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Automated Hiring
Carlos M Pagan
Bellevue University
Fall 2019
Hiring Simplified

Before technology made our lives easier, you had to physically show up to the job you

wanted to apply to, and you would speak face to face to another human being who would then

make the necessary decision to deem you hirable. Now digital tools have made the hiring process

streamlined for employers (Walker, 2012). Linkedin even mentions that traditional interviews

contain biases and are flat out boring (Anderson, 2019), but can software and data replace a

traditional interview?

Pre-Employment Assesment

As a potential candidate for an open position with a company, I want to make sure my

resume can show my potential employer what I can bring to the table. In reality, some employers

care more about the data that is presented to them via an assessment (Walker, 2012). Depending

on the assessment given, a candidate can be tested on their hard skills such as a typing test; they

can be given a work sample test that will question their judgment, as well be tested on their

personality (Hill, 2018). These assessments help build a profile that will be used to judge the


Traditional Hiring

Traditional hiring is a process that many employers still utilize today. A candidate will

enter the business that is hiring; they would fill out an application there, turn it in with a paper

resume, and then wait for a phone call back if it is not an on the spot interview (Woodman,

2017). The biggest problem that may lie with this form of hiring can be finding the right person

for the job (McKay, n.d.). As a hiring manager, you may have a checklist of the requirements for
the position, but do you know someone after a 30-minute interview? Are you able to make an

exact judge in character, after speaking to someone who prepared for your questions?

The Benefits of an Assessment

30-minutes is not long enough to properly asses an individual unless you are a programed

software that is designed to do so. The greatest asset that a pre-employment assessment can

provide for a hiring manager is a personality assessment. With that information, you can tell

which candidates will help your team become more effective (Moore, 2018). Based on their

personality types you cannot predict job performance, but you can anticipate that person’s needs

as an employee and how you can help them succeed (Moore, 2018).

Another benefit of having an assessment is grasping a better understanding of the

candidates' skill set. While there resume may say the can type a certain amount of words a

minute, the only way to see that is with an assessment (McKay, n.d.); this saves time and money

for employers from hiring an individual who lied about their skillset and now has to either train

them or start the hiring process over again.


While it may seem at first that these assessments are taking the human element out of the

hiring process, it is doing the opposite. With the aid of assessments, employers can collect data

from applicants to find out who they are as a person and as an employee. With anyone being able

to add whatever to their resume, skill assessments help weed out the wrong candidates and sort

out the proper candidates. To the question if software and data can replace traditional interviews,

the answer is simply that modern problems require modern solutions.


Anderson, B. (2019, January 14). 12 Assessment Tools That Will Help You Hire the Best

Candidates Quickly (and Fairly). Retrieved from


Hill, E. (2018, January 22). What is a Pre-Employment Assessment? Retrieved from

McKay, R. (n.d.). The Top 10 Problems With Traditional Hiring - How Do you Rate? Retrieved



Moore, J. (2018, August 9). Using Myers-Briggs as a Pre-Employment Assessment. Retrieved from

Walker, J. (2012). Companies Trade In Hunch-Based Hiring for Computer Modeling.

Woodman, C. (2019, February 11). Traditional Recruitment & Selection. Retrieved from

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