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99 - 00 ‫نیمسال اول‬

Q1) Find the value of 𝑷∞ and 𝑬∞ for each of the following signals and determine which of them
is “Energy Signal” and which of them is “Power Signal”.
a) y(t) = cos(t) + j.sin(t)

b) y(t) = 5.j.sin(t)

c) y[n] = ( )𝑛 u[n]

𝑛𝜋 𝜋
𝑗( + )
d) y[n] = 𝑒 2 8

Q2) Determine if these signals are periodic or no.

4𝜋𝑛 𝜋𝑛
𝑗[ ] 𝑗[ ]
a) y[n] = 𝑒 5 + 𝑒 3 (find T for this one)

b) y[n] = ∑𝑘=−∞ {δ[n − 4k] − 𝛿 [𝑛 − 1 − 4𝑘 ]}

c) cos [ ] (find T for this one)

Q3) Assume this signal: x(t) = 𝛿 (𝑡 + 2) − 𝛿 (−2 + 𝑡) . Find the value of 𝑬∞ for y(t):
y(t) = ∫−∞ 𝑥(𝜏)𝑑𝜏

Q4) x(t) is given below. Sketch each signal and label it.

a) x(4 - )

3 3
b) [𝛿 (𝑡 + ) - 𝛿 (𝑡 − )].x(t)
2 2

Q5) Find odd and even parts of each signals:

a) 10sin (20πt) (equation is enough)

1 0<t<1
b) x(t) = (sketch this one)
2-x 1<t<2

‫‪Q6) Discrete time signal x[n] is shown below. Sketch each part and label it.‬‬
‫]‪a) x[3n + 1‬‬
‫]‪b) x[n - 2]. 𝛿[𝑛 − 2‬‬
‫] ‪c) x[(n − 1)2‬‬


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