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Name : Ezra Elisabet Lingga

Nim : 4203121061

Class : Physics Education C 2020

Supporting Lecturer : Drs.Jonny Haratua Panggabean S.Pd,M.Si



                            The authors praise and thank God Almighty, because for His
blessings and Mercy so that I can complete the assignment of this Physics
English course paper entitled "Critical Jurnal Review on modals in PHYSICS ".
                     I am grateful to the lecturer who taught the course Mr. Jonny
Haratua Panggabean S.Pd, M.Si for providing guidance. I also realize that this
assignment still has many shortcomings because of that I apologize if there are
errors in writing and I also expect constructive criticism and suggestions for
the perfection of this assignment. Finally, I say thank you, hope it can be useful
and can increase knowledge for readers.
                                                                                              Medan, 16 October 2020
                                                                                                       Ezra Elisabet Lingga


Critical Journal Report is an activity to review a journal in order to know and
understand what is presented in a journal. Journal criticism is very important
because it can train our ability to analyze and evaluate the discussions presented by
researchers. So that it becomes a valuable input for other creative writing
processes. The Critical Journal Report in the form of this paper contains the
conclusions of a journal that has been determined with the title "Analysis of the
Balance of Rice Supply and Demand Systems in Indonesia." Hopefully this effort can
be useful for readers in general and for writers in particular.



In social life, language has an important role in communicating because language is
a tool to convey an idea, concept, or feeling. Language is a unified communication
system, an idea, literary expression, social institutions, material for political conflict,
and a catalyst for nation building (O'Grady and Dobrovolsky, 1992: 1). Language
can be studied in linguistics. Linguistics is the study of the language of internal and
external perspectives (Gleason, 1958: 10). In the discussion of language structure,
there are two areas that need to be considered, namely: first, the internal structure of
the language pasa both have
the relationship with other principles, namely: phonology (the study of sounds in
language), morphology (the study of word structure). syntax (the study of how to
form words into sentences), semantics (the study of meaning in language), and
pragmatics (the study of the meaning of speech). Second, external structures that
have a relationship with other rules, namely sociolinguistics (studying the relationship
between sociology and linguistics), ethnolinguistics (studying ethnology and
linguistics), and psycholinguistics (studying psychology and linguistics). In
discussing words, Aarts and Aarts (1982: 22) divided them into two classes, namely
major word class and minor word class. The major word class is called an open
word class whose membership is not limited because new members can be added.
Open word classes are: noun (chair, book, box, etc), adjective (sammal, beautiful,
happy, ete), adverbs (always, while, almost, etc) and verbs (go, walk, eat, etc).
Minor word classes are also called closed word classes whose membership is
restricted because they do not add new members. Closed word classes are:
conjunction (and, or, but, etc), articles (the, a, on, etc), numerals (one, twenty, zero,
etc), pronouns (you, yours, yourself), quantifiers (any , all, much, etc), interjections
(wow !, yes !, oh !, etc), and prepositions (in, at, on, etc). This research is focused
on capital. Verbs are a class of words that usually serve as predicates in several
other languages. Verbs have morphological characteristics such as words, aspects,
and charm or number. Some verbs have semantic elements of action, state and
process. Indonesian word classes are characterized by the possibility of starting
with the word no and possibly starting with words like very, more, and so on. The
term syntax comes from Ancient Greek syntax, a verbal noun which literally means
"arrangement" or "joint arrangement." Traditionally, it refers to the grammatical
branch that deals with the way words, with or without a proper inflection, are
structured to show the relationship of meaning in the sentence (Van Vallin and
LaPolla, 1997). As seen earlier, according to Aarts (1988), there are two main types
of classes of verbs according to their function in the verb phrase: lexical verbs (also)
called full or regular verbs) and additional verbs, the last category falls into a further
distinction: main and auxiliary servants. The first subclassification, the primary aid,
consists of the items: do, have, and be, where 'do' differs from 'have' and 'be'
because it usually occurs alongside lexical verbs only. This means that the verb
phrase with 'do' contains only two verb tenses, because the verb expression cannot
have more than one lexical verb. In addition, it is used as a complement to
periphrasis and emphasis. On the other hand, 'have' and 'be' occur not only with
lexical verbs but also with modal auxiliaries, always following the latter. Both serve
as complementary aspects. Thus, 'have' is the complement of the perfective aspect
followed by the participation of another verb, and 'be' is the complement of the
progressive aspect when combining the endings of another verb.The second
subclassification of auxiliary verbs, modal auxiliary, consists of the item following:
can, coudd, may, might, must, shall, should, and will. Other marginal members (or
semi-capital according to Thomson & Martinet, 1986) are 'dare, need, ought (to) and
used (10) because It can be used both as a helper and as a lexical verb (He needs
to be careful vs. He needn't be careful), and also because unlike other complements
the used 'ought' and 'used' are followed by the infinitive. 'used can coincide with' do
'in negative and interrogative sentences (Did he used (d) to drive a car?). Modals are
verbs that are combined with other verbs to denote a mood or feeling. A modals can
express a need , uncertainty, k ability, or permission. Modal auxiliary verbs are all
verbs that do not state facts, but present a conception, presenting something that is
possible, needed, desired, and suitable (Curme 1947: 61). Modals are words that
give meaning to sentences such as possibility, ability, need, will, and so on (Roberts,
1972: 72). Modals also "may have different meanings such as possibility, ability,
permission, intention, will, determination, obligation, or hope" (Lado 1973: 87).
Modals are not only found in grammar books, but also in literary works, such as
plays, short stories, novels, and novels. A novel is one of the long stories of literary
works consisting of words, clauses and sentences. This research
will focus on Modals' Bantu Verb Analysis in The Notebook novel. The author chose
the novel The Notebook as the object of his research because the author found
many modalities used by the novel author of The Notebook. The reason why the
writer chose this topic is because modals auxiliary verbs are very complex in English
grammar. Writers won't be able to go into more detail, but at least get an overall
picture of what they do in a sentence. In addition, modals is also included in the field
of syntax which is a very challenging science for writers. Then, why the writer chose
the novel The Notebook as the object of his research because the writer found a lot
of capital used by the writer of The Notebook novel to be researched. The novel
studied by the author was taken from a pdf, then copied to Microsoft Word. From the
initial study, the writer found several modals that are used by Nicholas Sparks in the
novel The Notebook, among others:
1 Will
and I wonder, will it happen today? (page.2) (And I was wondering, will that happen
First that they would fall in tove (page.11) (First, they'll fall in love)
person can get used to anything, if given enough time (page.1) A (A person can get
used to anything, given enough time)
She 'd hinted to him that she might want to visit some antique shops near the coast
(page. 7) (He hinted at him that he might want to visit some antique shop near the
I could hear the faint hum of machines (page.81) (I can hear the faint hum of the
machines) Must
Even as you explained that you must stay (page.71) Should What should I do?
(page.58) (What should I do?) May May I come in? (page.57) (Can I come in?)
Might I thought you might be there (page.19) (I thought you might be there) Have to
I'm so sorry to have to tell you this (page.69) ( I'm so sorry I have to tell you this) I
used to think about it all the time after I went home. (page.52) (I used to think about
it a lot after I returned home.)

The problems of this research are:
1. What forms of capital are used in Nicholas Sparks' The Notebook?
2. What are the meanings of modals found in the novel The Notebook by Nichoals

2.3.Research Objectives
The objectives of this study are:
1. To identify the forms of capital used in Nichołas Sparks' novel The Notebook.
2. To analyze the meaning of capital used in the novel The Notebook by Nicholas


3.1. Understanding Modals

Auxiliary verbs in English are often called helping verb or auxiliary verb (Aarts
and Aarts, 1982: 36). These auxiliary verbs are divided into two classes, namely
primary auxiliary verbs and modals auxiliary verbs. Primary auxiliary verbs have two
functions, namely function as auxiliary verbs and as main verbs, while modals
auxiliary verbs only function as auxiliary verbs which are useful for adding to the
meaning of the main verb and in addition, the main verb must always be in the basic
form. (infinitive). Meaning of Modals.
Every phrase, clause, and sentence has its own meaning in it. It's the same with
modals. Modals are auxiliary verbs, both in the form of phrases, clauses, and
sentences, which are able to express the added meaning of the main verb that a
person expresses through the sentences he utters. Every capital has two or more
meanings. The modals auxiliary verb expresses a must / obligation, advice, advice,
permission, possibility, suggestion or impossibility, warning, desire, ability, choice
and various other expressions.

3. 2. Forms of Modals

According to Aarts and Aarts (1982), modals consist of pure modals can. could,
shall, should, will, may, might, must, dan would, and special modals ought to, be
able to, had better, be to, be going to and have to. And as an additional intermediate
modals (semi modals) dare, need, and used (to) according to Aarts and Aarts.
● Pure Modals
The forms of pure modals are can, could, may, might, will, would, shall,
should and must. These forms are called pure modals. The following is as

1. Can
This modals auxiliary verb has more than one meaning, namely:
1. A meaning that expresses / states an ability or ability.
"You can still do it. Allie. I know you can."
Kamu masih melakukan nya allie,saya tau kamu bisa
(Modals can in the sentence above shows the ability or ability of Allie to do
¤ A negative meaning that expresses inability.
I can't pick any one time that meant more than any other.
Saya tidak bisa memilih satu waktu pun yang berarti lebih dari satu
(The meaning can't in the above sentence shows Noah's inability or inability to
be able to choose one time.)
2. The meaning that expresses a permission (informal permission)
- "Can I get you anything?"
Dapatkah saya mengambilkanmu sesuatu? "
(The meaning of can in the sentence above shows Noah's request for
permission to get something for Allie.)
3. The meaning that expresses a polite request in an informal situation
(informal polite request)
"Is here anything I can do to make it easier? "
Ada yang saya bisa lakukan untuk membuatnya lebih mudah
(The meaning of can in the above sentence shows a polite request from Noah
to Allie. What can Noah do to make her younger.)
4. Meaning that expresses / expresses an offering
"Can I get you some tea?"
"Bisakah saya membawakan tea untukmu?"
(The meaning of can in the above sentence shows Noah's offer to make tea
for Allie.)

2. Could
This verb modals has different meanings, namely:
1. The meaning that expresses a possibility
"I wish I could give you what you're looking for, but I don't know what it is."
Saya berharap bisa memberi anda,apa yang anda cari.tpi saya tidak tahu
apa itu"
(The meaning of could in the sentence above shows a possibility that Allie
hopes to be able to give what Noah is looking for.)
2. The meaning that expresses / states an ability (ability)
"For a long time all they could do was stare at each other without moving. "
"Untuk waktu yang alam semua yang bisa mereka lakukan adalah saling
berpandangan tanpa bergerak."
. (The meaning of could in the above sentence shows Noah and Allie's ability
to stare at each other without moving for their long period of time.)
¤ The negative meaning is that of inability
You could never hide anything. Your eyes always gave you away.
Kau Tidak akan pernah bisa menyembunyikan apapun, matamu selalu
memberimu kesempatan.
(The meaning of could in the sentence above shows ability, but after being
followed by the word never so that the sentence shows Allie's inability to hide
anything from Noah.)
3. The meaning that expresses a request (polite request)
What could he say that would make her stay '?
Apa yang bisa dikatakan untuk membuatnya tetap tinggal.
(The meaning of the sentence above indicates a polite request from Noah so
that Allie can stay with him.)

3. Should
This verb to help capital has different meanings, namely:
1. The meaning that expresses / expresses a very suggestion (advisibility).
" strong I'm the one who should be apologizing."
"Akulah yang harus meminta maaf."
2. Meanings that express / express a request, suggestion / suggestion made
- How should he tell her?
Bagaimana seharusnya dia memberitahunya?
(The meaning of should in the sentence above indicates a request for how
Noah can tell Allie.)
3.The meaning that expresses something that is 100% certainty
"I should go," she finally said, handing the quilt back to him.
Saya harus pergi"akhirnya dia berkata, menyerahkan selimut itu kepadanya.
(The meaning of should in the above sentence shows that Allie really has to

4. Will
This modals auxiliary verb has different meanings, namely:
1. Meaning that expresses / expresses a polite request (polite request)
He summoned his courage. "Will I see you tomorrow?"
Dia memanggil keberaniannya, apakah akan menemuimu besok? "
(The meaning of will in the above sentence indicates a polite request from
Noah to meet Allie tomorrow.)
2. The meaning that expresses / expresses a desire to do something for
Late at night when my mood is right, I will sneak from my room and go to
hers and watch her while she sleeps.
Larut malam jika suasana jika suasana hatiku baik. Aku akan menyelinap dari
kamarku dan pergi ke tempat miliknya dan mengawasi saat dia tidur.
The meaning of will in the above sentence indicates Noah's desire to go to
Allie's place and watch over her.
5. Would
This modals auxiliary verb has different meanings, namely:
1. Meaning that expresses / expresses a polite request. Polite requests
consist of two categories, namely, in the form of permission (permission) and
the form that involves someone else doing something for us (make someone
else to do something). The following is the description:
¤.The meaning that states a request for permission (polite request
permission) "Would you stay with me a while?" she finally asks.
"maukah kamu tinggal bersamaku sebentar?"dia akhirnya bertanya.
(The meaning of would in the above sentence indicates a polite request from
Allie so that Noah can stay with her.)
2. The meaning that expresses a possibility. There are two categories in the
meaning of possibility. This, namely the possibility in the past form and in the
future form, among others, are as follows:
(1) Possible future
He hoped it would be enough to get them through.
Dia berharap itu akan cukup mendapatkan nya.
(The meaning of would in the sentence above shows the future possibilities
because Noah still hopes to get enough of it.
(2) The possibility that happened in the past
"Until three years ago it would have been easy to ignore, but it's impossible
"Sampai tiga tahun depan yang lalu itu,akan mudah untuk diabaikan, tapi
tidak mungkin sekarang. "
(The meaning of would in the sentence above shows the possibility that
happened in the past because of something that would have been ignored
until three years ago.)
6. May
The verb to help modals has different meanings, namely:
1. The meaning that expresses a possibility, and usually the probability that
occurs is around 50% (less than 50% certainty)
"And though you may call me a dreamer or a fool".
"Dan meskipun anda mungkin memanggil saya sekarang pemimpi atau orang
bodoh. (The meaning of may in the above sentence indicates the possibility
because he may call him a dreamer or a fool.)
2. Meaning that expresses / expresses a polite request (polite request)
"May I come in?" she asked, her voice steady, revealing nothing.
"bisakah saya masuk? " dia bertanya suara mantap, tidak mengungkapkan
apapun. . (The meaning of may in the above sentence shows a polite request
because Allie asked before being allowed to enter.)
7. Might
1. The meaning that expresses a certainty level of less than 50% (less than
50% certainty). There are three groups of levels of certainty, namely in the
past (past time), present time (present time), and future (future time).
¤. The meaning that states the level of certainty in the past (past time
"The week before, she'd hinted to him that she might want to visit some
antique shops near the coast.
"Seminggu sebelumnya dia mengisyaratkan kepadanya bahwa dia mungkin
ingin mengunjungi beberapa tokoh barang anting di dekat pantai.
(The meaning of might in the above sentence shows certainty in the past
because Allie advised Noah that she might want to visit some antique tolo
near the beach the week before.)
¤.The meaning that states the current level of certainty (present time)
" She kept the window rolled down, thinking the fresh air might help clear her
mind, but it didn't seem to. Nothing would help.
" dia membiarkan jendela itu berguling bahwa udara segar bisa
membersihkan pikiran nya, tapi sepertinya tidak, tidak ada yang bisa
(The meaning of might in the sentence above shows ongoing certainty
because Allie was thinking that fresh air could help clear her mind, but
apparently not.)
¤.The meaning that states the level of certainty in the future (future time
certainty) "I "think I can find something here for you so you can get out of
those clothes. It might be a little big, but it's warm."
"saya pikir saya bisa menemukan sesuatu disini untuk anda sehingga anda
bisa keluar dari pakaian itu, ini mangkin besar, tapi hangat.
(The meaning of might in the sentence above shows certainty in the future
because Noah thinks he can find something for Allie to use that might be a
little big and warm.)

8. Must
This verb to help modals has different meanings, namely :
1. The meaning that expresses a must to be done because it is included in a
very influential need (strong necessity)
I slip it beneath my arm and continue on my way to the place I must go.
Aku menyelipkannya ke bawah lenganku dan melanjutkan perjalanan ke
tempat yang harus kujalani.
(The meaning of must in the above sentence indicates a must to do because
he has to continue the journey to the place he has to live.)
2.The meaning that expresses or states a certainty level of 95% (95%
The young, brash and impatient, must always break the silence. It is a waste,
for silence is pure.
Orang muda kurang ajar dan tidang sabar, harus selalu memecah kesunyian
ini adalah pemborosan. Karena diam itu murni.
(The meaning of must in the above sentence shows certainty because young
people must always break the silence.)

9. Have to
1. A meaning that expresses or expresses a strong obligation because there
is interference from outside parties that makes this obligation exist.
"I'm so sorry to have to tell you this," Dr. Barnwell began, "but you seem to
be in the early stages of Alzheimer's."
"aku sangat menyesal harus mengatakan hal ini kepadamu,"Dr. Barnwell.
Memulai, "tapi sepertinya kamu berada pada tahap awal penyakit "alzheimer
(The meaning of have to pad in the sentence above shows a strong obligation
in the presence of interference from other parties because the doctor treating
Allie said something to Noah.)
10. Used to The meaning that expresses or states an activity or event in the
future or the truth in the past which at this point has never been done.
" I used to think about it all the time after I went home.
Dulu saya sering memikirkan nya setelah pulang kerumah.
{The meaning used in the above sentence shows future events or past truths
that have never been done at this time because Noah used to think about
Allie after returning home)




Quite well understood, there are several questions and discussions in it.

The existence of excess letters or shortage of letters in the writing is difficult to


Based on the results of research that has been done on the novel The
Notebook, which is based on the theory of Aarts and Aarts (1982), it can be
concluded that the forms of capital found in the novel The Notebook by Nicholas
Sparks are as follows:

1.Pure modals
1 Can has more than one meaning, namely: ability and disability (10 data), informal
permission (5 data), polite informal request for permission (2 data), offer (1 data)
2. Could has more than one meaning , namely: possibility (5 data), ability and
disability (10 data), polite requests (2 data)
3. Should have more than one meaning, namely: strong suggestion (1 data),
suggestion / suggestion do (1 data), 100% certainty (3 data)
4. Will has more than one meaning, namely: polite request (2 data), the desire to do
something for others (3 data)
5. Would has more than one, namely:
¤.There are two categories of polite requests, namely in the form of permission and
in the form that involves another person doing something for us, namely:
a. Polite request for permission (1 data)
b. Requests that involve someone else doing something for us (0 data) Likely.
There are two categories, namely the possibility in the past form (8 data) and in the
future form (11 data) Choice (0 data)
6. May
has more than one meaning, namely: the probability that something happened is
around 50% (2 data), request polite (1 data), request for permission (0 data)
7. Might
has more than one meaning, namely: a) Less than 50% certainty. There are three
groups, namely: certainty in the past (1 data), ongoing certainty (1 data), certainty in
the future (1 data).
8. Must has more than one meaning, namely: must be done (2 data). warning (0),
95% certainty rate (3 data).
Special modals
2.. Have to have a meaning that expresses / states a strong obligation because there
is interference from outside parties who make this obligation. (1 data)
Intermediate modals (semi modals)
1. Used to have a meaning that expresses / states an activity or event in the future or
truth in the past that has never been doneat this time. (2 data)

to English language teachers, researchers suggest making Grammar courses as
provisions for students to understand English, especially English Literature students
who will be prepared to become linguists and / or teaching staff in the future. .
To prospective researchers who are interested in researching syntax, especially the
auxiliary verb 'modals ", the researcher suggests using another theory related to the
auxiliary verb' modals". In addition, the use of other theories in the classification and
analysis process will provide more in-depth and varied results.


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and Southeast Asia: An Itroduction. Curme, George O. 1947. English Grammar.
New York: Barnes and Noble INC. Garusu. 1998. "Verbs Bantu Modal in Ernest
Hemingway's Novel The Old Man on The Sea". Thesis. Manado: Faculty of Letters
Sam Ratulangi Unversity. Gleason, H.A. 1961. An Introduction to General
Linguistics. USA: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Lado. 1973. Lado English Series
book 6. New York: Regent Publishing Company INC. Mentang, R.E. 2015. "Modals
in The Hobbit Novel, or There and Back Again by J. R.R. Tokien". Thesis. Manado:
Faculty of Literature, Sam Ratulangi University. Mondong, Y. 2001. "Verbs Help
Modal in John Steinbeck's The Peari". Thesis. Manado: Faculty of Literature, Sam
Ratulangi University. O'Grady and Dorborvolsky. 1992. Contemporary Linguistics
Analysis. Toronto: Clark pitman Ltd. co pp. Sulistyo, Ule. 2010. Auxiliary Verbs and
Modals Auxiliary. West Jakarta: PT. Bhuana Popular Sciences. Thomson &
Martinet. 1986. A Practical English Grammar: Fourth Edition. Oxford: Oxford
University. Van Vallin. 1992. A Concise Introduction to Role and Reference
Grammar. The State University of New York. 19

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