac;CamFüm

$45CamYynwg s = $6. KNnacenøaHeCOCak; 95% cMeBaHR)ak;ExkmµkrCamFüm.

14> enAkñgú ry³eBl 82éf¶ Gñk)anGegátelIbrimaNGtifiCneXIjfa GtifiCnkñúgmYyéf¶CamFüm man

2,50nak;CamYynwg s = 25. KNnacenøaHeCOCak;99%cMeBaHcMnnY GtifiCnCamFümkñúgmYyéf¶.
15> GñkkMBugesñIeGayeFVIkarGegáteTAelIsMeNImYyEdlGHGagfa RsaeborGgÁdb mancMNuH 675ml.
Gñk)aneRCIserIsykKMrUcMnYn100dbGñksegáteXIjfacMNHu CamFümman 650mlCamYynwg s = 7ml.
KNnacenøaHeCOCak; 95% cMeBaHcMNuHRsaeborGgÁrCamFüm. etIGñkeCOCak;elIsMeNI enHEdr b¤eT?

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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សាកលវ ិទាល័យបាត់ដំបង Business Statistics

មេម ៀនទី៤

(Tests of Hypothesis)

4.1- និយមន័យ

4.1.1- អ្វីជាស្មាតិកមា?

ស្មាតិកមាៈជាស្ំរណើមួ យ ឬជាអ្ំនោះអ្ំ នាងមួ យអ្ំពីតនមលបា៉ារ៉ា ប្ម៉ា រត ឬមិនបា៉ា រ៉ា ប្ម៉ារតរបស្់ស្ិត

ថ ិ ស្កល

មួ យ ឬពី រប្ដលរតូវបានរគបា៉ា ន់ សាានឬអ្រងេតស្រាប់យករៅរធវើរតស្ត។


-The mean monthly income of medium households in Battambang city is $600.

-Each of garment worker is paid US$80.00 per month.

-The rice production in Battambang produce 3.5T /ha.

-Improving working environment will increase workers’ productivity.

-The service quality is the main factor leading to the customer loyalty.

- Microfinance is the first priority in contributing to financial help for the poor to improve the

income generation.

4.1.2- រតស្តស្មាតិកមា

រតស្តស្មាតិកមា ជាគររាងមួ យរោយប្ផែករលើស្ិត

ថ ិស្ំណាក និ ងរទឹ ស្ី ត របូបាបប្ដលររបើ វរដើមបីកំណត់

ថ្នរតើ ានរហតុផលរគប់រោន់ រចញពី ស្ិត

ថ ិ ស្ំណាកកនុងការរបាោះបង់ ស្មាតិកមាស្ូនយ(H0) ឬមិ នាន

រហតុ ផលរគប់ រោន់ កុងការរបាោះបង់

ន (មិនរបាោះបង់)ស្មាតិកមាស្ូនយ(H0)។ រតើH0ជាអ្វី?


1- កំ ណត់ ស្មាតិកមាH0 និងH1។

2. កំ ណត់តំបន់ របាោះបង់H0។

3. គណនារតស្តស្ិត
ថ ិ

4. រធវើការស្ររមចចិតតរលើH0 និងស្ននិោឋនរលើលទធផលរតស្ត។

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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4.1.3- ស្មាតិកមាស្ន
ូ យ

ស្មាតិកមាស្ូនយ(H0): ជាអ្ំនោះអ្ំ នាងអ្ំពីតនមលបា៉ារ៉ា ប្ម៉ា រតស្ថិតិស្កលប្ដលខុ ស្ពីតនមលពិតរបស្់ស្កល

រនាោះ ឬជាអ្ំ នោះអ្ំ នាងមួ យអ្ំ ពីតនមលបា៉ារ៉ា ប្ម៉ារតស្កលប្ដលរតូវបានរគបា៉ា ន់ សាានស្រាប់ យករៅរធវើ

រតស្តស្មាតិកមារនាោះ។របើស្មាតិកមាមួយជាអ្ំនោះអ្ំ នាងអ្ំពីតនមលបា៉ារ៉ា ប្ម៉ា រតស្កលប្ដលរតូវស្នាតថ្នជា

ថ ិ ស្កលមួ យ ឬពី រ រនាោះកនុងស្មាតិកមាH0ចំបាច់ រតូវររបើ ស្ញ្ញា ។

4.1.4- ស្មាតិកមាជររមើស្

ស្មាតិកមាជររមើ ស្(H1): ជាអ្ំ នោះអ្ំ នាងអ្ំពីតនមលបា៉ារ៉ា ប្ម៉ារតស្ថិតិស្កលមួ យឬពី រប្ដលរតូវស្នាតថ្នមិ ន

ខុ ស្នឹងតនមលពិតរបស្់ស្កល។ របើ អ្ំនោះអ្ំ នាងរនោះជាតនមលបា៉ារ៉ា ប្ម៉ា រតស្ថិតិស្កលប្ដលរតូវបានរគស្នាត

ស្រាប់ យករៅរធវើរតស្ត រនាោះកនុងស្មាតិកមាH1ចំបាច់ រតូវររបើ ស្ញ្ញា ។ ស្ាគល់៖ រតូវបរងេើតស្មាតិកមា

រនោះមុ នស្មាតិកមាH0ឬបរងេើតឲ្យដូចនឹងស្មាតិកមាប្ដលរគអ្ោះអាងស្រាប់ យករៅរធវើរតស្ត។

ឧទាហរណ៍៖ ចូ រកំ ណត់ ស្មាតិកមាស្ូនយ(H0) និ ងH1របស្់អ្ំនោះអ្ំ នាងនិមួយៗប្ដលរគស្នាតយករៅរធវើ


ន ប.បឆ្នំរនោះានទិននផលស្រស្ូវជាមធយមតិ ចជាង3.5T/haឬរទ?

ន ប.បឆ្នំរនោះានទិននផលស្រស្ូវជាមធយមររចើនជាង3.5T/haឬរទ?

ន ប.បឆ្នំរនោះានទិននផលស្រស្ូវជាមធយមមិ នរស្ាើនឹង3.5T/haឬរទ?


ន ប.បឆ្នំរនោះានទិននផលស្រស្ូវជាមធយមតិ ចជាង3.5T/haឬរទ?

ស្មាតិកមា៖ ឆ្នំរនោះទិននផលស្រស្ូវជាមធយមតិចជាង3.5T/ha។រគបាន

H0: ានមធយមររចើនជាងឬរស្ាើនឹង3.5T/ha (   3.5 )

H1:ានមធយមតិចជាង3.5T/ha (   3.5 )

ខ.ស្មាតិកមា៖ រតើ កុងរខតត

ន ប.បឆ្នំរនោះានទិ នផ
ន លស្រស្ូវជាមធយមររចើ នជាង3.5T/haឬរទ?

H0: ានមធយមតិចជាងឬរស្ាើនឹង3.5T/ha (   3.5 )

H1:ានមធយមររចើនជាង3.5T/ha (   3.5 )

គ.ស្មាតិកមា៖ រតើ កុងរខតត

ន ប.បឆ្នំរនោះានទិ នផ
ន លស្រស្ូវជាមធយមខុ ស្ពី3.5T/haឬរទ?

H0: ានមធយមរស្ាើនឹង3.5T/ha (   3.5 )

H1:ានមធយមខុ ស្ពី3.5T/ha (   3.5 )

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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4.1.5- ករមិតរធវើរតស្ត (Significance Level a)

ករមិ តរធវើរតស្ត (a): ជារបូបាបននកំ ហុស្ស្ថិតិកុងការរបាោះបង់

ន ស្មាតិកមាស្ូនយH0 រពលវជាតនមលពិត

ថ ិ ស្កលរនាោះ។ ករមិតរធវើរតស្តប្ចកជាពីរករមិ តគឺ កំហុស្របរភទI និងកំ ហុស្របរភទII តារង

ខាងររកាមបង្ហាញពី លទធផលរតស្តស្មាតិកមាប្ដលានលកេណៈស្ថិតិ៖

State of nature
Decision H0 True H0 False

Type II Error
Do not reject H0 Correct
Type I Error
Reject H0 Correct
ុ របរភទI(a): របាោះបង់ ស្មាតិកមាស្ូនយរពលស្មាតិកមាស្ូនយវជាតនមលពិតននបា៉ា រ៉ា ប្ម៉ា រតសាកល


ុ របរភទII( b ): មិ នរបាោះបង់ ស្មាតិកមាស្ូនយរពលស្មាតិកមាស្ូនយវមិនប្មនជាតនមលពិតននបា៉ា រ៉ា

ប្ម៉ា រតសាកលរនាោះ។

4.1.6- រតស្តស្ត
ិថ ិ

ថ ិ ជាតនមលរលខប្ដលគណនារចញពី ស្ិត
ថ ិ ស្ំណាកររបើវកនុងការស្ររមចចិតតរបាោះបង់ ស្មាតិកមា

ស្ូនយ ឬមិនរបាោះបង់រធៀបនឹ ងតនមលរលខកនុងតារង ឬតនមលវ ិភាគ។

4.1.7- តនមលវ ិភាគ ឬតនមលរលខកនងតារង

តនមលវ ិភាគជាតនមលរលខប្ដលគណនាបានពី តារងរៅករមិតរធវើរតស្តមួយ(a)។

4.1.8- តនមលរបូបាប

តនមលរបូបាបជារបូបាបននតនមលរលខប្ដលគណនាបានពី រតស្តស្ិត
ថ ិ ររបើវកនុងការស្ររមចចិតត និ ង

ស្ននិោឋនរលើស្មាតិកមា រធៀបនឹ ងករមិ តរធវើរតស្ត(a)។

- If the p-value < a , H0 is rejected.

- If the p-value > a, H0 is not rejected.

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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4.2- រតស្តស្មាតិកមាអ្ំពីផលរធៀបស្ាារត( z-Test)

4.2.1- ផលរធៀបស្ាារតសាកលមួយ

Proportion: ជារបភាគ ឬភាគរយប្ដលបង្ហាញពី ចំប្ណកននសាកល ឬស្ំណាកប្ដលបានយកមក

ស្ិកា។ ផលរធៀបស្ាារតសាកលគឺរតូវស្ាគល់រោយ  និងផលរធៀបស្ំណាកស្ថិតិរតូវបាន

ស្ាគល់រោយ p ប្ដល៖

number of successes in the sample x

p 
number sampled n
ថ ិ ស្រាប់ផលរធៀបសាកលមួ យគឺ ៖

p 
 (1   )
 : population proportion
p : sample proportion
n : number of observations

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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កាលពី មុនានអ្នកចូ លរួមបង់វ ិភាគទានគឺ15%ននអ្នកប្ដលបានរផញើmailទាំអ្ស្់។លិខិតនរ ៉ាអ្ង្ហគស្់របាក់

ថាីប្ដលរតូវបានរផញើរៅស្ំណាកមនុ ស្ស 200នាក់ រហើយបានចូ លរួមបង់ វ ិភាគទាន45នាក់ ។រតើ រគអាច

ស្ននិោឋនថ្នលិខិតថាីរនោះានរបស្ិទិ ភា
ឋ ពខុ ស្ពី 15%បានឬរទ? ចូ រររបើករមិតរធវើ រតស្ a=0.05។

ដំ រណាោះស្រសាយ

4.2.1- រតស្តផលរធៀបស្ាារតសាកលពីរ

ថ ិ ស្រាប់ផលរធៀបសាកលពី រគឺ ៖
p1  p2
pc (1  pc ) pc (1  pc )

n1 n2

ស្ំណាកពី រគឺ រតូវបញ្ូេ លោនរោយររបើរប

ូ មនតដូចខាងររកាម៖
Total number of successes x1  x2
pc  
Total number in samples n1  n2

ប្ដលx1 និ ងx2 ជាលទធផលរជាគជ័ យកនុងការររជើ ស្ររ ើស្ស្ំណាកពី រn1 និ ងn2


បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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សាកលវ ិទាល័យបាត់ដំបង Business Statistics

រតើកមាករមិ នទាន់ ររៀបការអ្វតតានពី ការង្ហរររចើនជាងកមាករររៀបការឬរទ? ស្ំណាកកមាករមិនទាន់

ររៀបការ300នាក់ បានបង្ហាញថ្ន35នាក់ ឈប់ររចើ នជាង5នថាកាលពី ឆ្នំមុន។ ស្ថិតិស្ំណាកកមាករររៀប

ការ250នាក់ បានបង្ហាញថ្ន22នាក់ ឈប់ ររចើ នជាង5នថា។ ចូរររបើករមិតរធវើរតស្ត 0.05។

ដំ រណាោះស្រសាយ

1.The following hypotheses are given.
H o:   0.70
H 1:   0.70
A sample of 120 observations revealed that p =0.80
a. Using the 0.01 level of significance, state the decision rule.
b. Compute the value of the test statistic.
c. What is your decision regarding the null hypothesis?
2.The following hypotheses are given.
H o:   .40
H 1:   .40
A sample of 120 observations revealed that p =0.30. At the 0.05 significance level, can the null
hypothesis be rejected?

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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សាកលវ ិទាល័យបាត់ដំបង Business Statistics

a. State the decision rule.

b. Compute the value of the test statistic.
c. What is your decision regarding the null hypothesis?
Note: It is recommended that the five-step hypothesis-testing procedure be used in solving the
following problems.
3.The national safety Council reported that 52 percent of American turnpike drivers are men. A
sample of 300 cars travelling eastbound on the Ohio Turnpike yesterday revealed that 170 were
driven by men. At the 0.01 significance level, can we conclude that a larger proportion of men
were driving on the Ohio Turnpike than the national statistics indicate?
4 . A recent article in USA Today reported that a job awaits only one in three new college
graduates. The major reasons given were an overabundance of college graduates and a week
economy. A survey of 200 recent graduates from your school revealed that 80 students had
jobs. At the 0.02 significance level, can we conclude that a larger proportion of students at your
school revealed that 80 students have jobs?
5. Industrial Marketing Management (Vol.25, 1996) published a study that examined the
demographics, decision making roles, and time demands of product managers. Independent

sample of n1  93 consumer /commercial product managers and n2  212 industrial product

managers took part in the study. In the consumer/ commercial group, 40% of the product
managers are 40 years of age or older; in the industrial group, 54% are 40 or more years old.
Make an inference about the difference between the true proportions of consumer/ commercial
and industrial product managers who are at least 40 years old. Justify your choice of method
(confidence interval or hypothesis test) and a level. Do industrial product managers tend to be
older than consumer/commercial product manager?
6. Should marketers use advertising that appeal to children to sell adult products? One
controversial advertisement campaign was Camel cigarette’s use of the cartoon character “Joe
Camel” as its brand symbol. (The Federal Trade Commission eventually banned ads featuring
Joe Camel because they supposedly encouraged young people to smoke.) Lucy L. Henke, a
marketing professor at the University of New Hampshire, assessed young children’s abilities to
recognize cigarette brand advertising symbols. She found that 15 out of 28 children under the

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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age of 6, and 46 out of 55 children age 6 and over recognized Joe Camel, the brand symbol of
Camel Cigarette (Journal of Advertising, Winter 1995).
a. Use a 95% confidence interval to estimate the proportion of all children that recognize
Joe Camel. Interpret the interval.
b. Do the data indicate that recognition of Joe Camel increases with age? Test using
a  0.05 .
6. Independent random samples were selected from two binominal populations. Size and
number of observed successes for each sample are shown in the table below.

Sample 1 Sample 2
n1 = 200 n2 = 200

x1 = 110 x2 = 130

a. Test H 0 : 1   2 against H1 : 1   2 . Use α = 0.01.

b. From a 95% confidence interval for ( 1   2 ) .
c. What sample sizes would be required if we wish to use a 95% confidence interval of
width .01 to estimate ( 1   2 )?

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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មេម ៀនទី៥


5.1- លកេណៈននបំប្ណងប្ចក Student t

The t-distribution has the following properties:

• ជាបំ ប្ណងប្ចកNormal, រងកណឹ ត ង និ ងឆលុោះោនរធៀបនឹងស្ូនយដូចបំប្ណង ប្ចក zប្ដរ។

• បំ ប្ណងប្ចក t ជាររចើនានមធយមរស្ាើោន(mean of zero) ប្តានគាលតស្តង់ោខុ ស្ោន។

• បំ ប្ណងប្ចក t លតស្នធឹងជាង និងានរងស្ំប្ប៉ា តជាងបំ ប្ណងប្ចក z ប្តបំ ប្ណងប្ចកាន

ទំ ហំស្ំណាកធំ ជាង។

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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5.2- រតស្តស្មាតិកមាអ្ំពីតនមលមធយមសាកលមួយ

ថ ិ ស្រាប់តនមលមធយមសាកលមួ យ៖

X 
s/ n

ប្ផនកឯកសាររៅរកុមហុនធនារ៉ា ប់ រង McFarland រយការណ៍ថ្នការចំណាយមធយមរលើឯកសាររបើក

របាក់ របស្់អ្តិថិជនរលើប្ផនករដឋបាល រស្ុើបអ្រងេត និងឯកសាររផសងៗគឺអ្ស្់$60។ ការររបៀបរធៀប

មួ យបានបង្ហាញថ្នចំនួនរនោះររចើ នជាងរគរស្ទើររគប់ រកុមហុនធនារ៉ា ប់ រងដ៏ នទរទៀត ដូ រចនោះពួករគចត់

វ ិធានការកាត់ បនថយការចំណាយរនោះ។ ស្ំណាកចំ នួន26 ឯកសារ រហើយបានរករឃើញថ្នការចំ ណាយ

មធយមស្រាប់ ស្ំណាករនោះគឺ $57 និ ងគាលតស្តង់ោ$10។រតើ ពួករគនឹ ងអាចស្ននិោឋនថ្ន វ ិធានការរនោះ

ពិ តជាបានកាត់បនថយ ការចំ ណាយមធយមរលើឯកសាររបើករបាក់ របស្់អ្តិ ថិជនបានឬរទ? ចូ រររបើករមិត

រធវើរតស្ត 0.05។

ដំ រណាោះស្រសាយ

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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5.3- រតស្តស្មាតិកមាអ្ំពីតនមលមធយមសាកលពីរឯករជយ

ថ ិ ស្រាប់តនមលមធយមស្ំណាកពី រ៖
x1  x2
t  1 1 
S 2p   
 n1 n2 

វ៉ា រយង់ ស្ំណាកពី ររួមោនគឺកំណត់ រោយររបើរប

ូ មនតដូចខាងររកាម៖
(n1  1) S12  (n2  1) S 22
S p2 
n1  n2  2

ប្ដល s1 និ ង s 2 ជាវ៉ា រយង់ ននស្ំណាកពី រn1 និ ងn2

2 2

ការស្ិកាថាីៗមួ យរបស្់EPAបានររបៀបរធៀបចំ ង្ហយផលូវជាមធយមកនុងសាំងមួយលីរត(គិតជាkm/l) របស្់

ន ក និងរថយនតនាំចូល។ស្ំណាករថយនតកុងស្រស្ុ
ន កចំនួន15ររគឿងបានបង្ហាញថ្នចំ ង្ហយ

ផលូវជាមធយមគឺ33.7km/l និងគាលតស្តង់ោគឺ 2.4km/l។ ស្ំណាករថយនតនាំចូលចំនួន12ររគឿងបាន

បង្ហាញថ្នចំ ង្ហយផលូវជាមធយមគឺ35.7km/l និ ងគាលតស្តង់ោគឺ3.9km/l។ រតើEPAអាចស្ននិោឋនថ្នចំ ង្ហយ

ផលូវមធយម(km/l)របស្់រថយនតនាំចូល និ ងកនុងស្រស្ុកខុស្ោនបានឬរទ? ចូ រររបើករមិ រធវើរតស្ត0.01។

ដំ រណាោះស្រសាយ

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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5.4- រតស្តស្មាតិកមាអ្ំពីតនមលមធយមសាកលពីរអាស្រស្័យោន ឬទាក់ទងការអ្រងេតគូរ

ថ ិ ស្រាប់តនមលមធយមស្ំណាកគូ រ៖

Sd / n

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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ភានក់ ង្ហរានក់ចង់ រធវើរតស្តររបៀបរធៀបតនមលស្រាប់ ការជួ លរថយនតរបចំនថាពីរកុមហុនពី រ Hertz និ ង

Avis។ ស្ំណាកចំ នួន8ទី រកុងជាមួ យនឹងតនមលជួលរថយនតពីរកុមហុនទាំងពីរបង្ហាញកនុងតារងខាង


រតើ ភានក់ ង្ហរានក់រនោះអាចស្ននិោឋនថ្នតនមលមធយមស្រាប់ ការជួ លរថយនតរបចំនថារបស្់រកុមហុនទាំងពី រ

ខុ ស្ោនបានឬរទ? ចូ រររបើករមិតរតស្ត0.05។

ដំ រណាោះស្រសាយ

មុ នរពលរធវើរតស្តស្មាតិកមារតូវប្តគណនា

City Hertz (x1) Avis (x2) d = (x1 - x2) (d  d ) 2
Atlanta 42 40 2 1
Chicago 57 52 5 4
Cleveland 45 43 2 1
Denver 48 42 6 9
Honolulu 39 41 -2 25
Kansas City 48 45 3 0
Miami 41 39 2 1
Seattle 50 44 6 9
Total = 24 50
បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់
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d 24
  3, Sd 
 (d  d ) 2


 2.67
n 8 n 1 8 1 7

1. The following hypothesises are given:
H 0 :   10
H1 :   10
For a random sample of 10 observations the sample mean was 12 and the sample standard deviation
2. Using the 0.05 significance level:
a. State the decision rule
b. Compute the value of the test statistic
c. What is your decision regarding the null hypothesis?

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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3. You are given the following hypothesises:

H 0 :   10
H1 :   10
For a random sample of 12 observations the sample mean was 12 and the sample standard
deviation 6. Using the .01 significance level:
a. State the decision rule
b. Compute the value of the test statistic
c. What is your decision regarding the null hypothesis?

4. The following null and alternate hypotheses are being considered:

H 0 :   20
H1 :   20
A random sample of five observations was: 18, 15, 12, 19 and 21. At the .01 significance level, can
we conclude that the population mean is less than 20?
a. State the decision rule.
b. Compute the value of the test statistic.
c. What is your decision about the null hypothesis?
d. Estimate the p-value.

5. The following null and alternative hypothesises are being considered:

H 0 :   100
H1 :   100
The following random sample of six observations was selected: 118, 105, 112, 119, 105, and 111. At
the 0.05 significance level, can we conclude that the population mean is difference from 100?
a. State the decision rule.
b. Compute the value of the test statistic.
c. What is your decision about the null hypothesis?
d. Estimate the p-value.

6. The null hypothesis and the alternate hypothesis are:

H 0 : 1   2
H1 : 1   2
A random sample of 10 observations from one population revealed a sample mean of 23 and a
sample deviation of 4. A random sample of 8 observations from an other population revealed a
sample mean of 26 and a sample standard deviation of 5. At the .05 significance level, is there a
difference in the population means?
(a) state the decision rule,
(b) compute the pooled estimate of the population variance,
(c) compute the test statistic,

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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(d) state your decision about the null hypothesis,

(e) estimate the p-value.

7. A sample of scores on an examination given in Statistics 201 are:

Males: 72 69 98 66 85 76 79 80 77
Females 81 67 90 78 81 80 76
At the .01 significance level, is the mean grade of the women higher than that of the mean?
For Exercise 6.18 and 6.19
(a) state the decision rule,
(b) compute the standard deviation of the difference in the paired values,
(c) compute the test statistic,
(d) state your decision about the null hypothesis, and
(e) estimate the p-value.

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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មេម ៀនទី៦

កា វិភាគវ៉ា យង់(ANOVA)

6.1- លកេណៈននបំប្ណងប្ចក F

• There is a “family” of F Distributions.

• Each member of the family is determined by two parameters: - the numerator degrees of

freedom and the denominator degrees of freedom.

• F cannot be negative, and it is a continuous distribution.

• The F distribution is positively skewed.

• Its values range from 0 to .

As F  the curve approaches the X-axis

6.2- រតស្តតនមលវ៉ារយង់រស្ាោ
ើ ន ននសាកលពីរ

ើ ន៖
 H 0 :  12   22
Step 1. Hypothesis: 
 H1 :  12   22
Step 2. Decision rule

- Significant level a

- Degree of freedom df1  n1  1, df 2  n2  1 ,

use these information to find F-critical value

- determine decision rule

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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Step 3. Compute test statistic

s12 and s22 are the sample variance for the two samples.

Step 4. Make decision

The null hypothesis is rejected if the computed test statistic (F) is

greater than the critical (table) value with significance level a .

Note: F-test is always the right tail test.

Colin ជាឈាួញភាគហុនានក់ រៅរកុមហុនCritical Securitiesបានរយការណ៍ថ្ន អ្រតាននផលចំរណញ

ថ ិ ស្ំណាកននភាគហុនSoftwareចំ នួន10គឺ12% ជាមួ យគាលតស្តង់ោស្ថិតិស្ំណាក3.9%

។អ្រតាននផលចំ រណញមធយមរលើស្ិត
ថ ិ ស្ំណាកននភាគហុនUtilities ចំ នួន8គឺ

1០.9% ជាមួ យគាលតស្តង់ោស្ថិតិស្ំណាក3.5%។រៅករមិតរធវើរតស្ត0.05, រតើColin អាចស្ននិោឋនថ្ន

ានបប្រមបរមួលវ៉ា រយង់ រៅកនុងភាគហុនSoftware ររចើនជាងបានឬរទ?

ដំ រណាោះស្រសាយ

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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6.3- វ ិភាគវ៉ា រយង់មួយកតាត(One Factor ANOVA)

 រោលបំ ណង៖ រធវើរតស្តរដើមបីររបៀបរធៀបរវងតនមលមធយមស្កលK

ឬរតើ រគអាចស្ននិោឋនថ្នានការខុ ស្ោនរវងតនមលមធយមស្កលk បានឬរទ? (ANOVA).

 The F distribution is also used for testing the equality of more than two means using a

technique called analysis of variance (ANOVA).

ANOVA requires the following conditions:

 ស្កលkរតូវប្ត Normal

 ស្កលk ានគំ លតស្តង់ោរស្ាើោន

 ស្ំណាកនិ មួយៗឯករជយ


• The Null Hypothesis: the population means are the same.

• The Alternative Hypothesis: at least one of the means is different.

• The Test Statistic: F=(between sample variance)/(within sample variance).

• Decision rule: For a given significance level a , reject the null hypothesis if F

(computed) is greater than F (table) with numerator and denominator degrees of


បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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រូបមនតវ ិភាគវ៉ា រយង់មួយកតាត៖

តារងវ ិភាគវ៉ា រយង់មួយកតាត៖

One-Way ANOVA Table
Sources of Sum of Degree of Mean
Variation Squares Freedom Squares F-Statistic F-Critical

Treatment SST k-1

Error SSE n-k

Total SSTotal n-1


Rosenbaum Restaurants ានជំ នាញកនុងការរធវើមូបអាហារស្រាប់

ា រកុមរគួសារ អ្ភិ ជន។ រពលថាីៗ

រនោះរលកស្រស្ីរបធាន Katy Polsby បានរធវើនំបុ័ងសាច់ស្រាប់ អាហាររពលលាច។ មុនរពលរធវើវោក់

កនុងបញ្ាីរយមុខមាូបធមាតា ោត់ ស្ររមចរធវើរតស្តវរៅកនុងហាងរបស្់ោត់ ជាររចើ ន។ ោត់ ចង់ ដឹងរបើ

ស្ិនានការខុ ស្ោនកនុងចំនួនមធយមននអាហាររពលលាចប្ដលបានលក់ កុងមួ

ន យនថារៅហាងSylvania,

Perrysburg, និ ងPoint Place ស្រាប់ ស្ិត

ថ ិ ស្ំណាក5នថា។ រៅករមិតរធវើរតស្ត 0.05 រតើ រលកស្រស្ី Katy

ន ន កនុងចំ នួន មធយមនននំបុ័ងសាច់ ប្ដលបានលក់កុងមួ
ន យនថារៅហាងទាំង

បី បានឬរទ?


បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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សាកលវ ិទាល័យបាត់ដំបង Business Statistics

Sylvania Perrys burg Point place

X1 X2 X3

13 10 18

12 12 16

14 13 17

12 11 17

13 11 18

ដំ រណាោះស្រសាយ

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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6.4- ការររបៀបរធៀបតនមលមធយមននបចេ័យ(Comparision of Treatment Means)

• When we reject the null hypothesis that the means are equal, we may want to know

which treatment means differ.

• One of the simplest procedures is through the use of confidence intervals.

Confidence interval to test for the difference between two means

 
the 



 

• t is obtained from Appendix F, df = n – k. M SE 

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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• If the confident interval includes zero, there is not a difference between the treatment


 From EXAMPLE develop a 95% confidence interval for the difference in the mean

number of meat loaf dinners sold in Point Place (pop #3) and Sylvania (pop #1). Can

Katy conclude that there is a difference between the two restaurants?

Groups n Sum Meam
Sylvania 5 64 12.8
Perrys burg 5 57 11.4
Point place 5 86 17.2

1 1 1 1
x3  x1   t MSE     17.2  12.8  2.179 0.9  
 n1 n2  5 5
 4.4  1.31  3.09 up to 5.71
The 95% confident interval ranges from 3.09 up to 5.71. Both end points are positive; hence, we

can conclude that these treatment means differ significantly. That is the mean number of meat

loaf dinners sold is a difference between the two restaurants.

 From EXAMPLE develop a 95% confidence interval for the difference in the mean

number of meat loaf dinners sold in Point Place (pop #3) and Sylvania (pop #1). Can

Katy conclude that there is a difference between the two restaurants?

Groups n Sum Meam
Sylvania 5 64 12.8
Perrys burg 5 57 11.4
Point place 5 86 17.2

1 1 1 1
x3  x2   t MSE     17.2  11.4  2.179 0.9  
 n1 n2  5 5
 5.8  1.31  4.49 up to 7.11

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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• The 95% confident interval ranges from 3.09 up to 5.71. Both end points are positive;

hence, we can conclude that these treatment means differ significantly. That is the mean

number of meat loaf dinners sold is a difference between the two restaurants.


6.1- Use Table F-critical values to find each of the following F-value:

a. F.05 where Denominator: df1=9 and Numerator: df 2 =6

b. F0.01 where Denominator: df 1=18 and Numerator: df 2 =14

c. F0.025 where Denominator: df 1=11 and Numerator: df 2 =4

d. F0.10 where Denominator: df 1=20 and Numerator: df 2 =5

6.2- For each of the following cases, identify the rejection region that should be used to test

H 0:  1  2 against H a:  1  2 . Assume Denominator: df = 30 and Numerator: df = 20.

2 2 2 2
1 2

a. a  .10

b. a  .05

c. a  .025

d. a  .01

6.3- For each of the following cases, identify the rejection region that should be use to test

H 0:  1  2 against H a:  1  2 . Assume Denominator: df = 10 and Numerator: df = 12.

2 2 2 2
1 2

a. a  .20

b. a  .10

c. a  .05

d. a  .02

H 0:  1  2
2 2
6.4- Specify the appropriate rejection region for testing in each of the following


H a 1  2 ;a  .05, n1 25, n2  20

2 2

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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H a 1  2 ;a  .05, n1  10, n2  15

2 2

H a 1  2 ;a  .10, n1  21, n2  31

2 2

H  1  2 ;a  .01, n1  31, n2  41
2 2
d. a

H a 1  2 ;a  .05, n1  7, n2  16
2 2

6.5- Independent random samples were selected from each of two normally distributed

populations, n1=12 from population 1 and n2=27 from population 2. The means and variances

for the two samples are shown in the table.

Sample 1 Sample 2

n1= 12 n2= 27

x1  31.7 x 2  37.4

s1 2  3.87 s 2 2  8.75

H 0:  1  2 against alternative hypothesis H a:  1  2 . Use

2 2 2 2
a. Test the null hypothesis
a  .10 .
b. Find and interpret the approximate p-value of the test.

6.6- Independent random samples were selected from each of two normally distributed


n1=6 from population 1 and n2=5 from population 2. The data are shown in the next table.

Sample 1 Sample 2

3.1 2.3

4.4 1.4

1.2 3.7

1.7 8.9

.7 5.5

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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H 0:  1  2 against H a:  1  2 . Use a  .01.

2 2 2 2
a. Test

b. Find and interpret the approximate p-value of the test.

6.7- Two independent ransom samples were selected from normally distributions with means

and variance (µ1, 21) and ( µ2, , 22), respectively. The sample size, means, and variance are

shown in the table below.

Sample 1 Sample 2

n1 = 20 n2 = 15

x1  123 x1  123
s21 = 31.3 s22 = 120.1

a. Test H0: 21= 22 against Ha: 21 ≠22. Use α = 0.05.

b. Would you be willing to use a t- test the null hypothesis H0: µ1 = µ2 against the alternative

hypothesis Ha: µ1 ≠ µ2 ? Why?

6.8- The following hypotheses are given.

H 0 : 1   2
2 2

H1 :  1   2
2 2

A random sample of eight observations from the first sample resulted in a standard deviation of

10. A random sample of six observations from the second sample gave a standard deviation of

7. At the 0.02 significance level, is there a difference in the variation of the two populations?

6.9 - The following hypotheses are given.

H0 : 1   2
2 2

H1 :  1   2
2 2

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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A random sample of five observations from the first sample resulted in a standard deviation of

12. A random sample of seven observations from the second sample showed a standard

deviation of 7. At the .01 significance level, is there more variation in the first population?

6.10- The following is dample information. Test the hypothesis that the treatment means are

equal. Use the .05 significance level.

Treatment 1 Treatment 2 Treatment 3

8 3 3

6 2 4

10 4 5

9 3 4

a. State the null hypothesis and the alternate hypothesis.

b. What is the decision rule?

c. Compute SST, SSE, and SS total.

d. Complete ANOVA table.

e. State your decision regarding the null hypothesis.

6.11- The following is sample information. Test the hypothesis that the treatment means are

equal. Use the .05 significance level.


X1 X2 X3

9 13 10

7 20 9

11 14 15

9 13 14

12 15


a. State the null hypothesis and the alternate hypothesis.

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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b. What is the decision rule?

c. Compute SST, SSE, and SS total.

d. Complete ANOVA table.

e. State your decision regarding the null hypothesis.

6.12- The manager of a computer software company is studying the number of hours top

executives spend at their computer terminals by type of induatry. A sample of five executives

from each of three industries is obtained. At the .05 significance level, can the manager

conclude there is a difference in the mean number of hours spent at a terminal per week by


Banking Retail Insurance

12 8 10

10 8 8

10 6 6

12 8 8

10 10 10

6.13- The following sample information is given. Test the hypothesis that the treatment means

are equal at the .05 significance level.

Treatment Treatment

1 Treatment 2 3

8 3 3

11 2 4

10 1 5

3 4

a. State the null hypothesis and the alternate hypothesis.

b. What is the decision rule?

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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c. Compute SST, SSE, and SS total.

d. Compute an ANOVA table.

e. State your decision regarding the null hypothesis.

f. If
H 0 is rejected, can we conclude that tretment 1 and treatment 2 differ? Use the 95

percent level of confidence.

6.14 The following is sample information. Test the hypothesis that the treatment means are

equal at the .05 significance level.

Treatment Treatment

1 Treatment 2 3

3 9 6

2 6 3

5 5 5

1 8 5

3 5 5

1 4 4

7 1

6 5

a. State the null hypothesis and the alternate hypothesis.

b. What is the decision rule?

c. Compute SST, SSE, and SS total.

d. Complete an ANOVA table.

e. State your decision regarding the null hypothesis.

f. If is rejected, can we conclude that treatment 2 and treatment 3 differ? Use the 95

percent level of confidence.

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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មេម ៀនទី៧
(Chi-Square Test)

7.1-លកេណៈននបំប្ណងប្ចក Chi-Square

• The major characteristics:

- It is positively skewed

- It is non-negative

- It is based on degrees of freedom

- When the degrees of freedom change a new distribution is created.

7.2- រតស្តរលើភាពរតឹ មរតូវប្ដលររបកង់រ ំពឹងទុករស្ាើោន


ទិ នន
ន ័ យខាងររកាមជាចំនួនអ្វតតានរតូវបានរបមូ លពី ររងចរកឧស្ាហ៍កមា

មួ យ។ រតើរគអាចស្ននិោឋនថ្នានការខុ ស្ោនរវងអ្រតាអ្វតតានតាមនថារធវើការរបស្់កមាករកនុងររងចរក

រនោះបានឬរទ? ចូ រររបើករមិតរធវើរតស្ត 0.05។

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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7.3- រតស្តរលើភាពរតឹ មរតូវប្ដលររបកង់រ ំពឹងទុកមិ នរស្ាើោន


រតើ រគអាចស្ននិោឋនថ្នានការខុ ស្ោនរវងសាថនភាពរគួសាររបស្់យុវវ ័យកនុងស្រស្ុកថារោល និងទូ ទាំង

របរទស្បានឬរទ? របើ ការ ិយល័យស្ថិតិជាតិ បានបង្ហាញថ្នកនុងស្រស្ុកថារោលានយុវវ ័យររៀបការ

ថ ិ ស្ំណាកយុវវ ័យ
63.9% ,រមា៉ា យ 7.7%, ប្លងលោះ 6.9% និ ងរៅលីវ 21.5%។ របើ ស្ិត

500នាក់ បានបង្ហាញថ្នបានររៀបការ310នាក់ , រមា៉ា យ40នាក់,ប្លងលោះ30 នាក់ និងរៅលីវ 120នាក់ ។

ចូ រររបើករមិ តរធវើរតស្ត 0.05។

ដំ រណាោះស្រសាយ

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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7.4- វ ិភាគតារងប្ខវង(Cross Tabulation)


រតើ ានទំ នាក់ ទំនងរវងកប្នលងររោោះថ្ននក់ និងរភទរបស្់មនុ ស្សប្ដលានររោោះថ្ននក់ បាន

ឬរទ?ស្ថិតិស្ំណាកមនុ ស្សររោោះថ្ននក់ 150នាក់ បានរការណ៍ រៅឲ្យប៉ាូ លីស្ប្ដលរតូវបាន

ប្បងប្ចករៅតាមទីកប្នលង និ ងរភទរៅកនុងតារង ប្ខវងដូចខាងររកាម៖

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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រតើ រយើងអាចស្ននិោឋនថ្នអ្រថររភទ និ ងកប្នលងររោោះថ្ននក់ ានទំ នាក់ទំនងោនបានឬរទ?

ចូ រររបើករមិ តរធវើរតស្ត0.05។


Compute expected frequency: fe

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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7.1- In a particular chi-square goodness-of-fit test there are four categories and 200 observations.
Use the .05 significance level.
a. How many degree of freedom are there?
b. What is the critical value of chi-square?

7.2- In a particular chi-square goodness-of-fit test there are six categories and 500 obsevations.
Use the .01 significance level.

7.3- The null hypothesis and the alternative are:

H 0: The cell categories are equal.
H 1: The cell categories are not equal.
a. State the decision rule, using the .05 significance level.
b. Compute the value of chi-square.
c. What is your decision regarding H 0:
Category f0
A 10
B 20
C 30

7.4- The null hypothesis and the alternative are:

H 0: The cell categories are equal.
H 1: The cell categories are not equal.
Category f0
A 10
B 20
C 30
D 20

a. State the decision rule, using the .05 significance level.

b. Compute the value of chi-square.
c. What is your decision regarding H 0
7.5- A six-sided die is rolled 30 times and the numbers 1 through 6 appear as shown in the following
frequency distribution. At the .10 significance level, can we conclude that the die is fair?
Outcome Frequency Outcome Frequency
1 3 4 3
2 6 5 9
3 2 6 7

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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7.6- The director of human resources collected the following data on absenteeism by day of the
week. At the .05 significance level, can she conclude that there is a difference in the absence rate by
day of the week?

Day Frequency
Monday 124
Tuesday 74
Wednesday 104
Thursday 98
Friday 120

7.7- A group of department store buyers viewed a new line of dresses and their opinions of them.
The results were:
Number of Number of
Opinion Buyers Opinion Buyers
Outstanding 47 Good 39
Excellent 45 Fair 35
Very good 40 Undesirable 34
Because the largest number (47) indicated the new line is outstanding, the head designer thinks that
this is a mandate to go into mass production of the dresses. The head sweeper ( who somehow
became involved in this) believes that there is not a clear mandate and claims that the opinions are
evenly distributed among the six categories. He further states that the slight differences among the
various counts are probably due to chance. Test the null hypothesis that there is no significance
among the opinions of the buyers. Test at the .01 level of risk. Follow a formal approach; that is,
state the null hypothesis, the alternate hypothesis, and so on.

Goodness-of-Fit Test: Unequal Expected Frequencies

7.8- The following hypotheses are given:

H 0: Forty percent of the observaions are in category A, 40 percent are in B, and 20 percent are in C
H 1: The observations are not as described in H 0 .
We took a sample of 60, with the following results.
Category f0
A 30
B 20
C 10

a. State the decision rule using the .01 significance level.

b. Compute the value of chi-square.
c. What is your decision regarding H 0 ?

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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7.9- The chief of security of a large shopping mall was directed to study the problem of missing
goods. He selected a sample of 100 boxes that had been tampered with and ascertained that for 60
of boxes, the missing pants, shoes, and so on were attriuted to shoplifting. For 30 other boxes
employees had stolen the goods, and for remaining 10 boxes he blamed poor inventory control.
In his report to the mall management, can he say that shoplifting is twice as likely to be the
cause of the loss as compared with employee theft or poor inventory control? Use the .02 level.

7.10- The bank credit card department of Carolina Bank knows from long experience that 5 percent
of the card holders have had some high school, 15 percent have completed high school, 25 percent
have had some college, and 55 percent have completed college. Of the 500 card holders whose cards
have been called in for failure to pay their charges this month, 50 had some high school, 100 had
completed high school, 190 had some college, and 160 had completed college. Can we conclude that
the distribution of card holders who do not pay their charges is different from all others? Use the .01
significance level.

7.11- For many years TV executives used the guideline that 30 percent of the audience were
watching each of the prime-time networks and 10 percent cable stations on weekday night. A
random sample of 500 viewers in the Tampa-St. Petersburge, Florida, area last Monday night
showed that 165 homes were tuned in to the ABC affiliate, 140 to the CBS affiliate, 125 to the NBC
affiliate, and the remainder were viewing a cable station. At the .05 significance level, can we
conclude that the guideline is still reasonable?

7.12- The marketing director for a metropolitan daily newspaper is studying the relationship between
the type of community the reader lives in and the portion of the paper he or she reads first. For a
sample of readers the following information was collected.
National News Sports Comics
Urban 170 124 90
Rural 120 112 100
Farm 130 90 88
At the .05 significance level, can we conclude there is a relationship between the type of community
where the person resides and the portion of the paper read first?

7.13- Four brands of light bults are being considered for use in a large manufacturing plant. The
director of purchasing asked for samples of 100 from each manufacturer. The numbers of
acceptable and unacceptable bulbs from each manufacturer are shown below. At the .05 significance
level, is there a difference in the quality of the bulbs?
Unacceptable 12 8 5 11
Acceptable 88 92 95 89
Total 100 100 100 100

7.14- The Quality Control Department at Food Town, Inc., a grocery chain in upstate New York,
conducts a monthly check on the comparison of scanned prices to posted prices. The chart below

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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sumarizes the results of a sample of 500 items last month. Company management would like to
know whether threre is any relationship between error rates on regular priced items and specialy
priced items. Use the .01 significance level.
Regular Price Advertised Special Price
Undercharge 20 10
Overcharge 15 30
Correct Price 200 225

7.15- The use of cellular phones in automobiles has increased dramatically in the last few years. Of
concern to traffic experts, as well as manufactures of cellular phones, is the effect on accident rates.
Is smoeone who is using a cellular phone more likely to be involed in a traffic accident? What is your
conclusion from the following sample information? Use the .05 significance level.
Had Accident Did Not Have an
in the Last Year Accident in the Last Year
Cellular phone in use 25 300
Cellular phone not in use 50 400

7.16- Vehicles heading west on Front Street may turn right, left, or go straight ahead at Elm Street.
The city traffic engineer believes that half of the vehicles will continue straight though the
intersection. Of the remaining half, equal proportions will turn right and left. Two hundred vehicles
were observed, with the following results. Use the .10 significance level. Can we conclude that the
traffic enginner is correct?
Straight Right Turn Left Turn
Frequency 112 48 40

7.17- The publisher of a sports magazine plans to offer new subscribers of three gifts: a sweat-shirt
with the logo of their favorite team, a coffee cup with the logo of their favorite team, or a pair of
earnings also with the logo of their favorite team. In a sample of 500 new subscribers, the number
selecting each gift id reported below. At the .05 significance level, is there a preference for the gifts
or should we conclude that the gifts are equally well liked?
Gift Frequency
Sweatshirt 183
Coffee cup 175
Earrings 142

7.18- In a particular television market there are three commercial television stations, each with its
own evening news program from 6:00 to 6:30 P.M. According to a report in this morning’s local
newspaper, a random sample of 150 viewers last night revealed 53 watched the news on WNAE (
channel 5), 64 watched on WRRN ( channel 11), and 33 on WSPD ( channel 13). At the .05
significance level, is there a difference in the proportion of viewers watching the three channels?

7.19- There are four entrances to the Government Center Building in downtown Philadelphia. The
building maintenance supervisor would like to know if the entrances are equally utilized. To

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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investigate, 400 people were observed entering the building. The number using each entrance is
reported below. At the .01 significance level, is there a difference in the use of the four entrances?
Entrance Frequency
Main Street 140
Broad Street 120
Cherry Street 90
Walnut Street 50
Total 400

7.20- The owner of a mail-order category would like to compare her sales with the geographic
distribution of the population. According to the United State Bureau of the Census, 21 percent of
the population lives in the Northeast, 24 percent in the Midwest, 35 percent in the South, selected
from those shipped last month.
Region Frequency
Northeast 68
Midwest 104
South 155
West 73
Total 400

7.21- The owner of a mail order catalog would like to compare her sales with the geographic
distribution of the population. According to the United States Bureau of the Census, 21 percent of
the population lives in the Northeast, 24 percent in the Midwest, 35 percent in the South, and 20
percent in the West. Listed below is a breakdown of a sample of 400 orders randomly selected from
those shiped last month.

Region Frequency
Northeast 68
Midwest 104
South 155
West 73
Total 400
At the .01 significant level, does the distribution of the orders reflect the population?

7.22- Southern Medical Services performed 3,459 abortions last year. The number of previous
abortions reported by the same patients were:

Abortions Patients
0 2441
1 784
2 184
3 50

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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Are these data consistent with the national figures, which indicate that 67 percent of the patients
never had abortion before, 27 percent had one previous abortion, 5 percent had two previous
abortions, and 1 percent had 3 or more previous abortions? Use the .05 significance level.

7.23- Did you ever purchase a bag of M&M’s peanut candies and wonder about the distribution of
the colors? The manufacturer reports that 30 percent are brown, 30 percent yellow, and 10 percent
each are blue, orange, red, and green. A 6.0 ounce bag of M&M’s peanut candies purchased at the
BP Station at the Junction of l-75 and U.S.20 in Perrysburg, Ohio, had 17 brown, 20 yellow, 13 blue,
9 orange, 6 green, and 7 red, for a total of 72 candies. At the .05 significance level, can we conclude
the actual breakdown by color of the candies agrees with the expected distribution?

7.24- The American Association of Television Broadcasters recently reported the mean number of
television sets per household in the United States is 2.30 sets and that the standard deviation is 1.474
sets. A sample of 100 homes in Boise, Idaho, revealed the following number of sets per household:
Number of Number of Number of Number of
televsion sets households televsion sets households
0 7 3 18
1 27 4 10
2 28 5 or more 10
At the .05 significance level, is it reasonable to conclude that the number of television sets per
household follows the normal distribution?

7.25- A recent study by a large retailer designed to determine whether there was a relationship
between the importance a store manger place on advertising and the size of the store revealed the
following sample information:

Store size Important Not important

Small 40 52
Medium 106 47
Large 67 32
What is your conclusion? Use .05 significance level.

7.26- Two hundred men selected at random from various levels of management were interviewed
regarding their concern about environmental issues. The response of each person was tallied into
one of three categories: no concern, some concern, and great concern. The results were:

Level of Management No concern Some concern Great concern

Top management 15 13 12
Middle management 20 19 21
Suppervisor 7 7 6
Gruop leader 28 21 31

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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មេម ៀនទី៨

Time Series and Forecasting

I. esckþIepþIm
Time series KWCakarRbmUlpþMú (a collection)énTinñn½yRbvtþiEdl)anekIteLIgkñúgry³eBl knøgmk.

dUcCaTinñn½y RbcaMs)aþh_ RbcaMEx RbcaMRtImas RbcaMqmas RbcaMqñaM . ]TahrN_

Tinñn½ylk;RbcaMExkñúgry³eBl 5 qñaMknøgmk. Tinñn½yplitkmµRbcaMqñaMcab;BI 2001 dl; 2006.
eKalbMNgénemeronenH KWkarviPaKTinñn½y Time series nigerobcMbegáItKMrnU ana (patterns)
]TahrN_ eyIgGaceFVIBüakrN_nUvGRtabMErbMrYléncMnYnGñkGt;kargareFVeI nAeBlGnaKt .
BüakrN_nUvtRmUvkarénkarTijpÞHkñgú ry³eBl 5 qñakM gñú eBlGnaKt. BüakrN_nUvbrimaNtRmUv
karénplitplmYykñgú ry³eBl 2 qñaMeRkay.
karviPaKTinñn½yRbvtþi(time series) GacRtUv)aneRbIR)as;edayKN³RKb;RKgkñgú kareFVIesckþI
sMerccitþnigsMrab;eFVIkarTsSn_Tayry³eBlEvg nig eFVIEpnkar. CaTUeTA eyIgEtgsnµt;faKMrU
Tinñn½yGtItkalnwgbnþekItmanenAkñúgeBlGnaKt. karBüakrN_ry³eBlEvgCagmYyqñaeM TA kñúgGnaKt
EdlGacman 5, 10, 15, b¤ 20 qñaM KWCakmµviFImYysmBaØ. kareFVIBüakrN_ry³eBl
EvgGaceFVIeGayeKmaneBlevlaRKb;RKan;kgñú kareFVIEpnkardUcCaEpnkarTijvtßúFtuedIm Epnkar plitkmµ
Epnkarlk; nigEpnkarhirBaØvtßú.
kñúgemeronenHeyIgsikSaGMBIkareRbIR)as;KMrUTni ñn½yGtItkalkñgú kareFVIBüakrN_nUvRBwtþikarN_GnaKt
. Cabzm eyIgBinitüemIlsmasPaBén time series rYcmkeyIgnwgsikSanUvviFIvPI aK Tinñn½ymYycMnYn
cugeRkayeyIgnwgbegáItm:EU dl eFVIkarTsSn_TaynUvRBwtiþkarN_GnaKt.

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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II. smasPaBén Time Series ( components of time series)

mansmasPaBbYncMeBaHTinñn½y time series ³
1. ninñakarry³eBlEvg (Long-term trend or also called Secular trend)

ninñakarry³eBlEvgKWCabMErbMrlY énTinñn½y time series kñúgKMrbU MErbMrYlmanTisedAesµ.I Ca

TUeTAmanry³eBleRcInCagmYyqñaM. Tinñn½y time series énkarlk; éføsþúkenAelITIpSar GRta
kMeNInénGñkGt;kargareFVI GacmanKMrUbMErbMrlY ekInesµI b¤ fycuHesµI.
2. bMErbMrYltamxYb(Cyclical Variation)

bMErbMrlY tamxYb KWCaKMrUTinñn½yén time series EdlekIneLIgnigFøak;cHu elIry³eBleRcIn CagmYyqñaM.

bMErbMrYltamrdUv (Seasonal Variation)

bMErbMrlY tamrdUvdUcKñanwgxYbEdrEtvamanry³ticCagmYyqñaM. vaGacCaKMrTU Inñn½yeLIgcuHtam s)aþh_

RbcaMEx RbcaMRtImas. Tinñn½yenHGacbnþekIteLIgdEdl²enAqñaMbnÞab;eTot.
4. bMErbMrYlécdnü (Random Variation or Irregular changes)
bMErbMrlY écdnüénTinnñ ½y time series ekIneLIgnigFøak;cuHmineTotTat;xusBIKMrUbIxagelI.
RkahVkI 18.1 ³ bgðajlkçN³énTinñn½y
Sales (in thousand$)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005



បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

Page 90


សាកលវ ិទាល័យបាត់ដំបង Business Statistics

Sales of Battery from 2000 to 2006

Sales (in thousand$)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Yearly Sales by Quarter of Baseball and Softball Equipment(200-2006)


Sales (in thousand$)




2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006


1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

viFIBRgabTinñn½y (Smoothing Techniques)


viFBI RgabTinñn½yRtUv)aneRbIR)as;edIm,IBRgabnUvbMErbMrYlécdnüénTinñn½yedIm,IeFVIeGayeyIg manTinñn½y

time series mYymanlkçN³erobrykñg ú kareRbIR)as;Tinñn½yenHedIm,IeFVIkarBüakrN_ nUvRBwtþikarN_GnaKt.
3.1 Moving Average Method
Moving KwCaviFImYyd¾smBaØEdlRtUv)aneKeRbIR)as;kúgñ karBRgabPaB
Average Method

elateLIgcuHminRbRktIénTinñn½y Time series. vaRtUv)anKNnaedayeRbImFümnBnþEdlrMkil

eTAtamTinñn½yén time series. ]TahrN_ mFümnBnþrMkil 3 Fatu (three moving average),

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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mFümnBnþrkM il 4 Fatu (four moving average), mFümnBnþrMkil 5 Fatu (five moving average),
 xi
mFümnBnþrkM il 7 Fatu (seven moving average). K  MA  i 1
400 Actual Sales
Deseasonalized Sales
Seasonal adjusted series for Sales from SEASON, MOD_1, MUL EQU 7







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

eyIgeXIjfa cMnYnFaturkM ilkan;EteRcIn sßanPaBTinñn½ykan;Etrab niggakeTAbnÞat;Rtg;.

]TahrN_³ m©as;hagnM Pizza cg;BüakrN_nUvcMnYnnM Pizza EdlnagnwgRtUvlk;RbcaMéf¶nimYy².

nag)ankt;RtanUvcMnYnnM Pizza Edlnag)anlk;ry³eBl 4 s)aþh_knøgmkkñúgtaragxaeRkam ³
tarag 18.1 ³ cMnYnnM Pizza)anlk;ry³eBl 4 s)aþh_
Day 1 2 3 4
Sunday 240 238 235 240
Monday 75 80 86 91
Tuesday 81 85 80 90
Wednesday 106 114 105 115
Thursday 111 100 117 120
Friday 188 202 189 215
Saturday 314 346 330 351

eyIgBinittüeXIjfaTinñn½enHmansPaBeLIgcuHeTAtamxYbRbcaMs)aþh_nimYy² ehIymanninñakar
bnþBsI )aþh_mYyeTAs)aþh_mYeTot. dUcenHedIm,IeFVIkarBüakrN_brimaNlk;enAs)aþh_bnþbnÞab; eTot
eyIgRtUvBRgabTinñn½yenHedayeRbIR)as; Seasonal Index (SI) nig Deseasonalized Seasonal Sales.
bnÞab;mkeyIgnwgeRbIR)as; Least Squares Method edIm,IkMNt;smIkar Regression (Linear Trend
Equation) ecjTinñn½y Deseasonalized Seasonal Sales Data sMrab;eFVI BüakrN_nUvbrimaNlk;.

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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សាកលវ ិទាល័យបាត់ដំបង Business Statistics

3.2KNna Seasonal Index (SI) edayeRbIR)as; Moving Average Method

Seasonal Index (SI) énTinñn½ylk;enHRtUv)anKNnaedayeRbIR)as;taragTinñn½yxageRkam.

k> KNnamFümnBnþrMkil 7Fatu (seven moving average )

enAkUeLan 7MA éntaragKWCamFümnBnþrMkil 7 Fatu (seven moving average) EdlCa
mFümnBVnþénbrimaNlk;kñúgcMeNam 7 éf¶éns)aþh_. mFümnBnþdbM UgeK (159.2857) RtUvdak; enAcMéf¶
Wednesday éns)aþh_TImYy eRBaHvaCamFümcMeBaHeTalnaénxYb (amplitude of the cycles)

eRBaHTinñn½ycab;epþIekIneLIgecjBIcMNucenH. mFümnBnþdMbUgeK (159.2857) RtUv)an KNna ³

240  75  81  106  111  188  314
159.2857 
75  81  106  111  188  314  238
159.000 
mFümbnþbnÞab;eTotRtUv)anKNnaedayrMkilmYyFatu rhUtdl;eTalnacugeRkayénxYb.

x> KNna Centered Moving Average

Centered Moving Average (CMA) dMbUgeKRtUvKNnaedayyk 7-MA enAkUeLanCMA³
159.2857  159.000
 159.1429 KWrb
U mnþ ³ CMA  (MA  MA ) / 2 ehIyKNnabnþ
i i 1 i
K> KNna Specific Seasonal Index (SSI)
Specific Seasonal Index KWCasTSn_eFobEdlCaTUeTAesµInwg 1.00. ebIvaFMCag 1.00 bBa¢ak;

fabrimaNlk;ekIneLIg ebIvatUcCag 1.00 bBa¢ak;fabrimaNlk;føak;cuH. ]TahrN_ Specific Seasonal

Index = 0.6975 mann½yfabrimaNlk;fycuH 30.25% KW 0.3025 = 1.00 – 0.6975

SSI RtUv)anKNnadUcxageRkam ³ Specific Seasonal Index : SSI 

( Actual Sales )
Centered MA

បកប្រប និងររៀបររៀងរោយៈ រលក យឹង ហាក់

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kñúgkrNIenH SSI = (111)/(159.1429) = 0.6975 . rYcKNnarhUtdl;FatuenAmuneTalna cugeRkay.

SSI RtUv)anykeTAKNnark Seasonal Index (SI) éns)aþh_nimYy²Edlmankñúg taragxageRkam ³

tarag 18.2 ³ karKNna Seasonal Index (SI) b¤ Typical Index taméf¶kgñú s)aþh_

edayTinnñ ½yenHmanxYbesµInwg 7 plbUkénmFümén Specific Seasonal Index RtUvesµInwg 7.

EtsrubmFümkñgú taragxagelIesµInwg 7.0106. dUcenH eyIgRtUveFVIkarEktRmUvedayeRbIrbU mnþ³

Correction factor for adjusting weekly mean: Correction Factor 
Total of 7 means

The Seasonal index (SI) sMrab;brimaNlk;én Pizza enAéf¶GaTitü =

7 * (1.4464)
 1.4442

X> KNnaTinñn½y Deseasonalized Sales

KWCakarBRgabTinnñ ½y Time Series edIm,IykeTAkMNt; Linear Trend Equation b¤Regression Equation
rUbmnþ ³
Actual Sales
Deseasonalized Sales : DS 
Seasonal Index
eyIgeXIjfaTinñn½y Time series bnÞab;B)I anBRgabrYcral;EdlbgðajelIRkahVIk 18.2 cMeBaH Tinñn½y
Deseasonalized Sales manninñakarsmRsbnwgsmIkar Linear Trend Equation .

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RkahVkI 18.2 ³ kareRbobeFoblkçN³Tinñn½y Time series bnÞab;BI)anBRgabrYc

400 Actual Sales
Deseasonalized Sales
Seasonal adjusted series for Sales from SEASON, MOD_1, MUL EQU 7







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

tarag 18.3 KNna SSI, SI & Ds

3.2ninñakarlIenEG‘r (Linear Trend)

ninñakarry³eBlEvgénes‘rIénkic©karGaCIvkmµCaeRcIn dUcCa karlk; karnaMecj plitkmµ
manninñakarswgEtefr. dUecñHedIm,IBN’nanUv\riyabTenH eKeRbIR)as;smIkarlIenEG‘rEdlkMNt; eday ³
Linear Trend Equation : yˆ  a  bt
Edl ³ Ganfa y Bak;mYk) KWCatMél)an;sµan;eGay y (y KWCaTinñn½yCak;Esþg).
ŷ (

a ³ KWCacMNucRbsBVénbnÞat;smIkarnwg y kñúgkrNI t = 0 .

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b ³ KWCaemKuNR)ab;TisénbnÞat; nigCaemKuNbMErbMrYlén ŷ kalNa t ERbRbYl.

t ³ tageGaytMéléneBlEdlGacCacMnYnqñaM Ex éf¶ s)aþh_ éf¶ ema:génTinñn½y.
3.3 Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Method
Least Square Method KWCaviFIsaRsþEdlRtUv)aneKeRbIR)as; kñúgkarKNnaemKuN én
RbB½n§smIkarsMrab;ninñakar ³
edayedaHRsayRbB½n§eyIg)an ³
kñúgtarag 18.4 KNnaemKuN b nig a énsmIkarninñakarénTinnñ ½y Time series énbrimaN lk;énnM
Pizza dUcxageRkam ³ tarag 18.4 ³ karKNnaemKuNsmIkarlIenEG‘r

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n  ( DS * t )  (  DS )(  ) 28(68373.03)  (4625.72629(406)
b   0.7115485
n t  ( t )
28(7714)  (406)2

 DS t 4625.72629 406
a b   0.7115485.  154.8870572
n n 28 28

Deseasonalized Sales : DSˆ  154.887  0.7115485t

edayeRbIR)as;smIkarenH eyIgeFVkI arBüakrN_brimaNlk;enAs)aþh_TI 5 dUcxaeRkam ³

éf¶GaTitüs)aþh_TI 5 RtUvnwg t = 29  DSˆ  154.887  0.7115485(29)  175.52 edaykat;
ykelxKt; DSˆ  176 KWCa Deseasonalized Sales Estimation . dUecñHbrimaN BüakrN_ (Forecast
Sales) ³

 Forecast Sales  ( Estimated DSˆ )(SI )  176 *1.4442  253

tarag 18.5 ³ karBüakrN_ (Forecast Sales) brimaNlk;énnM Pizza enAs)aþh_TI 5

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3.4 karKNnaemKuNénsmIkar Regression kñúg Ms Excel

3.5 SPSS Procedure

Model Summary

Adjusted Std. Error of

Model R R Square R Square the Est imat e
1 .645a .415 .393 7.0758306649
a. Predictors: (Constant), Time


Sum of
Model Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 925.015 1 925.015 18.475 .000a
Residual 1301.752 26 50.067
Total 2226.767 27
a. Predictors: (Constant), Time
b. Dependent Variable: Deseasonalized Sales

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Coeffi ci entsa

Unstandardized St andardized
Coef f icients Coef f icients
Model B St d. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 154.8870 2.748 56.370 .000
Time .711549 .166 .645 4.298 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Deseasonalized Sales

3.6 viFITIBIrénkarKNna SI (Second Method of Computing Seasonal Indexes)

Seasonal index measure the degree to which the seasons differ from one another. They can
also be used to calculate seasonally adjusted estimates (e.g. we can “remove” the increase or
decrease in sales, for example, due to the seasonal effect to get a better idea of the trend).

We have just discussed the smoothing technique by using moving average to smooth the time
series data and to calculate the seasonal indexes. In this section we use the regression equation to
fit the trend in time series, and then compute seasonal indexes.

Assuming the time series has no cyclical component:

Step 1: Fit the trend in the time series using regression (e.g. y  b0  b1t   ).
Step 2: Calculate yˆ  b0  b1t for each time period.
Step 3: Calculate the ratio y / yˆ for each time period.
Step 4: Calculate the average or mean ratio ( y / yˆ ) for each season. These averages
are the seasonal indexes.
Step 5: Adjust the seasonal indexes from Step 4 to ensure that the average seasonal
index for each season is 1.
]TahrN_ ³ naykRkumh‘uneTscrN_mYycg;BüakrN_cMnYnePJoveTscrN_sMrab;rdUvkalEdlnwg
cUlmkdl;. xageRkam KWCaTinñn½yEdl)ankt;RtaRbcaMRtImascab;BIqñaM 2001 dl; 2007 .
cUreFVIkmµviFI (project) éncMnYnePJoveTscrN_sMrab;rdUvkalénRtImasnimYy²sMrab;qñaM 2008 .
tarag 18.6 cMnYnePJoveTscrN_tamRtImasBI 2001 dl; 2007
2001 86 62 28 94
2002 106 82 48 114
2003 140 120 82 154
2004 162 140 100 174
2005 188 172 128 198
2006 208 202 154 220
2007 246 240 190 252
TI 1 ³ kMNt;smIkar Regression : yˆ  b0  b1t

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edayeRbIR)as; Excel eyIg)anlT§pldUcxagelI.

eyIg)an smIkar Regression : yˆ  b  b t  50.1269  6.6168t
0 1

TI 2 ³ KNna ŷ nimyY ²EdlRtUvKñanwg time t (sUmemIltaragKNna)

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TI 3 ³ KNnaplEck (Ratio) y / yˆ for each time period rYcykmkerobtam Quarter kñúgta

ragxageRkamedIm,IKNna Mean Ratio én Quarter nimYy²
TI 4 ³ KNna Mean Ratio én Quarter nimYy² rYc Total Mean Ratio TaMgenH.
TI 5 ³ KNnaemKuNEktRmUv KW Correction Factor nig KNna Seasonal Index

4 4
Correction Factor : CF    0.9969
Total means of ratio 4.0124

Seasonal Index : SI  (CF )(mean ratio)

Visitors Forecast  ( yˆ )(SI )


3.6 Gics,:ÚNg;Esül nig LÚkarIt emtUt

Tinñn½y Time series kñúgesdækic©manKMrUekIneLIgnigFøak;cuHxus²Kña. Tinnñ ½y Time series
mYycMnYnmanKMrU (Pattern)ekIneLIg(fycuH)manlkçN³CaGnuKmn_Gics,:ÚNg;Esül b¤ekIneLIg
kñúglkçN³FrNImaRt (Exponential or geometric growth). Tinnñ ½yenHRtUv)ankMNt;eday LÚkarItenEBr
(b¤LÚkarIteKal 10 : log) nigeRbIR)as; Least Square Method kñúgkarkMNt;rk emKuNénsmIkar ³
For Coefficient of Excel output : Log Trend Equation : Lnyˆ  Lnb0  Lnb1 (t )

or yˆ  b0e Lnb1 (t )

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For Coefficient of SPSS output : Trend Equation : yˆ  b0eb1 (t )

or Log Trend Equation : Ln( yˆ )  Ln(b0 )  b1 (t )

b0  b 0
sMKal; ³  Edl b , b KWCaemKuNenAkñúg SPSS output
 b1  Lnb1
0 1

nig Ln(b ), Ln(b ) KWCaemKuNenAkñgú Excel output b¤ Least Square method .

0 1

]TahrN_ ³ xageRkamKWCaTinñn½yénbrimaNnaMcUlKitCalanduløa BIqñaM 1995 dl; 2007.

Year Time(t) Import(y)
1995 1 3.00
1996 2 4.20
1997 3 5.70
1998 4 8.30
1999 5 11.50
2000 6 16.00
2001 7 22.40
2002 8 31.00
2003 9 44.60
2004 10 60.10
2005 11 84.30
2006 12 118.60
2007 13 163.90

RkahVkI xageRkambgðajBIKMréU nninñakarénTinñn½énninñakarénTinñn½enHEdleFVI[eyIgGaceRCIserIsGnuKmn_

Import (Y) in $Million

R 2 = 0.9999
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Time (t )

eyIg yk t = 1 RtUvnwgqñaM 2000 EdlCaqñaMcab;epþIm rhUtdl; t = 13 RtUvnwgqñaM 2007 .

eyIgsg;RkahVkI énTinñn½yenH ehIyeyIgBinitüeXIjfa vamankMekInkñúglkçN³CaGics,:ÚNg; Esül. dUecñH

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M t; smIkareGayTinñn½yenH ehIybMBak;LÚkarItenEBrelITinñn½ytamqñaM nimYy²
3.6.1 Least Square Method
Year Time(t) Import(y) Ln(y) (t)Ln(y) t
1995 1 3.00 1.098612 1.098612 1
1996 2 4.20 1.435085 2.870169 4
1997 3 5.70 1.740466 5.221399 9
1998 4 8.30 2.116256 8.465022 16
1999 5 11.50 2.442347 12.21174 25
2000 6 16.00 2.772589 16.63553 36
2001 7 22.40 3.109061 21.76343 49
2002 8 31.00 3.433987 27.4719 64
2003 9 44.60 3.797734 34.1796 81
2004 10 60.10 4.09601 40.9601 100
2005 11 84.30 4.434382 48.7782 121
2006 12 118.60 4.775756 57.30908 144
2007 13 163.90 5.099256 66.29033 169
Total 91 40.35154 343.2551 819

 
n  (t )( Lny)   t  Lny 
Least Square Method : b
 
n t   t
2 nig a   Lnn ( y)  b nt

Lnb 
 
n  (t )( Lny)   t  Lny

13(343.2551)  (91)( 40.35154) 790.3262
  0.334035
1 2
n t   t 2
13(819)  (91) 2 2366

 Ln( y ) t 40.35154 91
Lnb  b   0.334035  0.765722
0 n n 13 13

Log Trend Equation : Lnyˆ  Lnb0  Lnb1 (t )  0.334035  0.765722(t )

edayeFVGI g;TILÚk eyIg)an ³  b0  e0.765722  2.1505

 Lnb1  0.334035

Lnb1 ( t )
yˆ  b0e  2.1505e 0.334035( t )

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3.6.2 Excel Procedure

eyIgGackMNt;smIkar Regression edayeRbIkmµvFi IkMuBüÚTr½ MS Excel dUxageRkam ³

3.6.3 SPSS Procedure

karkMNt;smIkar Regression edayeRbIkmµviFIkBuM üÚTr½ SPSS ehIyeyIg)anplT§pl dUxag eRkam ³
Procedure :
Analyze Regression Curve Estimation
 select “Import” into dependent(s)
 tick ○Time
 tick □Exponential
 OK
Model Summary and Parameter Estimates

Dependent Variable: export

Model Summary Paramet er Estimates
Equation R Square F df 1 df 2 Sig. Constant (b0) b1
Exponentiala 1.000 115980.2 1 11 .000 2.150545439 .334034741
a. Exponential Equation f or time series f or dependent v ariable Export (Y ), predictor time (T)

Export (Y) in $million




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Sequence (Time)

tamlT§plkñúgtarag Model summary and Parameter Estimates én SPSS eyIg)an ³

Trend Equation : yˆ  b0eb1 (t )
Trend Equation : yˆ  2.1505e0.334035(t )

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ecjBIsmIkarenH eyIgGaceFVkI arBüakrN_ nUvbrimaNnaMcUlenAqñaMbnþbnab; ³

Year t yˆ  2.1505e0.334035(t )
2008 14 230.95
2009 15 322.54
2010 16 450.46
2011 17 629.11
2012 18 878.62


1. The numbers of bank failure for the years 1994 through 1998 are given below.

Determine the ordinary least squares (OLS) equation and estimate the number of failure

in 2001.

Year Code(T) Number of Failure(Y)

1994 1 79

1995 2 120

1996 3 138

1997 4 184

1998 5 200

2. The personal consumption expenditure for telephone and telegraph, in billions of dollars

in the United State for the years 1993 to 1998 are given below. Determine the least

squares equation and estimate the expenditure for 2001.

Year Code Expenditure ($ billions)

1993 1 37.9

1994 2 39.8

1995 3 40.4

1996 4 42.7

1997 5 44.1

1998 6 47.1

3. The following table give the annual amount of scrap produced by Machine Products. Inc.

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Year Code Scrap(tons)

1994 1 2.0

1995 2 4.0

1996 3 3.0

1997 4 5.0

1998 5 6.0

Determine the least squares trend equation. Estimate the amount of scrap for the year 2000.

4. The amounts spent in vending machines in the United States, in billion dollars, for the

years 1994 through 1998 are given below. Determine the least square equation, and

estimate vending sales for 2000.

Year Code Vending Machine Sales ($ billion)

1994 1 17.5

1995 2 19.0

1996 3 21.0

1997 4 22.7

1998 5 24.5

5. Sally’s software, Inc. is a rapidly growing supplier for computer software to the Sarasota

area. Sales for the last five years are given below.

Year Sales($ millions)

1993 1.1

1994 1.5

1995 2.0

1996 2.4

1997 3.1

a. Determine the logarithmic equation.

b. By what percent did sales increase. on the average. during the period?

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c. Estimate sales for the year 2000.

6. It appears that the imports of the carbon black have been increasing by about 10

percent annually.

Year Imports of Carbon black(thousands of tons)

1987 92.0

1988 101.0

1989 112.0

1990 124.0

1991 135.0

1992 149.0

1993 163.0

1994 180.0

a. Determine the logarithmic equation.

b. By what percent did imports increase. on the average. during the period?

c. Estimate imports for the year 1997.

7. Victor Anderson, the owner of Anderson Belts, Inc., is studying absenteeism among his

employees. His workforce is small, consisting of only five employees. For the three years

he recorded the following number of employee absences, in days, for each quarter.



1996 4 10 7 3

1997 5 12 9 4

1998 6 16 12 4

Determine a typical seasonal index for each of four quarters.

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8. The Appliance Center sells a variety of electronic equipment and home appliances. For

the last four years the following quarterly sales( in $ millions) were reported.



1995 5.3 4.1 6.8 6.7

1996 4.8 3.8 5.6 6.8

1997 4.3 3.8 5.7 6.0

1998 5.6 4.6 6.4 5.9

Determine a typical seasonal index for each of four quarters.

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List of References
 Robert D. Mason, Douglas A. Lind, and William G. Marchal(1999): Statistical Techniques in
Business and Economics, Irwin/McGraw-Hill.

 Kwanchai A. Gomez et al.: Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research, John Wiley & Sons,
Inc. Printed in Singapore.

 James T. McClave, P. George Benson, and Terry Sincich(2005): Statistics for Business and
Economics, Pearson Prentice Hall.
 Acheson J. Duncan, Ph.D. (1986): Quality Control and Industrial Statistics, Irwin/McGraw-Hill,
Richard D. IRWIN. INC
 Margaret L. Lial, and Thomas W. Hungerford (1999): Mathematics with Applications in the
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 David M. Levine, David Stephen, Timothy C. Krehbiel, and Mark L. Berenson (2002) : Statistics
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 Gerald Keller and Brian Warrack (2003). Statistics for management and economics. Thomson.
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