Mirr Kiss Case Study

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What happen in the case is a domino effect.

I/we think the root problem is IBMP’s failure of leadership or organization’s mismanagement. Because
we notice that the project experiment is not properly done from the start or it has flaws from the start.

Diversity is always be part of an organization whether everyone is aware of it or not.

In this case, it is obviously a diverse team and IBMP only expect to see the good outcome but did not
test for the appropriate aptitudes or did not identify the possible issues that might arise when multi-
cultural and mixed gender crews were to be put in one place.

There is no proper agreement between the parties and set of rules and regulation to be followed in case
something wrong will happen while conducting the experiment. Moreover, when the conflict arose,
instead of actively solving the issue. They done it passively by letting the team solve it by their own
which makes the international crews feel disappointed. (safe environment)

Only if IBMP conducted it right from very start, they might have utilized the benefits of having a diverse
team instead of what really happen in the case which organizational diversity particularly gender &
cultural diversity also became a problem.

Solution 1 disadvantage

 Conducting the research itself might be already expensive and Establish a committee will need
additional cost since it needed to hire members from different countries moreover, looking for
the qualified committee members might also take a lot of time.
 When resolving the problem, disagreements between the committee members might arise
which can lead to discomfort and stress
 Instead of helping, it might not resolve the problem and create another problem which make
the committee ineffective

Solution 2 disadvantage

 1
 2
 3

Solution 3 disadvantage

 1
 2
 3

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